Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 167 You can try to dismantle it yourself!

In the hall.

Weisen, Brin, and those who were wearing electronic chains looked extremely ugly when they saw the bloody scene.

At this moment, they just felt cold all over.

They had seen dead people before, but they had not seen such a death. The key point was that their companions died in front of them.

Most importantly, they also had that damn thing on their necks, and they might die like that in the next moment.

"Mr. Weisen? How do you feel now?" Lu Feng looked at Weisen with interest.

Then, he changed his tone and said jokingly: "Of course, I can give Mr. Weisen time to consider."

"How about one day?"

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"Mr. Weisen can also try to take down the electronic chain in this day."

"Humanitarian reminder, if the electronic chain structure is destroyed, it will be triggered by itself, and the end can be imagined, so it is not recommended that Mr. Weisen try it himself."

"Of course, I also made a setting. When the day is up, it will also be triggered, and then blood will splatter and the body will be separated!"

This is very confident.

Although the game world is the end of the world, the time is much longer than the reality. In the end of the world, those survivors who were wearing electronic chains have no way to take this thing off.

So, in the real world, it is not to underestimate Weisen and others, they simply don't have the ability to take it off.

Hadona is still translating.

This also made Weisen and others look at each other, and Lu Feng's confidence made them at a loss.

"Find a doctor to check his butt." Lu Feng looked at Hadona's pants, which were covered in blood, and ordered Weisen.

Weisen was obviously stunned.

Is he ordering him now?

Didn't he say it would take one day? Was he so confident that he couldn't take the thing off his neck in one day?

But he didn't dare to show it, and immediately ordered another person: "Hurry up and arrange a doctor!"

The man ran out without hesitation.

Seeing this, Lu Feng said to Weisen again: "Arrange another place for me to stay."

"..." Weisen had no choice but to wave to each person again.

The man walked hesitantly to Lu Feng: "First... Sir, follow me!"

He also had an electronic chain around his neck, and the unlucky leader was in front of him, with his head rolling at his feet.

So, he was afraid of Lu Feng.

Soon, Lu Feng was arranged to stay in a spacious courtyard of the Kurda family's residence, and a doctor was found and began to treat Hadona.

In the hall.

Weisen, Brin, and another leader of the Kudar family have gathered together, and all three of them look a little ugly.

To be honest, they are also well-known figures in the town of Dara. After launching a coup, killing Weilin and the other party's direct leader, they completely control the Kudar family, and they should be more powerful, more powerful, and more famous.

Who knew that they would meet such a terrifying person.

It's as if God sent such a demon to punish them for their immorality.

Especially Weisen and Brin, who have witnessed the horror of the red lizard with their own eyes, they can even feel a sense of powerlessness.

"No, I can't take this thing off my neck." The leader has not seen the horror of Lu Feng with his own eyes, so he is less afraid of Lu Feng.

He still has some fantasies and is still unwilling to accept his fate.

Thinking of the threat of this thing on his neck, he became even more annoyed, and immediately called to order people to buy tools and then summon a locksmith.

Weisen and Brin watched this scene, without saying anything or stopping it. They also wanted to know whether the electronic chain could be removed.

Although the other party said so mysteriously, it might be to scare them, but they didn't dare to take the risk.

So, if someone wanted to take the lead and try it out, that would be perfect, they wanted it.

The two also followed the leader.

Not long after, the three of them took the men with electronic chains on their necks to a special yard.

The yard was surrounded by guards, and each of them was armed.

Weisen looked at those people, and for some reason he suddenly felt that they couldn't give him a sense of security.

Soon, people from the Kulda family came with some tools, and the two most famous locksmiths in Dara Town were also called over.

The leader also stepped forward, pointed to the electronic chain on his neck, and said to the two locksmiths: "Do you see this thing on my neck? Help me open the lock of this thing, and I will give you a generous reward."

These words made the two locksmiths step forward immediately.

Living in the small town of Dara, they naturally knew the power of the Kurda family. The reward was not important. The key was that they dared not fail to complete the other party's orders.

The two locksmiths came to the leader and were about to check the electronic chain on his neck. The leader suddenly realized something and immediately covered the electronic chain on his neck.

He stood up, pointed to a subordinate and said, "Come here and let them see."

The subordinate was stunned, hesitated for a while, and then came over.

Obviously, the leader also realized that he could not take risks himself and still had to cherish his life.

If something unexpected happened when he tried it, it would be a disaster.

The two unlocking masters then began to check the electronic chain around the man's neck.

But looking at the chain, the two unlocking masters were stunned. After checking it for a long time, their faces were a little ugly.

Because this is not a lock at all, it has no characteristics of a lock, but a collar. Moreover, this collar fits perfectly, there is no gap at all, and there is not even a trace of splicing. The surface is very smooth, just like the surface of porcelain, which makes them How to open it?

They looked at Veisen and the others with scorn:

"Boss, this is not a lock at all. How do we open it?"

"Yes. Moreover, this thing fits perfectly. There is no trace of splicing at all. How did you put it on?"

These words made people like Veson and Brin stunned.

In that situation just now, they were in such a bad mood that they didn't even notice what was happening with the electronic chains around their necks.

They immediately looked at the electronic chains around each other's necks.

But after watching it, their expressions became extremely ugly.

As the two unlocking masters said, the entire chain structure is very smooth, and there is no trace of splicing, as if it is a whole.

They also specially put it in various places, and it is indeed a whole.

This shouldn't be the case, they watched each other put these electronic chains around their necks.

If this thing were a whole piece, it would be impossible to wear it around their necks and even over their heads.

But in this case, the locksmith obviously has no choice.

Anyway, it's very weird.

The leader's face was gloomy: "It's actually like this, but I just don't believe it. Is there no way to open this thing?"

He went directly to the returning tools and picked up a sharp saw, which was semi-electric and very sharp.

It was just that the electronic chain was difficult to operate when worn around his neck. He immediately called two of his men to help and asked them to open the electronic chain and give the sharp saw in his hand some room to operate.

The two men immediately followed suit.

He also picked up the sharp saw and started operating the electronic chain around the man's neck.

The sharp saw quickly cut a mark on the electronic chain.

This made the leader smile, so he could break it.

But at that moment, there was an explosion, blood spattered, and then there was an impact.

The leader saw that the man's neck was blown open and his head rolled off. He was also rolled to the ground by the impact, with blood on his hands.

The other two men were also frightened and their faces were pale, and the blood was spread all over their faces.


"It' really can't be broken down..."

Vessen and Brin both turned pale.

How can this thing be so seamless and integrated once put on, and so smart that it will be triggered if it is forcibly removed?

I'm afraid this is some very advanced technology, not a chain at all, right?

"Ah...bastard..." The leader shook his hand. His hand was also injured by the explosion, but he was unwilling to accept it and immediately looked at the other subordinates.

Those men were stared at and subconsciously stepped back, obviously not wanting to be the unlucky ones.

In the courtyard on the other side.

Lu Feng also picked up the remote control.

This remote control is a product of the game, and it is also a product of the future for the real world.

I saw a screen pop up on it, and there was an indicator light on it, which flashed twice and then dimmed.

This shows that an electronic chain is activated.

In other words, an unlucky guy died.

Apparently it was the Vaisen guys who were trying to open the electronic chain.

But the electronic chains cannot be opened by them, so trying would mean sacrifice, and they just don't know who the unlucky guy is.

Naturally, he didn't care who died.

Anyway, he gave the other party a day, and this day would be a torment for the people of Vaisen. They would start with expectations, and then slowly turn into despair and torment.

When people endure enough despair and suffering in their hearts, they will either give up or succumb.

But there are always more people who cherish their lives in this world, and there are always a few people who dare to risk their lives.

Especially after a day of torture, the courage to fight will become less and less.

But for now, those people in Vessen shouldn't give up so easily, right?

Sure enough, not long after, the remote control was triggered again.

The screen pops up and another indicator light goes out.

This shows that another unlucky guy had his head removed by an electronic chain during the attempt.

Time is lost.

Not long after, Lu Feng suddenly looked at the game screen and was attracted by the scene inside!

I was even a little surprised when I saw the scene inside!

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