Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 164 It seems to be a mistake! Please show your kindness!

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Lu Feng frowned when he heard Hong Xi's words.

If he didn't know that something had happened, he would be slow to react.

"I hope this Bolin doesn't seek death!" Lu Feng muttered again.

He is a person who doesn't like trouble. Finding another trading partner is not only troublesome, but also a waste of time.

At this time.

In the Tal village, a figure commanded a team of people to a specific location.

It can be seen that this position is just right to keep an eye on the courtyard where Lu Feng and his team are.

Moreover, that courtyard is completely within the range of their weapons.

Not only this team of people, but also several teams in the nearby area are arranged in this way, specifically targeting them.

"Keep an eye on them, I'll go back to report, the matter in Dara Town should have ended." The commanding figure said a sentence and hurriedly left the Tal village and returned to Dara Town.

Dara Town is located at the junction of Pakistan, Myanmar, Afghanistan...These countries belong to a no-man's land.

There are several weapon dealers in the town, and these forces control the weapon production lines and some channels for retired weapons.

Retired weapons are weapons that have been used by the army and then replaced.

These replaced weapons are not unusable, but they can be used for a long time.

As for the long-term use, why replace them? Of course, there is benefit.

Just like the road construction in China, even if the road is very good, there is always a section to be repaired every once in a while, especially the national highway route.

You know, when you build a road, if you make it two centimeters less wide and two centimeters less thick, the benefits of the whole section of the road will be amazing.

Anyway, that's probably it.

The Kudar family is just to the south of the town, controlled by the two brothers, Weilin and Weisen.

But today, the Kudar family's residence has attracted the attention of other forces and permanent residents in the town, and bursts of gunfire rang out there.

Although gunfire is not strange in the town of Dara, even if several forces have an agreement, they still have friction from time to time.

But bursts of gunfire rang out in the Kudar family's residence, and it is obvious that something has changed.

Now that the gunfire inside has stopped, other forces and some residents in the town can't help but go to the Kudar family's residence to investigate.

A figure rode a special motorcycle into the Kudar family. This person came back from the Tal village. Someone has recognized this person as one of the leaders of the Kudar family: Brin.

When Brin saw the red cloth hanging at the door of the residence, he knew that the family's affairs were over and the result had come out.

After entering the family residence, he went straight to the lobby of the main building.

Outside the hall, teams of soldiers with weapons stood with murderous intent.

In front of them, there was a group of disarmed people squatting with their heads in their hands, and many of them had resentment on their faces.

Brin went directly into the hall. The air inside was filled with the smell of blood, and there were corpses lying on the ground. The furniture and walls were also marked by bullets after the battle.

On the main chair, Weilin covered his chest and sat on it weakly.

Even if he covered his chest with his hands, the blood could not be stopped from gushing out, which made his eyes more and more lifeless.

He knew that his life was slipping away quickly.

"Why?" Weilin looked at another tall figure with an ugly face.

The other party was his own brother.

He had never thought that his own brother would want to kill him, and he had never been on guard against his brother.

Weisen frowned and said: "For the power of the Kudar family, big brother, your so-called credibility has caused us to lose too much. I have investigated those two transactions clearly. It was the other party who cheated, but you actually let Kudar take the responsibility."

"Moreover, your ambition is not enough to support your current position. I strongly disagree with your ideas, so I have to replace you."

When Weilin heard this, he said with some regret: "Wesen, do you really think I don't know what's going on? But with this incident, the reputation of our Kudar has surpassed several other forces, which is good for us."

Wesen couldn't help laughing "Benefits? Just being laughed at by other forces? And then when someone comes up with this idea again, we will bear the loss?"

"Brother, you seem to have forgotten that this is Dara Town. The countries around us have been in chaos for a long time. What matters here is force."

"As long as there is enough force, it can represent everything. As long as there is enough force, it is the guarantee of credibility. If one day our Kudar family can swallow up the other forces in Dara Town, then at that time, what we say is what it means? The credibility we talk about is credibility."

After hearing this, Weilin sighed silently.

Maybe his brother is right.

In a place like Dara Town, you can't pay attention to credibility.

After sighing in one breath, Weilin had no breath.

"Afterwards, help him prepare a better funeral." Weisen turned to Brin who came in and ordered.

"Okay, Mr. Weisen!" Brin nodded.

Weisen asked again: "How are those people?"

Brin replied: "They are not moving now, they should still be waiting for news, Mr. Weisen, are you sure you want to attack them?"

Bieson said: "Although my eldest brother was dealt with this time, our Kudar family also suffered a lot of losses. In addition to the accidents in the previous two transactions, our Kudar suffered a lot of losses. We must find the other party to make up for it. Only in this way can we deal with other forces. The key is that the information you investigated is correct, right?"

Brin immediately said: "Mr. Bieson, my investigation is not wrong. The other party's people were temporarily recruited in Ciwa, Myanmar. Moreover, in our area, no leader of any force is a red lizard. The other party should not be from our place."

"Then there is no need to say anything." Bieson sneered and gave an order: "Get ready, invite the red lizard here."

Although his eldest brother was in charge of the Kudar family's transactions before, he paid a lot of attention to those big customers, and many of them were still in contact.

This can ensure that he can continue to cooperate with these people after dealing with his eldest brother.

This time, the red lizard that suddenly appeared naturally attracted his attention.

It was the first time to come to such a place and carry gold as trading funds.

After all, it was a very dangerous thing in this no-man's land.

Unless the other party doesn't care about the gold at all, even if it is lost or robbed, the other party's loss is not big.

Moreover, he also knows about gold, and naturally he can see that the purity of the specially smelted gold is very high.

To smelt the gold again, it means that the gold is not from a legitimate source.

Coincidentally, he heard a piece of news that the gold in the vault of a central bank of a certain country was stolen, and there is no trace of it now. There are still a lot of gold jewelry in that batch of gold.

That batch of gold can not only make up for their recent losses in Kudar, but also help the Kudar family to expand its power.

Coincidentally, this Red Lizard suddenly appeared and brought gold, which is very suspicious. If it is not an integer, it is also made up with gold jewelry.

The key is that the smelted gold is obviously to cover up.

That batch of gold is in the hands of the Red Lizard, so he naturally wants to get it.

As for whether it is a mistake, it doesn't matter. It's just a loss of a customer who has not completed the transaction. It's not a loss to eat the batch of gold in the hands of the other party.

Thinking of this, Weisen looked at Weilin again, and his expression became a little sad. This is his dear brother.

Brin turned and left, waving his hand and taking some people from the Kudar family away.

Soon after, Tal Village.

Black Snake and Hadona found Lu Feng.

"Boss Lu, something is wrong." Black Snake said as soon as they met.

Hadona nodded and said, "After Red Lizard said it before, I went out to check. The guards of the Kudar family seemed to be concentrated here. It seems that they are targeting us intentionally or unintentionally."

"It seems that this Vorin really wants to die." Lu Feng heard what the two said, and then connected with the previous things, there was a murderous look on his face.

Really, why did someone force him to do it?

Then, he thought of something like an electronic chain. Since this Vorin wanted to die, this electronic chain is a good thing.

Since it is so troublesome to find someone to trade.

Why not use this thing to control and occupy a force by yourself, and then produce it yourself to be self-sufficient.

Black Snake and Hadona seemed to feel Lu Feng's murderous aura, and they both shrank their necks subconsciously.

If someone else said that Bolin was looking for death in the place of the Kulda family, they would definitely think that the other party was crazy.

But they have seen the horror of this Mr. Lu in front of them.

At this time, Honglizard hurried up and reported: "Mr. Lu, Brin from the Kulda family is here. The other party is one of the leaders of the Kulda family. The other party seems to be ill-intentioned."

Hadona translated Honglizard's words, and Lu Feng went downstairs directly. When he arrived at the hall, he saw a short-haired man, followed by a group of guards with real guns and live ammunition.

The key is that the position of these guards is very strange, surrounding all the positions inside. If a fight occurs, they can shoot anywhere in the hall.

"Are you Mr. Honglizard?" Brin asked as soon as he saw Lu Feng coming down.

"I am." Lu Feng nodded.

Brin immediately said with a smile: "Honglizard, sir, our leader invites you to visit Dara Town, please do me a favor."

Hadona immediately began to translate.

"What if I don't do me a favor?" Lu Feng asked back.

This attitude made Brin's face darken instantly, and he said coldly: "Then I can only take Mr. Red Lizard's face myself."

As he said that, he waved his hand, and the guards of the Kudar family behind him instantly raised their guns and pointed them at the Red Lizards.

Even if the Red Lizards knew that something was wrong, they just raised their guns to confront the other party, and the windows around the hall were opened, and guards appeared outside one by one, and they also pointed their weapons at them.

The number of the other party directly crushed them.

In this situation, cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of the Red Lizards.

Now as long as they open fire, they can be sure that they will not gain any advantage, and most of them will fall in an instant.

"What does the Kudar family mean? Do you want to lose your credibility?" The Red Lizard shouted with a gloomy face.

But Brin ignored Red Lizard and looked at Lu Feng instead, saying jokingly: "Mr. Red Lizard, you should be able to show me your favor now, right? So, please come in, our leader is still waiting for you."

Almost at the same time Brin was speaking, two guards raised their guns and pointed them directly at Lu Feng.

This is not asking for his favor, but threatening him.

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