Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 153 Controlling mutant beasts! Lu Feng was bombed!

After the apocalypse, many bases appeared.

When Lu Feng was playing the game, the protagonist team went to many survivor bases. Some bases were large, some were small, but there was no doubt that these survivor bases had more or less exploration teams.

These exploration teams were to explore externally. It was possible that they would explore other survivors and then absorb them into the base. After all, people were the greatest wealth in the apocalypse.

They might also explore for food. If they found food warehouses, they would notify the base if they couldn't take them back, and let the base send people to take them back.

Of course, they might also explore monsters. After all, they could hunt monsters to get crystal sources and various materials.

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Qingfeng Base naturally also had an exploration team. The main task that Lin Jiao assigned to this exploration team was actually to find survivors, then assess and invite them, and absorb people without problems to expand the base.

In addition, the exploration team was asked to find things like gold and jade.

Because this was what her boss needed.

Now there are quite a few of these things in the warehouse of the underground air-raid shelter of Qingfeng Base.

Now this exploration team is asking for help, and it is obvious that they are in crisis.

"Exploration team, please send your location, we will go there as quickly as possible!" Lin Jiao's voice also sounded in the intercom.

This old intercom obviously played a huge role in Qingfeng Base.

Although the intercom equipment in the apocalyptic world is more advanced, those devices rely on network signals. However, after the apocalypse, the network signals everywhere were impacted by some kind of energy and burned out long ago, and even satellite signals could not be received.

This is also the reason why the official collapsed after the apocalypse, because in addition to the human elites and senior officials who have left the planet, the signal is also a problem.

The remaining official figures, whose positions are not high, and the lack of signals, they want to organize their forces, but the news cannot be transmitted. Slowly, the situation is getting worse.

After Lu Feng brought these intercoms from reality to Qingfeng Base for use, the people in the Qingfeng Base research team had a master who was good at signal facilities.

This master even knew how to modify some signal transmitting and receiving instruments before the apocalypse, and then used them to connect those intercoms to expand the effect of the intercoms.

Because the walkie-talkies that Lu Feng brought in did not rely on satellite signals, but on their own simulated audio signals, so with the signal facilities modified by the master, these walkie-talkies can play a greater role.

"Commander Lin, we are in Wanlin Street, Canghong District, and we have been attacked!" The exploration team's request for help came again on the walkie-talkie.

Lin Jiao's voice also sounded: "Everyone outside Qingfeng Base, check the electronic map to see the location, and those who are close will support immediately!"

Almost at that moment, Zhao Jia, Chen Lin and others hurriedly took out a map instrument and began to check the location of Wanlin Street, Canghong District.

Obviously, the people in Qingfeng Base, whether they joined from Hongye Base or the original survivors, are now in good unity.

Chen Lin, wearing a mecha weapon, found the location faster and immediately said: "Wanlin Street, Canghong District is not far from Hongye Base."

Lu Feng stepped forward and checked the map location. He was surprised to find that the location where the exploration team was attacked was not far from the buildings where he had ambushed Guo Qi before. The two places were two districts apart.

"Commander, shall we go to support?" Chen Lin asked immediately.

"You continue to watch here at the Red Leaf Base. I will go by myself. Send me the map location." Lu Feng said, and he took the motorcycle he had brought into the game out of the game.

Then, he re-entered the game, left the Red Leaf Base, and went to a place without zombies, and brought the motorcycle into the game again.

Now the backpack space is not big enough, otherwise, if two more backpack space grids are exploded, then you can continue to exchange backpack space, and then you can directly put the motorcycle into the backpack space.

Starting the motorcycle, Lu Feng rushed out directly and went straight to the location of Wanlin Street in Canghong District.

It took some time to pass through the several buildings where Guo Qi had ambushed before. Not long after, he heard a burst of gunfire.

He immediately rode the motorcycle towards that place.

When he got close, in addition to the gunfire, there was also the roar of the beast.

In a building, several survivors were seen shooting at the mutant beast through the window. The mutant beast had spots on its body, and it was obviously a mutant leopard.

At this time, a figure was quickly dodging the mutant leopard's attack, attracting its attention so that other survivors would have a chance to shoot.

Unfortunately, this mutant leopard was obviously stronger than the killing dog, and the ordinary bullets seemed to have no effect on this mutant cheetah.

The survivor who attracted the attention of the mutant leopard was obviously very fast, far beyond ordinary people, otherwise he would have died under the claws of the mutant leopard.

The opponent was a speed ability user, and Lu Feng had personally given him the speed ability crystal before. Unfortunately, he had no way to do anything to the mutant leopard with just speed.

Seeing this, Lu Feng directly stepped on the accelerator of the motorcycle and rushed straight towards the mutant leopard.

The mutant leopard was obviously intelligent and also discovered Lu Feng. It seemed to know that it would change its target if it couldn't find a target. Instead, it pounced on Lu Feng, trying to catch him by surprise.

Seeing this, Lu Feng sneered, and a laser rifle appeared in his hand in an instant, and he shot at the mutant leopard one after another.

After only three laser shots, the mutated leopard hit the ground hard, and the wound was directly burned by the laser, not even much blood sprayed out.

The power of laser weapons is still powerful, but unfortunately they are very rare. So far, he has only encountered 3 of them, all at Qingfeng Base.

[Congratulations on killing a controlled mutant cheetah and gaining 350 experience points! 】

[Congratulations to you for killing a zombie and gaining 10 experience points! 】

Lu Feng frowned when he received the message about the mutated cheetah.

Controlled mutant cheetah?

Does this mean someone or something is controlling this mutated cheetah?

While Lu Feng was thinking about it, the man who had just avoided the attack of the mutated cheetah hurried over and greeted Lu Feng respectfully: "Boss!"

Lu Feng had an impression of this person.

The opponent was the captain of the exploration team at Qingfeng Base, and he personally awarded the opponent the speed ability crystal.

When the few survivors in the building saw that Cheetah had been dealt with, they came out one after another and greeted Lu Feng respectfully.

"What happened to you? Why did this mutated cheetah attack you?" Lu Feng immediately asked again. Under normal circumstances, the controlled mutated cheetah has no orders and will not attack anyone specifically unless it receives an order.

He even wondered whether the mutant cheetah was controlled by the escaped hexagon.

After all, in the chapter of zombie rage, in addition to controlling mutant zombies to control weaker zombie groups, the hexagonal beast can also control mutant beasts to control weaker similar mutant beast groups.

He gave up as soon as this idea came up, because the hexagonal beasts also had to pierce their heads with their tentacles to control the mutant beasts, and control the weaker mutant beasts through them.

This controlled mutant beast will not receive any special prompts after killing it, just like the zombies that were killed before, there will be no special prompts when gaining experience.

Now this is obviously different, and can be ruled out as being controlled by the Hexagon.

When the captain of the exploration team heard Lu Feng's question, he immediately explained: "Boss, I don't know the specific situation. I only remember that I found another gold shop. When I was leading people to load gold, gunfire rang out. Someone They attacked us and killed two of our brothers.”

"When we formed a formation to find each other, this mutated cheetah appeared and kept chasing us!"

Hearing this, Lu Feng's expression turned solemn.

According to the description of the leader of the exploration team, the person controlling the mutated cheetah must be a human, and the other party will also use guns.

Do humans control mutant beasts?

Lu Feng's mind was spinning, and he couldn't help but recall the plot scenes in the game, as well as the information he had read on the forum.

Suddenly, he remembered a piece of plot information, and his expression turned serious.

If it is those guys, then there will be some trouble. Those guys are very difficult to deal with. They occupy a lot of space in the game plot and even caused turmoil among the survivors in Tianhai City for a period of time.


call out! ~

While Lu Feng was thinking about it, he suddenly heard a series of sounds breaking through the air.

"Damn it! It's a howitzer!" A survivor exclaimed with an ugly face. Almost as soon as he finished speaking, a violent explosion exploded around him.

As soon as the survivor finished speaking, his body was sent flying out by the impact, and a broken leg flew out in mid-air.

When he hit the ground, he had no breath.

This scene shocked everyone.

The leader of the exploration team also hurriedly activated his speed ability and ran towards the building. In this situation, hiding in the building was the best way.

But just as he rushed out, a cannonball exploded behind him, sweeping him away and hitting the wall hard, spurting out blood.

When he fell to the ground, he was gasping for breath and unable to move. He was obviously seriously injured.

He is still a person with abilities and has stronger physical fitness. If he were an ordinary survivor, he would be dead by now.

boom! ~

boom! ~

Explosions sounded one after another, and with the bursts of sparks, the few survivors in Qingfeng Base were all swept away, spraying blood in the air, and rolled to the ground without any breath.

Lu Feng immediately activated his energy barrier ability and condensed an energy barrier around him. Just as he was about to exit the game, explosions exploded around him. The energy barrier on his body was distorted by the impact, and his whole body was tumbled by the impact. When I went out, I felt dizzy.

After entering the game world for so long, this was the first time he encountered such a strong attack.

There were bursts of dust all around under the shells, and then crisp footsteps sounded.

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