Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 152 Upgrade again! Under attack!

[Congratulations on killing a zombie and gaining 10 experience points! 】

[Congratulations on improving your level by 1 level! 】


When Lu Feng saw the upgrade prompt, he felt that wonderful feeling in his body again.

A warm current quickly passed through all parts of his body, reaching his limbs and bones, strengthening his physique.

During these times, the mechanical traps at Hongye Base were harvesting zombies all the time, allowing him to continuously increase his experience.

The more than 100,000 upgrade experience is enough!


He also immediately looked at his character attributes:

Character: Lu Feng

Level: 12

Strength: 15 (normal 5)

Agility: 16 (normal 5)

Physical strength: 15 (normal person 5)

Mental strength: 16

Combat skills: basic fighting skills, old-fashioned gun proficiency, knife proficiency.

Special abilities: energy barrier, speed ability.

Energy: 200/200

Experience: 35/204800

After reaching level 12, his stats increased again, and this time it was different.

For previous upgrades, each upgrade will increase the attribute by 1 point.

This time, it directly increased by 2 points! Let his strength and physique reach three times that of ordinary people.

Therefore, the feeling of warm current flowing through the body is even stronger this time.

Moreover, the agility attribute directly increased by 3 points, which was 1 point more than strength and constitution.

This should have something to do with speed ability!

In addition, the energy has also been increased to 200. In this case, even without the use of energy replenishing potions, this energy value can be maintained for several minutes of fighting without severe impact.

"Mr. Lu, here we come!" Yang Lin greeted him with a smile!

"Brother A Lin." Lu Feng came back to his senses and responded with a smile.

Although Brother Aling calls him Mr. Lu, he is not an impersonal person.

When his mother was ill, his cousin and Brother A Lin pooled together 200,000 yuan, which he always remembered.

Yang Lin felt warm in his heart when he heard Lu Feng's name.

Although he is now helping Lu Feng manage the electrical appliance company, he also knows that his status is very different from Lu Feng's.

At least in Tianzhou City, Lu Feng is really a big shot.

But the other party's attitude towards them has not changed at all. Thinking of this, Yang Lin secretly decided that he must manage the electrical appliance company well, or at least develop better, to repay Lu Feng for his help.

In addition to entertaining the brothers from You Chengyao today, managers from Qingfeng Company such as Yang Lin and Wang Kai were also invited.

Wang Kai looked at the entire banquet hall, the densely packed tattooed men, and still felt a little stressed.

After all, he rarely comes into contact with people in the world.

In other places where so many powerful men from all walks of life gather in one place, I am afraid they will all be reported by the timid ones.

After all, this is considered a large-scale organized gathering, right?

However, there are so many companies outside Mr. Lu, and the scale is not small. It doesn't seem to be illegal to treat the security guards of your company to dinner.

Naturally, what frightened Wang Kai even more was the news.

It was only later that he found out that Gao Qiang's matter had something to do with Mr. Lu, and that the big shot named Chen was probably also in conflict with Mr. Lu.

Otherwise, there is no need for Mr. Lu to specifically ask him to send this message.

This is what scares him even more, Mr. Lu's energy is obviously very powerful.

"Mr. Lu, these are all brothers from Youcheng. We all want to toast you..." Chen Bo also came up with some brothers.

These were all called over by him and Yang Mingxin, who would be assigned to follow the previous people to take charge of the internal security of the venue.

Naturally, those who were closer to me before were completely responsible for a place. They could take care of everything in this place, as long as they could maintain the business.

In fact, nightclubs don't need these people to be very capable, as long as they can drink, be open-minded, and be brothers with any drinkers, so that those drinkers can have face.

As for other activities, business planning, etc., since entertainment companies have been established, they will naturally set up special departments for planning, and then all venues will follow suit.

Lu Feng also raised glasses with these people one by one, drank a glass, and then said seriously: "I will say one thing, leave the place to you, safety must be in place, and then you can't get banned items, don't touch anyone, s things."

Those people quickly promised.

Afterwards, Chen Bo and Yang Ming also started greeting people.

These people are all their brothers, and there will be no distinction between them from now on.

However, Yang Ming will be older.

Chen Bo also knows this. After all, the relationship between Yang Ming and Mr. Lu is irreplaceable.

However, he can also see that after all, compared to his situation in Youcheng, he is in the sky now, and he was on the ground before.

After the meal was over, Chen Bo also said to those people: "The leaders will take the people back to the venue before entertaining those brothers. After all, they are all in the venue, and we will no longer entertain them here."

This also made those people respond. It is true. Everyone has a responsible place, which is different from before in Youcheng.

If you want to entertain your brothers, just do it in the place you are responsible for. They also have the right to sign orders internally.

After the meal, Lu Feng also left the hotel, but found a restaurant and packed two tables of meals.

This time, he was in a good mood and naturally planned to reward the people in the Red Leaf Base.

After all, these people have been watching the mechanical traps and dealing with zombie corpses, which is also quite hard.

After the food was ready, he asked the other party to put it in the trunk, and then he found a secret place to put the food into the backpack space.

Moreover, he also ordered a roast suckling pig!

After returning to the villa, he found a room, and then entered the game with an idea.

He came out of the Red Leaf Base before, and this time he entered the Red Leaf Base again.

He hadn't been to Qingfeng Base for some time, but he just moved the perspective through the game screen to check the situation inside.

Under normal circumstances, Qingfeng Base now has Wang Cheng's mecha weapons and so many capabilities, as well as three laser rifles, and generally nothing will happen.

Lu Feng's entry naturally attracted those survivors for the first time, and Zhao Jia greeted him immediately: "Mr. Lu!"

After getting the power crystal from Lu Feng, he has become Lu Feng's most loyal supporter.

"Sir!" Chen Lin also came to Lu Feng wearing mecha weapons.

He is a member of the Salvation Army, and unlike Zhao Jia and others, he calls Lu Feng differently, according to the military's name.

After Lu Feng was able to use mecha weapons, he thought that Lu Feng was like him, and was a member of the military before the end of the world.

This is probably the reason why they can still stay in Qingfeng Base firmly.

Although there was a misunderstanding at the beginning, they also believed that Lu Feng could change this end of the world after contacting them.

After all, this commander is completely different from those in power in other bases, and he has all kinds of weird abilities, and can even create people with abilities.

Now his only worry is that there are too few people in their Salvation Army, and they can't remind this commander at a critical moment.

He is afraid that this commander will be influenced by those survivors and change his mind. After all, there are all kinds of people in Qingfeng Base now.

So he hopes to find some colleagues in the Salvation Army, let them join Qingfeng Base, and then remind this commander at a critical moment, so that this commander will not become the same as those in power in those bases.

After seeing Lu Feng, the other members stationed at the Red Leaf Base also greeted him one after another.

Lu Feng greeted Zhao Jia and Chen Lin and walked to the area where these people were resting.

These people were stationed here for a long time, so they naturally had to clear a place for them to rest.

When they got here, Lu Feng took out the prepared meals from his backpack and put them on the table one by one.

The meals made by this modern restaurant immediately attracted the attention of Zhao Jia and Chen Lin.

After the end of the world, they didn't know how long they hadn't eaten such exquisite food. I'm afraid that only the noble district of the East City Alliance would have such exquisite food.

When Lu Feng took out the roast suckling pig, the fragrance floated out, and Zhao Jia and Chen Lin couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

Lu Feng also said: "You have worked hard during this period. These are rewards for you. Let those people take turns to eat!"

As he said that, he also took out some knives from his backpack and put them next to the roast suckling pig.

This was also something he had specially considered, otherwise he was afraid that these survivors would accidentally ask for convenience and directly use the knives around them. If they had just chopped zombies, it would be bad.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu." Zhao Jia's face was full of joy, and he immediately went to greet the survivors.

In a place like the end of the world, only food is worth living up to.

After a while, several survivors were called over. When they saw the table of food and a fragrant roast suckling pig, they were about to drool.

"This is Mr. Lu's reward for everyone, why don't you thank Mr. Lu." Zhao Jia hurriedly said to those people.

The survivors immediately looked at Lu Feng with respectful faces:

"Thank you, Mr. Lu!"

"Long live Mr. Lu!"

"Long live the boss!"


The survivors also immediately thanked him, and their words were sincere.

Then, Zhao Jia also took the knife on the table and began to cut the roast suckling pig.

After a while.

Pieces of pork were distributed to the survivors.

He also reminded: "Remember to wash your hands and use special disinfectant, otherwise don't eat happily and get infected with the zombie virus in the end."

This made the survivors laugh.

Then, they cleaned up one by one, and then picked up the pork in front of them and started eating.

Although the mechanical trap was not far away, the scene of the zombies being strangled could be seen very clearly, and even the rotten and bloody smell could be smelled, but for the people in the end of the world, this was a seasoning that made the food more delicious.

Just as these people were eating, Zhao Jia's intercom suddenly rang with a panicked voice: "Requesting support... Requesting support, we are the exploration team... We were attacked..."

This made Zhao Jia, Chen Lin, and the survivors who were eating subconsciously stop.

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