With the sound of footsteps, several figures appeared in the dust.

These figures all had weapons in their hands, and each of them had an electronic chain around their necks, which was obviously controlled by someone.

The moment these people appeared, Lu Feng disappeared from the spot with a thought, exited the game and returned to reality.

In this situation, you must put yourself in a God's perspective first to better deal with the situation.

In the chaotic situation just now, the other party might not have discovered him.

Back to reality, he immediately looked at the game screen, only to see those figures surrounding the four sides.

Then another figure came out, and the other party actually held a two-kick howitzer barrel in his hand, and it was the kind that could fire 8 rounds.

Obviously, it was obvious how those howitzer shells were fired just now, it was fired by this thing.

The key is that this figure can actually carry this thing directly away, and the power can be imagined.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝔰𝔥𝔲.𝔫𝔢𝔱

When the dust cleared, the figure could be seen, which was very ugly.

Lu Feng looked at the game screen with surprise, and the other party's face was actually covered with patches of hair.

The hair was somewhat similar to that of the mutant cheetah just now.

The figures that had just appeared all looked at this figure in awe, and fear could be seen on their faces.

They were afraid of this figure.

At this time.

The figure walked to the body of the mutant cheetah and squatted down, touching the body of the mutant cheetah very gently, as if caressing a lover, and looking at the body, his face was full of sadness.

"Damn it!" The figure looked gloomy, and then asked: "It seems that there was another guy who was not dead just now. Did I see it wrong? Look for it!"

The figures did not dare to hesitate, and immediately looked around. After a moment, they found the team of the Qingfeng Base Exploration Team.

At this time, his mouth was full of blood and his breath was weak. He was dragged by the figures directly to the figure with leopard hair on his face.

"He didn't die with this kind of injury. He is a capable person." The leopard hair figure said gloomily: "Put an electronic chain on him. If he can survive, he will pay the price. If he can't survive, load them into the car as food."

After hearing this, one of them immediately took out the electronic chain and put it on the captain of the exploration team.

After that, the leopard hair man ordered again: "Load the other bodies into the car. For this little food, my beloved beast died. Damn it!"

The few people did not dare to hesitate and immediately went to lift the bodies. Then they saw a floating truck driving over, and there were still many bodies on the truck.

These people also carried the bodies of the survivors of Qingfeng Base and threw them into the car.

Lu Feng kept staring at the game screen. He had taken out a big steel knife in his hand. With a thought, he entered the game and appeared behind one of them.

Before the man could react quickly, Lu Feng immediately wiped off his neck.

Then, the prompt that sounded in his mind made him stunned:

[Congratulations on killing a cannibal and gaining 50 experience points! ]

"Cannibal?" Lu Feng was startled and thought of a game plot chapter.

At this time, the people next to him also found Lu Feng.

"There is another person!"

"He is fine."

As they shouted, Lu Feng used his speed ability and swordsmanship to instantly wipe off the necks of the two men.

[Congratulations on killing a cannibal and gaining 50 experience points! ]

[Congratulations on killing a cannibal and gaining 50 experience points! ]

The same prompt again.

Seeing how powerful Lu Feng was, the remaining two guys with electronic chains hurriedly ran away in fear.

At this moment, Lu Feng felt a sound of breaking through the air, and saw the man with leopard prints on his face kicking the cannon barrel towards him.

Lu Feng was startled and hurriedly raised his steel knife to block it.


A crisp metal collision sounded, and a burst of sparks splashed out.

Lu Feng felt his arm shake, and was pushed back by the impact, with a look of surprise on his face.

You know, he is now level 12, with a strength of 15, which is three times that of an ordinary person.

But the opponent's strength is even stronger than his.

When Lu Feng delayed for a moment, the opponent had already swung the two-kick cannon barrel and smashed it towards him.

He just wanted to curse MMP, what a lunatic, actually using this thing as a weapon.

He hurriedly activated his speed ability, and his speed increased instantly, dodging the opponent's attack, and at the same time swung his knife at the opponent.

This sudden increase in speed obviously startled the opponent, and he subconsciously dodged, but the speed was too fast, and he still didn't completely dodge. Lu Feng directly chopped his back with a solid knife, and blood spurted out.

"Damn, another ability user, I think your meat will be more delicious." The opponent shouted angrily, his face suddenly became distorted, and his body made a crackling sound.

In Lu Feng's eyes, the opponent's arms became completely transformed, growing full of leopard hair, and his palms turned into claws.

And his legs became even stronger and more ferocious.

Almost at that moment, the opponent rushed directly towards Lu Feng, and this time, the opponent's speed also became very fast.

Lu Feng collided with the opponent again, and he almost didn't react. Moreover, the opponent's strength was even stronger, and he was directly knocked back and rolled on the ground.

Obviously, based on his current strength alone, he is no match at all.

However, the opponent took advantage of the situation and quickly charged towards Lu Feng.

"Damn it, you are an orc." At this time, Lu Feng finally sounded a plot information chapter through the scene just now and the other party's condition.

How could it be this kind of guy?

Without hesitation, he quit the game with a thought and disappeared from the other party's eyes.

"Damn, where did it go?"


Angry curses rang out.

real world.

Lu Feng couldn't help but gasp, and hurried to the computer to check the information about the orcs in "After the End of the World".

The orcs are a very scary race in the last days, and they even feed on humans.

In the game, the character team controlled by Lu Feng has encountered the orcs, and in the orc crisis chapter, the orcs caused a huge disturbance.

In the end, it was the Shidong Alliance that organized various bases in Tianhai City and sent elites to eliminate the orcs.

Some official sources have detailed orc origins.

The orcs were still humans at first, but due to some kind of experiment, they mutated and became half-human and half-monster.

The specific origin must be said after the end of the world. After the official high-level officials and human elites of the planet left, the social system collapsed. Many people who were originally suppressed by the legal system and morality were released, and some unscrupulous things also happened.

Just like human experiments.

Like in real-life Hollywood movies, human experiments often result in the emergence of some monsters.

A genetic company secretly conducted human research in the apocalypse, attempting to integrate mutant beast genes into humans to create genetic warriors in an attempt to gain control of power.

This background information seems very cliché, similar to the common scripts of Hollywood science fiction movies.

But in this context, ambition is born, and this kind of thing is very normal.

Needless to say, something went wrong with this experiment. Those experimental subjects mutated. Although they had a taller body and stronger muscles, they still had that ugly and twisted face.

It's okay if they just have ugly faces, but the reason why these experimental subjects are called beastmen is because some parts of their bodies will retain the appearance of beasts, and it is irreversible.

This is why he still hesitates to use the cuticle ability crystal on people. If after using it, people get the cuticle ability, if it is irreversible, they will be easily regarded as orcs.

The mutations of the orcs almost give them the same or greater power as mutants.

For a period of time, the orcs were public enemies, and any forces involved would be attacked.

Naturally, if this body part alone is irreversible, it would not make these experimental subjects monsters.

The key is that this experimental mutation gave their tissue cells extremely abnormal regeneration capabilities.

In a sense, as long as they are not killed on the spot, it is possible for them to recover, even if they have broken arms and legs.

At the same time, they are also immune to things like zombie viruses, which are also good mutations.

But one thing is very bad, that is, their genes seem to have mutated, and they have a special food habit, that is, cannibalism.

Yes, they naturally regard humans as delicacies. This is the influence of mutant beast genes, which makes their behavior more like mutant beasts rather than humans.

If there is a more direct proof it is reproductive isolation.

These orcs are reproductively isolated from humans.

Reproductive isolation refers to an isolation mechanism in which, due to various reasons, closely related groups do not mate under natural conditions, or even if they can mate, they cannot produce offspring or cannot produce fertile offspring. If isolation occurs before fertilization, This is called reproductive isolation before fertilization.

In other words, they have no way to produce offspring with 'same kind' like humans.

What's ridiculous is that they have lost reproductive isolation from some mutant beasts.

What's the meaning? It is they who are sun beasts and can give birth to offspring.

It is precisely because of this that they also have mutant beasts that can control their fellow creatures.

In this case, it would be more accurate to say that they are mutant lycanthropes, rather than mutant beast genes fused with human genes.

But they still retain human mobility. They know how to capture survivors for food, and even pickle people in jars like pickles and cut off the flesh and blood when they want to eat.

This is the same as the dishonest people who appeared at the end of a certain dynasty in reality.

This inhumane approach is simply more disgusting than killing someone directly.

Naturally, they will also drive humans to use themselves and make them kill each other with their own kind. The same situation was obviously the case for those people just now!

Moreover, some of these people simply degenerate and completely succumb to help the orcs. They also eat human flesh and directly become cannibals.

After all, it is too difficult to survive in the apocalypse. In the eyes of some people, why is survival not survival?

The most important thing is that the orcs also know how to use weapons.

Moreover, when the genetic company was conducting experiments, it found a secret military base.

Because the experiment went wrong, these orcs took control of the military base and could even produce their own weapons.

Only the Shidong Alliance's weapons reserves can match theirs.

The key is that the orc base is unknown, and the game only gives an unknown coordinate!

When the East City Alliance organized people to attack, only a foggy screen appeared, and then the screen went black and then reappeared, and the orcs appeared and attacked.

And now, the orcs appeared, and they actually confronted the people from their Qingfeng base.

Lu Feng just wanted to curse MMP, everything really happened to Qingfeng base.

Just at this time, the orc tribe seemed to be unable to find Lu Feng, and walked towards the leader of the exploration team of Qingfeng base with anger on his face, wanting to vent his anger!

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