Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 144 Are you looking for death? Are you going to kill the fish?

Lu Feng followed Chen Bo's younger brother into the entertainment city and was taken to the third floor.

There is a dedicated internal office on the third floor.

The respectful look of the young man attracted the curiosity of the entertainment city employees, and they couldn't help but pay more attention to Lu Feng.

Moreover, these employees also discovered that the internal security guards around them all greeted the young man respectfully when they saw him.

The employees all know that these internal security guards are really in the world, and they dare to take action when encountering problems. They are all very ruthless.

Therefore, this young man's identity is definitely not simple.

There was a pretty girl wearing pink pajamas who curiously asked the younger brother: "Brother Xing, who is this handsome guy?"

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When the boy heard this, he immediately frowned and said, "Be polite, this is Mr. Lu, the big boss of the entertainment city, why don't you call someone?"

The girl was stunned when she heard this, then she reacted and immediately looked at Lu Feng respectfully; "Mr. Lu, I'm sorry, I'm very sorry..."

She had heard that the boss behind Qingfeng Casino was a big shot, and that the two men, Brother Ming and Boss Chen, who made the internal security and general manager Pao Ge respectfully work with him.

Moreover, this person has many industries and even knows very powerful people.

She is still self-aware of this kind of character and does not think that she can have a relationship with him.

Naturally, if Mr. Lu is willing, she can accompany him, even if he and several other sisters accompany Mr. Lu alone.

For those of them who hang out in bars, if they can get along with such a person, they will definitely be able to prosper.

Lu Feng quickly arrived at the office in the inner area.

There is a large tea table inside.

People like A Pao, Chen Bo, and Yang Ming are all there, and even Da Fei is inside.

Although Da Fei is in charge of the tea city, Xiaoyao and the tea-making girls are in charge there, so he usually doesn't need to interfere and will come here to make tea from time to time.

In Tianzhou City, compared to the tea city, this entertainment city is more of a base camp for them.

After all, the brothers are here as internal security guards.

"Mr. Lu!" A Pao greeted Lu Feng respectfully when he saw him coming in.

Chen Bo and others also stood up to greet Lu Feng.

"Xiao Feng, sit here!" Yang Ming welcomed Lu Feng to the tea table and sat down, then asked A Pao to pour him tea.

The tea they brew also uses Qingfeng tea leaves. After all, it is their own tea.

Seeing Lu Feng coming, Chen Bo and others also asked: "Mr. Lu, how was the event in the entertainment city today?"

"Well, very good, very tempting." Lu Feng nodded. He had to admit that such a large group of beautiful people wearing sexy nightgowns was really attractive.

A Pao said with a smile: "The standards for girls who can come to our entertainment city have been raised. They must have a certain degree of beauty. If Mr. Lu is interested in anyone, I will arrange it for you. You can have as many as you want in one night."

"I'll forget it." Lu Feng shook his head.

People who have girlfriends should be more restrained outside.

Moreover, he really has no sexual interest in girls in bars.

However, from A Pao's words, people like them also have such fun in this entertainment place, right?

After all, those bar girls still have to rely on them to protect and feed them. Even if they don't take the initiative, some of them will take the initiative to stick up.

That's how it is in places like nightclubs.

While a few people were chatting, they suddenly saw a younger brother running in respectfully and reported: "Brother Ming, Boss Chen, and Brother Pao suddenly came for inspection. There are many people here."

These words made A Pao and the others stunned.

Yang Ming frowned and said, "Why is there a sudden inspection? Mr. Kai has said hello there. He should have informed us in advance of the inspection."

Chen Bo also frowned and said, "Let's go down and take a look first!"

"Let's go take a look." Ah Pao got up and walked downstairs.

When I arrived at the nearest bar below, I saw uniformed police officers checking the drinkers inside.

Naturally, the drinkers inside also complained, and curses kept coming.

After all, we were playing in a bar, who wouldn’t be annoyed when encountering this kind of situation?

at this time.

Not far from Qingfeng Entertainment City, the people in the car smiled as they watched people in uniforms enter the bar one after another.

The Gao family greeted them.

This is just a starter.

After all, something will definitely be found during this inspection. Otherwise, wouldn't their work be in vain?

In the bar of Qingfeng Entertainment City.

When Ah Pao came in, he heard a person in charge ask: "Tell your person in charge to come out and cooperate with the inspection."

A Pao immediately stepped forward: "Officer, I am the person in charge of this entertainment city. Is there anything you need to cooperate with?"

The person in charge immediately said: "ID card, in addition, someone reported that you are selling contraband here, please cooperate with the inspection."

A Pao took out his ID card and said hurriedly: "Officer, is there any misunderstanding here? We are a regular business, how can we sell contraband? This must be other entertainment venues maliciously reporting our business... "

"Hmph!" The person in charge snorted coldly and said in a dignified manner: "Whether it was reported maliciously, we will naturally detect it. You don't need to say it here."

At this moment, an inspector suddenly found a package of things and immediately reported: "I found something!"

On the other side, someone immediately shouted: "There is something discovered here too."

This man also found a bag of things.

This scene made A Pao's expression change.

The expressions of Chen Bo and Yang Ming behind them also changed.

As soon as they saw this scene, they knew what was going on. They obviously didn't expect that someone would use this method to deal with them. The key is that they still don't know who the other party is?

At this moment, they suddenly felt that they used to live in a small place like Youcheng, and compared with this method, they were really childish, so they were taught a lesson.

Lu Feng's brows also wrinkled.

Qingfeng Entertainment City had just opened and business was very good. He believed that Ah Pao and the others would not do this kind of contraband business. In other words, someone was obviously targeting them.

There are only two reasons for this. One is competition, and the other is that some people saw the popularity of Qingfeng Entertainment City and made up their minds.

After all, there are so many entertainment departments in the entertainment city, and just one bar department has that kind of sales performance and spending volume.

The person in charge held two packages of contraband and said indifferently: "Sir, it seems that you have to go back with us to cooperate with the inspection. Moreover, we will notify the relevant departments that you will close down for rectification during this period of time." ”

Ah Pao's face also became even more ugly.

But at this time, he also knew that he had to cooperate and could only be led outside.

Seeing this, Yang Ming and Chen Bo had no choice. In this situation, they could only fish for people from behind.

It didn't take long for all the guests in the entertainment city to be invited out. After that, a rectification notice was sent to the entertainment city.

This speed was like a combination of punches, and it was obvious that someone was trying to mess with them.

Moreover, it does not comply with the procedures. Under normal circumstances, as long as the monitoring is adjusted, it is not difficult to know who put the things. As long as the person is found, the situation can be known.

Not far from the street.

When the people in the car saw this scene, they all had smiles on their faces.

This lesson makes everything go smoothly.

Moreover, if you give this kind of lesson to the other party when their activities are most successful, the other party will definitely be confused now.

The man with glasses in the co-pilot smiled and said: "Let's go, let them worry for a while, then go to them tomorrow and let them know what to do to make our Gao family lose face."

Indeed, they are here just to save face.

In their own land, you have to give them face. To make them lose face is to kill them.

When his brother sold fish and he sold PHS, he was looked down upon because of his lack of face. He even bought a TV as a gift and was smashed.

The Gao family has finally earned face to this extent, so naturally they don't want to lose any face.

In Qingfeng Entertainment City.

Faced with this situation, all the employees were a little panicked and didn't know what to do.

No one expected that the lively activities would turn into this situation.

"Xiao Feng, what should we do now?" Yang Ming came to Lu Feng with a frown and asked.

"Chen Bo, please lead an investigation to find out who is behind the persecution of us." Lu Feng frowned and ordered Chen Bo, and then said to Yang Ming: "Cousin, let the others go back first."

Chen Bo and Yang Ming nodded in unison.

Chen Bo took people away to investigate.

Yang Ming began to greet the employees to go back first.

Until the next day, Lu Feng arrived at Qingfeng Entertainment City again. Yang Ming was also there, and Chen Bo also brought people back.

Yang Ming sat down and said, "The situation is a bit bad. The person who put the things was caught, but the other party insisted that it was A Pao who ordered it. Now A Pao has no words to tell."

Lu Feng also asked Chen Bo: "How is your investigation going?"

Chen Bo immediately said: "Mr. Lu, I heard some rumors that the recent business of Baijin Han Palace, a nearby nightclub, has been affected by our entertainment city, and it may be related to Bai Jin Han Palace."

At this moment, Mr. Kai walked in from the outside. As soon as he got inside, he said: "Mr. Lu, I came here just after hearing the news. Someone said hello last night, and the person who said hello was very energetic. , directly bypassing my relationship.”

These words made Lu Feng frown.

He knew Kai Ye's energy in Tianzhou City, and someone could bypass his relationship to say hello, which showed that the other party's energy was not small.

At this moment, an internal security guard from outside hurriedly walked in: "Mr. Lu, Brother Ming, Boss Chen, someone wants to see you. The other party claims to be from the Gao family, called Goldman Sachs, and the other party is the boss behind Bai Jinhan."

"The Goldman Sachs behind Bai Jinhan? It's him." Master Kai frowned when he heard this.

Lu Feng asked: "Master Kai, do you know who the other party is?"

Mr. Kai nodded and said: "There are two brothers in the Gao family, named Gao Qiang and Gao Shang. It is said that they started their business by selling fish, and they climbed to a very high position step by step."

"The Gao family is not only on the official side, but also has greater power in the world. It is rumored that the Gao family also has killers. When a certain time comes, they will even send killers to deal with the enemy. The key is that they have never been caught."

"So, those who run nightclubs and entertainment venues in Tianzhou City must greet them. Otherwise, they will never be able to gain a foothold in Tianzhou City."

"Moreover, compared to his elder brother Gao Qiang, this younger brother Gao Sachs likes to cause trouble more. It seems that your entertainment city has affected the Gao family's business. The key is that he did not say hello to the other party. This Gao Sachs feels that you have ruined the other party's face."

"But it doesn't matter. I can say hello to Mr. Lu. The Gao family won't want to have a grudge against me."

When Lu Feng heard this, he was silent for a moment, and then said coldly: "Master Kai, I still like to deal with some things by myself first. When I finish handling them, it's not too late for you to help wrap things up."

This time, he felt that he was being targeted in some inexplicable way.

But thinking that the other party wanted to mess with them because of the so-called face issue also made him know that Tianzhou City and Youcheng City were different.

In Youcheng, he met a deputy county man, He Jin, the gangster boss of the county, who was frightened.

Now look at the formation created by the Gao family, there is simply a gap of several levels.

In a place like Tianzhou City, there are too many big shots, but these big shots can deal with him unscrupulously just because of a matter of face.

At this time, instead of finding another big shot to make peace, the most correct approach should be to become one of the big shots.

As long as you become a big shot, others will not dare to provoke you, and the simplest way is to get a big shot and trample the other person under your feet.

Thinking about it, Lu Feng said to the internal security guard: "Let Goldman Sachs come in!"

The internal security guard immediately walked out and brought a group of people in after a while.

The leader was a man with glasses, who was Goldman Sachs. There were several people beside him. They looked at Yang Ming and Chen Bo eagerly as soon as they came in.

"Who is the boss?" Goldman Sachs said directly and domineeringly.

Lu Feng stepped forward.

Goldman Sachs immediately looked at Lu Feng and said in surprise: "You are really young, but unfortunately, you just don't have eyesight." After saying that, he stared at Lu Feng playfully and asked: "I guess you also know your situation. Last night I also know the lesson, it’s just courtesy first and then attack.”

"So, now I give you a chance to buy some shares of Qingfeng Entertainment. From now on, we will all still be friends. I will ensure that your nightclub business is booming and no one can cause trouble."

When Lu Feng heard this, he asked coldly: "Are you done? You can leave now. I never provoke others, but I won't be polite if others take advantage of me."

To be honest, he has more than 1,000 men in the game world, most of whom are armed. Moreover, he kills zombies and people all day long. To be honest, it is easy to destroy the Gao family.

All he has to do is to remain unaware of the situation.

Thinking about it, he stared at Goldman Sachs and said: "So, next, you have to ask for blessings."

At that moment, Goldman Sachs was obviously stunned. He obviously felt that Lu Feng had an intimidating aura and a frightening evil aura.

This evil spirit frightened him a little, because he had experienced it from Brother Mo.

Brother Mo is the killer in charge of their Gao family, and he has the same evil spirit as him.

Goldman Sachs subconsciously took a step back, obviously knowing that the young man in front of him was not simple, but this step also made him feel embarrassed, and he turned around and left with a livid face.

The other party's words are obviously going to start a war, so it is useless to say anything more.

Moreover, he always felt that this kind of person was too dangerous.

According to what his brother said, once he offended such a person, he would be killed completely. According to what his brother said about the Thirty-Seven Strategies, it was called eradicating the root of the problem.

As soon as he left Qingfeng Entertainment City, Goldman Sachs entered the car and said to the person next to him: "That guy is very dangerous. Call Brother Mo and tell him that it's time to kill the fish. The fish is a bit difficult to kill, so you need to bring two more knives."

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