Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 145: Using game stuff to deal with real people!

Places like vegetable markets sometimes have mixed crowds.

Don't underestimate those selling vegetables. Maybe that uncle is a retired gangster.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝓈𝒽𝓊.𝓃ℯ𝓉

In a fish stall, a middle-aged man received a call.

After hanging up the phone, he pierced the fish-killing knife directly into the belly of the fish. , and then he made another phone call: "It's time to get to work."

These three simple words were written with a murderous aura, causing the fish that were still active in the fish pond to stop subconsciously.

Then he walked outside the market and received a photo on his phone at the same time.

In Qingfeng Entertainment City, Lu Feng frowned and ordered Chen Bo: "Find out the personnel information about this Gao family. The more detailed the better."

"Okay, Mr. Lu." Chen Bo responded immediately.

If it were before, he would definitely not dare to go against a force like the Gao family.

After all, he was just a small figure from a small county town. Looking at the other party's methods, he could easily call someone to shut down their entertainment city for rectification.

But because Mr. Lu and the others also got to know someone like Mr. Kai, and Mr. Lu had the whole story, he wouldn't give in directly.

And he also knows one thing better: if Mr. Lu takes care of the Gao family, then people like them will take their place and the tide will rise.

"Follow me." Chen Bo immediately greeted a few people and walked outside.

Mr. Kai has always been by his side, looking at him and actually wanting to make a good connection.

But when Mr. Lu said that, he fell silent.

He may also understand that Mr. Lu also wants him to show his strength and show off his fists.

This is probably something a force must go through if it wants to plant its flag in a new place.

There are only two endings.

A fierce dragon crosses the river and kills the chicken to scare the monkeys!

A man broke his sword and walked away in embarrassment.

But he had a feeling that the Gao family might be in trouble.

After Lu Feng settled things, he also went to Qingfeng Entertainment City, and then to Yang Qingxue's beauty shop.

In this situation, he didn't know how the Gao family would react, so she wanted to take Yang Qingxue back to the villa first, which would be safer.

After picking up Yang Qingxue and returning to the villa, he felt more at ease with himself by his side.

At the same time, he also looked at the scene of the game world in the villa.

In reality, he didn't have much energy in Tianzhou City. The only person he knew was Mr. Kai, and they got to know each other because of interests.

Therefore, it is impossible to deal with the Gao family, which is deeply entrenched in Tianzhou City, using real social methods.

Therefore, he must use the means of the game world.

In the game world, the five mechanical traps were still running rapidly, and zombies kept coming one after another. They were cut into pieces by the traps, and then were cleaned up by Zhao Jia, who had just been awarded a special power crystal. , sent into the incineration power facility.

Now that Zhao Jia has become the person in charge here, Lin Jiao has returned to Qingfeng Base.

Similarly, when those zombies were killed, experience tips kept appearing in Lu Feng’s mind:

[Congratulations on killing a zombie and gaining 5 experience points! 】

[Congratulations on killing a zombie and gaining 10 experience points! 】

[Congratulations on killing a zombie and gaining 10 experience points! 】

As time goes by, the zombies in the game seem to have slowly evolved collectively. From these tips, it is obvious that there are more zombies with 10 experience points, and there are fewer and fewer zombies with 5 experience points.

The experience on Lu Feng's character attribute board is also slowly increasing.

But at this moment, an obviously faster zombie rushed out.

Those are speed mutant zombies.

Among the zombie tide around Hongye Base, there are many mutated zombies.

Before this speed mutant zombie got close to the mechanical trap, the Salvation Army's Chen Lin jumped out wearing a mecha weapon. After taking the speed ability crystal, he also had the speed ability.

Although he is not as fast as Lu Feng, with mecha weapons, it is still easy to deal with speed zombies.

In a moment, the speed zombie was eliminated by several lasers and fell down.

Chen Lin also stepped forward, dug open the head of the speed zombie, took out the source crystal inside with a smile on his face, and then used an energy storage instrument to absorb the energy value on it.

For him, this is obviously a very lucrative task.

In addition to the source crystals obtained by killing mutated zombies, which were handed over to the base, he could also keep a lot of them himself.

Naturally, Lu Feng agreed with this.

After all, if you let the horse run, you must let the horse eat grass. Extra rewards can always make people motivated.

In reality.

Mr. Kai also left Qingfeng Entertainment City and returned home with his personal bodyguard Chu Chen.

As soon as he entered the hall and sat down, Mr. Kai said to Chu Chen: "Chu Chen, all the gods are paying attention to this matter. I have always been curious about the energy of Mr. Lu. This time, the appearance of Goldman Sachs can satisfy him." My curiosity is that I don’t know if Gao Qiang knows about this.”

Chu Chen immediately said: "That Gao Qiang must not know. The other party is busy with the project and has no time to care about this nonsense. Generally, the only one who causes such trouble is Goldman Sachs. If he didn't have a good brother, this The guy died on the street a long time ago.”

"Yes." Mr. Kai nodded: "Just keep an eye on it and let me know the results as soon as possible!"

Time is lost.

The next day soon came.

Lu Feng also received the news from Chen Bo, and he had almost investigated the personnel situation of the Gao family.

Now Yang Ming and the others are waiting in Qingfeng Entertainment City.

Lu Feng got the news and went directly to Qingfeng Entertainment City.

Because contraband was found, Ah Pao is still cooperating in the investigation. The key is that after the person who placed the contraband was caught, he insisted that it was Ah Pao who ordered it.

The reason for this is naturally because of the Gao family.

The Gao family gave a call, and as long as the Gao family is dealt with, the person who placed the contraband will naturally not dare to speak nonsense without a backer, and will immediately change his words.

Because the other party also knows that it is no problem to deal with him if he can deal with the Gao family.

As for the person who was called, it is even simpler. Once the Gao family is finished, they don’t need to give face to a dead person.

At that time, let Kai Ye give a call, and a word can let the Qingfeng Entertainment City’s matter pass and reopen.

This is also what Lu Feng and Kai Ye said about helping to clean up the mess.

So, as long as he solves the Gao family, everything will be solved.

Lu Feng started the Panamera and drove straight to Qingfeng Entertainment City.

As soon as the car entered the underground parking lot, several figures looked at his car.

These people were the killers of the Gao family.

The leader was the brother Mo who was called by Goldman Sachs.

"It's this car, the target has appeared!"

"It's the target!"

"Kill the fish."

Lu Feng drove the car to the parking lot outside Qingfeng Entertainment City, and his brows frowned as soon as the car stopped.

Because he felt a few murderous auras.

He couldn't feel it wrong.

As the level increased, the stronger the strength, the stronger his perception in this regard.

Someone rushed towards him.

Moreover, he quickly locked those people.

He also found that these people were approaching him intentionally or unintentionally.

Some of those people were carrying things, some pretended to make phone calls, and some were cursing and seemed to be arguing with others...

He understood that when these people got close, they would probably attack at the same time.

Lu Feng sneered.

He understood that these were people from the Gao family.

As Kai said, he was born in the underworld and is used to using underworld methods.

Brother Mo was carrying a bag of things, which contained a baby who had just bought something from the supermarket, and walked straight towards Lu Feng.

The surveillance near the parking lot had been destroyed by him. As long as the people solved it quickly, they would not leave any evidence, and they could leave calmly at that time.

He was very experienced in mission after mission.

Moreover, there were also many powerful figures in the underworld who died in their hands during those missions.


Brother Mo came close to Lu Feng, and at that moment, he said into the headset: "Do it!"

The other people also happened to be around Lu Feng, and at the same time they looked at Lu Feng and rushed forward.

The moment Brother Mo finished speaking, he pulled out a short knife from the bag he was carrying and stabbed Lu Feng directly.

At that moment, Lu Feng did not move.

Whether it was because of his strong physique or because of his speed ability, Brother Mo's speed seemed too slow in his eyes.

Brother Mo smiled.

The knife was almost at his body, but he still hadn't reacted. This man must have been scared silly.

There are only two ways for people to face danger: flee in panic or be scared silly.

But the moment he had this thought, he was shocked to find that Lu Feng had disappeared from his sight.

"How is it possible?" Brother Mo almost cried out, and then he looked at the hand that grabbed his wrist like he saw a ghost.

That was the target.

He subconsciously wanted to pull his hand away, but found that it didn't move at all. Then, with a sharp pain, he saw his wrist was directly broken and blood spurted out.

Lu Feng stabbed the short knife held by the other party into his shoulder, along with Brother Mo's wrist.

The other party should be glad that this is reality and he didn't kill him.

After all, reality is a legal society with too many restrictions and constraints.

"Ah!" Brother Mo's miserable howl sounded instantly, and he was thrown to the ground by Lu Feng. .

This scene made the other killers subconsciously stop and look at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

They were all trained by Brother Mo, so they naturally knew how powerful Brother Mo was.

Now Brother Mo started first, but he was solved just like that?

Lu Feng glanced at the few people, and without hesitation, he directly activated his speed ability and ran towards the others. His speed was really scary.

The killers' eyes widened.

In reality, when have they ever seen such power?

When Lu Feng approached the killers, he launched another set of basic fighting combination attacks.

In the end times, this is a killing skill. With Lu Feng's physique, even if he didn't kill them, the killers fell to the ground in an instant, with broken hands and feet, and couldn't get up for a long time.

"Ah..." A scream sounded.

It was two girls who had just entered the parking lot.

Seeing the scene inside, especially the horrible injury on Brother Mo's wrist, and the killers with broken hands and feet and blood all over the ground, they screamed in fear.

Then, they turned back in a hurry in fear, and obviously they didn't dare to enter the parking lot.

A moment later, Yang Ming and Chen Bo led people out of Qingfeng Entertainment City.

The surveillance cameras that Mo Ge and his men had removed included those from the entertainment city, so they naturally paid attention to it and found something wrong here.

"Xiao Feng, are you okay?" Yang Ming asked hurriedly as soon as he arrived in front of Lu Feng.

Lu Feng shook his head and said, "It's okay. I guessed it was the Gao family. Didn't Mr. Kai say that they have a group of killers? That should be it."

Just then, the police sirens sounded. It seems that someone saw and called the police.

Chen Bo immediately said, "Boss Lu, you and Yang Ming go to the entertainment city first. The materials of the Gao family members are in the internal office. We will deal with the police. After all, these people took action first. Moreover, they are killers. Is it okay for us to be forced to take action?"

Lu Feng nodded and walked towards Qingfeng Entertainment City.

What is the purpose of recruiting subordinates? It is necessary at this time.

Otherwise, with his current means, wouldn't it be better to be alone?

But there are rules and regulations in reality to abide by, unless there is a place where he has the final say.

Not long after, the killers were taken away. Naturally, Chen Bo and several brothers were also invited to leave. Before the identities of the killers were determined, this case would be regarded as a fight or intentional injury.

Naturally, Chen Bo intentionally injured.

Under normal circumstances, if the Gao family operates, the result is hard to say.

But if the Gao family is not there, the result will be easy to say.

So, the Gao family must be dealt with.

Lu Feng quickly went to the internal office and saw the information of the Gao family members. There were only a few core figures. Coincidentally, there was a message in the information that the renovation of a hotel of the Gao family was completed today, and the Gao family would go to the scene.

Among them was Gao Qiang, the real backbone of the Gao family, and all the relationships and forces of the Gao family were entangled around him.

After Lu Feng looked at the information, he ordered Yang Ming: "Prepare an unlicensed motorcycle and put it in a secret alley to notify me..."

"Yes!" Yang Ming nodded and left the office.

Lu Feng took the opportunity to enter the toilet, locked the door, and entered the game world with a thought.

Last time he went out from the Red Leaf Base, and this time he came in here again.

The fat Zhao Jia saw him at the first time and ran up to him and said, "Mr. Lu!"

Lu Feng asked directly, "Is there anything that can affect electronic signals, especially those that can affect the old-fashioned monitoring equipment?"

Zhao Jia nodded immediately after hearing this, and then ran to a place in the Red Leaf Base. After a moment, he took a round ball to him and said, "Mr. Lu, this electronic interference ball will do."

Lu Feng also used the game exploration skill to check the information at the first time:

[This is a signal interference ball. After activation, it can form a 2-meter-high and 1-meter-wide interference source around the body, making it difficult for electronic monitoring equipment to shoot:

Usage restrictions: Sufficient energy is required!

Current energy: 80%]

Lu Feng saw this note information, nodded, exited the game, and returned to the office toilet.

Not long after, he received a message from Yang Ming, and went out at the first time and arrived in a hidden alley.

Yang Ming had prepared an unlicensed motorcycle waiting here.

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