Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 143 Endless experience! It makes people jealous!

Lu Feng looked at the experience reminders that kept appearing in his mind, and a smile appeared on his face.

With this trap facility, he can continue to gain experience even if he is not here in person.

Soon, a thick layer of corpses slid down the ramp, and soon the number became too much.

Cleaning up the body parts is a hassle.

Once the number increases, the trap facilities will be blocked.

He also said to Lin Jiao: "Lin Jiao, under normal circumstances, how are corpses disposed of?"

Lin Jiao immediately explained: "There are three situations. If it is far away from the living area, just throw it away and let it rot. Some mutant beasts will eat it. If it is close to the living area, you can either bury it directly or bring it out. Make incineration power.”

"Not all bases have sufficient energy value. But for a base to survive in the apocalypse, in addition to energy value, burning energy is also a way. After all, a pre-apocalyptic technology can completely burn zombies to obtain energy, and can also eliminate zombie viruses."

"It's just that under normal circumstances, if you specifically kill zombies and transport them back for burning, the cost will be very high. Whether it is the loss of personnel to kill the zombies, the loss of transportation, or the loss of guns and bullets, the gain outweighs the loss in the end."

"Now that the boss has created this kind of mechanical trap, as long as we create this kind of incineration power facility in Hongye Base, it will be different."

"At that time, the energy obtained from burning zombies can still be stored in energy storage instruments, and then used to provide power for factories, bases... and other purposes."

When Lu Feng heard this, he understood what it meant. He was using the zombies as firewood to burn.

In reality, it is generally difficult to burn a corpse, which requires extremely high temperatures. Otherwise, the energy consumed to burn a corpse exceeds the energy consumed to burn a corpse.

But it's different in this apocalyptic world. There are more advanced technologies, and you don't need to burn a single zombie to burn it. You can burn a lot of them at once.

Just like the theory of small profits but quick turnover in real society.

If you just sell one thing, the profit is too thin, you may lose money, and the labor, water and electricity bills will not be enough.

But if this thing sells 10,000 or 100,000 units, it will be different. Then you may make a lot of money.

The same goes for burning zombie corpses, as long as there are enough.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng asked: "Is there any place where I can find this kind of incineration power facility?"

Without waiting for Lin Jiao to answer, a person from Hongye Base next to him reported: "Mr. Lu, there are such incineration power facilities in Hongye Base, and there are several of them. The power of Hongye Base in the past relied on this method. "

Lu Feng laughed when he heard this. Isn't this a coincidence?

Lin Jiao also said directly to the man: "Take me to have a look!"

"Okay, Commander Lin." The man nodded immediately and then directed Lin Jiao to a place in Hongye Base.

Not long after, Lin Jiao drove a special garbage truck over.

There are 3 vehicles in total.

As soon as she got out of the car, she ordered: "Hurry up and get the tools to load those zombie pieces onto the garbage truck."

When the people around heard the order, they also went over to get tools, and then loaded the zombie body parts onto the garbage truck.

As the zombies were quickly strangled, one of the garbage trucks was driven into the Hongye Base.

In this way, this zombie strangulation trap forms a perfect cycle.

The zombies around Hongye Base will soon be cleared away.

At that time, we have to think about how to attract more zombies. After all, this kind of thing where you can gain experience by just lying around needs to be maintained, at least for a longer time.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng ordered Lin Jiao: "When the zombies around Hongye Base are almost cleared, remember to go to the surrounding area and attract more zombies. At least all the zombies in the area around our Qingfeng Base will be dealt with, so that we can feel at ease." The living space is also larger.”

"Okay, boss!" Lin Jiao nodded. As long as there is a way to deal with zombies, it is not difficult to attract zombies. As long as there is a movement, it will be no problem to attract a wave of zombies.

While the two were having a conversation, a survivor next to them shouted: "Boss, Commander Lin, there are mutated zombies!"

Lu Feng looked in the direction the other party was pointing and saw two fat zombies rushing in.

This made him frown. This mechanical trap is very effective against ordinary zombies, but it should be problematic against mutant zombies. After all, mutant zombies are smarter and may find ways to destroy them.

Especially this fat zombie has greater strength. If he lifts something heavy and hits it on the mechanical facility, the thing will be scrapped.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng had an idea, took out the steel knife from the backpack space, and then went straight to the two fat zombies.

The zombies discovered him, and their dense palms patted his body.

Unfortunately, under the energy barrier, these zombies couldn't hurt him at all. He calmly arrived in front of the two fat zombies.

When the two obese zombies saw him, they subconsciously launched an attack, but the next moment they lost track of him. With their speed capabilities, the obese zombies couldn't keep up with him at all.

After advancing two levels in a row, his speed was obviously faster.

He had appeared behind a fat zombie, and then cut off the head of the fat zombie with a knife.

Immediately afterwards, another impact came behind another fat zombie, and he also chopped off the head of that fat zombie with a knife.

Easily solved two fat zombies.

[Congratulations on killing a mutant zombie and gaining 150 experience points! ]

[Congratulations on killing a mutant zombie and gaining 150 experience points! ]

What surprised Lu Feng was that one of the fat zombies actually burst out a ball of light.

This seems to be good luck.

Lu Feng picked up the thing that burst out directly, and it turned out to be a special ability crystal:

[This is a special power ability crystal. After using it, you can gain special power ability. The sequelae of use: it will make the user's body fat...]

The zombies around him surrounded him again at this time, and they slapped the energy barrier around him. Although it didn't cause any damage, it was annoying.

He also swung the steel knife violently and swung it in a circle. He now has 14 points of strength, which is almost three times the strength of an ordinary person. With this knife, the zombies around him flew up and fell to the ground.

The bodies of those zombies also fell to the ground slowly.

This scene amazed the survivors brought by Lin Jiao. This is entering the zombie tide and still being able to enter the empty space. What is the difference between this and taking the head of the enemy general in the midst of thousands of troops as described in some TV novels before the end of the world?

Lu Feng killed two fat zombies and returned to the mechanical trap. He said to Lin Jiao: "Call Wang Cheng over later. Bring mecha weapons. If you encounter mutant zombies, let him deal with them."

"Well, I will arrange it." Lin Jiao nodded. She also saw the threat of mutant zombies to this mechanical trap.

Lu Feng then looked at the survivor who reminded the Red Leaf Base that there was an incineration power facility and asked: "What is your name?"

The survivor immediately said: "Mr. Lu, my name is Zhao Jia."

"Zhao Jia!" Lu Feng repeated the other party's name, then took out the special power crystal and threw it to the other party, saying: "This is for you. It can give you power, but you will become very fat. You should not mind, right?"

"No, why would I mind?" Zhao Jia said with a face full of surprise.

In the end times, who cares about getting fatter or not after becoming a capable person?

Moreover, he really didn't expect that he would get the reward of becoming a capable person just now because he rushed to show off.

You know, he is not the only one who knows that there is an incineration power facility in Hongye Base, and there are several other people who know it.

But obviously, sometimes rushing to show off is beneficial.

At this time, the original people in Hongye Base really showed their annoyance.

They also knew about the incineration power facility, but they just didn't speak out first.

After Lu Feng gave the special power crystal to Zhao Jia, he also said: "Keep showing well!" At the same time, he did not forget to say to others: "You too."

These words made the survivors immediately show surprise, and there was a kind of expectation on their faces.

Lu Feng arranged everything, and disappeared from the spot with a thought, and exited the game world.

The people around saw this scene, even if they knew that he had this ability, they would still be shocked.

Lin Jiao looked at Zhao Jia and said, "Use the things. You will lead the garrison mission of this mechanical facility in the future."

"Okay, Commander Lin." Zhao Jia responded immediately, his face showing more joy.

He knew that after Mr. Lu rewarded him, he was promoted in Qingfeng Base. No matter where, at any time, at any time, being able to occupy a higher position will make people happy.

Tianzhou City, Bund Riverside Rich Villa District, Lu Feng returned to his villa.

He immediately looked at the screen of the game world. The mechanical trap was still running smoothly, and prompts kept appearing in his mind:

[Congratulations on killing a zombie and gaining 5 experience points! ]

[Congratulations on killing a zombie and gaining 10 experience points! ]

[Congratulations on killing a zombie and gaining 10 experience points! ]

As the mechanical trap was running, his experience was also slowly increasing.

Lu Feng then came back to his senses and took out his mobile phone to check the news online.

The first short video I saw was actually about Qingfeng Network Company, and it was also the external news issued by Qingfeng Network Company. .

The number of users of Qingfeng Network Company has exceeded 40 million, which is almost an explosive growth.

This is because the news about Qingfeng Smart Assistant has completely exploded. After all, when a good thing is promoted, the more people know about it, the faster the growth rate will be.

This trend is understood by everyone. If big companies like Penguin cannot crack and pirate it, it will be another certain audio.

Qingfeng Network Company will be able to develop rapidly and become one of the giants.

When Lu Feng was watching the video, he received a call from A Pao. As soon as the call was connected, A Pao said: "Mr. Lu, the entertainment city will hold its first event tonight. Do you want to participate?"

Although entertainment venues are places where many people indulge, they cannot remain unchanged. A Pao suggested to come up with some tricks, which can make the customers of the entertainment city grow explosively again.

For example, party activities.

Sometimes, many guests don’t actually want to go, but they may go because of a party activity.

"Okay, I'll go there tonight!" Lu Feng agreed. .

After all, it is his own business, and A Pao is doing a good job. The bar department alone has a daily sales of 250,000 and an expenditure of 150,000.

The combined performance of other discos, nightclubs, KTVs, foot baths, etc. is also very terrifying.

Time passed, and it was soon night.

The entire Tianzhou City began to be in the neon lights of feasting and revelry.

Lu Feng drove directly to Qingfeng Entertainment City. As soon as he arrived outside the entertainment city, he saw that the entire entertainment city's signboards were decorated with pink, and the entire gate was also hung with pink neon lights.

There was even an advertising banner at the gate, which read: Qingfeng Entertainment City welcomes you to the pink pajama party today!

The pink pajama party, needless to say, is that the girls in the nightclub will wear pink pajamas, and they are all very sexy.

As for how sexy, it depends on how open the girl is.

After all, in order to spend a lot, many girls may fight, and it is possible to wear three* stripes.

And pink pajamas, as long as the girl has a good figure and a high appearance, the combination is absolutely very attractive.

So, at this time, it is completely no problem to attract many drinkers.

When Lu Feng arrived, the entire Qingfeng Entertainment City was already crowded with people, and there was already a queue, which also showed that the business was very good and hot.

From time to time, there were girls wearing sexy nightgowns coming out to greet people. These were naturally big customers who came to support the girls during this event.

These girls probably had a relationship with such big customers.

More importantly, such girls were indeed very beautiful and easily attracted the attention of pedestrians around.

You know, normal women would not dare to wear such sexy nightgowns.

Seeing this, Lu Feng once again recognized Ah Pao's ability.

"Mr. Lu, you are here, I will take you in..." A man in a suit ran to Lu Feng respectfully.

"Yeah!" Lu Feng recognized the other party when he saw him. The other party was a younger brother of Chen Bo.

He also followed the other party into the entertainment city.

And just when Lu Feng entered Qingfeng Entertainment City, on the street not far away, in a car, several people frowned and looked in the direction of Qingfeng Entertainment City. .

One of them said, "No wonder our Baijinhan's business has decreased so much. It turns out that there is an entertainment city nearby!"

"It's quite large." Another person said, "I heard that the people who manage this Qingfeng Entertainment City have a lot of tricks. The things they make are very popular with those drinkers. Some of our Baijinhan's old customers say that we are too rigid."

The third person also nodded, "It's true. There are such activities. Moreover, this kind of pajama party is more attractive than taking off clothes directly."

At first, the man pushed his glasses on the tip of his nose and snorted, "No matter how good the other party is at playing tricks, they will be unlucky tonight. When they are unlucky, go and talk to them. At least let my Gao family buy a share."

After he was in charge of Gao's Baijinhan, with the opening of the branch, who in Tianzhou City's nightclubs would not give face? Even if they opened a store nearby, they had to inquire and say hello to their Gao family.

Now this Qingfeng Entertainment City didn't even say hello, and it opened within the radiation range of his Baijinhan, which was a slap in the face of their Gao family.

The Gao family is no longer the same family as before when they sold fish and PHS!

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