Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 142 Automated machinery cleans up zombies!

A trial skin made 58 million?

Mr. Ma's face became very serious when he saw this data.

He has been working in the Internet industry for his whole life, and even this character skin-cutting project was his idea.

Therefore, he knows very well that a product with 13 million users, a general trial skin made 58 million, how terrifying the user stickiness and user conversion volume is!

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The key is that the other party's user base is still growing rapidly.

In this case, the other party is not a fool to know the prospects of this product, and it is impossible to sell the company.

Acquisition is also impossible.

At this time, many large Internet companies have also seen the financial report issued by Qingfeng Network Company, and they are obviously in an uproar!

It has been a long time since such a fierce Internet product has appeared, but thinking about the functions of Qingfeng Smart Assistant, it seems that everything is taken for granted.

Some companies that wanted to acquire or invest in the company had to give up. The only way now was to crack and pirate, and then use resources and financial resources to grab the market.

This was a very rogue behavior, but after Penguin, all large Internet companies did the same.

Now the speed of cracking and piracy must be fast. If Qingfeng Network Company occupies more than a certain number of users, it will be difficult.

Mr. Ma from Penguin naturally knew this, so he looked at Zhao De at the first time: "Mr. Zhao, how is the cracking of Qingfeng Company's smart assistant software?"

"Mr. Ma, I was just about to report this to you?" Zhao De had a helpless expression on his face: "We invited several foreign aids who are all top masters in the computer industry. You know them, but we couldn't crack the basic encryption of the software together."

"This is almost a terrible thing, and we also found that we couldn't understand their basic code at all, let alone in-depth analysis or piracy."

Mr. Ma's face instantly became extremely ugly when he heard this.

He was born into the network code business, so he naturally knew what this meant. In other words, if they wanted to crack the pirated software, it would be almost impossible if they couldn't even understand the code.

"How could this be? There shouldn't be any code that you can't understand yet." Mr. Ma looked incredulous.

His employees and foreign aid were all top computer experts in the country.

Zhao De immediately explained: "Mr. Ma, they seem to be using a new code."

"How is that possible?" Mr. Ma said incredulously.

He has been in the network industry for so long, and has always used Turing code, and has never seen anyone come up with a new code, because it is really too difficult, too troublesome, and too expensive.

Now this little-known company has come up with a new code, and has used this new code to develop a software with such terrible functions.

Mr. Ma sat down on the office chair weakly, and he knew very well that Qingfeng Network Company should not be able to stop it.

There is no way to learn the new code, so there is no possibility of piracy.

This is like a person who doesn't understand English at all translating English literature, isn't it nonsense?

It was the first time that he felt this kind of powerlessness. Even when he was targeting a certain audio company, even when he failed in the end, he didn't feel this way.

In the following time, the entire network industry was shocked.

When faced with a product like Qingfeng Smart Assistant Software, any company would try to crack it.

But after starting to crack it, they would be surprised to find that they had no way to crack it at all, because they couldn't understand the code at all.

This is not a code of this era at all.

Along with the fame is Wang Xin.

Because everyone on the Internet knows that he is the technical director of Qingfeng Network Company.

It can be said that he became famous overnight.

But only he knows what's going on? So, he doesn't know any response.

Let those people guess!

Lu Feng soon stopped paying attention to Qingfeng Network.

After all, he is a hands-off shopkeeper. If he pays attention to everything, he will be exhausted. As long as there is no problem with the company, it's fine.

Even if he manages too much, he is not a hands-off shopkeeper.

Lin Jin came to the door again, and the other party has prepared everything he needs.

Chen Bo and Yang Ming also went with him.

"Xiaofeng, the things have been put in the warehouse according to your instructions." Yang Ming said as soon as he entered the door.

"Okay, cousin." Lu Feng knew where the warehouse his cousin was talking about was, that is, the warehouse where the grain was stored.

"The people in the warehouse have also been on vacation these days." Yang Ming said again.

He knew that his cousin had a secret and didn't want to be disturbed, so he would naturally handle it properly.

After Yang Ming and Lu Feng talked about the entertainment city again, they also said goodbye and left.

After that, Lu Feng also went to the warehouse and locked the door of the warehouse.

The facilities have been placed in the warehouse, the most obvious of which is the central rotating bearing and the sharp steel blades.

The others are many columns, fixed bearings, rotating gears... and so on.

Moreover, in order to prevent deformation and wear, steel and aluminum alloy materials are used.

However, Lu Feng frowned when he saw the gasoline-driven facility. He took out his mobile phone and called Chen Bo. As soon as the call was connected, he said, "Chen Bo, please ask Lin Jin for me if this driving facility can be changed to energy power? This gasoline power is a bit troublesome."

"Okay, Mr. Lu." Chen Bo answered, and after hanging up the phone, he immediately called Lin Jin and asked, "Mr. Lin, I don't know if the facilities you designed can change the power drive mode. Mr. Lu doesn't want to use gasoline."

Lin Jin nodded and said, "That's no problem. The design structure can replace the power supply facility. I'll send it to you right away."

"Okay." Chen Bo also said.


Lu Feng didn't wait long before he saw Yang Ming bringing Chen Bo here, and he also brought new power for the trapped facility.

After moving the things into the warehouse, Chen Bo said, "Mr. Lu, just replace this driving facility with the original one."

"Yeah." Lu Feng nodded.

After putting the things down, Yang Ming didn't stay for long, and left directly with Chen Bo.

Chen Bo was very curious about the warehouse, but he didn't explore it too much. He shouldn't explore it, otherwise he would make Mr. Lu unhappy and lose the thigh he had held.

He knew how powerful Mr. Lu's Qingfeng Network Company was now. He used Qingfeng Smart Assistant on his own mobile phone.

After Yang Ming and Chen Bo left, Lu Feng also locked the warehouse and checked the warehouse again with the detection watch.

After confirming that there was no problem, he entered the game with another idea.

Qingfeng Base has become very lively with the addition of people from Hongye Base.

Moreover, after the last incident, the people from Hongye Base have also completely integrated into Qingfeng Base.

Even the people from Hongye Base performed better than the people from Qingfeng Base in many places, because they knew that they joined later and could not compare with Qingfeng Base, so they had to perform better and try to let Mr. Lu see it.

In this way, they might get a reward from Mr. Lu.

After Lu Feng entered the game, he called Lin Jiao over.

"Boss, what do you want?" Lin Jiao asked as soon as she arrived in front of Lu Feng.

Lu Feng said, "Take some people with me and go to the Red Leaf Base again. We can deal with those zombies."

"Okay, boss." Lin Jiao nodded, took out the intercom and started calling people.

Now that people from the Red Leaf Base have joined, there are more combatants, and they quickly recruited several teams.

Lu Feng led the people to set off, and it took some time to reach the Red Leaf Base, and then went to the inner area of ​​the Red Leaf Base again through the special passage between the buildings.

The people brought by Lin Jiao included people from the Qingfeng Base and those who had joined the Red Leaf Base before.

The people in the Red Leaf Base were a little dumbfounded when they saw the situation inside.

They had lived in the Red Leaf Base for so long and were very familiar with it. Now they saw the situation inside again, it was simply a ruin, with traces of fragmentation caused by the explosion everywhere, and zombie corpses all over the ground.

Lu Feng led people into the base, and then quit the game in front of everyone with a thought.

Back in the real warehouse, he also began to grab a piece of steel knife blade, and returned to the game with a thought.

The blade of the steel knife was four or five meters long. The people at Qingfeng Base and Hongye Base were shocked when they saw the steel knife.

Then, Lu Feng disappeared again and moved all the facilities of the mechanical trap into the game.

The people at Hongye Base also heard that Mr. Lu had a special spatial ability, which stored a lot of things.

Although shocked, they did not make a fuss.

After all, they had seen how powerful Mr. Lu was.

Lu Feng took out the design drawings given by Lin Jin and said to those people: "Who among you knows how to read mechanical design drawings?"

There are many talents in the end times, and there must be people who can understand mechanical design drawings.

Sure enough, after a while, two people came out.

One of them said: "Mr. Lu, I was a mechanical designer before the end times, I can understand these drawings."

The other said: "Boss, I am also a mechanical design major, I can understand it too."

One of them is from Qingfeng Base and the other is from Hongye Base. Naturally, they are both from Qingfeng Base now.

"According to this design, take people to install all these facilities." Lu Feng handed over the design of the trap facility.

The two hurried forward, one of them took the design, took a look, and said: "Boss, this design is very simple, just give it to us."

Lu Feng nodded: "Then leave it to you."

The two did not dare to hesitate, and immediately called people to start moving the parts of the facilities.

Lu Feng looked at the flat ground and felt something was wrong, and said to Lin Jiao: "You take people to dig out a slope to ensure that there is a slide function."

"Okay, boss." Lin Jiao also nodded and called people to act.

The two people did understand mechanics. Under their command, one trap facility after another was assembled.

Each trap facility looked very ferocious, and the steel blades intertwined, which looked very scary.

The survivors brought by Lin Jiao were shocked when they saw the five trap facilities.

No matter how stupid they were, they knew what they were used for. If the zombies rushed over, they would be directly turned into meat pieces.

Lin Jiao even swallowed her saliva. Although this machine was not as shocking as the explosion of the tin can, it still made people's scalp tingle!

She saw the sloped slide she had dug out with her men again.

As long as someone behind kept cleaning up the body parts of the zombies, the situation would be amazing.

Lu Feng walked to the front of the five trap facilities and installed the last axis.

Because the tools also need to be used by him to be effective, he should participate in the installation and start it himself.

After doing everything, Lu Feng looked at the power drive facility and said to the survivors: "Who can repair the power facility? Come and change the power of these facilities to energy value supply."

As soon as Lu Feng finished speaking, two survivors came out immediately.

"Boss, I can!"

"Boss, I'm a professional."

The two survivors said in a quarrel, and put down their guns while talking.

In the end times, there are indeed all kinds of talents, and these two people are from Qingfeng Base.

The two survivors immediately picked up the tools and searched in Hongye Base.

To use energy value to charge and drive machinery, special facilities are required. It must not be difficult to find these things in Hongye Base.

Not long after, the two found the relevant facilities and modified them.

After the assembly was completed, the two reported to Lu Feng: "Boss, it has been assembled. There is still energy in the battery of the facility, and it can be activated directly."

Lu Feng nodded and walked directly to the other side, where a special starting device was fixed.

When he arrived in front of the device, he pressed the button, and after a while, the facilities began to creak.

When the first start-up, the facilities seemed a bit bulky, but they rotated with a strong wind.

Seeing this, Lu Feng took out a speaker and a loudspeaker again, and put them behind the five trap facilities.

In this way, the zombies will go straight to the speaker, and then rush straight to the steel knives.

Then, the dynamic Little Apple music sounded again.

With this sound, those in the Red Leaf Base can feel that the zombie tide outside has become manic.

Lu Feng also ordered Lin Jiao: "Lin Jiao, clear the gate outside and let the zombies in!"

Lin Jiao knew her boss's purpose when she saw the facilities, and immediately took people to clean up the entrance.

Not long after, the entrance passage was cleared and a gap was bombed out.

Almost instantly, the zombies outside rushed in frantically, and Lin Jiao also led people to retreat behind the mechanical traps through the path.

Zombies have no intelligence, and they will subconsciously run towards the sound when they hear the sound, so soon the first zombie finger rushed directly to the steel blades.

Almost instantly, the body of the zombie was seen like tofu, cut into pieces of meat, and after falling to the ground, it slid out on the slide, and rolled down through the specially made slope.

This is also the reason why Lu Feng asked Lin Jiao to lead people to dig the slope, otherwise, the cut body parts would fall to the original place, and then soon pile up.

Following the first one, soon, the second, the third... one zombie after another kept rushing towards the mechanical trap, and these zombies were also cut into pieces in an instant, without exception.

But these zombies were fearless and brave, marching forward and sacrificing themselves one after another, and then transformed into Lu Feng's experience and appeared in his mind as prompts:

[Congratulations on killing a zombie and gaining 5 experience points! ]

[Congratulations on killing a zombie and gaining 10 experience points! ]

[Congratulations on killing a zombie and gaining 10 experience points! ]


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