Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 141 Acquiring Qingfeng Company? Don’t know what’s good for you?

Lu Feng went directly to Qingfeng Network Company after leaving the villa area.

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Qingfeng Network Company is located in the Bund Business Building in the Bund District of Tianzhou City.

When Kaiye invested, the former boss rented a whole floor here, and now it has completely become the office location of Qingfeng Network Company.

When Lu Feng arrived at the company, the receptionist at the front desk immediately stood up respectfully: "Mr. Lu!"

Although this person rarely appears, they remember that this person is the big boss. There is a photo of this person on the company's position wall.

Lu Feng nodded and entered the company.

This time, he clearly felt that the atmosphere of the employees inside was different.

When he came before, he could clearly feel that there was a kind of panic among the employees.

At that time, the person in charge ran away with the money, so it would be strange if he was not panicked.

After all, he could lose his job at any time, but this time was obviously different. When he came in, he saw the busy employees inside, and each of them was full of energy when they worked.

"It's up again. Today's download volume will definitely have another breakthrough!"

"Yes, the total download volume has reached 13 million."

"Our Qingfeng software is really amazing!"


We are all in the network industry, and everyone can see how powerful Qingfeng Smart Assistant is. At this rate, I'm afraid that their Qingfeng network will soon have 100 million users.

What does a 100 million user volume represent? That means the top of the industry. If it can reach hundreds of millions, it will be a network giant.

In the past, this giant had another nickname, called: Penguin.

Now, in addition to Penguin, this giant has another nickname: Douyin!

Now the only worry is whether it will be sniped by those giant companies.

After all, this is what the network giant is best at doing, and Penguin is the most domineering.

Penguin has the largest number of traffic users, and naturally does not want others to have such traffic.

Therefore, Penguin has blocked various network companies time and time again, and has never failed. It only failed once in blocking Douyin.

But this time, Douyin can be on par with Penguin, and now it has a trend of surpassing Penguin.

In other words, if you want to become a giant, you must first pass the Penguin level.

Now, I am afraid you have to pass the Penguin and Mouyin levels.

"Mr. Lu!"

"Mr. Lu!"


When Lu Feng came in, the employees of Qingfeng Network Company greeted him one by one.

Lu Feng nodded to these people and went straight to Wang Kai's office.

Wang Kai was discussing something with Wang Xin.

In a company, it is very disadvantageous for two brothers to be responsible for the entire company, and many bosses will also prevent this situation from happening.

But he was obviously not afraid. First, even Wang Xin could not crack the smart assistant software, and second, he had these two brothers in his hands.

If these two brothers like to die, he doesn't mind helping each other.

He can solve these two people without anyone noticing.

When the two brothers saw Lu Feng, they also stood up and greeted him.

As soon as Wang Kai saw Lu Feng, he welcomed Lu Feng to sit down at the desk.

They called Mr. Lu here today to report naturally.

Wang Kai said: "Mr. Lu, our user base has reached 13 million, and we have begun to try to charge for profit."

"Already charging?" Lu Feng was surprised and asked: "Isn't this too fast?"

Wang Kai shook his head and explained: "Mr. Lu, the development of the Internet industry is not measured by the length of time, but by the amount of traffic. Generally speaking, when the number of users of Internet companies reaches between 1 million and 5 million, they will start to consider charging for profit."

"Some games that are eager for quick success or cutting leeks will even charge for this when they have 100,000 users. Now we have more than 13 million users."

"And we only It is simply to open a universal skin for women, one for 20 yuan, and 2.1 million people chose to buy it. In other words, our company has just made 42 million in revenue, and our cost is only 11 people who spent 2 days, and each person's salary is only 20,000. "

Lu Feng was surprised to hear the news: "Do Internet companies make so much money?"

Wang Kai smiled and said: "Not all companies make so much money, we are a special case, after all, our company's smart assistant software is too powerful, and the stickiness is too high, it is a special case."

Lu Feng nodded: "Then remember to make more skins, we have to learn from the penguin."

Sure enough, if you want to get rich quickly, you must engage in the Internet.

However, the benefits of industry are also incomparable to the Internet. The role of the social and economic chain is more important to the country, which is something the Internet can never compare to.

Wang Kai continued, "The only thing we are afraid of now is that the outside world will find out how popular our software is and will try to crack it."

Wang Xin said without any worry, "Let them crack it. They can only crack the encryption program I deliberately made. When they crack my encryption program and find that there is a more terrifying code inside, they will be dumbfounded. When they spend time on it and find that it is an encryption program that cannot be cracked at all, they will be even more desperate."

Wang Xin couldn't help laughing when he said that.

He did that deliberately just to tease those people.

Lu Feng laughed when he heard this. Wang Xin obviously also had a bad taste.

However, he also knew that the Qingfeng smart assistant software was so popular that no one else could crack it, and it was very profitable.

On the other side, Penguin headquarters.

As time passed, two days passed.

Under the leadership of Zhao De, the technical director, Penguin's elites worked hard to crack Wang Xin's encryption program and quickly solved Wang Xin's encryption program.

Naturally, Wang Xin added this layer of encryption just for fun, so it wasn't too difficult.

But this made Penguin's computer experts laugh.

"I didn't expect it to be so easy to crack."

"That's right, Mr. Zhao, this Wang Xin doesn't seem to be as powerful as you think."

"Yes, it's not difficult at all. It's not as difficult as cracking the games of those small online companies."

Zhao De also smiled when he heard what these men said.

The crack this time did not take much time.

It seems that he has misunderstood Wang Xin.

In other words, Wang Xin has become unfamiliar with technology for a long time.

"Hurry and take a look at this software, and then crack it." Zhao De also ordered his subordinates.

Penguin's computer experts also nodded and planned to crack the Qingfeng intelligent assistant.

But after they broke through Wang Xin's encryption program and were cracking it one by one, they were completely dumbfounded. Then, there was an exclamation:

"what happened?"

"And an encryption program?"

"Damn, that encryption program was just teasing us."

"I can't understand this encryption program, it's so difficult!"


Zhao De naturally noticed it, and his face looked a little ugly.

Is this Wang Xin's true strength?

Suddenly, he felt a little embarrassed.

After all, I was too arrogant and self-righteous before.

But after analyzing this encryption program, his face became even more ugly. This program was somewhat difficult to analyze, and his current analysis method simply didn't work.

Once this happens, it means that the opponent is too powerful and needs to look for foreign aid.

At this moment, Zhao De's cell phone rang, and it was the boss, Mr. Ma.

He immediately pressed answer and heard Mr. Ma say: "Mr. Zhao, how is the software cracking going?"

Zhao De sighed and said: "Mr. Ma, it is difficult to crack this time. I'm afraid we need to find foreign aid."

In another office of Penguin.

Mr. Ma's brows were already furrowed. After hanging up the phone, he said to a senior executive next to him: "Mr. Zhao's cracking team has encountered a problem and we need to call in foreign aid again."

The executive also frowned: "Have you encountered such a difficult software again? Moreover, Mr. Ma really thinks that the Qingfeng Intelligent Assistant software is so scary?"

Mr. Ma nodded and said: "Let's not talk about the smart system. Just liberating the performance of the mobile phone can be very scary. But in addition to this, Qingfeng Assistant also has several powerful functions!"

"Moreover, you should have experienced the Qingfeng smart assistant. It is almost no need to think about it. User stickiness must be very high."

The executive nodded: "Yes, especially the smart program, it's too scary. It's like no one uses old-fashioned mobile phones anymore after the smart phones came out. This is beyond the era."

Mr. Ma nodded: "Now that there is a problem with Mr. Zhao's cracking, we have to make other preparations. After all, the number of users of Qingfeng Intelligent Assistant software is growing too fast."

"Mr. Zhang, please contact Qingfeng Network Company and discuss the acquisition with them immediately."

"It would be best if we could acquire it. Remember not to offer too high a price. At this time, they may not know the market for this product."

"After all, it's just a new company. Maybe the other party hasn't started thinking about profitability yet. If it were us, we would have already started selling skins on a large scale to understand the psychology of users."

"Furthermore, with the pressure exerted by us at Penguin Company, the other party may be afraid of us cracking the software. It is best to control the price at around 3 billion."

He planned to buy the company for 3 billion, which was also a very high price.

There were companies that unexpectedly became famous because of their products before, but these companies have undoubtedly become their prey, and Qingfeng Network Company is no exception.

If the other party doesn't understand, then after cracking the software, use the 3 billion to start a war with the other party.

"Okay, Mr. Ma." Mr. Zhang nodded.

At the same time, the domestic giant Internet company Yin and several top Internet companies have also paid attention to Qingfeng Network Company, and have begun to recruit people to discuss and crack...

It's just that they are not as fast as Penguin and have already started to acquire them.

After all, companies as domineering as Penguin are really rare.

Time passed by, and another day passed in the blink of an eye.

Lu Feng met Lin Jin again in his villa (Chapter 139). This time he brought the design drawing of the mechanical trap: "Mr. Lu, please take a look and see if this mechanical trap design drawing is what you need."

Lu Feng took over the design drawing and saw that it was a rotating spiral structure equipped with ferocious blades. Moreover, this spiral structure had a total of 11 layers, with layers almost every 10 centimeters, that is to say , if it is twisted, the zombie will be cut into more than a dozen pieces in an instant.

This design is very good, but according to Lin Jin's size, one facility is not enough, and at least 5 such facilities are needed.

So, he also said to Lin Jin: "Mr. Lin, your design is very good. Let's make the component facilities according to your design, and make 5 quantities."

"Okay, Mr. Lu!" Lin Jin nodded, and then said goodbye and left.

After Lu Feng sent Lin Jin away, Ah Pao came to make tea with Yang Ming and Chen Bo.

The three of them just made tea, chatted, and talked about the entertainment city.

After all, the entertainment city is very popular now, and this kind of thing will always become their topic of conversation when making tea.

More importantly, for them, it is always good to show up in front of Lu Feng often.

Qingfeng Company.

Wang Kai is processing a project document, which is about the previous universal skin.

Now the latest report shows that 800,000 more people have chosen to buy skins for their smart assistant images. In other words, the company has another 16 million in revenue.

In other words, in a short time, the company made 58 million with this simple skin.

If some exquisite VIP skins are made, how much money can be made?

This also makes Wang Kai very motivated.

He didn't expect that in a short time, he might be unemployed, and his career would take off so quickly.

Just thinking about it, the secretary came in hurriedly and reported: "Mr. Wang, it's bad, Penguin seems to have set its sights on us, sent us a contact application, and revealed that it wants to acquire our company for 3 billion."

Wang Kai laughed directly when he heard this: "Sure enough, such a giant was attracted. It's a pity that the other party made a wrong calculation. Acquire their company for 3 billion? At this level, Mr. Lu can't sell the company for 3 billion US dollars. What kind of dream is this? Reply to them and let them give up this idea as soon as possible."

"Okay, Mr. Wang." The secretary nodded and went out to respond immediately.

Wang Kai saw this scene and thought of something. He immediately found someone from the publicity department and handed a financial report to the other party.

That was the financial report of 58 million in skin income.

He released this, even if he had to tell Penguin, a big company with wolfish ambitions, to give up the idea of ​​acquisition as soon as possible.

After all, everyone knows what a 58 million yuan income from a universal skin test means.

At Penguin headquarters, Mr. Zhang also received a reply quickly. When he saw the reply, his face turned ugly. This was the first time he encountered such a company that dared to reject Penguin without even talking.

He also found Mr. Ma as soon as possible and reported: "Mr. Ma, our contact failed. The other party knew our purpose and refused very decisively, and made it clear that they would not negotiate with us. We didn't even have the opportunity to put pressure on them."

"Where do they get their confidence?" Mr. Ma heard this and his face suddenly became gloomy: "They are just a new company. Do they think we can't crack their software, or do they think they can easily make money?"

At this time, Zhao De, who was responsible for technical cracking, ran in hurriedly, and another person ran in at the same time.

This person was in charge of publicity. During this period, Mr. Ma had been ordered to keep an eye on the situation and news of Qingfeng Network Company.

As soon as the man came in, he immediately said to Mr. Ma: "Mr. Ma, Qingfeng Network Company has issued a financial report. You'd better take a look at it immediately."

After hearing this, Mr. Ma immediately went online to check it. After a moment, his brows knitted tightly...

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