Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 140 Qingfeng Smart Assistant!

Lu Feng looked at Lin Nan who used the ability crystal, and knew that the hammer was final.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, Lin Nan accepted his reward, and there was no chance to regret it later, otherwise in the eyes of others, he would be seen as taking the benefit and then turning his face against him.

Such people will be guarded and unwelcome wherever they go.

And Lin Nan accepted the benefit and tacitly agreed to join the Qingfeng Base, so it was naturally easier for other people in the Red Leaf Base to accept it.

At this time, Lu Feng looked at another member of the Red Leaf Base and shouted: "You come up too!"

He still had a power crystal, so naturally he had to choose someone.

The reason for choosing the people from the Red Leaf Base was to show that they were treated equally, so that everyone could see that just because you joined, ordinary survivors also got a chance.

This would also make others look forward to it more.

The people in the Red Leaf Base who were called were stunned and pointed at themselves in disbelief.

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"It's you!" Lu Feng nodded.

The man's face was completely excited, and he walked up to the stage in disbelief: "Lu... Mr. Lu..."

Lu Feng naturally did not choose this person casually. He looked at the other party and said: "From the Red Leaf Base to the Qingfeng Base, I noticed you. Your name is Wu Hui, right? You are also one of the guard captains of the Red Leaf Base."

"Along the way, you are the only one who takes people to take care of those injured by zombies, and you don't forget to take care of those who fall behind. In the end times, people like you are really rare. Our Qingfeng Base also needs people like you. This crystal can also give people power and ability. Give it to you."

This person is obviously a good old man in the Red Leaf Base. Many people in the Red Leaf Base know him.

Along the way, even though he knew that there were special medicines that could cure the zombie virus, only Wu Hui was truly devoted to taking care of those injured by zombies and the women and children who fell behind.

Such a good guy has no ambition, but he has a good relationship with people, and sometimes he can influence a lot of people.

This is also the reason why he chose the other party.

"Thank you... Thank you, Mr. Lu!" After Wu Hui took over the special power crystal, his face was full of gratitude. After using the crystal to gain power, he looked at Lu Feng with piety.

At this time, the only person he was loyal to was Mr. Lu.

As for the others, they were nothing.

"Okay, that's all for today. Everyone remember that as long as you are sincere for the base and can make contributions, you will have the opportunity to get rewards." After Lu Feng finished speaking, he disappeared in front of everyone.

This was naturally for the effect of pretending to be B.

The key is that he has no ability crystal.

However, what he said was not a lie. In the future, killing mutant zombies will definitely explode ability crystals. As long as someone makes contributions, he will not be stingy with rewards.

Lu Feng quit the game and returned to the lobby of the villa, where he saw Yang Qingxue skipping rope.

Girls like to keep in shape.

Yang Qingxue is the same.

It's just that she has a good figure, and when she skips rope, some parts of her body are a little tempting.

Anyway, Lu Feng just stared at a certain part.

"When did you come back? I didn't see you just now." Yang Qingxue saw Lu Feng also stopped and walked towards him.

"Just came back." Lu Feng smiled and hugged Yang Qingxue, holding her tightly in his arms.

Sometimes just hugging someone you like is also a kind of happiness.

Cherish every minute and every second together is the most important thing for two people. Other things, there is a long way to go, the longer you get along, the more interesting it is.

After getting along for a while, Yang Qingxue was also very excited to talk to Lu Feng about the beauty salon.

Women, they are always very attentive to what they like to do.

"Sister Yao is so good, she manages them so well."

"Besides, Sister Yao has already asked someone to prepare the opening plan."

Sister Yao is naturally Yang Ming's girlfriend Lin Yao. She was originally a car salesperson, and she has strong communication skills. She just lacks an opportunity.

The key is that her boyfriend is his cousin Yang Ming. A group of brothers call her "Ming's wife". She also has a kind of underworld habit. She manages some women, and those women will naturally obey such a person.

Yang Qingxue was sweating all over. When he went upstairs to take a shower, he also sat at the tea table and made himself a cup of Qingfeng tea.

Compared to the game world, the real world is really more leisurely. He has his own business, and there are people to help him look after it, and he can be a hands-off boss.

After drinking a cup of tea, he also took out his mobile phone to check the news of short videos.

Nowadays, society is really good. When people don't go out, they can watch videos on the Internet to understand national affairs.

Lu Feng was scrolling through a few videos, and suddenly found a video with millions of likes.

This made him subconsciously click on the video.

Generally, videos with millions of likes are definitely the hottest events in recent times.

But when Lu Feng clicked on the video, he was surprised.

Because this video is related to him.

At the beginning of the video, a man came out of the bathroom and shouted: "Wife, what time is it now?"

After seeing this video, according to normal people's thinking, a wife will definitely come out to answer him immediately. .

This is a video showing off a wife or girlfriend.

But who would have known that following the man's words, his mobile phone screen lit up, and a video of a girl appeared, along with a sweet voice: "Dear husband, it's 13:20 now. You've finished your workout. Are you still here?" If you want to be the best, come on, work hard!”

Lu Feng knew what was going on when he saw this scene.

Mobile phone intelligent assistance system.

The software was already online. Unexpectedly, Wang Kai and Wang Xin moved very quickly.

He knew what was going on, so he was very calm. After all, he had seen real intelligence and holographic virtuality.

But online, netizens who saw this scene were not calm.

It's not that they haven't seen some artificial intelligence like Xiaobai, but those are actually just like that.

But this is not the case in front of me. The voice is really nice and I can really understand people's words. The key is what do they see on the mobile phone screen?

That wife, Youcai, turned out to be the little film teacher from the plaster country.

It seemed that the voice also belonged to that teacher.

This makes a certain blood beat in many men's hearts.

Especially some otakus can't help but stand up, click to download, and then rub their hands together impatiently.

After that, there was a conversation between the man and his disheveled wife.

"Dear husband, do you need to activate the Qingfeng smart assistant when playing King of Kings?"

"Of course, using Qingfeng Smart Assistant can make your phone extremely fast and improve its performance by more than 3 times..."

Next, the conversation was about explaining the uses and functions of Qingfeng software one by one.

It can be said that these are shocking.

I originally thought that with so many likes, it would be some big news or a very interesting video, but who knew it would be an advertisement.

As we all know, many people who watch videos hate advertisements, and the likes of advertising videos will not be very high.

Now it has millions of likes and hundreds of thousands of comments, which is obviously not ordinary.

Clicking on the comment area, the dense comments are hard to read.

"This Qingfeng smart assistant is so awesome. I originally just wanted to try it, but who knew it would make my old phone smoother than the latest model from Apple!"

"Yes, the power consumption has also become extremely low, and the running scores are incredibly high."

"Do you all only pay attention to these? Don't you pay attention to the appearance-building function of the assistant's intelligence? This is what real men need."

"Haha, really, with this Qingfeng smart assistant, what kind of girlfriend do you need? Qingfeng smart assistant plus a left hand, isn't it great?"

"I also got a good girlfriend. It only costs 10 yuan to change her skin. It only costs 1,000 yuan to change my girlfriend's clothes."


The comments are truly dazzling.

But this also means that the Qingfeng smart assistant is popular, and it is an explosion.

This is indeed the case. When this advertisement was promoted, many people found that when they logged into some websites, the advertisements and download methods of this software would inexplicably pop up.

Someone will always try it after seeing this advertisement. Once they try it, it will be amazing.

Everyone will be attracted by the features of this advertisement.

After that, it gets out of hand, and many people will start showing off to their friends, relatives, and colleagues, and then they will recommend the software after they have fallen behind.

This is commonly known as tap water advertising.

I believe the term artificial intelligence is not unfamiliar to many people.

In many science fiction movies, artificial intelligence is a common plot.

Moreover, people's exploration of artificial intelligence has never stopped, and now there are products such as Xiaodu.

As for the concept of artificial intelligence, it emerged from the imagination of artificial intelligence in Alan Turing's "Computers and Intelligence" published in the 1950s.

It’s just that up to now, the product has limited functions and is very rigid. Many people are not accustomed to using it, that is, it is used to turn off and turn on the lights. Especially for some people who have unclear speech and do not speak standard Mandarin, that is even more It's a torture.

Therefore, many people believe that it will take at least 20 to 30 years to truly develop artificial intelligence that suits your needs.

In another 2 or 30 years, it will definitely come true.

But now, many people in China say that they don’t have to wait so long, and they have already experienced a very satisfactory smart assistant software.

This software called Qingfeng Intelligent Assistant seemed to explode like a torrent, completely erupting on the Internet, and then jumped to download directly, becoming the number one download of the week on various mobile phone download platforms.

User data is growing at an almost terrifying rate.

It only had 30,000 downloads on the first day, and it increased to 300,000 on the second day. On the third day, it already had 1 million downloads in a single day, directly breaking various download records.

Starting from the fourth day until the tenth day, it has been maintained at the level of more than 1 million downloads.

This is just like a horror story.

When many Internet companies noticed this, they were dumbfounded. Even Yin and Penguin, which are known to have the highest Internet traffic, were shocked by the increase in downloads.

In other words, in just 10 days, Qingfeng Smart Assistant has tens of millions of users.

According to normal principles, no matter how good the product is, it must have a growth trend. Otherwise, no matter how great the product is, it must also have a cognitive process and a familiarization process...right?

But if it is like Qingfeng Smart Assistant, it means that the functions of the software are really explosive, and the functions are so good that it is terrifying.

And indeed it is.

Everyone who has used Qingfeng Smart Assistant has said: Damn it

That's awesome.

Then came a series of good reviews and recommendations. This speed didn't give the giants of the Internet group time to react.

When they reacted, they naturally alerted the top management of the group.

When Mr. Ma, the top executive of Penguin, knew about Qingfeng Smart Assistant, he immediately returned to the group for a meeting.

All along, he used his own company's Penguin Assistant as his mobile assistant software.

But after downloading Qingfeng Smart Assistant, he quietly deleted the Penguin Assistant in his mobile phone. He felt embarrassed to use it again.

That's right, he felt embarrassed to use it himself, let alone other users. I'm afraid that after using Qingfeng Smart Assistant, their Penguin software will be completely swept into the trash.

When he arrived at the group headquarters, Mr. Ma met the relevant management first and asked, "Do you all know about Qingfeng Smart Assistant?"

Those managers nodded in unison. Not only did they know about it, but they also experienced it themselves and were also shocked.

One manager even sighed and said, "In the past 10 days, the number of users of our Penguin Assistant has only 40%, and there are still many vacant users or zombie users."

This made Mr. Ma look very unhappy, which indirectly showed that their company's assistant software should be swept into the trash can. .

Then, he was also full of fighting spirit. After all, in the network, no matter the other party's product is the best, it will eventually become their company's.

No need to explore, just summon the top computer experts and crack the Qingfeng software.

Therefore, Mr. Ma also instructed: "Call the top computer experts from various departments, crack the Qingfeng software, and then make your own assistant, and then release it based on the basic user volume of our social software, which can directly replace the other party's market."

The managers nodded immediately, and in fact, they also had a tacit understanding in their hearts that the so-called making their own assistants was piracy.

Soon, the entire Penguin Group started to operate, and computer experts were summoned to a studio one by one.

This also let the entire Penguin company know that a certain company was going to be in trouble because their products were targeted by their company.

Moreover, many people subconsciously thought of a product, that is, Qingfeng Smart Assistant.

Many of them have also used Qingfeng Smart Assistant and know how magical the software is.

Then, many people looked forward to it.

After all, once the company has released such an awesome assistant, these internal employees have internal accounts and can enjoy many internal rights.

Those computer experts who were summoned also analyzed the download data of Qingfeng Smart Assistant as soon as possible.

The person in charge is Zhao De, a capable general in Penguin's computer field. It can be said that Penguin's cracking and piracy of many products were almost completed under his leadership.

He is also very experienced in this regard.

Zhao De immediately led people to analyze the Qingfeng software package, and then came to the conclusion: "The encryption degree of this software data is a bit powerful, and this two-step algorithm is somewhat familiar, it seems that Wang Xin is good at it."

Hearing about Wang Xin, the computer experts of Penguin were a little surprised.

After all, they have heard of many great people in the computer industry.

Wang Xin is one of them.

His technology is very good, and many Internet companies have invited him to be a consultant.

But he has never joined any company.

Could it be that Wang Xin made the encryption program of Qingfeng Smart Assistant?

This also made Zhao De and those computer experts laugh, and they had a kind of confidence that they must win.

Wang Xin is really good, but the other party is only one person. Their Penguin Company is a gathering of elites, and it is not that they have not encountered computer experts like Wang Xin.

Soon, they can crack Qingfeng Smart Assistant, get the source code, and then pirate their own software.

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