Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 123: Walking into a trap!

The wind blew, and the flags on the tops of several buildings fluttered in the wind.

Lin Jiao had been leading people to monitor the entrances of various places, especially the direction where the zombies were eliminated before.

The boss was so confident that the bald man would bring people here, so maybe he would really come, although she thought the boss's foresight was a bit incredible.

Suddenly, Lin Jiao was surprised and said, "He's really here!"

In her telescope, she could clearly see many people moving forward here, and the leader was the bald Guo Qi.

The boss was right again.

"Here?" Lu Feng also came over after hearing Lin Jiao's words, picked up the telescope in the hands of a member of the Qingfeng base, and looked in the direction Lin Jiao pointed. Sure enough, he saw Guo Qi and the people from the Red Leaf base.

Lin Jiao frowned and asked: "Boss, you deliberately revealed the location here just to attract them to attack us. Are they that force?"

She reacted, but then shook her head: "No, that Lin Nan obviously doesn't know anything. Could it be that the other party is so scheming that he pretends to know nothing?"

"He really knows nothing." Lu Feng shook his head. Now he can probably figure out what happened in the origin animation.

Although Lin Nan and Guo Qi are good friends, they should be superficial friends. Moreover, Guo Qi knows about the experiment, but Lin Nan doesn't.

And Lin Nan's prestige is obviously very high. He opposes the use of hexagonal beasts to control zombies. The key is that he knows nothing and has been investigating.

Later, he should have investigated, so the two sides tore their faces and then fought.

Perhaps it was because of this battle that the hexagonal beast escaped and then controlled the zombies to destroy the Red Leaf Base.

This is also the reason why the zombies were controlled by the hexagonal beasts to open the door of the Red Leaf Base in the zombie rage chapter.

Now that Guo Qi is going to deal with him, he can think about it and plan ahead of time.

"Boss, something is wrong." Lin Jiao suddenly said: "A lot of zombies have appeared inexplicably around us, and they are all approaching us."

"It's that guy." Lu Feng looked at Guo Qi and his men through the telescope. Obviously, a floating truck drove in, and there was a square thing covered with cloth on it.

There might be a hexagonal beast in it, and those zombies were obviously controlled by these people.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng also said: "Get ready to welcome these guys!"

Guo Qi led people into a small path, and then hid himself, and ordered the people around him: "Now wait here, wait for those mutant zombies to rush in and fight for a while, and then we will enter. These guys will be our stepping stones. When our plan succeeds and sweeps Tianhai City, all of you will be the best."

There are people like Lin Nan in the Red Leaf Base, and naturally there are many selfish people. Once these people are tempted by fame and fortune, they can do anything.

Guo Qi obviously found a lot of such people.

He also took the instrument in his hand and started to operate it.

But obviously, he didn't know that he had been exposed and discovered.

Between several buildings, zombies poured in one by one, and the dense number seemed to be looking for something. Then, a sound was seen in a building.

The sound attracted the attention of those zombies, and they rushed into the building densely.

There were also many mutant zombies mixed in and poured in.

The mutant zombies mixed in such a group of zombies, and the sudden attack would pose a greater threat.

But at this time, in this building, the people of Qingfeng Base had already built fortifications. Rows of tables, chairs and heavy objects formed a low wall to keep the zombies out.

Gunshots followed.

The people of Qingfeng Base could easily shoot and kill zombies one by one by relying on the low wall.

The chaotic gunshots also spread far away.

Not far away, Guo Qi had already climbed a building and looked at those buildings with a telescope. Although he could not see the situation inside the building, he could tell from the bursts of gunfire that the battle was very fierce.

Those people certainly could not have expected that there would be so many zombies attacking suddenly?

Teacher Hu's research is really amazing.

Therefore, as long as the zombie group is controlled, no matter which base is attacked, as long as the number of zombies is large enough, there will be no base that cannot be destroyed, even the East City Alliance.


Inside the building!

Suddenly, a fat zombie rushed in.

This attracted everyone's attention. At the same time, two lasers shot out. It was the brothers Chen Tao and Chen Hao who decisively shot with laser rifles and hit the head of this fat mutant zombie.

The two brothers had seen the power of this fat zombie. They could completely knock down the defense they built.

This fat zombie was just solved, and suddenly saw the window broken, and several agile zombies jumped in. Yes, they jumped in.

These zombies were hunched over like monkeys, and their movements were not as clumsy as those of ordinary zombies. They were more agile, but not as fast as the two mutant zombies before.

They were obviously mutant zombies, but they were not threatening enough.

Even so, they quickly jumped up and ran towards the crowd at the Qingfeng base, posing a threat!

At this moment, lasers were fired crazily, like messy lines, hitting these mutant zombies.

Lu Feng appeared at the stairs, his body covered with mecha weapons, and laser holes appeared on his shoulders. After destroying these mutant zombies, he locked onto other zombies again, and then another chaotic laser shot out.

Zombies fell down in groups wherever the laser passed.

[Congratulations on killing a zombie and gaining 5 experience points! ]

[Congratulations on killing a mutant zombie and gaining 150 experience points! ]

[Congratulations on killing a zombie and gaining 5 experience points! ]

Lu Feng's mind was also filled with experience prompts.

On the other side, chaotic lasers were also shot out, hitting the zombies around, and completely harvesting them.

This is Wang Cheng also wearing mecha weapons. The power of mecha weapons is obviously strong. As long as the energy is not exhausted, clearing these zombies is just like cutting wheat.

Soon, the zombies that came in were completely solved.

The gunfire in the building also stopped, leaving only the zombie corpses piled up on the ground.

Under normal circumstances, with so many zombies, ordinary members of the Qingfeng base would definitely run out of ammunition and die.

"Fire sporadically to attract people." Seeing this, Lu Feng immediately said again.

Then, the gunfire sounded again, this time only sporadic gunfire appeared, and it was heard far away.

Not far away, Guo Qi heard the sporadic gunfire and laughed: "Haha, the gunfire is sparse, there are not many of them, now it's our turn to surround and kill them."

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