Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 122 Encircle and suppress Lu Feng!

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Lu Feng only felt that Cao Nima was running past him. He wanted to use Lin Nan, but who knew that Lin Nan was the target?

But he soon felt something was wrong.

Because in the animation with the origin background, Lin Nan was killed, and it was obviously killed by the people of that force.

Thinking about what the other party said, maybe Lin Nan didn't know that the reason for the zombies' rage was in his base.

Moreover, the other party was obviously opposed to artificially creating such a crisis.

So, the other party was finally killed by his own people on the base.

"Put down your guns, they are friends!" Lin Nan also shouted to those who appeared at this time, and raised his hand to indicate that everything was fine.

When those people saw Lin Nan's actions, they also put down their guns one after another, and said in unison: "Yes, Commander Lin!"

This scene made Lu Feng look sideways.

Lin Nan obviously has a high prestige in this force.

If the ending of this force is the same as in the Origin anime, and it is eventually broken by zombies, then after solving the hexagon beast, perhaps we can use Lin Nan's prestige to annex this force and expand the Qingfeng base.

In the end times, people are very important.

Moreover, the survivors of the disaster and the destruction of the base, in addition to panic, except for some ambitious people, other survivors should want another stable base.

Just when Lu Feng was thinking, a bald man came out from those people.

The bald man carried a longbow on his back, and as soon as he came out, he showed concern to Lin Nan: "Lin Nan, it's really great that you are okay. As soon as I received your news, I came to support you with them as soon as I received the news."

When Lin Nan saw the bald man, he also smiled and said: "Guo Qi, I knew that you would be the first to come when I was in danger."

Then he gave the bald man a big hug.

Lu Feng looked at this scene in amazement.

You should know that in the Origin background anime of the violent zombies, it was this bald man who killed Lin Nan, and he was hanged to death in a very cruel way and hung outside the wall.

Now these two people actually look like close friends, friends for life and death.

Thinking of that kind of ending is a bit disgusting.

Or, this bald man is too good at disguising himself. Who would have thought that he could kill his friend like that?

At this time, Lin Nan pulled the bald man in front of Lu Feng and introduced him: "Guo Qi, let me introduce you, this is Mr. Lu, it was he who saved me just now, otherwise I might have died in the hands of those zombies."

"Hello, Mr. Lu, thank you for helping me, otherwise I would have lost a good brother." Guo Qi also looked at Lu Feng, raised his head and frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

Lu Feng smiled like a play, "It's a piece of cake. I just happened to run into this."

At this time, Lin Nan said to Guo Qi seriously, "Guo Qi, I got a piece of news from Mr. Lu. Maybe the zombie army around us is caused by human factors, and it is also human factors that cause the increase in the proportion of mutant zombies."

"Maybe we should change the direction of investigation. If it is really a human factor, we must find the person in the dark."

"Well, I will support you and go with you." The bald man nodded, but at the same time, he looked towards Lu Feng with an unclear meaning.

Lu Feng obviously noticed the bald man's gaze, but he pretended to know nothing. Instead, he said to Lin Nan, "Lin Nan, since those zombies have been solved, we should leave first. If you find the human factor, if you need help, you can find me in the east. There are several buildings with special flags on them."

This made Lin Jiao and others stunned, because Qingfeng Base was not there. This was obviously the place the boss mentioned casually.

But Lin Jiao and others also knew that the boss must have a purpose for saying this, so they didn't say much.

Lu Feng naturally made it up casually, and he deliberately said it out loud for a purpose.

Even his words about supporting Lin Nan were just casually said.

After he finished speaking, he looked at the bald man, then waved to Lin Jiao and the others, and headed east.

Lin Nan also said to the bald man: "Guo Qi, let's go back too. We need to report the current situation to Teacher Hu."

Teacher Hu was a teacher at a university before the end of the world. He had a very long-term vision. It was because of his planning that they were able to gather together and build a base.

Lu Feng led Lin Jiao for a long distance, and stopped at a place where there were several buildings, and then said to Lin Jiao: "Let's erect flags on the roofs of these buildings!"

Lin Jiao heard this and immediately ordered people to do it, and then asked curiously: "Boss, are we going to use this as a temporary base? Will that Lin Nan really need our help and come up?"

Lu Feng shook his head: "Lin Nan will not come, but that bald Guo Qi will come, and they will come to attack us, so let's be prepared."

"????" Lin Jiao was a little confused: "Boss, that Guo Qi seems to have a good relationship with Lin Nan, and we saved that Lin Nan, and the other party should be grateful to us, why would he attack us?"

Lu Feng smiled and said: "Lin Jiao, how about we make a bet? That Guo Qi will come soon, and maybe he will come with a zombie army."

"Boss, do you think I'm stupid for betting with you?" Lin Jiao ignored Lu Feng and went straight to arrange people.

She knew that the boss was a bit magical, and it seemed that he could know many things in advance.

Maybe the boss also had some kind of predictive ability.

After all, the boss already had so many abilities, and it wouldn't be strange to have one more.

Soon, the people in Qingfeng Base hid under Lin Jiao's arrangement and waited quietly.

On the other side, in the base full of red leaf logos, Bald Guo Qi and Lin Nan returned here. Bald Guo Qi and Lin Nan exchanged a few words, and then asked someone to send Lin Nan to treat the injury on his back.

Bald Guo Qi himself went to an office and saw a man wearing glasses walking out of a secret room in the wall of the office.

When the bald man saw the man with glasses, he said: "Teacher Hu, the situation is a bit bad. The trap designed for Lin Nan this time was destroyed by someone. Lin Nan returned to the base by chance."

"Lin Nan seems to have investigated what we are doing and knows that it is a human cause. With his attitude, I am afraid it will be a big trouble."

"Moreover, the other party seems to have found an external aid. The other party has a lot of people. When he really finds out that those who died in the base were caused by our experiments, he is afraid that he will really attack us. After all, his wife also died in it."

Teacher Hu frowned and said: "Lin Nan's prestige in the base is too high. If I want my experiment to be unimpeded, he is indeed a trouble, especially The foreign aid you mentioned must be dealt with first. "

Guo Qi immediately said: "When they left, they told me their address without warning. I know where they are. I can take people to deal with them. However, you need to give me a control device. If I can control the zombies to attack, I can deal with them more easily."

Teacher Hu nodded, took out an instrument and handed it to Guo Qi, saying: "This is the No. 3 instrument. You take people to deal with those people. Don't use Lin Nan's people to avoid alerting the enemy!"

"I understand!" Guo Qi nodded, and after going out, he secretly gathered people and left the base fully armed. The direction he was heading was exactly the direction Lu Feng and his friends left.

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