Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 124 Follow the designed plot!

Guo Qi said, put away the telescope, went downstairs, and led people to where Lu Feng and the others were.

Along the way, Guo Qi clearly heard that the gunshots were getting less and less.

When they approached, there were only sporadic gunshots.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96π“ˆπ’½π“Š.𝓃ℯ𝓉

When he led people to those buildings, there was basically no gunshot.

"Go in and search for survivors." Guo Qi laughed and shouted.

These people actually wanted to support Lin Nan, and they really didn't know what they were facing.

He led people into the building, but as soon as he entered, Guo Qi was dumbfounded.

In the lobby of this building, guns were pointed at them, and they were the people from Qingfeng Base.

Guo Qi and the people he brought in felt a numbness in the back of their heads at that moment.

"How is it possible?" Guo Qi showed an unbelievable look on his face.

So many zombies rushed in to attack, how could these people not be injured at all?

He realized that he had been fooled. Those people deliberately fired gunshots to attract him.

But how could the other party deal with those zombies so easily?

You know, there are many mutant zombies among those zombies.

Moreover, the heads of those mutant zombies were dug open, and it was obvious that the other party had calmly dug away the crystal source.

Then, Guo Qi's eyes widened in horror and saw two people wrapped in mecha weapons.

Mecha weapons?

Guo Qi felt that his soul was running wild. He had heard of this thing.

"Hehe, you seem to think that you are the only one who is smart. You actually followed us to attack us? Lin Nan had thought of it a long time ago, and do you really think that Lin Nan doesn't know about you?" Lu Feng walked out slowly wearing mecha weapons.

This was naturally said deliberately for Guo Qi to hear, just to make the other party mistakenly think that Lin Nan knew the situation and intensify the development of the plot.

Then he could resolve the crisis earlier and even annex that force.

It seems that this time, Guo Qi may also bring the hexagonal beast.

Guo Qi's face became even uglier when he heard Lu Feng's words.

He obviously didn't expect that Lin Nan already knew about it, and actually worked with these people to plot against him.

Guo Qi was so shocked that he was about to shout at his men to attack, but he saw Lu Feng's figure suddenly rushed out, as fast as the wind, and rushed to Guo Qi at a very fast speed wearing the mecha.

That was his special ability of speed. Even if he was wearing a mecha weapon, this speed ability was actually effective, but the energy was consumed very quickly.

Lu Feng raised his fist directly and hit Guo Qi's chest heavily. Even though he had been very reserved, under the power of the mecha, this punch also knocked Guo Qi directly out and rolled out fiercely.

The people around were immediately shocked.

At this time, the mecha weapon on Lu Feng's body stretched out dense laser shooting holes, and then a chaotic burst of laser shooting came out.

Almost instantly, the bodies of the survivors in front of him were pierced one by one, and blood spurted out as they fell down in groups.

None of the survivors who rushed in were spared.

The rest of the people were shocked and retreated one after another.

The mecha weapons on Lu Feng once again fired dense lasers, and in a flash, another group of people fell down.

This time, the people brought by Guo Qi were completely scared and began to flee in panic.

Seeing this, Lin Jiao led people to rush out and shouted: "Deal with them."

The people in Qingfeng Base also opened fire.

However, they did not chase them, but watched those people escape.

Even when Lu Feng watched Guo Qi climb into the opposite building and escape from here under cover, he did not chase him, because he was supposed to let him escape.

Otherwise, how could the other party go back to Hongye Base to deal with Lin Nan?

Everything would go according to the plot he designed.

However, Lu Feng did not forget one thing, that is, Guo Qi might have brought a hexagonal beast.

He immediately rushed to the floating trucks left by Guo Qi. One of the trucks was covered with cloth, and there must be something inside.

Lu Feng went forward and opened the cloth, and saw a monster with six tentacles inside. A special instrument was installed on the monster's head, which seemed to be used to control the monster.

And one of the tentacles of the monster just pierced the head of a zombie.

"Boss, is this the hexagonal beast you mentioned?" Lin Jiao asked in surprise.

Chen Tao, Chen Hao and others also went forward to check curiously.

Lu Feng nodded: "Well, this is the hexagonal beast, it is controlling this zombie."

Moreover, he can be sure that this zombie is definitely not an ordinary mutant zombie. After all, there are many mutant zombies among the zombies that came before.

If this zombie is an ordinary mutant zombie, it is impossible to control those mutant zombies.

Lin Jiao asked again: "Boss, is this hexagonal beast created by the other party? Is it possible to eliminate this hexagonal beast and resolve the crisis?"

"Maybe it's not that easy." Lu Feng frowned and felt something was wrong when he looked at the hexagonal beast.

Because in the Raging Zombie Chapter Origin Animation, the hexagonal beast that controlled the zombies to open the gate of the Red Leaf Base was much larger than the one in front of him, and that one did not have such a control device on its head.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng directly took out his gun and shot the hexagonal beast to death.

[Congratulations on killing a hexagonal beast and gaining 3,000 experience points! ]

3000 experience for a hexagonal beast, it's really high experience.

He looked at the character attributes, LV9: 12382/25600.

If there are more hexagonal beasts, just kill a few of them, and you can level up.

However, after killing this hexagonal beast, nothing dropped.

Lu Feng put away the gun and immediately told Lin Jiao: "Gather the people, we have to go back to the vicinity of the Red Leaf Base. Now Guo Qi should have escaped back. I deliberately said those words to him. After he goes back, he should fight with Lin Nan. At that time, we can just take advantage of it and take the opportunity to eliminate the remaining hexagonal beasts in that base and completely eliminate the threat to our base."

Lin Jiao nodded and immediately shouted to the people in Qingfeng Base: "Gather and get ready to go!"

On the other side, Guo Qi had also fled out of this area in a panic.

He returned to the Red Leaf Base as quickly as possible. As soon as he arrived at the base, he saw Teacher Hu.

"Why is it so embarrassing?" Teacher Hu asked, "Also, why did the six-horned beast die? What are you doing?"

When Guo Qi heard this, he gritted his teeth and said, "Teacher Hu, Lin Nan's trouble must be solved. The other party actually teamed up with those people. Moreover, the other party knew what we did and deliberately set a trap for me to lead people over."

"Now the six-horned beast should have been killed by the other party. Lin Nan should be more certain. At that time, he will definitely fight with us. We must strike first."

"Damn it." Teacher Hu said with a gloomy face: "Then solve him. While he doesn't know you are back, hurry up and prepare."

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