Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 121 Chapter 122 This is fucking MMP!

[This is a special speed crystal. After using it, you can gain the ability to increase your speed. After using it, you can make your speed very fast. Special effect: When using the ability, you can even run on the wall for a short time with the speed! ]

When Lu Feng saw this skill, his eyes lit up.

This ability is good.

After all, there is a saying that the world's martial arts can only be broken by speed!


He had already obtained a knife proficiency skill before. Now he got a speed skill. With the combination, he can act as a fast knife master even in martial arts novels.

After all, the speed of those two mutant zombies is really not slow. They can dodge bullets.

Even if he relied on this skill crystal to obtain this speed skill, he couldn't dodge bullets like those two zombies at the beginning, so he would definitely be much faster than ordinary people.

Thinking of this, he directly chose to use this speed crystal.

The next moment, he felt the crystal melt quickly and then drilled into his body. Another special warm current appeared and began to flow in his body.

At the same time, there were also streams of information about the use of this speed ability, which were engraved in his mind.

This also made him know the difference between skill cards and skill crystals.

Skill cards only allow him to gain skills, such as knife proficiency, gun proficiency, and basic combat proficiency.

These are skills that ordinary people can achieve. After all, there are people who are proficient in knives and guns in reality. Some special forces can be said to be abnormal.

Even in the movie "Wolf Warrior", which is said to be unrealistic, some of the protagonist's exaggerated movements are not as good as those of special forces.

It's just that these people are proficient in a limited way, and it is impossible to master a whole category.

Skill crystals can give him special abilities, and they all require energy to activate, just like the previous energy barrier crystal and the current special speed crystal.

This type of skill is obviously stronger than the skills obtained by skill cards.

Simple comparison between gun proficiency and energy barrier.

As long as there is an energy barrier, people who are proficient in guns are basically useless. If you add a gun, even if your gun skills are not as good as the opponent, as long as the energy barrier does not stop, you can kill the opponent.

Moreover, after obtaining this speed ability, Lu Feng also clearly felt that his body became lighter and his legs became lighter.

He had a feeling that he would be very fast when he used the speed ability.

Lu Feng also looked at the character attribute panel as soon as possible:

Character: Lu Feng

Level: 9

Strength: 12 (ordinary person 5)

Agility: 12 (ordinary person 5)

Stamina: 12 (ordinary person 5)

Mental strength: 12

Combat skills: basic fighting skills, old-fashioned gun proficiency, knife proficiency.

Special abilities: energy barrier, speed ability!

Energy: 120/120!

Experience: 6897/25600.

When Lu Feng looked at his attributes, he saw a group of people coming out of the building, and the leader was holding the wound on his back, bleeding.

Seeing this man, Lu Feng knew that he was the NPC who was hanged in the end.

So, as long as you get in touch with him and pay attention to him, you can know where the force is. After all, the place where the other party fights with others is at the base of that force.

Moreover, judging from the injuries on his back, the plot should be about to happen.

When these people came out, Lin Jiao naturally led people to be on guard and pointed their weapons at these people. After all, it was the end of the world, and we must be on guard against others.

The man with scars on his face raised his hand and took the initiative to say: "We have no ill intentions. Thank you very much for your help. Otherwise, we would be in trouble facing those two mutant zombies. My name is Lin Nan. Can I talk to your person in charge?"

Lu Feng smiled when he heard this. It was just what he wanted. He didn't know how to establish a relationship. He also came out and said: "My name is Lu Feng. I don't know what you want to talk about?"

When Lin Nan saw Lu Feng, he hurriedly said politely: "Mr. Lu, I don't mean anything else. I just want to express my gratitude to you. Thank you so much."

He knew that this terrifying ability user was the person in charge.

Lu Feng took the opportunity to say, "Thanks are unnecessary. I'm curious why the zombies nearby are different and so violent. I was attacked by these zombies before, and the ratio of the number of these mutant zombies is not right."

Since the other party is the NPC who died miserably in the animation of the origin of the violent zombie chapter, then the other party should also be investigating this matter, right?

So, as long as we lead in this direction, we will surely gain something.

When Lin Nan heard this, he sighed and said, "Mr. Lu, have you also been attacked by such zombies? In fact, I am also investigating this reason. Moreover, we have also found a reason. Through the detection of special instruments, there is a special energy in the air around us."

"This energy can stimulate those zombies and make them violent. It seems that some zombies will mutate after being stimulated. The two mutant zombies you killed just now may be from this."

Lu Feng naturally knew what this special energy was. It was the special energy emitted by the hexagonal beast, which was used by that force to stimulate the zombies.

The reason for doing this is, of course, that such zombies are more aggressive, have a better sense of smell, sharper senses, and can have more mutated zombies.

In this case, if a zombie army is formed, it will be more powerful, and even a giant like the East City Alliance cannot resist it.

Now that such zombies appear in the Qingfeng base, the biggest possibility is that someone from that force is playing tricks or conducting experiments.

So, after hearing Lin Nan's words, Lu Feng immediately guided: "In fact, we have also discovered that special energy, and there is an expert in this field in my team. He not only detected this special energy, but also found that there is a special synthetic agent in that special energy."

"In other words, this special energy is artificially created, and the person who created this thing must have other purposes."

"It is obviously abnormal that so many zombies gather around here. I suspect that the force or someone who created this special energy is nearby."

"Otherwise, it is impossible for such a large number of zombies to appear nearby."

This is completely guiding the other party.

Who knew that Lin Nan actually nodded and said with certainty: "Mr. Lu, you are right. In fact, I think so too. Moreover, this is not a good thing. Man-made things like this will definitely cause disasters. If I were to investigate it clearly, I would definitely stop it."

Just as the two were talking, a fleet of suspended vehicles suddenly drove over and stopped not far away.

Fully armed people got off the suspended vehicles and approached them.

When Lu Feng saw these people, his brows frowned and he subconsciously took out two more guns.

Because those suspended vehicles were engraved with bloody red leaves (Chapter 120)!

This is the symbol of that force.

In other words, these people who appeared were all from that force, and they were exactly the people he was looking for.

Lu Feng immediately signaled to Lin Jiao to prepare for battle.

Who knew that at this time Lin Nan said: "Mr. Lu, don't be nervous. These are all people from our base. They must have seen my distress signal just now, so they came to support me."

When Lu Feng heard this, he subconsciously looked at Lin Nan, and his face changed slightly.

What did the other party say just now?

The other party is from that power, and he actually said in front of him that he was also investigating this matter, and he was so righteous?

The key is that he seriously guided him for most of the day.

This is what I want to say MMP!

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