Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 120 Two powerful mutant zombies!

"Destroy them." Lin Jiao looked at the charging zombies, first raised an ordinary rifle and shot at a zombie.

Seeing this, the others immediately raised their weapons and started shooting wildly at the charging zombies.

More than 50 people shot together. The gunshots were like firecrackers, messy and loud, and the zombies that attacked also exploded with rotten flesh.

If you have accurate marksmanship, you can headshot a zombie and completely turn it into a corpse.

The sudden outbreak of fighting also shocked those in the building.

The man with the scar on his face covered the wound on his back, stood up subconsciously, and said to a subordinate next to him: "Look, see if rescue is coming."

He brought his men here today to investigate the news and see why the zombies around him gathered here inexplicably. Who knew that they were attacked by zombies.

Although he knew that the zombies nearby seemed different from ordinary zombies, he really didn't expect that these zombies knew how to ambush.

For this reason, several of his men and even his own brother died in the hands of those zombies.

Now they are even more surrounded in this building. If those zombies still know how to attack, then he and the people he brought will have to answer here.

Those two mutated zombies were so terrifying. They actually knew how to dodge guns and bullets, so it would be difficult to hit them in the head and kill them.

Therefore, they were completely helpless, so after losing some people, they fled in embarrassment after being chased.

Now when gunshots are suddenly heard, people from the base should have received the news and come to the rescue.

The people nearby were overjoyed when they heard the gunfire. They hurriedly looked around and saw a strange team fighting the zombies.

He hurriedly reported to the man with the scar on his face: "Captain, we are a group of survivors. They fought with those zombies. There were more than 50 people. But what's worse, the two mutated zombies rushed towards them. These people I have no idea how powerful these two zombies are.”

The man with the scar on his face hurriedly endured the pain of the injury on his back and stood up to check the situation.

Sure enough, we saw a strange team. These people fought in a very orderly manner. More than 50 people lined up with standard guns.

In this case, as long as there are enough bullets, you can face the ordinary zombie army without any worries.

But he knew how powerful those two mutated zombies were. These people were no match at all, and he was afraid they would really suffer.

In front of the building.

The battle has reached an intense level.

As Lin Jiao led people to shoot, the zombies that were charging were all killed before they could reach the car and fell to the ground.

Lu Feng also held a pistol in both hands and fired quickly, relying on the proficiency of old-fashioned guns. The bullets flew out one by one, instantly piercing the heads of the zombies.

[Congratulations on killing a zombie and gaining 5 experience points! 】

[Congratulations on killing a zombie and gaining 5 experience points! 】

[Congratulations on killing a zombie and gaining 5 experience points! 】

As the bullets ran out, Lu Feng took out two magazines from the backpack space with a thought, and quickly switched to shooting. Each shot could kill a zombie.

If this trend continues, these zombies will be wiped out soon.

Facing humans with weapons in their hands and forming a queue, the threat of zombies will be reduced to a minimum.

But suddenly, two zombies rushed over very fast, attracting everyone's attention.

"There's something wrong with these two zombies. Concentrate your firepower to deal with them first." Lin Jiao shouted immediately.

The people at Qingfeng Base did not hesitate and aimed their guns at the two mutated zombies.

There was loud gunfire, but what surprised everyone was that the two mutated zombies were so fast that all the bullets fired by the people at Qingfeng Base were dodged.

Moreover, even if it hits them, it does not hit their heads and has no effect on them.

Lu Feng did not dare to hesitate and immediately picked up his gun and pointed it at the two mutated zombies.

His old-fashioned gun proficiency skills have always been invincible before, but this time, he fired continuously, but all failed.

It can't be said that everything was in vain. It hit two mutated zombies without causing any real damage.

This is the first time.

The two brothers Chen Tao and Chen Hao did not hesitate. They raised the laser rifles in their hands at the same time and aimed at the two zombies.

The speed of laser is faster than bullets.

But the two mutated zombies seemed to sense the danger and swerved away.

Both brothers were shocked.

This is not only fast, but also seems to have very high intelligence. Otherwise, how could he know the threat of laser and specifically avoid it?

In the blink of an eye, two mutated zombies rushed forward.

If you don't solve it and rush into the crowd, even a few people will die.

Seeing this, Lu Feng rushed out decisively and arrived in front of the two mutated zombies alone.

The two mutated zombies were naturally attracted to Lu Feng, and they rushed towards Lu Feng. Their hands were like sharp claws, and they slapped Lu Feng hard.

But Lu Feng had already activated the energy barrier, and the attacks of the two mutant zombies were all blocked, unable to break through the energy barrier at all.

At the same time, Lu Feng raised two pistols and fired continuously at the heads of the two mutated zombies.

At such a close distance, he didn't believe that these two mutated zombies could hide.

It is often said on the Internet that a gun is faster within 5 steps and a knife is faster within 5 steps. This is pure nonsense. How old is my pistol, and it can't be used within 5 steps?

How fast can you be faster than me moving my fingers?

So, it is really ridiculous that many people take videos posted by martial arts bloggers seriously.

Really, I don’t know if you can hit the target if you have never practiced shooting at a distance of 5 steps, but within 5 steps, even if you have never practiced shooting, the chance of hitting is very high.

Almost when the two mutant zombies hit the energy barrier and had not reacted, Lu Feng had already fired continuously. Under the proficient skills of the old-fashioned gun, every bullet turned into death.

Bang bang bang! ~

Several bullets accurately hit the heads of the two mutant zombies, and the activities of the two zombies also stopped abruptly, and the gods fell to the ground.

[Congratulations on killing a mutant zombie and gaining 400 experience points! ]

[Congratulations on killing a mutant zombie and gaining 400 experience points! ]

Lu Feng got two tips and was relieved immediately.

No wonder these two zombies are so powerful. 400 experience points are 4 times more than mutant beasts such as killing dogs.

If he hadn't been here today, I'm afraid that the more than 50 people led by Lin Jiao would have been in trouble. After all, they didn't have an energy barrier to withstand the attack of two zombies and then take the opportunity to counterattack and kill the two zombies.

This scene shocked the man with scars on his face in the building.

You know, they almost died at the hands of the two mutant zombies.

They knew how scary these two guys were.

Who knew that these two zombies were easily solved by one person now.

"He is a capable person." A person next to him said in surprise.

The man with scars on his face naturally knew the scene when the two mutant zombies attacked the young man and were blocked by a barrier. He was not blind.

Then, the man with scars on his face also hurriedly ordered: "Hurry up, help clean up the remaining zombies."

The man next to him nodded and immediately called people to attack the zombies.

In front of the building, Lin Jiao saw this and immediately shouted to others: "Destroy the remaining zombies!"

For a while, the gunshots rang out again. Without the two mutant zombies, the ordinary zombies fell down in groups facing the bullets.

With enough bullets, they were wiped out.

But at this time, Lu Feng looked at the bodies of the two mutant zombies, and a ball of light floated on the body of a zombie.

This is a zombie exploding something.

Lu Feng also took out the steel knife from the backpack space, squatted down, pretended to dig crystal sources on the two bodies, and then put the light ball into the backpack as if nothing had happened.

The people next to him couldn't see it at all, but they didn't think his actions were strange.

After a while, he dug out two crystal sources, and saw the information through the exploration function of the game:

[This is a crystal source produced in the body of a mutant zombie, which can be used as currency or energy, and contains 35 points of energy value! ]

[This is... 34 points of energy value! 】

The energy values ​​of the two crystal sources are similar, one is 34 points and the other is 35 points.

However, they are much higher than the crystal sources of ordinary mutant zombies.

Then, Lu Feng took out the burst of light from the backpack space. When he saw the information through the exploration function of the game, he showed surprise on his face.

It turned out to be another skill crystal, and this skill is very powerful.

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