Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 119 A familiar figure! The origin begins!

When Lu Feng looked at that place with a telescope, he found that the location of that place was very complicated. Only the area around the three big trees was empty. The rest of the area was full of intertwined paths and old houses in the old community.

The old city was obviously still a town-to-town construction, otherwise there would not be such a scene.


But the key is that no matter whether it was that empty place or those paths, there were zombies everywhere, densely packed.

The scene was very terrifying.

Now he finally knew where the nearby zombies had gone. They must have been attracted there.

As for the purpose, it is self-evident that the force was studying the hexagonal beast. In fact, the hexagonal beast was used to control the zombie army. As long as it succeeded, they could sweep the entire Tianhai City.

Unfortunately, the people of this force did not know that the hexagonal beast had already had intelligence and consciousness, and was not under their control at all. Instead, these zombies became the weapon of the hexagonal beast.

This force is also destined to become one of the background boards for the game's introduction of the hexagonal beast.

"Boss, something is wrong." Lin Jiao frowned and said. In the picture sent back by the secret sentry before, there were not so many zombies there at all, but now there are so many zombies there.

Lu Feng knew that this was normal. I remember that in the background introduction of the game, the origin of the violent zombie chapter was that countless zombies were summoned by that force, and then buried that force.

Now so many zombies appeared there, which means that the force is there, and that force may soon experiment with the ability of the hexagonal beast.

That is to say, the origin of the violent zombie chapter is about to break out.

But in this situation, no one knows where the force is hidden in the community.

Lu Feng took a telescope and looked around the surrounding area.

Suddenly, he looked at a position where a group of people were being chased by a group of zombies. Among them, there were two abnormal zombies, which actually jumped directly on the two buildings like lizards.

"Huh!" When Lu Feng looked at the group of people, he locked his eyes directly on a man with a flat head and a scar on his face.

This man was obviously the person in charge, and he was ordering the people around him to run and fight at the same time.

When Lu Feng saw this man, he showed a look of surprise on his face, and he seemed to be very similar to a character in the animation of the origin of the background story of the violent zombies.

It seemed that Lu Feng's surprised voice attracted attention. Lin Jiao also looked at that location with a telescope. She also found those people and exclaimed: "Boss, some people there are being chased by zombies."

Lu Feng nodded and said: "Keep an eye on those people, I will be back soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure disappeared in front of everyone.

Even though they already knew that this mysterious boss had this ability, every time they saw him disappear out of thin air, the people in Qingfeng Base would still feel very shocked.

Lu Feng returned to the real villa, immediately took out his mobile phone to log in to the "After the End" game forum, and then checked the background animation scene of the violent zombies.

He was sure that he had seen the man with a flat head and a scar on his face in which background animation.

After watching two background animation videos in a row, he finally saw a video.

In the anime video, it was raining heavily, and the three big trees were pulled in very quickly from a distance. In front of a building, countless zombies were seen beating an iron door. The iron door was the protection of the building, preventing the zombies from entering.

And there was a special mark on the iron door, which seemed to be a blood-colored leaf, which was also the symbol of that force.

On the roof of the building, a group of people were running into the roof in a panic.

The leader was the man with a scar on his face with a flat head. He was shirtless and had an injury on his back, wrapped in bandages.

Behind them, a group of people with real guns and live ammunition chased up. These people kept shooting at the scarred man and his people, obviously chasing them.

Both sides suffered serious casualties.

Then, the man with a scar on his face suddenly took out a special gun from his back, and the gun actually condensed a ball of lightning.

This scene made the people chasing him change their faces, and they subconsciously wanted to retreat.

The man with the scar on his face had already fired a gun, and the lightning instantly exploded on the ground. Blue streams of light spread along the rainwater accumulated on the rooftop, instantly knocking out the people who were chasing him.

The man with the scar on his face was about to lead his men to escape, but at this moment, a sharp arrow flew over and hit his shoulder directly. The impact force made him fly out.

Then a bald man walked onto the rooftop.

The bald man was holding a special iron bow in his hand, and it seemed that it also took a lot of strength to pull the bowstring.

The bald man then took out a sharp arrow and shot it at the people around the man with the scar on his face. Those people were shot by a sharp arrow and fell to the ground.

The man with the scar on his face saw this, and his face was full of sadness and pain, but the bald man had already stepped forward, wrapped a special rope around his neck, pulled it hard, suffocated him and fainted, and then hung him directly on the wall.

The reason why we know that he fainted from suffocation is that when he was hung on the wall, he woke up and struggled frantically.

Just as he was struggling, the iron door opened from the inside. It can be seen that the one who opened the door was a rotting zombie.

This is obviously a mutant zombie, and it has a very high intelligence, otherwise how could it know how to open the door, but as the mutant zombie appeared, a tentacle appeared behind it.

The picture stopped abruptly.

When Lu Feng saw this scene, he knew that it was a mutant zombie controlled by the hexagon beast.

He finally knew why the flat-headed scarred man looked so familiar.

The other party was one of the NPCs in the origin animation of the violent zombie chapter. Although it was just an NPC without a name, the other party at least showed his face in the background animation.

Lu Feng immediately entered the game with another idea and appeared on the rooftop.

Seeing him coming back, Lin Jiao immediately reported: "Boss, those people have entered a building. The flat-headed man leading the group is injured. The two mutant zombies are very intelligent and can even throw things. The man was hit in the back by a steel pipe. Now those people may not be able to hold on for much longer."

"Back?" Lu Feng was stunned, thinking of the scene in the animation, and immediately said: "Go to that building!"

Listening to this description, maybe the origin of the background plot is about to begin.

It seems to be the right time to go there.

After hearing the order, Lin Jiao immediately gathered people and followed Lu Feng to leave the top floor of the building, and then went straight to the building where the group was.

At this time, the building was surrounded by zombies, and there were two mutant zombies clinging to the wall like geckos, staring at them.

Seeing Lu Feng and his group appear, the two mutant zombies suddenly looked at them and roared.

That is, with this roar, the zombies around them rushed towards Lu Feng and his group frantically, and each zombie seemed very violent.

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