Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 105 The acting was successful! The trick was done!

Wang Cheng was observing Lu Feng.

Lu Feng was also observing Wang Cheng.

After all, he came in this time to deceive the holographic virtual map from the members of the Salvation Army.


And all this still needs to go through Wang Cheng.

Therefore, Lu Feng also pretended that the situation was very bad and said: "The situation is a bit bad. We may have to abandon this base. There may be a force near us. The zombies becoming violent and the proportion of mutated zombies increasing may be related to this force. ”

"Now I don't know the situation of this force, but we are being targeted, and I alone may not be able to take care of everyone, so if something unexpected happens, everyone is ready to evacuate at any time preparation.”

These words suddenly made Lin Jiao and others feel very bad.

After all, they think this base is really good.

It is really rare to have such a large and safe base in the last days.

Especially Lin Jiao, she led people to run this base very carefully.

Now that the boss said it was so serious, they had to think about the situation in a more serious direction.

After all, the boss is such a capable person, so he is so worried.

The moods of Lin Jiao and others affected Wang Cheng.

To be honest, during this period of time, he followed the boss and observed a lot, especially the development of this base, which was really different from the survivor bases he had seen before.

Is it possible that this base will cease to exist now?

He was also completely fooled by Lu Feng's acting skills and took it seriously.

Lu Feng noticed Wang Cheng's appearance and struck a chord while the iron was hot: "Lin Jiao, tell me to go down and be prepared. Mutated zombies may appear at any time, and there may be more, or unknown threats. In terms of supplies, Also pack it as much as possible and be ready to take it away at any time.”

Obviously, you have to do all the acting.

During this time, he has been observing people like Wang Cheng through the perspective of games.

One thing he was sure of was that Wang Cheng and the Salvation Army had some recognition of Qingfeng Base.

Moreover, he knew that the Salvation Army had holographic virtual maps in their hands, but the Salvation Army did not know.

Therefore, they will not think that this is an act, and it is specifically designed to deceive the things in their hands.

If you act well, you may be able to get things.

"Okay, boss!" Lin Jiao could only sigh helplessly, then took out the walkie-talkie and started giving instructions.

In an instant, the entire base was in action, and a trace of uneasiness and panic spread.

In this case, no one knew that something big had happened.

The members of the Salvation Army naturally noticed something was wrong.

They immediately found Wang Cheng and asked about the situation.

Wang Cheng naturally repeated what Lu Feng said, which really made the faces of the Salvation Army change.

Then, each of these Salvation Army soldiers fell silent, and there was something wrong with the expressions on their faces. They looked at each other, as if they were struggling with something.

Lu Feng had already quit the game and checked the situation of these people through the perspective of his mind.

Naturally, he saw what these Salvation Army looked like.

He also knew that these people must be struggling.

Now all he could do was wait.

To deceive people, you have to wait until the person being deceived is deceived to be successful.

At this time, his cell phone rang, and it was his cousin calling.

He immediately answered the call, and Yang Ming's call came: "Xiao Feng, the grain trading company you asked to set up before has been completed, and a very large warehouse has been rented. There is no problem in storing hundreds of tons of things. You are free now. ? I'll take you there to see."

"I know, cousin, I'm busy here first. I'll call you when I'm done." Lu Feng said while staring at the game screen in his mind.

At the same time, I saw movement from the Salvation Army people.

They seemed to have said something to Wang Cheng, which immediately excited him, and then left in a hurry, looking for people everywhere.

Seeing this, Lu Feng subconsciously clenched his fists and smiled.

Wang Cheng should be looking for him now, right?

In other words, those Salvation Army men got the word out.

Thinking of this, he immediately entered the game again, and then pretended to meet Wang Cheng accidentally, not forgetting to say hello: "Wang Cheng, why are you in such a hurry?"

"Boss, I'm looking for you. I have good news for you." Wang Cheng said immediately as soon as he saw Lu Feng.

Lu Feng pretended to frown and said, "What good news is there in this situation? The situation is already very bad."

When it comes to acting, you have to keep acting until the end.

Wang Cheng immediately explained: "Boss, I know the situation is very bad, but I have a piece of news that may be helpful to the base. We don't have to abandon the base."

"What's the news?" Lu Feng asked, but he knew it in his heart and was about to laugh.

It seems like his acting skills are okay.

The first time I tried this trick, I deceived these Salvation Army people.

"Boss, come with me." Wang Cheng immediately led Lu Feng to the members of the Salvation Army, and then said to them: "Tell me again what you just said about the mecha weapons."

The people from the Salvation Army looked at each other, and one of them came out and explained: "The reason why we were hunted down by people from the East City Alliance before was because we had a holographic virtual map with us, with a location marked on it. "

"That location is the transport vehicle of a newly developed mecha weapon by the military before the end of the world. This mecha weapon is a very powerful single-soldier combat weapon that appeared before the end of the world."

"There was a traitor among us who told the people of the East City Alliance about this news, so we were hunted down. The other party wanted this mecha weapon."

"If we have this mecha weapon, I think it can help the base survive this crisis."

"Mecha weapon?" Lu Feng heard the news and pretended to be surprised, and asked hurriedly: "Where is that thing now?"

The member of the Salvation Army took out a ball from his pocket: "In this information ball, there is encrypted information. We don't know the encryption password. We need a computer expert to crack it before we can view the content inside."

Lu Feng took the information ball without hesitation, and then went straight to the scientific research area marked out in the air-raid shelter.

When he left the sight of Wang Cheng and the members of the Salvation Army, he couldn't help but clench his fists and smile.

The thing was finally in hand, and it was worth his acting in this drama.

After Lu Feng left, Wang Cheng also chatted with the members of the Salvation Army again:

"I hope that the information ball can be cracked quickly."

"Then we will find the mecha weapon together, so that there will be no problem in defending this base."

"If we can really get the mecha weapon, there will be no problem."

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