Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 104 Acting! To trick the mecha weapons!

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Lu Feng saw that Xu Bin and Guo Zhen were willing, which was also expected.

After all, it is the end of the world.

He also took out the two special ability crystal cores, and gave one to Xu Bin and Guo Zhen respectively, and said at the same time: "Just swallow this thing directly."

Because he has a system, he can directly choose to use the special ability crystal core, but Xu Bin and Guo Zhen do not have a system, so they naturally cannot do it like him.

As for swallowing it directly, that was seen in the background video of the game.

In some background promotional videos, not only the game characters gain abilities, but also other people gain abilities unexpectedly.

These people just swallow the ability crystal core directly.

This ability crystal core is also very magical. It is usually very hard, but once it is swallowed into the mouth, it will quickly melt into liquid.

Although in this real game world, if there is no BUG, ​​there should be no such thing as ability crystal core, but when this kind of thing appears, there are always similarities.

Xu Bin and Guo Zhen respectfully took the crystal core, held the crystal core, and their palms trembled a little.

Is this something that can turn them into people with special abilities?

They knew very well how powerful people with special abilities were and how high their status was in the apocalypse, and now they were about to become one of them.

Lin Jiao, Chen Tao, Chen Hao and others all subconsciously stared at the crystal core, somewhat envious.

However, the three looked at the laser rifle in their hands again, and thought of the crystal source that the boss had given them, and they also knew that the boss could not give them all the benefits, so they retracted their gaze.

Guo Zhen did not hesitate at all, and directly stuffed the crystal core into his mouth. After swallowing it, he felt that the crystal core that was originally stuck in his throat and even rubbed his throat painfully, melted and became smaller, and became a liquid that entered his mouth.

At that moment, he felt a stream of warm currents flowing through his body, and with this warm current, he also made painful sounds from his mouth.

He felt that his flesh and blood seemed to be torn apart by a force, and the pain made him kneel directly on the ground.

But at the same time, he also had a wonderful feeling, that is, the torn flesh and blood immediately recovered, and there was an even more wonderful feeling after recovery.

Outsiders don't understand Guo Zhen's experience. Lin Jiao and others can only see that his skin and flesh are wriggling rapidly. In this process, his body is getting fatter and his clothes are torn.

Bang! ~

Suddenly, Guo Zhen punched the ground fiercely. The fist was so violent that it shook the ground and a huge circle of cracks appeared.

Dust spread, and gravel splashed out.

The scene was very scary. If it hit a person, it might send him flying.

At this time, Guo Zhen was also breathing heavily, and there were beads of sweat on his forehead.

This also shows that he has gained special power.

His body is more than twice as fat as before. He was actually a bit good-looking before, but now he has completely turned into a fat man.

Fortunately, it can still be seen that it was him.

"This...I did it?" Guo Zhen looked at the power of the punch on the ground, his face full of disbelief.

"You did it..." Xu Bin said with a face full of surprise, and at the same time, he stuffed the crystal core in his hand into his mouth without hesitation.

Similarly, his body also underwent the same changes as Guo Zhen. When his body was transformed, he also became a fat man.

The only difference is that his body is bigger than Guo Zhen's, and he was originally a strong man, and his body became stronger.

After Xu Bin gained the ability, he shouted loudly and punched the ground fiercely.

Boom! ~

The violent impact sounded even louder. The ground was hit by a punch and directly cracked, splashing dust and stones in all directions.

The power was indeed much greater than Guo Zhen's.

Xu Bin's face was full of joy, and he hurriedly said to Lu Feng: "Thank you, boss!"

Guo Zhen also reacted, stood up and said respectfully: "Thank you, boss!"

In just such a short time, Qingfeng Base had two more ability users, which was definitely a shock to the surrounding base members.

This also made them look at Lu Feng with more respect.

Including Lin Jiao and others.

After all, this boss can really turn ordinary people into ability users.

Now there are only two lucky people, Xu Bin and Guo Zhen, what about the future?

As long as the boss values ​​them, maybe he can turn them into capable people when he is happy.

Lu Feng called Lin Jiao at this time and ordered: "There is definitely something wrong with these zombies. You should investigate as soon as possible to see where the source may be."

In the game plot, the source of the violent zombie tide is near the East City Alliance, not here at the Qingfeng Base.

Therefore, he had no way to refer to the information and could only let Lin Jiao find it first.

"Okay, boss, I will arrange someone to do it right away!" Lin Jiao immediately responded to the matter.

After Lu Feng made the arrangements, he also quit the game, and then logged on to the "After the End" game forum to find chapters about the doomsday zombie tide.

There is a lot of information, most of which are videos of players completing plot tasks.

There is a background story that tells that even if the reason for the zombie tide is that a crazy force is trying to study ways to control zombies.

They found a special animal with six tentacles, similar to an octopus, and discovered that the tentacles of this animal can connect to the brain nerves.

Therefore, this force wanted to control zombies through this research, and let the monster of the hexagonal beast appear.

However, the result of humans mastering the unknown and not being able to control the unknown is always doomed, just like many disasters in those movies are caused by humans researching something.

The hexagonal beast studied by this force can indeed control zombies, and can even release a special breath to make zombies mutate.

But the intelligence of the hexagonal beast is beyond imagination and cannot be controlled at all. This force was destroyed by the hexagonal beast instead.

However, why this hexagonal beast appeared near the East City Alliance and why it took a long time for the zombie tide to break out was not introduced. It was just said that this hexagonal beast was injured and slowly recovered from the injury near the East City Alliance.

Lu Feng looked at other information again, and it was probably the same.

In other words, there is such a mysterious force around Qingfeng Base, and the hexagonal beast has already appeared?

But no matter what, this matter is of no benefit to their Qingfeng Base, and they must be prepared.

Moreover, he didn't know anything about the hexagon beast, which made him look at the game screen and move the screen to Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng is now leading the Saviors to help tidy up the wall.

These Saviors have information about the location of three mecha weapons!

We can take this opportunity to trick this information out.

Thinking of this, he entered the game with another idea, and then called Wang Cheng, and also called Lin Jiao and others together.

His face was naturally still very solemn!

"Boss, what's wrong?" Lin Jiao saw Lu Feng's look and seemed to feel that something happened, so she asked immediately.

Even Wang Cheng felt that something big had happened when he saw Lu Feng's look.

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