Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 106: Cracking the Information Ball! Top Secret File 1080!

After Lu Feng got the information ball, he went straight to the computer research area where Cheng Sisi was.

This information ball is probably similar to the function of a USB flash drive in modern society.

But since it involves holographic virtuality, it will not be a simple storage of information and data.

The specific situation requires Cheng Sisi to lead someone to crack the encryption.

Entering, Cheng Sisi and two computer talents were playing with the old mobile phones that Lu Feng had brought in before.

This is according to Lu Feng's request, writing assistant software for these old mobile phones.

In modern society, in addition to various industrial technologies, there are also various network technologies.

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Moreover, good network technology can make money faster than industrial technology.

However, there is one thing about industrial technology that network technology cannot compare with, and that is the social ecological chain and jobs created by industry.

Therefore, most of the richest people in the country are those who are engaged in the Internet. However, it can be seen from certain conferences that the status of these people is not as good as those entrepreneurs who are engaged in industry and do not have as much money as them.

Naturally, in addition to a few old mobile phones and the modern computer he brought in, there were also two holographic virtual computers from the game world. Lin Jiao sent people out to explore and found them by the way.


"Boss, you're here."

When Cheng Sisi and the other three saw Lu Feng come in, they immediately got up to say hello.

Lu Feng immediately handed the information ball he received from the Salvation Army to Cheng Sisi and asked, "Sisi, let's see if this thing can be cracked?"

Cheng Sisi immediately took over the information ball, connected it to a holographic virtual computer and started operating it.

The other two computer talents also approached together to check the situation and then discuss it.

After a while, Cheng Sisi also learned about the situation of the information ball and immediately reported: "Boss, this information ball is encrypted, and the encryption program is very good. However, the three of us are not weak in ability. There should be no problem in cracking it together. It's just that we It will take a few days.”

"Well, then I'll leave this matter to you." Lu Feng nodded, and then exited the game world with a thought.

He also immediately looked at the picture in his mind, looking at Wang Cheng and the members of the Salvation Army.

After all, the goal was achieved, defrauding things out of the hands of the Salvation Army. We still have to see how these people react afterwards.

However, being able to deceive these people so easily also shows that these people are very kind and care about all the survivors in the base.

Otherwise, if there is such a thing, who will be deceived by someone's few words and acting?

If it were him, he could find mecha weapons by himself and build a base by himself.

Unfortunately, the philosophy of these Salvation Army forces dictates that they will not do this.

In the picture, those members of the Salvation Army who were deceived did not seem to have any reaction, let alone whether they had been deceived. Instead, they and Wang Cheng cooperated with Lin Jiao to prepare.

Although it was an act, he didn't let Lin Jiao stop after getting the things. After all, the chapter of the violent zombie wave was very dangerous. Who knew what unexpected situations might happen, so he just treated it as a drill.

Lu Feng also looked away. It would take time for Cheng Sisi to lead people to crack the information ball. He simply called his cousin Yang Ming and went to see the grain trading company with him.

After all, this company is related to the future plans of the gaming world.

After the game world enters the apocalypse, there are problems with the soil. The acidic elements exceed the standard. There is very little land that can grow food and crops. Food is comparable to real gold.

Not long after, Yang Ming arrived, took Lu Feng into the car, and headed towards the suburbs.

The suburbs of Tianzhou City are very large, and there are many companies in the suburbs. It is very suitable for grain trading companies to be placed in the suburbs. Warehouses in the suburbs are much more expensive than in the city.

Grain trading, where the profits are very small, is more in line with the company's needs in the suburbs.

Yang Ming bought this grain trading company because the previous boss thought that the profits from grain trading were small, so he wanted to sell the company and go into other businesses.

Someone happened to take over and the conversation went smoothly.

This grain company is called Qinghong Grain Trading Co., Ltd., and its employees, even the notekeepers, are all in their 30s and 40s, but there are no young ones.

This is also the result of the characteristics of the industry. This type of company may be considered stable, but the salary is not high and there is no passion for employment. It is suitable for people who like pension work and cannot attract young people.

Young people will not adapt to such a working environment and will resign soon.

And people who work in such a working environment will not explore too much. They think more about getting off work on time, or getting off work quickly to play a few games of chess or cards...

This is also in line with Lu Feng's requirements for the employees of this company. It is best that these employees are not curious about anything, don't care about anything, and don't care about anything.

Therefore, after understanding this situation, he did not ask Yang Ming to fire any employees.

After that, he followed Yang Ming to visit the large warehouse again. The warehouse was re-rented according to his request, and there was no problem in storing hundreds of tons of grain.

Moreover, the warehouse is located in a very remote location, and Yang Ming led people to check the surrounding area. There was no monitoring, and even the monitoring was destroyed.

Anyway, if anyone nearby dares to install surveillance cameras, Yang Ming will have his stockings pulled over his head smashed.

Yang Ming asked with some confusion: "Xiao Feng, why should you acquire such a grain company? This industry is not very profitable."

Lu Feng did not answer this question, but changed the subject and said: "Cousin, next you should let the company start purchasing grain and fill up this warehouse first."

Yang Ming did not ask more questions after hearing this, but nodded and said: "Well, I will let the company manager do it later."

The two chatted for a while, especially about the entertainment city.

In the future, the entertainment city will be the place where Yang Ming, Chen Bo and others stay the longest, so Yang Ming also pays special attention to it.

The entertainment city that Ah Pao is in charge of has begun to be renovated. There are a total of 5 floors, including bars, KTVs, nightclubs, discotheques, slow rock bars, foot baths, saunas...all kinds of entertainment projects.

Afterwards, Yang Ming also sent Lu Feng back to the villa.

In the next few days, Yang Lin went to the villa twice, mainly to report to him on the promotion of the electromagnetic rice cooker.

Although Kai Ye is so responsible for this matter, Qingfeng Electric Appliance Company also needs to pay attention and cooperate.

Lu Feng wants to be a hands-off boss, so naturally he doesn't want to care when he hears that there is no problem.

His focus these days has been on the game world, waiting for Cheng Sisi to lead people to crack the encryption of the information ball.


A few days later, he entered the game again, and Cheng Sisi came to him and handed him the information ball with a red face: "Boss, the encryption program of this information ball has been cracked and the status has been modified. You can directly view the content inside."

Lu Feng took the information ball with surprise. He felt that something was wrong with Cheng Sisi.

What did he want to ask, but the girl left immediately.

He could only take the information ball into the core building, and then connect to the holographic virtual computer to check the information inside.

But when he clicked on the content and saw a row of directories, he was dumbfounded.

Top secret file 1

Top secret file 2

Top secret file 3


Top secret file 1080.

What the hell? There are 1080 top secret files stored in an information ball?

This is a bit nonsense, okay?

He immediately clicked on top secret file 1 out of curiosity, wanting to see what the top secret was.

But when the file was opened, Lu Feng was completely dumbfounded. He knew why Cheng Sisi had that reaction just now.

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