Some people in the live broadcast room have already started to make a commotion. In addition to fuck the screen, it is the word White Epidemic Awesome.

Because in the past few days, Bai Bing has released an unusually large number of tasks. Basically, there are about five every day. Anyone who meets them can make a fortune.

And now, there is a collective mission?

Although it was a bit strange that he needed to be invited, he still agreed without hesitation: Don't worry, Mr. Bai Yie, but where should we find you?

Bai Bian smiled and said: Ten kilometers northeast of the East City Gate, there is a simple wooden house there. I will wait for you there in three days.

Okay, Mr. Bai Bie, we will be there on time. Wei Lu said, bowed slightly to Bai Bie, turned around and left. He needed to find a corner to make a video, and try to find more players, so that all players could participate. Can participate.

Because, he discovered that this might be an opportunity for the plot to officially start.

After the guard left, Bai Bian thought for a while and walked back to Liming Pharmacy. After entering the laboratory, Bai Bian began to arrange the teleportation circle.

As the teleportation array started, he felt as if someone had hit him with a sap, and his head felt dizzy.

When his vision gradually became clearer, he had arrived at a small wooden house.

After regaining consciousness, Bai Bian began to brew the potion.

The cemetery of the Necromancer is nearly a thousand kilometers away from Dongwu City. Moving 10,000 players over such a long distance will undoubtedly require a high price.

And this is also the reason why Bai Bian went to the black market to buy those illegal items. There is a liquid in the world of the dead that can allow the creatures who drink it to enter a short-lived phantom body, but the price is that the soul is contaminated by death.

There are only two results for contaminated creatures, becoming undead or dying directly.

This thing is an absolute taboo for all living beings. Basically, you will die if you drink it. The undead is actually dead, but it is not completely dead.

Players without souls can perfectly avoid this negative effect, which allows a weak creature to ride on this violent teleportation array.

In the past few days, he has not only studied the mission mechanism, but also made all kinds of preparations.

A bone dragon, even if its level is not high, is still a dragon. In any world, as long as the word dragon is attached to it, it represents power and luxury.

By the time White Plague had prepared everything, it was already the third night, and two and a half days had passed since the players' summoning mission was released.

The deadline is tomorrow at noon.

If everyone has two hundred gold coins, the price of gold coins will definitely drop, but the value of gold coins in the internal test will still not be that low.

After all, except for White Plague's mission, which was gold coins, most of the civilian missions were copper coins, and the copper coins were less than three digits.

They have to complete dozens of tasks before they can get one gold coin from the system.

In addition, the only recharge channel for this game is gold coins, and the price reaches twenty yuan per gold coin, so even in version 3.0, players' private transactions are still ten yuan per gold coin, which is quite outrageous.

As for the difficulty of obtaining gold coins in the internal test, two hundred gold coins can be sold for at least 100,000 yuan, which is already a lot of money for ordinary game players.

It is also for this reason that the game Rise of Dawn is becoming more and more popular. Countless players are asking for the open beta to start soon. Of course, the game company is still pretending to be dead and goes its own way without giving any response.

Bai Bing follows the Wei Brigade through the forum. There are currently more than 9,000 players participating. There are still some that have not been online due to practical reasons, but by tomorrow, the number of players should exceed 9,800.

This is a terrifying number, and it is enough to illustrate the popularity of this game.

Bai Bian was boiling the potion and waiting.

As time goes by, players have arrived one after another, and they continue to complain and sigh.

Damn, I've never run this far in reality, I'm exhausted.

Do you feel that this world is so real? If you look closely at these grasses, there are no saw teeth at all. Technology is really advanced now.

It's so advanced, it must be alien technology. Otherwise, why are others still stuck in the VR stage?

Stop complaining. Officials haven't said anything. There will definitely be no problem. Now that you're here, let's enjoy the extraordinary life.

And it can also make money. Rich people are willing to give it up. One thousand and one gold coins, tsk, that's a lot of money.

The Wei Brigade is lucky. He was selected by Bai Bian. Bai Bian has the highest favorability towards him. This may also be a prerequisite for triggering the mission.

Wei Lv looked around. It was a grassland with no trees. There was only a wooden house on the lawn, which seemed a bit awkward.

As the gathering time came, the players had basically filled the open space, the grass was stepped into the mud, and some complaints disappeared.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Bai Bian walked out of the cabin and looked at the endless players. There was a little excitement in his eyes.

Magic power surged in his mouth: It seems that there are many people willing to help me. I need to make it clear to you in advance.

The magic power spread across the plains with the sound of the white plague, overwhelming the noisy voices of the players.

What you are going to explore this time is a cemetery. You are responsible for bringing out all the ancient artifacts inside. With your strength, this is very dangerous and may even lead to a narrow escape. If you want to quit, you can leave now.

Bai Bian said and walked around for about thirty seconds. Seeing that no one left, he continued with satisfaction: Since there is no one to quit, be mentally prepared. I will teleport you to a mountain. Halfway up the mountain, the entrance to the cemetery is at the top of the mountain.

Only you wonders can enter there safely. I have placed some communication devices at the foot of the mountain in advance. When you complete the task, use the communication device to contact me and I will take you back.

Thirty worker bees flew out from the hem of his windbreaker and hovered over the player.

Bai Bian smiled and said: A liquid will be sprayed down in a moment. Don't panic. These are necessary conditions. After all, your bodies are too weak to ride on the teleportation circle.

As Bai Bian spoke, thirty worker bees began to spray mist downwards, and prompts appeared on the players' panels.

[Your body is eroded by ghost energy and is about to transform into a spirit state, lasting five seconds. 】

Before the players could figure out the meaning of his words, Bai Bing had already activated the deceptive teleportation array.


Suddenly, the players felt like their consciousness was being thrown into a washing machine and spinning, and the whole world instantly became blurry.

[You entered the special teleportation array, you suffered a strong dizziness effect, your health was reduced by 30%, and you fell into a weak state. 】

The prompt on the panel lit up, and before the players felt anything, their bodies that had become illusory solidified again, and then fell down with a plop.


As the players gradually recovered, whispers of curses sounded, followed by a chorus of curses.

Mad, I feel like my brain has been messed up!

Stop talking, I want to vomit, but I can't.

Is this the legendary space teleportation? It's something even a dog can't do.

By the way, Bai Bie said they can't come in. Is that true?

It must be dangerous, right? The NPCs in this game are too smart. Maybe they just use us as a pathfinder?

Whatever, two hundred gold coins, you don't want it?

That's right. Bai Bian said the entrance is at the top of the mountain. Let's go. Finish it quickly and leave quickly.

Wei Lu shook his head and looked around with some uneasiness. There was no plant on this mountain, it was just a barren mountain.

It was obviously broad daylight, but now it gave him a cold feeling.

I looked at the top of the mountain. The top of the mountain was completely black, with rotten trees lying on the ground. It looked scary.

Coupled with the occasional howling of crows flying over, this lifeless mountain range looks even more eerie.

He waited quietly for about five minutes before the weak state slowly disappeared, but the vague pain in his body still told him that his injury was not that serious.

Damn, there can't be a ghost, right? Why is it so spooky?

Why don't we trick the three of them into going first? They can even kill lizards, ghosts shouldn't be a problem.

Have we offended you Chinese people? The game has a translation system, don't go too far!

Tch, so what? Have a fight?


The players quarreled and quickly approached the top of the mountain in their own way. The guard brigade's uneasiness increased. He unconsciously slowed down a little and fell behind the players' army.

The chatter and the nearly 10,000 players didn't give him much sense of security. The average player was level three, with the most being level five, and less than one-tenth of the weapons had broken bronze quality.

There is some combat power, but not much.

Those who have the same moves as him are those high-level players. They always feel that this dungeon is not something they can beat now.

But considering that other NPCs' tasks are twenty copper coins, and White Plague's task is two hundred gold coins, this seems to be life-saving money?

The top of this mountain is strange. In addition to the chaos, there is actually a bronze portal. A force that twists the air hovers in front, giving people an uneasy feeling.

A player carefully touched this twisted thing, and the prompt on the panel suddenly sounded.

[You have entered the special area: Tomb of the Undead, and you have shielded yourself from the erosion of the contract]

The player said happily: Hey, White Plague really didn't lie. He really has the power of a contract. Why wasn't I signed into a contract?

Silly dog, didn't you even read the introduction? Players can't sign a contract with the aborigines, otherwise it would affect the balance too much. After all, the maximum penalty for the contract is death.

Who are you scolding?

Shut up, this door is not closed. If you don't come in, I will!

I found it first, I came first!

Players rushed to enter, their faces full of eagerness to try, and it was an expression of wanting to fight monsters. After all, they had not killed a single chicken after entering the game for a week, which was simply unbelievable.

Wei Brigade and a familiar Gao Wan looked at each other, and the two silently left the team and walked to a place with fewer people.

How do you feel? Wei Lv asked in a low voice.

It's not that great. This place is either filled with human lives, or we are the pathfinder. Demacia responded solemnly.

Wei Brigade sighed: I know, but are you not tempted by two hundred gold coins? It is 10,000 times the amount of tasks issued by ordinary NPCs. If those few are not really up to something, what comes today is not nine thousand nine hundred and five, but Everyone is here.”

Demacia thought for a while and watched the players enter the gloomy and dark portal: I am now at level five. I will die once at most. Even if everyone dies, I will still be in the lead.

Wei Lu thought about it, and the uneasiness in his heart dissipated a little: Yes, it's just a game. I brought it too seriously.

After taking a look at the dissatisfied comments in the live broadcast room, he stood up and whispered: Then let's go, I'm afraid I'll die more than once.

As the last group of high-ranking players entered the bronze gate, Bai Bian's hands were unconsciously stroking a tree not far from the gate, with an incomprehensible look in his eyes.

He seems a little embarrassed about what he has to do.

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