Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 73 Multiplayer Mission

Boss, the amount of gold coins for some recent reservations has reached 80,000. When will you make it?

When Irene saw the white plague, she immediately handed over her work.

Bai Bian approached, picked up the appointment form, took a look at it, and then put it back: I'll do it in a moment.

Okay. Eileen nodded and asked with bright eyes: Boss, do we really not need rent if we live here?

Aren't the rooms all decorated? Bai Yi said, as if he had thought of something: How long do you have until you reach adulthood? It's been almost a year. Why don't you grow taller at all?

I think so too, but I'm only ninety years old, and there are still twenty years left. Irene was a little disappointed. She once again began to hate the elf's long teenage period, and she didn't know when her talent would be awakened.

She is obviously a genius too

Bai Bian reached into the front desk, took out a bottle of milk, and walked out: I don't go out much these days. If you want to buy anything, just ask the shops to deliver it to you. Remember to ask Orr if you need anything.

After inserting the straw and taking a sip, Bai Bian went to the assembly line to put the Barretts into the space ring and walked out.

It was daytime and Shengwu Street was very lively, but unlike the initial enthusiasm, the neighbors now looked at him more respectfully.

Bai Bian was also happy. He walked into a small alley, turned left and right, and came to a quite lively street.

The distance between this street and Shengwu Street is not far.

It's just that most of the shops here sell various materials, as well as many strange and weird things, while Shengwu Street is mostly a place where finished products are sold.

The two sides are only separated by a few streets. Further to the edge is the entertainment district, then the houses of some wealthy businessmen, and finally the city wall.

On the streets where materials are sold, normal business is conducted during the day, but some shops turn into shady transactions at night.

Of course, anyone with a little bit of strength can know this, but no one cares about it.

In other words, the three federations do not restrict the circulation of anything except evil gods, ancient gods, and abyss.

Therefore, the existence of the black market turned a blind eye, and most of the items sold there were stolen, murderous, and extremely rare things.

Most of the murders and robbery occurred outside the city, because if they were inside the city, they would be traced.

He walked to a shop selling old machinery. There was a small alley here. Bai Bian walked in and soon saw a door. He knocked twice and the door was opened.

The person who opened the door was a young man wrapped in a black robe. From his eyes that exuded faint blood, it could be seen that this man should be from a dark race that could not see the light.

The two of them did not speak, and soon came to a dark study room. There was a faint smell of rust in the study room, which was the smell of blood dripping but then being wiped dry.

How many soul crystal nuclei do you have? Bai Bian asked directly.

Three, two small, one medium. Ma Yuan's somewhat gloomy voice sounded. He slowly took off his hood and mask, revealing a handsome face.

He has a Western face, red pupils, and abnormally white skin. He looks like a drug addict.

Bai Bian thought for a while and said, I have a kind of blood essence here, which should be very helpful to you vampires. How much is it worth?

Bai Bian took out a test tube and placed it on Ma Yuan's table.

This person is a rare vampire. Although vampires are intelligent creatures, they come from the world of the dead and are not natives of the Shia continent. Therefore, their identities are not recognized by the federation. They can only hide in dark places in the federation. Survive.

Ma Yuan directly picked up the test tube and opened it, and immediately the rich blood spread out in the study.

Ma Yuan took a deep breath, with an intoxicated look on his face.

He closed the lid and suppressed the bloodthirsty impulse with difficulty, because this test tube did not belong to him yet: One tube, fifty gold coins, as much as I want.

Bai Yifei nodded. He received more than 3,000 liters of this stuff, and the test tube contained only 100 ml. This price was hundreds of times higher than the 5 gold coins per liter given on the panel.

I'll give you what you have in hand. I'll sell it to you if I have more in the future. Bai Yi is not in a hurry to talk about this business. The blood essence has no shelf life, and it contains some precious materials. It is still being promoted and will wait for changes. After becoming a gold-level blood essence, its value will increase tenfold.

Both Bai Bian and Sabo regarded this thing as the bottom of the box.

Then you're welcome. The depression in Ma Yuan's eyes gradually disappeared. He did not drink the blood essence directly, but put it in the drawer on the left. Then he took out a box from the drawer on the right and placed it on the table. .

The official price is 100,000 gold coins for a small soul crystal core and 700,000 gold coins for a medium soul crystal core.

Ma Yuan opened the box, and two pure crystals with a diameter of ten centimeters and one with a diameter of twenty centimeters appeared in the protective cover.

He said calmly: The prices on the black market are generally at a premium. I regard Mr. White Plague as a friend. One and a half million, you can take them.

That's fair. Bai Bian nodded. The black market premium was already serious. Such extremely scarce items could usually be sold at a premium of more than twice. This was indeed a friendly price.

Taking out two Dawn Badges and operating them, Bai Bian placed one in front of Ma Yuan, and then put away the three soul crystal cores.

Seeing the strange look in Ma Yuan's eyes, Bai Bian said calmly: Barrett has more than two hundred, and one hundred thousand gold coins will be deducted from this purchase.

Ma Yuan nodded and stood up: You said before that you need something illegal, what do you need?

Bai Bian smiled and started a new round of price negotiations.

When Bai Bian came out of Ma Yuan's residence, his eyes flashed solemnly.

The auction totaled 90 million gold coins, giving Saab 12 million. The total expenditure this time was also 2 million, leaving about 76 million contribution points.

He didn't have to worry about money anymore, and the news he just found out still surprised him a bit.

Outside Tobu City, about a hundred kilometers southeast, a mutated area has appeared.

The mutated area represents the erosion of the power of the abyss. The animals, plants, insects, and intelligent creatures in that area will be deformed into monsters.

These monsters have no reason and only know the most instinctive killing. The existence of the abyss will give their flesh and blood to these monsters, and then use these flesh and blood as a medium to breed in the monster's body a body that conforms to the current rules of the Shia continent.

Finally achieved the goal of descending on the continent of Shia.

And the more powerful the abyss lord watching that area is, the more terrifying the changes there will be, and the faster the body will be conceived.

These places are the main dungeons for players. Abyss lords that are successfully conceived will grow very fast and will accumulate a wave of mutations that will impact the federation, which is very dangerous.

No wonder the Adventurer's Guild was so lively when I went to buy [Evil Thoughts], it turned out to be because of this.

Bai Bian thought for a while and ignored it for the time being. The mutation zone was still very short, and with the intercontinental railgun being built, it didn't pose much of a threat.

What Bai Bian was thinking of was another very famous incident.

It is a necromancer's cemetery, which contains powerful contract power. NPCs below the gold level cannot withstand this power. On the contrary, players can ignore the characteristics of the contract.

In the previous life, a lucky player went in and found a large amount of undead equipment, a cooperation contract with a bone dragon, and took it all out without any cost.

It's just that the players' guild didn't get much profit, not only because the game didn't have a contract mechanism, but also because the things were robbed.

And the forces that stole those things went to the tomb, and then the powerful Necronomicon opened the door and destroyed that force in one fell swoop. If there were no cities around, it would probably be very dangerous for ordinary cities.

And that place has also been marked as a restricted area by the Adventurer's Guild.

Now that the player has arrived, he also wants this bone dragon, but he still needs some preparations.

Three days passed. During these three days, he sent out tasks to the players whenever he had something to do. The Profiteer Expertise accurately deducted 30% of the player rewards every time.

After his continuous research, he gradually became familiar with the release of tasks.

It seems that he can only release three tasks at most every day, and his experience points seem to be deducted for more than three tasks.

Free tasks seemed to be automatically generated based on his words.

But if you use your own experience to post tasks, there will be two options, single-player tasks and multi-player tasks. As long as the additional experience on his panel is enough, there seems to be no limit on the number of people.

And the release of this mission seems to be related to his official position, because every time he uses his own money to release a mission, there will be a prefix of [Publisher: Glory Hero White Epidemic].

Bai Bing was lost in thought in the laboratory. At present, most of the players are still at level two to level three. Because there are no wild monsters outside, they have been wandering around for the past few days, selflessly helping people in the outer city and completing some small things. .

This makes the reputation of the player group pretty good in the outer city.

It's just that there are not 10,000 players at all times of the day. Their time is interspersed due to real-life events. The average number of people online is about 3,000.

Of course, in a total of four days, no player quit the game. Putting aside the playability, some tycoons and anchors have already started collecting gold coins.

There is no need to search for the Palace of Knowledge. The anchors are here for popularity, the rich are for fun, and there are business opportunities in the game.

Because gold coins are extremely difficult to obtain, one gold coin has now reached the height of one thousand soft girl coins.

It was revealed that Bai Bing was the boss. He sold twelve gold coins and made twelve thousand a day, which made people look stunned.

And everyone can realize that by the time of the public beta, this kind of buying and selling of gold coins will become routine, and various guilds, wealthy businessmen, anchors, or professional players will all join this game.

Only fools quit traveling now.

Bai Bian thought for a while, and first went to some wealthy merchants' homes to exchange cash for two million gold coins. This allowed him to visit almost half of the shops in the inner city. After all, it was still very difficult to come up with two million gold coins in cash.

Fortunately, everyone gave him face, and it only took him three hours to exchange these gold coins.

Looking at the 2.07 million gold coins on the panel, Bai Bian excitedly started his plan.

He opened his forum, determined the location of the guard brigade, and found it without hesitation.

When Wei Lv came out of the Palace of Knowledge, he sighed for an unknown number of times: Tsk, really, this game is the real world. I believe it. Look at this.

[History of Ancient Gods of Shia Continent Ⅰ. 】

They have a complete history, and every character has a story. It's outrageous. For example, in this book of ancient gods, every recorded ancient god has an independent story, and except for those who are confirmed dead, they have all become A threat of this doomsday means that in a certain version, the god recorded above will come to this world.

He talked endlessly, trying his best to educate the viewers about the world in the live broadcast room, because this is the direction he chose to live broadcast, to really teach others how to play this game and live in it, so as to prevent the live broadcast from becoming boring. .

White plague?

As he talked, he looked at the barrage reminder and was a little confused. At the barrage reminder, he turned around and saw Bai Bian walking towards him.

He quickly put the books into the lining of the windbreaker he bought. In this perverted game with no system space, he sold all the books in front of him at a lower price.

He can only keep at most four or five useful books on his body, and he also needs to read and replay the others.

Mr. White Blight. He bowed slightly, appearing polite.

Although this world does not pay much attention to etiquette, it is always right to be respectful to others. When not watching the barrage, the Wei Brigade has been able to avoid treating the indigenous people as NPCs.

[White plague favorability +1. 】

Bai Bian nodded with satisfaction. He was indeed his favorite anchor in his previous life. Not only did he teach him a lot of knowledge, he was also a good player.

Thinking of what he had to do, he felt a little guilty, but then he put the guilt behind him.

Well, I remember you said that there is something similar to the Internet for communication between your wonders, right? Bai Bian asked with a smile.

Yes, we can indeed communicate. Wei Brigade nodded and answered honestly.

Very well, how about you do me a favor? Bai Yi said, and a line of prompts popped up on the panel.

[It is detected that task conditions are formed, whether to release the task. 】

Wei Brigade's face lit up: Of course, this is our honor.

It's like this. I found a ruins that contains a lot of contract power. However, I found that the contract power has no effect on your wonders, so I want to ask you to help me go in and find something.

Bai Bian said and started operating on the panel.

[Published by: Glory Hero White Epidemic.

Select mission type: Multiplayer mission.

Set task rewards: no experience points, gold coins +200.

The setting is successful and the task is released. 】

With the confirmation from Bai Bie, of the 2.07 million in his account, two million turned red and 70,000 came separately. This was locked by the panel. As long as the player completes the task, the gold coins will Direct debit.

At this time, the Guard Brigade also received the mission.

[Mission: Contract Relics.

Mission attributes: multi-player mission.

Task description: Gather as many players as possible to help Bai Bing explore the mysterious ruins and bring out ancient cultural relics.

Mission reward: gold coins +200.

Failure penalty: None.

Available players: 1/10000

Player gathering time: 2 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes.

Public method: You can invite other players to join in any form, and the player who has received the task can also send invitations to any player. 】

Wei Lu's eyes lit up. Although he was only rewarded with gold coins, this amount of gold coins was unimaginable by current players. For players who were not very wealthy, this was 200,000 soft coins!

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