Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 75 Crazy cutting of leeks

After the Wei Brigade and Demacia entered the giant bronze door, the monsters they imagined were everywhere, but they did not appear. In addition to the unusual coldness, there was no danger.

Players seemed to have entered a haunted house, occasionally exclaiming at the skeletons.

Some timid female players were even frightened and screamed by the sudden phosphorus fire and the noise of some rats, which added some fun to their trip.

Something's wrong, something's wrong. Will the NPC give us money directly? Two hundred gold coins. These gold coins are enough to distance us from the players in other cities. It doesn't feel right even if we die three or four times.

Wei Lu said in a low voice, as if talking to Demacia, and also as if talking to the growing popularity in the live broadcast room.

Demacia thought for a while and said, Be careful, but this is just a game. Doesn't death just mean losing a level? I have already hidden my equipment and I am not afraid of death.

Yeah, it's just a game.

Wei Lu said in a low voice.

Damn it, brothers, look what I found? A luminous pearl as big as a fist! Is this thing going to be given to that white plague? It seems very valuable.

Don't steal it. The mission of 10,000 people is here. If it cannot be completed because of you, then you are dead. I will tell you offline!

Hehe, just kidding. After the boss's mission is completed, do you still want to collect gold coins? If so, I will sell them to you.

Don't worry, you can get as much as you want, but the price has dropped, three hundred yuan a piece, sell it if you like.

Hey, that's a good relationship, I'll sell you too!

And me and me.

With the exploration, the gloomy interior of the mountain gradually dissipated the gloom and fear because of money.

The guards and Demacia gradually felt relieved, and they followed the large army and continued to explore inside.

There are no mechanisms, no dangers, and even when some coffins are opened, there is obviously something wrong with the things inside, but there is no abnormality in these things.

After about two hours, the players began to arrive at the main tomb chamber. There was nothing unusual during this period, but everyone covered their noses because the smell here was very unpleasant.

A player casually picked up a scarlet scroll from the coffin in the main tomb chamber: What is this thing? It was placed directly on the coffin?

Maybe it's the Corpse Suppressing Talisman? Who cares, let's get some people to pry the coffin, and we'll go out after all the things inside are taken away.

The player made sense when he heard it. He stuffed the contract into his pocket at will, and then worked hard to lift the coffin lid with other players.

In the corner, a group of high-level players gathered together. They were completely puzzled by the current situation. Are they really going to give them gold coins?

Is there really no danger at all? Is it really that good?

This is unscientific! It doesn’t look like a game operation at all!

Damn it, look at this equipment, it's full of question marks!

It's the same here. Why do you feel like we're at a loss?

What's the loss? In the past seven days, your mission reward is a gold coin?

Well, that's right. We have ten thousand people and two million gold coins. Tsk, okay, White Plague is still generous. It's worthy of the Black and White Moonlight.

But given the intelligence of this game, it's understandable. If you don't believe me, think about it, what would we do if we knew in advance that aliens were coming to our city?

Catch them first. Damn it, White Plague, White Moonlight!

That guy named Sabo is obviously a great guy. Why didn't I tell you about it?

Too ugly and not interesting.


The high-level players looked at each other in shock, watching the players sweep through the tomb, almost emptying the entire tomb. If the coffin was not directly connected to the earth, they probably would not want to let go of the coffin.

Brother Wei, what's going on?

Wei Lv shook his head: I can't understand. I can't understand every step of this game.

Whatever, you can learn skills in the Palace of Knowledge. Have you decided on the route? That Bai Bian is an alchemist technician. I think he is quite strong. Does anyone want to be an alchemist?

Forget it, I've seen the characteristics of the alchemist. Players can only do it as a side job, unless you want to move bricks.

That's right. Alas, I picked up two hundred gold coins for free. I'm so happy that I walked away.

As the high-level players walked out, the players who were sweeping the tomb also began to exit the tomb without wanting to finish.

Although it was a pity that there were no monsters, it still made them quite happy to get free money. They could make tens of thousands of dollars!

The players jumped out of the tomb chamber and walked out without encountering any danger.

【You have walked out of the special area. 】

The prompt sound on the panel sounded, and the players were completely relaxed. They still remembered that Bai Bian said that there was something to contact him at the foot of the mountain, so they were running through the map again.

As they reached the halfway point of the mountain, the uneasiness in Wei Lu's heart also dissipated: Maybe it's the nature of the game.

He whispered, a bit like self-comfort.

[Anchor, look at the back! ! !


The barrage made Wei Brigade's heart suddenly rise. He instantly turned his head and looked. Between the top of the mountain and the player, a person's eyes were emitting scarlet light, and his face was covered with mist. Occasionally, a stick would explode from his body. The tentacled monster stood there at some point.

Fuck! What is that?

A player turned around unintentionally and was immediately startled. While his exclamation reminded the player, it seemed to also alert the monster.

The monster lowered its body slightly, and then disappeared from the player's sight in an instant. A red line flashed in the player's eyes. In an instant, the consciousness of all players who saw the red line disappeared in an instant.


What is this? Damn it!

Mom monster!

Viewed from a high altitude, the large area where the players are located is constantly shuttled by red lines and gradually covered.

The red line stopped in about thirty seconds, and there was no player here anymore. Only one sentence was left on the players' panels: You were torn apart by the silver-level boss Alchemy Demon. You are dead. 】

Bai Bian stood at the center of the original players, looking at a large number of objects on the ground. A look of joy appeared in his scarlet eyes, because his panel had also been refreshed.

[You have killed 9953 players, the experience value is +99530, and the favorability of the Alchemist Demon in the player camp is permanently -50. 】


With a soft sound, a tentacle burst out from Bai Bian's face shrouded in blood mist, and he pressed it back expressionlessly.

This form is still too strong, and his soul power is somewhat uncontrollable.

Now he doesn't dare to continue transforming into this form.

After searching a lot of equipment and materials on the ground, he quickly found the contract he wanted and some high-value equipment, and quickly put the things into the space ring.

Bai Bing looked at the equipment all over the ground apologetically, and sent a mission to the players to help them find things. Then when the players found the things, he killed them to gain experience. In the end, they failed the mission and even exploded their equipment.

This seems a bit too beastly!


But then, as if the experience refresh was delayed, his level rose by one level, reaching level thirty-nine, and the vague feeling of guilt suddenly disappeared.

He did not pick up the equipment on the ground, but used a speed of more than 400 to rush down the mountain in an instant. When he entered a teleportation array, he started teleporting without hesitation.

The fluctuations in space violently began to squeeze Bai Bian's body, but his resistance had reached that of a silver-level warrior and he did not feel much discomfort.

When there was light around him again, White Plague quickly switched his form and became [Glory Hero] White Plague again.

He silently walked out of the cabin, and just in time, the player who was running towards him angrily also appeared at the end of his field of vision.

There was anger on their faces, the anger of tens of thousands flying before their eyes.

When they got closer, just as they were about to question, Bai Bian's magical voice sounded, with some regrets in it:

It seems that the things inside are still too strong. Dear Miracles, although you will not die, this meaningless death is still too unworthy. If you give up now, I will do the same as last time. I will give you a compensation of one hundred copper coins.

He seemed to be really doing it for the players' benefit, and acted very naturally. This made the angry players hesitate, but with more than 9,000 people, the irritable old man still opened the mic enthusiastically.

What kind of bullshit mission did you send? Can we win that thing now? You can't complete this mission at all!

The surrounding players nodded again and again. The mission items were gone, and they had dropped a level. Most people's equipment had been exploded. No matter how you looked at it, it was a huge loss.

Bai Bian thought for a while and explained: The power of the contract is only invalid against your wonders. If I go, it will lead to the emergence of a forbidden area. I also said before that this mission will escape death. If you don't want to go, you don't have to go. I’m not forcing you to do anything, there’s still compensation, how about it?”

The players hesitated, but on the contrary, it became clear in the eyes of the high-level players. They just said, how could a mission with such a high reward be without danger.

The Wei Brigade stood up and said, I'm sorry, Mr. Bai Yie, that monster is too strong and some people are a little angry. May I ask, do you want to get all those things here?

No, you just need to take your things to the foot of the mountain. Bai Bian shook his head slightly, and his magic power spread throughout the player group with his voice.

The players looked at each other, but they still planned to give it a try. Two hundred gold coins, even if all the levels were lost, it would still be worth it, but it was a little difficult to run the map every time, which was ten kilometers.

They nodded and said no more.

The Wei brigade said on behalf of the player: Mr. Bai Bing, please teleport again.

[White plague favorability +1. 】

The prompt on the panel sounded, Bai Bian smiled and nodded, thirty worker bees lit up, and those special liquids spurted out again, changing the players into spirit bodies, and then waves of space teleportation flashed past.

The players disappeared, and Bai Bian walked back to the cabin with a smile, his eyes gradually turning scarlet. Pressing a tentacle that exploded on his face, Bai Bian smiled and activated the teleportation array.

[You have killed 9860 players, the experience value is +98600, and the favorability of the Alchemist Demon in the player camp is permanently -10. 】

Bai Bian stood in front of the cabin, looking at the average level one to three players, with regret once again on his face.

Made is almost, just almost! Bai Biao, teleport quickly, we have already seen the communication device!

Bai Bian nodded, with a hint of murderous intent, and he started the teleportation with a smile.

[You have killed 9533 players, the experience value is +95330, and the favorability of the Alchemist Demon in the player camp is permanently -10. 】

[You have upgraded and reached level 40. 】

Mader, it's quick, it's quick, brothers, remember to throw the equipment away from you. Anyway, it's level one now. If you're afraid of a hammer, just think of two hundred gold coins!

Bai Bian's pupils turned a little red, and he silently put on his sunglasses. A sense of hunting loomed, and he started teleportation.

[You have killed 9214 players, the experience value is +92140, and the favorability of the Alchemist Demon in the player camp is permanently -10. 】

As all the first-level players angrily ran ten kilometers to the cabin again, Bai Bian's conscience began to ache again.

In order to make up for his conscience, he couldn't bear to say: The compensation for participating in the spectacle now will be increased to fifty silver coins.

[You are in the player group, and your favorability is +1. 】

The guarantee is here, come on, brothers, hurry up, it's already level one anyway, use your life to fill it! You have to get those two hundred gold coins to be considered a loss!

Throw it far away, don't worry about it breaking. The mission is just to get it to the bottom of the mountain!

That's right, don't be afraid. Are you still afraid of death after reaching Level 1? Today, instead of getting our money back, we will take the game company to court tomorrow!

Quick, Bai Bian, teleport immediately. I don't believe it, Marde. Ten thousand people can't complete one mission!

The players were teleported away again in a flash. Bai Bian touched his conscience and silently walked into the wooden house behind him.

[You have killed 9008 players, the experience value is +90080, and the favorability of the Alchemist Demon in the player camp is permanently -10. 】

[You have upgraded, your level reaches: 41. 】

[The Alchemist Demon is extremely disliked by players and is given the title: Hunter. 】

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