Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 70 Distributing Money

Players have no resistance when facing a boss. When any player sees a boss, as long as the punishment mechanism is not particularly severe, they will want to go up and chop him twice.

As a player behind White Plague rushes forward, other players are also ready to move.

Bai Bian thought for a moment and didn't dodge.


There was a collision sound, and the player was knocked away by a burst of spiritual power and fell heavily to the ground.

[Spiritual Defense--Your mental power will naturally build a solid layer of defense on your body, and the defense will grow as your mental power increases. 】

People at the same level may not be able to break Bai Blight's current mental defense, so first-level players should forget about it.

But the player was a little collapsed at this time: Gan, what kind of crappy game is this? The boss can actually be an official? Is he still a hero of glory?

At the same time, a name slowly appeared above his head and turned red.

The appearance of this symbol means that he has attacked important federal personnel and will be captured by the law enforcement team or even expelled from the city.

The white plague's panel has also changed at the same time.

[You are attacked by the player [Turkey Flavored Crispy Rice]. The position [Hero of Glory] can mark the opponent as a violator. Do you want to mark it? 】

Is there such a use for a position? Just want to pursue it or not?

Looking at the confused players and the [turkey-flavored crispy rice] with a fucked-up look, Bai Bian smiled and said: It seems that you guys have some misunderstandings about me, but it doesn't matter. Forget it this time. I hope the people behind me can abide by the federation. law.

As he spoke, the red name on the head of the [turkey-flavored crispy rice cake] slowly dissipated.

He thought for a moment, and continued with a surge of magic power in his mouth: The compensation just mentioned still counts. The monthly salary of ordinary people is about thirty to one hundred copper coins. I can give you one hundred copper coins each, or something about the federation. Basic knowledge, you can choose one.”

The players looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a moment. After all, this game made them feel like a magical real world.

I, I want money! Suddenly a player weakly raised his hand and said.

Bai Bian nodded, the space ring flashed in his hand, and in an instant, a money bag that had been prepared flew into the player's hand.

The heavy amount of money made the player's eyes shine.

The same goes for other players. The boss is tempting, but the friendly boss is so generous, which makes them like it very much.

Ten thousand people, that's one million copper coins, which is also one hundred gold coins. Tsk, I can't even think about it.

Players raised their hands one after another. Even the players who were initially kicked offline by Saab silently came online after seeing this in the live broadcast room and raised their little hands.

Let’s wait for the complaint first. Money is something that no one wants too little.

After all, anyone who has entered the game can understand that regardless of whether the game is based on alien technology or not, it is inevitable that the game will be popular. Whether it is for playing, as a career, or even for live broadcasting to gain popularity, it is the first choice.

As the prepared copper coins were scattered out, Bai Bian estimated that the players' anger had almost dissipated. After all, looking at them holding the money and having fun, it didn't look like they were angry.

Bai Bian looked at the few silent players, smiled and said, Don't you want it?

Wei Brig thought for a moment and said, Mr. Bai Ying, I choose the basic knowledge of the Federation.

The same goes for several other people, their eyes are full of thinking, and most of them are not anchors but also game masters, and their thinking is very sharp.

97% authenticity, they know what this means, and understanding the rules of this world first is the right way.

Bai Bian nodded, the ring in his hand flashed slightly, and a dozen books flew out, and were sent to them by spiritual power.

With these anchors here, as long as they quickly popularize the rules of this world for the sake of popularity, the jokes made by players will quickly decrease and they can quickly integrate into this world.

[You get the federal law encyclopedia, you get the basic knowledge of life. 】

One person has two books, and they all have the same look in their eyes. This game has an independent currency system and complete laws.

Thank you, Mr. Bai Bian. Wei Lu bowed slightly, and immediately his panel prompt sounded again [Bai Bian's favorability +1.]

And Bai Bian really likes this kind of high-level play, because high-level play is the fastest to adapt to the rules of another world, and can guide ordinary players to quickly adapt to the rules of this world.

As long as you don't break the law, you will no longer be restricted in Dongwu City. Bai Bian nodded with satisfaction, turned around, and walked out of the city.

Sabo also followed suit, looking at the more than 9,000 people behind him with some pity.

After Bai Bing and the others left completely, the players quickly recovered from their sluggish state. They jumped curiously, banged their heads against the wall, or rolled over.

There are even people who shout space after jumping.

Looks like a crazy party.

And as the complete story appeared on the forum, the forum also exploded. Some people reported the game company's sensory shielding system.

Some people think this is quite interesting, at least the players from Tobu City are immediately involved.

Unlike the players in other cities, everything is in a state of exploration, and there are cases where they are punched to death by the aborigines because they are too weak.

Bai Bian paid attention to it for a while and then ignored it. He looked at Sabo and asked in a low voice: Tell me the specific situation.

It's very difficult. Sabo looked around. The two of them were very famous, but because they were so famous, the common people only dared to look at them. Some extraordinary people did not dare to disturb them too much and could only fight from a distance. A hello.

There is an extraordinary world where the strong are respected in everything.

Their blood and flesh are very strange. Once they leave the body, they will definitely dissipate within ten seconds, and...

Sabo said something strange: They have no souls. I'm beginning to understand your headache. If these things can grow without limit, they can destroy the world without evil gods.

Doesn't there really need to be no restrictions on something that is more evil than the evil god? Sabo asked seriously this time.

According to his idea, it is right to just let them sleep in that building forever. Intelligent creatures have desires, and when they have desires, they want more, and are easily deceived by others, and may eventually fall into the abyss!

No, if the city lord asks, he will say that a prophetic genius appeared in my store, and she predicted the potential SS. Bai Bian thought for a while and said: Let the soldiers withdraw later, there is no need to blockade here. ”

It still has great use for players, and at the same time, he also needs to study the use of light and darkness.

At least a name change won't work. As for how to change it, let's study it again.

The white plague space ring flashed slightly, and a motorcycle appeared. He got on the motorcycle and thought of something. He turned around and said, By the way, give me the teleportation circle you used last time.

Sabo's face darkened, and he took out a book from his arms and handed it to Bai Bian: If you don't tell me, I've forgotten it. That damn goblin kid, I haven't even gone to settle the accounts with him yet!

It's actually quite easy to use. At least the layout is cheap. Bai Bian took the book and said, the motorcycle roared and drove towards the inner city at high speed.

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