Wei Lu's eyes lit up, he just said, 97% realism is better not to be mean, and also, how could the game go straight to a desperate situation, aren't you afraid that players will stop playing the game?

Look, doesn’t the task come now?

It was still the task of rescuing other players. He could already foresee the benefits that the live broadcast room would bring to him as it became more popular.

But Bai Bian was a little stunned at this time. He didn't expect that his influence on the players seemed to be greater than imagined.

[You have issued a task to the player [Guard Brigade], your specialty [Profiteer] is activated, and the player [Guard Brigade]'s reward after completion has been deducted by 30%. (It will be issued when the task is completed.)]

Bai Bian looked at the profiteer. This specialty, which he didn't value at first, seemed a bit abnormal now.

No wonder such a generous boss like him was slandered as a profiteer. Is this also the residual power of the player template?

Bai Bian glanced at Sabo, smiled and said, Unlock our friend, let's go for a walk.

Sabo nodded, feeling extremely dirty. A bottle of pitch-black potion appeared in his hand, and he poured it directly into the guard.

[You drank extreme filth, and your negative state was neutralized. 】

Wei Brig felt his body, and he tried to stand up. The short-term weakness made him a little uncomfortable. After he stabilized, he asked cautiously: Mr. Bai Yie, how can I help you?

Bai Bian stood up, and the mechanical throne behind him automatically disassembled into small mechanical parts, quickly assembled into thirty worker bees, and quickly returned to the hem of the windbreaker.

He thought for a while and asked: The wonder cannot be destroyed, but I feel that your bodies are very fragile. Are you immortal? Or can you be resurrected?

Bai Bian walked out, and each player fell to the ground in a mess. They couldn't even move their eyes, and naturally they didn't make any sound.

But with the help of the player forum, they all entered the live broadcast room of Wei Brigade and followed the progress of this strange game.

Players are arrogant, and if it really makes them unhappy, they will quit the game.

After all, everyone plays games to have fun, not to be abused.

Bai Bian also knows this, but the virtual game with 97% realism is destined to be very popular. There is no need to worry that players will abandon the game collectively. There are still many people queuing up to make reservations outside.

But despite this, he still plans to be more restrained. When cutting leeks, he must also remember to fertilize. Otherwise, if the leeks are afraid of him, it will be a bit troublesome.

Yes, you guessed it right. Every time we die, we will be resurrected here. Wei Brigade answered honestly.

He was confused about the resurrection point without protection mechanism, but now that it was like this, he wanted to go on.

Bai Bing nodded, took out a bottle of potion and gave it to a player who was holding the door and was frozen, and asked patiently: This wonder, can I kill you?

What are you kidding about?

Ding ding ding.

The sound of gold coins colliding sounded, and four or five gold coins appeared in Bai Bian's hands.

Wonder will not die, this is the compensation. Bai Bian asked with a smile.

The player named [Hehehe] immediately changed his face. Players who know the background of this game know that copper coins have strong purchasing power in this era, and one gold coin is equal to ten thousand copper coins, which is equal to five thousand kilograms of food.

The exaggerated purchasing power for ordinary items is staggering.

And this is doomed. Gold coins are very difficult to obtain before changing jobs, and it is even basically impossible.

Therefore, given the popularity of the game, gold coins sold to anchors and some rich people should be worth a lot of money!

The most important thing is that he is only level one! No cost!

Thinking of this, he changed his words and said, Of course, no problem. Mr. Bai Bian's research spirit is really admirable. Come on.

Bai Bian smiled and nodded, then put the gold coin into [Hehehe]'s hand. The gold coin disappeared immediately. He should have saved it directly on the panel.


[You kill a player, experience value +10. 】

It was clear in Bai Bie's eyes that only ten points of experience points were added. The prompt did not show the player level. I wonder if every level of players only added ten points.

But this was not a big problem, and his thinking gradually became clearer.

It's a pity that players can quit the game, otherwise what kind of spawn point would this be? It’s simply a holy land for baby experience!

After about ten seconds, the player's body reappeared and looked at Bai Bie happily: Mr. Bai Bide, do you want to try again?

Ding ding ding.


[You kill a player, experience value +10. 】

Ten seconds later, the player was resurrected again, his eyes gradually brightening as he looked at Bai Bing: Mr. Bai Bing, are you still going on?

The guards next to him looked envious. Why didn't he choose him when there was such a big man next to him?

Bai Bian shook his head: No need, thank you.

No, no, it's my honor to contribute to science.

White Plague took Sabo and the Brigade and started hanging out at the player's spawn point, and then the questions gradually became friendly, and his attitude gradually became friendly.

He unblocked another unknown player and issued the same mission as the Guard Brigade, only this time Sabo took him away.

As Sabo left and returned with the player, he shook his head at White Blight, and White Blight ended the experiment.

White Plague made a summary of this experiment. It cannot really harm players, but it can restrict them.

For example, if you put them in jail, as long as their bodies cannot move, then their resurrection point is the best prison. As long as the negative status is not reduced, their account will be useless.

Secondly, the players' tasks are easier to release than expected, and their role is very, very important.

In addition, the level limit for both closed beta and 1.0 players is level 20, which eliminates the threat to players and increases their value again.

Therefore, the original mentality of trying to enslave players is no longer there, because it cannot be enslaved, at least not by Saab!

Mr. Sabo, this spectacle does not seem to be malicious to the Federation. Please liberate them. Bai Bing said softly.

Okay. Sabo rubbed his hands, and an extremely filthy power began to spread, and a special domain power was recovered.

In an instant, there were groans one after another. The players either cursed or stood up silently. The scene was extremely noisy.

At the same time, a message flashed on Bai Bie's panel [Two players completed the mission, gold coins +30, experience points +180. 】

It can be imagined that the special mission for both of them was originally 50 gold coins and 300 experience, but when the mission was issued, one of them deducted 30%. Is it worthy of the specialty of [Profiteer]?

Bai Bian felt a little emotional, coughed twice, and the magic power in his mouth surged.

He said apologetically: Dear visitors from other worlds, I'm sorry for my behavior just now, but the spectacle represents all uncertainties, and this is a border city, and I must ensure the safety of the Federation.

I will provide you with optional compensation to express my apology.

Bai Bian said, suddenly feeling that the players were looking at him strangely, and subconsciously looked at the Wei Brigade's live broadcast room.

In the live broadcast room, the screen was filled with the voice of F*ck, and at the same time, This white plague is actually the boss! ]'s speech.

Bai Bian rummaged around and a screenshot came into view.

[You were hit in the head by the demon hunting revolver, and you were killed by the silver-level boss White Plague]

Come to think of it, this is the way players look at the boss.

Do they want to start a group?

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