Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 71 Players whose equipment was exploded

The quarrels on the forum are still going on, but this does not affect the players playing this game. Even if the players in Tobu City suffered such a huge change, no player has quit the game.

This includes the player who was fed the itchy powder. Because the degree of realism is too high, no one wants to waste the spot that was finally drawn.

However, for very real reasons, the players became hungry soon after.

They quickly found the exit, and ten thousand players appeared in Tobu City with strange steps.

Some were rolling forward, some were jumping forward, and some were inexplicably lowering their bodies and running with their hands hanging behind them.

Ten thousand players, six thousand elves, two thousand humans, one thousand orcs, and some strange races made strange moves on the street, which immediately attracted the attention of the residents of Tobu City.

But because of the weirdness, no one bothered them for the time being.

Wei Brig looked at the actions of the players and whispered: The realism of this game is too high. When you come in, remember not to imitate them. You will be looked down upon. If you don't believe me, carefully observe those pointing fingers. Man, this detail makes me unable to believe this is actually a game.”

There are now many fewer people in the live broadcast room, but there are still millions of people watching. These are leftovers from the incident just now. It is obvious that everyone is full of curiosity about this completely virtual game.

As the players walked out of the civilian area, some players happily went to buy food with copper coins in their hands, while others kept checking the surroundings to see if there were any tasks.

Wei Brigade kept looking at the pamphlet in his hand. As time passed, he couldn't help but sigh: The currency in this world is a bit confusing, but if it is completely brought into the context of this world, it is somewhat reasonable. They are forcing Let the common people make progress.”

Look at this law.

He showed the people in the live broadcast room that No entertainment facilities other than casinos and pubs are allowed to be built in civilian areas. 】

This means leaving the common people with no entertainment and making them more envious of the nobles. It also means making the common people go into debt or get addicted to alcohol, and then have a fight. Tsk, this can't happen in reality, and there are these two.

[Each urban area must have more than five schools, and subsidies will be provided based on credits. The schools are not allowed to charge any fees. 】

[The inner city shall not block civilians from entering in any form, the entry fee shall not exceed ten copper coins, and no cards shall be set up in the Palace of Knowledge. 】

These two are terrifying. This federation will send you to hell, but it will clearly open a way for you to survive. With such a desperate background, the person who can come up with these laws is really a genius!

Wei Lu clicked his tongue in admiration, suddenly noticed some barrages, and looked up.

At a corner not far from him, a player happily came out of a food shop carrying a bag of copper coins. He also held two steamed bun-like things in his hand and put them into his mouth.

But he had just reached the corner. As the guard watched, a goblin holding a dagger suddenly rushed out from the shadow of the corner and stabbed the player's throat hard.

The next moment, the player's body suddenly turned into particles, and the steamed bun in his hand fell together with the money bag containing almost thirty copper coins.

The goblin was obviously stunned for a moment, as if he was frightened by the disappearance of the player. Then he grabbed the two fallen objects and shrank directly into the shadows and disappeared.

This series of smooth movements stunned the Wei brigade. They were the only players who were always the ones to spawn monsters and explode things. Now they were the ones being exploded?

He subconsciously touched his waist, decisively deposited the copper coins into the panel, and even firmly grasped the Encyclopedia of Laws in his hand.

The city is actually so dangerous! And how come this game is becoming more and more real!

Those people who were reminded in the live broadcast room refreshed their screens countless times. Damn it!

This game has only been in closed beta for two hours now, and it has already caused them to grind countless times.

And also in just two hours.

Complaints from various players also exploded on the forum. Some said that they were deceived by NPCs, for example, they had equipment, and then the NPC ran away after giving money.

It was even said that he accepted a mission and then followed the people around. When he got there, he did complete the mission, but was sold to the black market and locked in a cage. He committed suicide before escaping.

The most common thing is that the mission items that I finally obtained were robbed or stolen before I even handed in the mission.

And reporting it to the law enforcement team outside the city was useless.

What they actually said was, you're not dead, just grab it yourself without causing any loss of life.

As these voices became more and more frequent, the players who entered Tobu City also began to cry out, gradually becoming more obedient and vigilant. The game was much darker than outside!

At least the outside world doesn't dare to be so open and aboveboard.

Bai Bian looked at the forum happily. The characteristics of this game had been talked about for a long time in his previous life. Very few games dared to be completely realistic.

Of course, it's not all realistic. At least, the players' white underwear cannot be taken off, and the food and water in the mouth will also change the hunger, thirst and satiety levels, which prevents the occurrence of pornography.

It can also be regarded as protecting female players from being raped.

As for why it is talked about rather than complained about violently, players will soon find out.

In the game Rise of Dawn, before the player's natural disaster attribute became famous, the Holy Thief attribute was the most famous.

NPCs destroy players, players are immortal, and of course they can steal NPCs. Anyway, the laws of this world are quite open, except that they cannot kill people in the city.

He looked at the attribute in front of him and became more and more happy.

[Your specialty, activation of light and darkness, can modify the name of the dark side. The name has been changed to Alchemy Demon. 】

He has already thought of how to test his dark side and how to cut the players' leeks.

Now it's time to wait for the players to grow up, and then it's time to harvest.

After thinking for a while, he made a call.

Mr. Bai Yifei, what do you want from me?

A somewhat gloomy voice sounded, but respect could be heard in this voice.

Bai Bian smiled and said: Mr. Ma Yuan, are you interested in collecting a batch of Barrett from the black market?

Ma Yuan paused, the gloom in his voice became less gloomy, and his respect increased: Of course, I can eat as much as I want. How much does Mr. Bai Bian want to sell it for?

Just follow the price in my store, but the black market will help me find soul crystal cores. Also, I need some illegal things. Bai Yi said with a smile.

No problem, I have the goods now. Mr. Bai Bian plans to come over when he wants. Ma Yuan agreed directly without hesitation.

In the past, Bai Ying only came to him to buy things, but now his identity is different. Not to mention fawning, but he will definitely not offend Bai Ying.

Now, just wait for me at home.

Bai Bing stood up and walked to the assembly line as he spoke. Barrett, who had been replaced by Dawn Pharmacy, just took care of it.

Moreover, some channels must also be opened.

For example, the equipment that players finally obtained with great difficulty, etc.

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