When time comes to the seventh day of this world, buzz~

A special wave slowly spread, Bai Bian's mental power covered the mechanical eyes, and the world changed again in front of him.

The saint's mark was expanding. The saint's mark pattern that originally only covered thirty centimeters near him expanded to ten meters, and the black mist was also pushed out to a radius of ten meters.

Bai Bian breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, if something invaded this world, there would always be flaws in this world.

Bai Bian's body deformed slightly, and immediately, the two girls were slowly put down.


"Don't leave the ten-meter radius of me." Bai Bian said and walked towards the royal city unhurriedly.

This is the core of the world, a city controlled by the human race. Irene and Luo Ning follow Bai Bian closely.

There was no worry or burden in the eyes of the two of them. One week was enough for them to think clearly about what was going on.

In every curse doctor's inheritance trial, there will be that kind of unknown bewitchment, and Bai Bian can't guess what that god-level thing is.

Evil gods, ancient gods, or plane gods, or even weirdness in dimensional turbulence, just like the world of Black Death, Pathogen or Night Town.

But what Bai Bian can be sure of is that the inheritance of gods is not as good as the inheritance of saints, so the soul of saints can ignore this kind of temptation.

It should also be possible to destroy this kind of bewitchment.

As the three people entered the city, a special kind of fluctuation spread in the city, and the disease began to spread.

Bai Bian thought for a while, and the Wanmagnetic Mechanical Body flew out. Under the surprised eyes of the people around him and the vigilant eyes of the soldiers, a black room with a diameter of fifteen meters appeared directly in the middle of the busiest street.

The expressions of the soldiers changed, and they were about to come up and say something.


"Cough cough cough"

A slight cough began to spread. Bai Bian could not understand the words of this world. He ignored some soldiers knocking on the door, dismantled two Wanmagnetic mechanical bodies, and began to make things.

Soon a loudspeaker appeared.

"Hey Hey hey"

Bai Bian tried the loudspeaker and felt quite satisfied. He threw it away and the roof of the Wanci mechanical body caught the loudspeaker.

Some words began to emerge.

[You only need one gold coin to treat the epidemic. You can't suffer a loss or be cheated if you buy it with a gold coin. Interested patients can queue up here. 】

[Those who don’t have gold coins can use extraordinary materials instead, first come first served. 】

Erin: .

Luo Ning:.

Eileen: "Boss Zi, isn't that too expensive and the common people look down on it?"

Bai Bian glanced at her and showed a mysterious smile: "Really?"

Erin swallowed: "Yes, right?"

"As you wish." His mental power fluctuated slightly and the loudspeaker above him waved.

[One gold coin above the bronze, ten copper coins below the bronze, first come first served treatment. The biggest regret in life is that the money is still there, but the person is gone. If you can’t bear the money, then you will lose your life.]


Outside, extraordinary magic bombarded this house constructed of magnetic machinery.


The Wanmagnetic Mechanical Body continued to alternate, blocking the attack.

The loudspeaker was still broadcasting, and the soldiers of the kingdom gathered quickly.

But when they were about to launch a second round of attacks.

"Cough cough cough"

"Cough cough cough"

Subtle coughs began to spread among the soldiers, and the expression of the mage who bombarded the Wanmagnetic Mechanical Body changed. Before he could make any move, he felt his internal organs and throat were a little itchy.


He coughed twice unconsciously, and then his expression changed. There was something in his body that the magic power could not remove! And...devouring his magic power.

He looked in horror at this room that he couldn't break through with all his strength.

Anger and despair appeared in his eyes, and he poisoned them openly and then helped them treat their illnesses. Although the medical fee was very low, this feeling was really desperate.



As the coughing became more severe, severe pain began to appear in these people's internal organs, and the wails began to spread.

Some soldiers listened to the advice from the loudspeaker, tremblingly broke away from the team and knocked on the door.

"Luo Ning, open the door and collect the money."


Erin was a little worried. How could she still collect money for eradicating nasty diseases?

Although, this is really the disaster she brought about, she should.

Three hours later.

"Old boss, how about a gold coin?"

After the fifteenth patient was thrown out of the back door, Irene looked out of the window that Bai Bian had deliberately opened. She saw that there were so many coughing heads that no one could see them. Some even tried to force their way in, but unfortunately they were killed by the Wanmagnetic Mechanical Body. blocked.

These people are too weak to defeat the improved Wanmagnetic Mechanical Body in the world of silver.

"You make your own choices and bear the consequences. Doctors are benevolent. You can release your benevolence." Bai Bian put a bottle of medicine away and said with a smile: "These are medicines to restore mental and physical strength. I Watch out for you, kind yet foolish elf.”

Erin: .

She felt something inside her was broken, and when she looked at the dense crowd of heads outside, despair appeared in her eyes.

Bai Bian smiled: "Luo Ning, next."

Luo Ning nodded obediently, with a smile on her face, because she could feel that Irene seemed to have returned to the original elf who just wanted to show off.

It's not the elf who doesn't care about the occasion, nor the elf who looked like a saint some time ago.

This is great.

Erin: .

twenty days later

"Luo Ning, next!"


"No, no more, no more!"

She overturned the operating table, with some bloodshot eyes in the whites of her eyes: "Damn capitalist, I am not a skeleton, no, I am not a skeleton! Doctors also need to rest, I quit!"

Bai Bian silently took out a small black ball, and a weak voice appeared in it: [But. But these people are really going to die. 】

Erin: .


"don't want!"


"Ouch~" (つ﹁`′﹁): "No! I will die suddenly!"

"With potion, it won't happen."

"Ah, oh, damn capitalist, you really deserve to go to hell!"

"I want to, but hell doesn't want me. They think this is hell. If you don't believe it, I can connect you with a few devils."

"Ahhh, damn capitalist, you really deserve to go to heaven!"

White plague:.

He looked at Luo Ning, who was snickering, and felt some atmosphere from the outside world. He should be there soon.

He thought for a while, "You can rest in three days, now, continue!"

Erin's eyes were filled with anger, her resentment was completely back, and she felt that her air pressure was a little low.

She drank a bottle of mental recovery potion and another bottle of physical recovery potion as if she was about to die, and said full of resentment: "Next one!"

Luo Ning shrank his neck and held a moment of silence for the people behind him. Then he opened the door and a helpless man poured in with a gold coin in his hand.

Luo Ning skillfully took away the gold coins, and the man was transported by the Wanmagnetic Machinery to the automatically repaired Wanmagnetic Machinery operating bed.

"This kidney is not diseased, and everything else is fine."


Irene's hands were very fast, and the scalpel was covered with blood, but after cleaning up the disease, the man's organs were not damaged, except for a few tiny sutures.

Because her knife skills were awakened, she could cut through the muscle texture without damaging the muscles. That is, she only needed simple fixation. The wounds cut by this knife method would heal very quickly.

It's a pretty merciful sword technique.

However, this technique could not withstand the great resentment. After the patient convulsed a few times, he still fainted and was transported out by the Wanmagnetic Mechanical Body and piled outside.

As time goes by slowly, Irene's resentment is getting bigger and bigger. If the players see it, they will definitely remember that this state of resentment is exactly the same as Irene who gave them money after being killed and the server was stopped.

A smile appeared on the corner of Bai Bian's mouth, as long as the continuous influence of the bewitchment was blocked.

Elven perfection? Curse of the Hex Doctor? Pure kindness? Can you withstand the resentment of beating workers?

A casual calculation shows that Irene initially borrowed 140,000 gold coins and now still owes 120 million gold coins. Emmm, it should be enough to completely neutralize the influence of this curse doctor.

Once the mark is cleared away, everything will be fine.

Three days later.

The moment the sun rises.


Irene lifted the operating table: "I quit! I quit! Damn medicines! Damn capitalists! Damn patients! Damn curse doctors! I won't do anything anymore!"

Bai Bian touched Luo Ning's head. The little girl fell asleep leaning against him, but now she was woken up.

Ignoring Irene's resentment, he looked at the sky, sensed something, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

Sure enough, the second stage is coming.

"Well, let's go to sleep."

As Bai Bian said, the Wanmagnetic Mechanical Body began to rise, and the crowd below instantly began to despair. Seeing this house rising into the sky, it was their chance to survive.

But Bai Bing ignored him, and the crowd below didn't have the strength to fly up and kill him.

If saving people can cultivate the benevolence of doctors and practice their sword skills.

What is needed to destroy this benevolent heart should be the feeling of powerlessness. The feeling of powerlessness from being a savior to being unable to save anyone can overwhelm the doctor who is already extremely guilty.

And this transformation of the curse.

Bai Bing quietly waited for the opportunity.

When a certain moment comes.


A circular mark that looked like a rotating pattern suddenly appeared, and the world began to tremble. A mark was surrounded by the saint's mark.

It looked like a human face, but also like a pattern. It looked extremely inconsistent, like something crazy, but also like something kind, which made people extremely uncomfortable.

Bai Bian frowns and is not a god!


Dimension turbulence!

The beep on the panel suddenly lit up.

At the same time, the saint's mark was brightly lit, as if he had encountered some terrifying enemy.

Enlightenment and words arise together, telling why every spell healer has the potential to reach the forbidden.

Panel: [Your will is invaded by weird power, and you lose 300% of your sanity points every second. 】

[The holy soul is immune to 80% of will attacks. Your soul is too strong and immune to 100% of will attacks in this world. 】

[You are damaged by will, and the will invested in this world is reduced by 1% every second. 】

[It has been detected that you have extremely high soul resistance, will resistance, mental resistance, and are immune to will damage in this world. 】

The understanding of the Saint's Seal has no written explanation, but it allows Bai Bian to understand its meaning. Bai Bian translated these understandings into words, but it was more detailed than the one on the panel.

[You are invaded by an unknown force, which triggers the Saint's inheritance defense. You are immune. Dimensional turbulence and weirdness: the weird doctor's mark invades, and the Saint's mark is erasing the weird mark. 】

[Name: Weird Doctor.

Level: Great Divine Power.

The sage recorded: The eccentricity of uncertainty is the manifestation of good and evil in the world. Please do not accept any gifts from him. He ignores all fate and luck.

Maybe you can get the gift of world destruction from his perceived kindness, or maybe you can get all the treasures you want from his malice.

Warning: Before you reach the peak of this era, if you encounter any turbulence and weirdness, please stay away immediately. They can always stand at the top of the new era. Their antiquity is beyond imagination. 】

Bai Bian looked at the sky calmly, silently watching the collision of the two inheritances through the gap in the Wanmagnetic Mechanical Body.

One is the grotesque imprint of the curse doctor inheritance condensed in a short period of time, and the other is the huge destiny of the saint inheritance.

This is an invisible but extremely shocking battle.

The saint and the grotesque are alike.

The saints were the top of the previous era, and they continued to the next era. They became stronger in this era with a higher ceiling, that is, the top group in each era.

So is the weirdness in the turbulence of dimensions.

Every time the world ends, Weirdness is always the least and most harmed, because all matter in the world, even space turbulence, comes from dimensional turbulence.

Therefore, the end point of world collapse is also dimensional turbulence, so there is actually no difference between the current dimensional turbulence and the dimensional turbulence ten epochs ago.

It just became stronger.

There is no weak existence that can survive in this torrent of destruction.

Therefore, this is the collision of two top inheritances in the entire era.

In Bai Bian's eyes, the saint's mark suppressed the weird human face somewhat casually, and slowly eroded the human face, completely ignoring the face's resistance.

Bai Bian looked at it thoughtfully, feeling something.

When less than one-tenth of the face was left, Bai Bian sensed something and suddenly stretched out his hand.

In the sky, the saint's mark suddenly appeared, blooming with pure white light.


The breath of terror suddenly rose. At this moment, people all over the world raised their heads at the same time, looking at the shuddering mark in the sky.


Very powerful!

People knelt on the ground and prayed to heaven, and the world began to tremble again.

A beam of dark light suddenly poured downwards, and the top of the Wanmagnetic Mechanical House quickly opened, and the beam of light poured into Irene's body without hesitation.

After taking a look at the panel, Bai Bian said with satisfaction: "Okay, it's okay now. Remember to come out early."

Bai Bian touched Luo Ning's head.

The body suddenly took off and flew towards the mark in the sky. After catching the last bit of residual thoughts, Bai Bie's mechanical body suddenly burst into white light and was suddenly annihilated.

Luo Ning looked at Irene, who was still sleeping, and then looked at the disappearing vision in the sky, feeling confused.

[You have modified part of the Curse Doctor inheritance. You are marked by [Weird Doctor], and the favorability of Weird Doctor is -10%. 】

[You have obtained the weird power ×1, and you have obtained the weird doctor’s token ×1. 】

[The weird doctor (evil) gives you a gift of power. 】

[The Holy Soul has blocked the gift, would you like to accept the gift? 】

[You are viewing gifts. 】

[Name: Gift from the weird doctor.

Attribute: Dimensional gift.

Effect: You have a 90% chance of obtaining a super-high-level curse, and a 10% chance of getting a super-high-value item.

Warning: This curse will cause you 100% death, please do not accept any gifts of weird power.

Introduction: The combination of evil and good, good and evil are incompatible? I can do evil things with a kind heart, and I can do good things with a bad heart. Why can't they be compatible? 】

[The gift has been received, and the gift is to be placed in the Saint's Seal. 】

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