Chapter 242 Cursed by God?


"Old boss, it seems they can't stand it any longer. Why don't you help me?"

"What does it have to do with us? Those people over there, I'm talking about you, are you still watching the show after using my medicine, right? These sutured patients were carried over by themselves to take care of them. Do they still need us to take care of them? We are doctors , not your parents!"

Bai Bian looked at the thirty people led by the nobles with a very dissatisfied tone, as if someone owed him money.

Although the thirty people were still a little weak due to the medicine, they were still able to move around freely, especially those who were extraordinary.

"What did you say? Do you know who the person in front of you is?"

A knight-like silver transcendent said in a deep voice, with a feeling of calmness and authority.

"Who?" Bai Ying didn't take it seriously: "If you think this disease is only a once-in-a-lifetime experience, you can rest there."

The knight frowned and was about to say something, but was stopped by Count Weilewa. He smiled and said in a soft tone: "Sorry, sir, what do we need to do?"

"Bring those who have been treated over here. Also, please pay your medical fees. Really, you don't have any eyesight at all." Bai Bian said and looked at Eileen: "Do you still have any questions?"

Eileen shrank her neck and muttered in a low voice: "But...but these people are really going to die."

Bai Bian was speechless: "Shut up and do the surgery. You are so kind. Why didn't you open a free medical clinic when I was in Tobu City?"

"Well, aren't there other doctors here?" Irene's voice became softer, but she still retorted.

White plague:.

He threatened: "Are you the boss or am I the boss? If you talk back again, I will go back."

"No, I'll just do it myself." Irene responded immediately, looking at the pale and weak people coming to lift the patients, she felt relaxed and sighed in her heart: They are indeed capitalists, and patients cannot escape the fate of being exploited.

"Be serious, this stitch doesn't look good. Next time you owe me money, I'll continue to make a profit."

"Uh, okay"

Erin's eyes instantly became firm. She couldn't go any further. Who could repay the 50% growth every day? I will be exploited by capitalists for the rest of my life.

Brush brush brush.

Knife, needle, thread.

Continuous reincarnation.

Erin's level climbed slowly during this treatment, but her hands became more and more steady and her speed became faster and faster.

The unique rhythms of some doctors or reformers slowly rose up, which surprised Bai Bing.

Is this talent that strong?

Is it time for him to figure out his own knife skills?

But he hasn't been transformed by flesh and blood for a long time.

Feeling something, Bai Bian's fingertips moved slightly. The guy who had just opened his eyes and was about to cough suddenly trembled and fainted again.

Time passed slowly, and when the moonlight shone on the withered forest, more than three hundred surgeries were coming to an end.

Over there, the thirty people, even the extraordinary ones, were panting from exhaustion.

The moans gradually grew louder, but under the hypnosis of a silver mage, those moans quickly disappeared and he fell into sleep.

"Brother Boss"

A low voice murmured in sleep, as if a real capitalist was watching the slave Irene working. Bai Bian paused for a moment, felt it, and then breathed a sigh of relief after realizing that it was just a dream.

The little girl rarely felt at ease this year because everything here seemed random.

For the prophecy system, randomness is a nightmare. It’s not that you can’t predict what will happen, but you can’t predict when it will happen.

Just as there are thousands of possibilities for a person's future, there are also millions of possibilities for passive prediction.

If you accurately predicted what would happen at 1 o'clock at 12 o'clock, you might be able to push back the events at 1 o'clock because of your thoughts.

It would indeed happen originally, but because of what you learned, you changed something on the level of destiny, and instead changed the future that was bound to happen.

It's very complicated. It's random and uncontrolled, and it's the most difficult thing to figure out.

Unless Luo Ning becomes a legendary or golden fortune teller, then the fortune teller can seize fate and pay a certain price to freeze the moment that may happen in the future.

This is why diviners can still exist even in troubled times.

A weak fortune teller seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages.

A powerful fortune teller who plays with the future.

Maybe this profession doesn't have many attack methods, but if it really attacks, the enemy's future will be very ill-fated.


Some disappointed voices sounded, and the whites of Erin's eyes were bloodshot. The whole elf looked fragile and helpless. She thought that the white plague was just joking with her and would save these people, but those people on the ground who were no longer breathing were no longer there. Can't come back either.

"What's wrong?"

Bai Bian reached out and touched her head. The potion he prepared was a potion for mental recovery and physical recovery, but it could not suppress the high-intensity mental consumption.

"Give you money"

Erin was a little disappointed and handed a money bag to Bai Bian.

Death happened right in front of her, but she couldn't stop it. An inexplicable sadness began to appear in her heart, which was a kind of self-blame and guilt.

Because even if the white epidemic said that the epidemic here was caused by the cursed doctor, not her as an individual, the fact is the fact. She just doesn't want to go to work, it's not that she is not kind.

To be precise, every elf is kind and beautiful. They are creatures called the "most perfect race".

Bai Bian saw her psychological changes, thought for a moment, and stretched out his hand: "Come here."

Erin lowered her head and slowly moved closer to Bai Bide.

Bai Bian's right hand quickly deformed into a shape like a seat. He stretched out his hand and let the elf sit on his arm.

He raised his arms and led her directly outside.

"Um, where are we going?"

Eileen subconsciously turned her head to look back, but was blocked by the back of the seat. Bai Bian walked very steadily and asked, "What are you doing here? Hurry up and accept the inheritance, and we will go out."


"This world is inherently cruel, how many living things can you control?" Bai Bian said calmly.

Erin lowered her head and said nothing, but her sense of loss became stronger.

"Whether it's a curse doctor or a life sacrificer, they're all different types of healers." Bai Bian thought about it and made a metaphor: "The goddess of life is a good example."

"Goddess?" Irene raised her head, with mixed emotions in her eyes, staring at Bai Bie closely. The goddess of life is the god of the elves and is not allowed to be slandered by anyone.

"Yes." Bai Bian ignored her and said to himself: "Is the goddess of life just the god of the elves?"


"Only the elves have the Cult of Life?"


"But He only protects the Elf Forest and the elves outside. Why?"

Erin: .

Bai Bian looked at the moonlight in the sky: "The sun and moon have projected the world, but they cannot enter the dead and the abyss. Is this because the sun god and moon god are unwilling to spread the sun and moon all over the world?"

"As a qualified transcendent, Erin, many things will not be perfect. We are just trying our best to pursue perfection. God is the same."

"We can't just indulge our kindness or malice. We have to have a bottom line. Although this bottom line won't change anything, it can make your heart stronger."

"Go to sleep. I'll call you when you get somewhere."


The moonlight stretched their shadows very long, and the extraordinary beings behind them stared at their backs. They were silent for a moment. Roni tightened her grip on her clothes, but still did not catch up.

With tired eyes, she turned around and continued her work.

Some moans sounded in the forest, but they quickly became quiet.

Bai Bian walked forward calmly, with both girls asleep on his body, and he looked at the moonlight of this world.

Feeling that the world is cutting into his own consciousness, but because he is too fragile, he cannot shake the will of the saint.

Curse doctors are really a scary bunch.

Along the way, some magnetic mechanical bodies have gathered towards him, but they have been included in the space ring.

When the sun shines on the earth, the golden afterglow wakes up the sleeping girl.

"Brother Boss, where are we?"

A voice like gibbering sounded, and Luo Ning rubbed Bai Bian's back, but it felt very hard, which made him a little uncomfortable.

"On the mountain road, we are going to the royal city."

Bai Bian answered softly.

The surrounding trees were withering. This was the result of the aura naturally emitted by Irene's body blending with something in this world.

In other words, Erin, who is still sleeping, is now a pathogen, getting sick wherever she goes.

Luo Ning raised her head and took a look, and noticed the silver hair on Bai Bian's shoulders. The haziness in her eyes disappeared, and her voice was very soft: "Okay, brother boss, please let me down. I can leave on my own."

"No, just feel your surroundings."

Luo Ning was stunned for a moment, and followed Bai Bian's words. Golden light filled her eyes, and she suddenly shuddered.

She shrank and asked, "What is that?"

"The secret of this world."

The sound of the white plague was very soft, but everything around was being infected by the plague. Many small animals were unable to resist the erosion of the parasite and died suddenly. This journey was very quiet.

Even a very soft sound can be heard clearly.



Bai Bian looked at Chu Yang and said calmly: "Why do curse doctors look alike? The minds of intelligent beings are always complex. Even if they have the same experience, there will always be some differences, but this inheritance has achieved this. What might have happened and why?”

Without waiting for Luo Ning's answer, he said calmly: "The source of the curse doctor is an unknown god. Maybe the ancient gods don't care about these minions, but the new gods can't stand them, so this profession will disappear. .”

Bai Bian said in a somewhat calm tone: "And what we want to do now is to find the source of the confusion."

"A cursed doctor. A doctor cursed by God." Luo Ning was a little confused: "Then, brother boss, is there any way to remove this curse?"

"This is not a curse." Bai Bian thought for a while and explained: "Just like Diane's undead body, as long as the gods want to, they can create an extremely powerful inheritance, and Irene is similar to Diane. Inheritance, it’s just that she is more dangerous.”

Bai Bian thought: "It would be a good thing for Irene if she does not accept the temptation and obtains this power."

"But, if Sister Eileen meets that god."

Bai Bian smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. When God can come, it will be at least a hundred years later. Who can tell what will happen in a hundred years?"

Luo Ning stopped talking and lay on Bai Bian's back, motionless.

It cannot be seen or heard, but it can evoke specific emotions.

Bai Bian looked up. From his perspective, the blue sky was not this beautiful color, but something filled with dark mist.

A beam of light in the sky penetrated the black energy and illuminated him.

This light beam was circular, and it reflected in his eyes and turned into a special symbol.

That is the mark of the saint, and it is also the terrifying state of the saint's soul.

With more than a thousand points of mental strength, this world cannot stop it. As long as Bai Bian wants to, he can use his spirit to destroy this world at any time!

Bai Bian continued to walk, his pace gradually speeding up but still steady. When the time came to noon, the silver-haired elf on his arm finally woke up.

"Um, boss, where are we going?"


"What are you doing there?"

"make money."

Erin: .

She looked at the withering trees around her and widened her eyes: "Eh? You, my capital, won't go!"

She was a little incoherent. Now in this scene, it was obvious that she was carrying some kind of terrible virus, and she went to the royal city to harm people, made them all sick, and then performed surgery to collect money.

Ordinary capitalists wouldn't do this kind of thing of poisoning and selling antidote, right?

Is this not a capitalist anymore?

Looking at the elf struggling to go down, Bai Bian said in a cool tone: "You will be cursed if you go out. Are you sure you want to go down?"

"Sister Eileen," Luo Ning said at this time: "Well, the boss brother has blocked the bewitchment of God. This world has the mark of God."

Erin: .

She was struggling and froze, with a very strange expression: "I know, but but... there is such a thing as poisoning and selling antidote."

"If you go, the inheritance will be accelerated. Only some people in the royal city need to die. If you don't go, the mark of God cannot be removed. Everyone here will die."

Bai Bian smiled and asked, "Any more questions?"

"Uh, huh? Not anymore."

"If you don't have any more, just shut up and make money for me!"


The three of them arrived in the capital quickly, taking about three days in this world. During these three days, the two girls had not recovered from the white plague.

The white plague did not enter the royal city directly, but waited slowly a hundred kilometers outside the royal city.

He needs more permissions, and these permissions, like his entry here, take time.

Bai Bing can be sure that it won't be long before such authority comes, because this world is trying to cut off the consciousness of a saint.

And He doesn't have that power.

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