Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 244 Modifying Expertise

Outside, Bai Bian, who was sitting cross-legged, slowly opened his eyes.

The silent movement attracted a lot of people's attention, and the six people looked at him with complicated eyes.

Awe, doubt, sigh.

Eric wanted to ask something, but in the end he thought about it and decided not to ask. After all, everyone has their own secrets, and it is not advisable to get to the bottom of it.

Bai Bian looked at the picture, and the sense of separation was gone. With just some movements, Luo Ning and Irene in the picture changed.

They seemed to have touched some mechanism. Not long after Irene woke up, the whole world was shaken. Then, the world began to collapse, causing a group of people outside to watch nervously.

But when the shadows of the two girls appeared in front of them, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, as long as nothing happened.

When the shadow completely solidified, the two girls were startled.

I didn't expect to be surrounded by so many old men.

But when they saw the faces of these old men clearly, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Bian looked at Irene: "Don't be afraid, I just modified some of the curse doctor's talents, let me help you take a look."

After saying that, Bai Bie's eyes turned red and he decisively used the panel scan.

[Comparing the charm attributes of both parties. 】

[White plague (dark) charm value -11, Erin's charm value 50. 】

[Since you have negative charm, turn on the charm value determination. 】

[Your charm value is 110% of the opponent's, and you get 100% of the opponent's attributes. 】

[Name: Erin.

Race: Elf.

Template: Life Spell Doctor.

Occupation: Life Sacrifice.

Level: 42.

Personal attributes: Strength 15, Agility 20, Endurance 13, Intelligence 198, Spirit 195, Charisma 50, Luck 11.

Legend level: 32.

Rank: Silver middle.

Skill: Healing: Can heal 30% of the physical damage of normal silver creatures.

Life dedication: Consume 10%~50% of your health and restore 300% of the opponent's health.

Textured Blade: You can always find the texture of flesh and blood tissue, your blade has +80 sharpness and -50% damage.

life healing

Specialty: Life Sacrifice: The energy in the body is converted into life energy. The energy has its own healing effect and is extremely compatible with life elements.

Curse reduction: Immune to low-end curses, curse resistance +100.

Life Spell Doctor (only): In your imagination, you can clearly see the disease in the other person's body. When you believe it exists, it will exist.

Note: The disease of this specialty appears as a curse, and the strength of the curse is determined based on the opponent's mental attributes and charm attributes.

Life mutation (unique): The effect of all healing magic released is increased by 300%, but there is a 50% chance of the treatment mutating, causing life attenuation equal to the treatment.

Life Affinity: The life elements in the world are extremely friendly to you, and all healing effects using life energy are +50%.

Life Guard: When your health is below 10%, you will recover 100% of your health, and gain +30 intelligence and +30 spirit.

Pure Goodness (Change): Your mental attributes +100.

Patient Blessing (unique) (changed): Whenever you treat an intelligent creature, its fate will be in another dimension exclusive to you. Praise for your benevolence. Whenever there are more patients in your dimension, your All attributes will be increased accordingly.

Evaluation: A curse doctor who has no mental problems, maybe this will be a new profession called Doctor of Destiny? 】

White plague:.

A little silent, with this attribute, he couldn't help but think that when he was level 42, he didn't seem to have eight specialties, right?

Seeing that Irene had folded her arms and hid behind Luoning with angrily eyes, she was speechless.

Sure enough, there is no weak SSS class.

He thought for a while and sent a message to Mina, Luo Ning, and Irene through Zero to ask them to pay more attention.

Although [Patient Blessing] and [Pure Kindness] no longer have any side effects, it seems that the curse doctor is still a curse doctor. If he treats the disease alone, he is playing a lottery for the patient, but this lottery is more fair, with a 50% chance of winning.

Looking at Luo Ning, Bai Bian smiled: "Let me see Luo Ning's talent, don't be afraid."

"Okay." Luo Ning nodded obediently.

But as a wave of power began to circulate in Bai Bing's scarlet pupils, Bai Bing fell silent.

[Comparing the charm attributes of both parties. 】

[White plague (dark) charm value -11, Luoning charm value 85. 】

[Since you have negative charm, turn on the negative charm judgment. 】

[Your charm value is 64% of the opponent's, and you get 50% of the opponent's attributes. 】

Luo Ning's attributes are similar to before, except that his luck and charm are a bit outrageous, and most of his expertise is invisible.

[Name: Luoning.

Race: human.

template:? ? ?

Occupation: fortune teller.

Level: 37.

Personal attributes: Strength 10, Agility 10, Endurance 8, Intelligence 30, Spirit 237, Charisma 85, Luck 50.

Rank: Silver lower level.

Skill: Advanced Divination (expand)? ? ?

Affinity with fate: The affinity with fate is unparalleled. No fate will exclude you from approaching you, and you will not be passively counterattacked by any fate.

Prediction of danger: Extremely sensitive to one's own fate, any malicious intent will be discovered, including natural disasters.

? ? ?

? ? ?

Fate favors: Every time the level increases, luck will also increase.

Evaluation: Destiny chose her. Maybe she already has the ability to change the future, but she doesn’t know it yet? 】

There was some silence, and after returning to the bright side, Bai Bian touched Luo Ning, who was a little scared, and looked at Heidinger: "Mr. Heidinger, please send us back together."

Heidinger nodded, took out a staff, and knocked on the ground.


It seemed that the formation that had been arranged long ago came suddenly. Without any prelude, the power of the surrounding space flashed crazily. In an instant, the rich life energy filled everyone's breath.

Looking up, he saw that he had arrived at the City Lord's Mansion.

"Haha, brother boss, I'm going to bed first. I'm so tired. Good night, master, good night to the grandparents, and good night to Sister Eileen."

Luo Ning took out a thirty-centimeter crystal ball from the space ring and leaned up.

The cleansing power naturally emitted by the crystal ball was removing some dirt from the little girl's body, and like a cradle, it swayed and carried her to her room.

"Then City Lord, we will leave first."

Marshall bowed slightly to Bai Bian and left with Ding Ziyuan, who was still full of thoughts.

Eric and Heidinger wanted to say something, but still didn't say anything. The space fluctuated and the two disappeared.

Erin, on the other hand, couldn't sleep. She was in a deep sleep state when she awakened her speciality. Now she is very energetic. She saw that the white plague didn't pay attention to her and planned to sneak away quietly. She had a premonition.

"Eileen wait!"

Erin's steps suddenly froze, and she knew

After adjusting her mood, she showed a big smile and turned around: "Boss, do you call me?"

"From tomorrow on, you can choose one of the empty shops outside the city lord's palace. You can only use surgery and medicine to open a medical clinic. It will open at nine o'clock in the morning and close at five o'clock in the afternoon. In the following time, you can practice the skills of life sacrifice." Bai Bian ordered directly.

This guy's current expertise is quite outrageous. As long as he continues to undergo surgeries and treatments, he will continue to become stronger. Now that there is no chance of falling into pure goodness, he must use all his advantages.

Eileen visibly stiffened, and asked tremblingly: "Well... then Luoning will come with me, right?"

"No, just yourself." Bai Bian said ruthlessly, turning to look at Mina: "Ms. Mina, please help me supervise her."

"No problem." Mina said with a smile.

Erin's entire elf was stunned: "Can I do it without Luo Ning?"

"I don't know if it will work, but you have earned 1,200 gold coins and 1,700 copper coins in the inheritance world. Now you still owe me more than 119 million. If you can't finish it within a hundred years, then keep going. Interest."

Bai Bian looked at Irene and said words that made her despair.

"One hundred years, 120 million gold coins, three thousand three gold coins every day." Irene muttered, and the entire elf fell into despair.

"Every day at noon, someone will bring you the delicious food made by Elena. If you open the door late, then the delicious food will be cancelled, and you will make your own lunch." White Plague did not hesitate to add insult to injury.

This elf deserves to be whipped hard.

Mina felt a little unbearable. She looked at Bai Biao and wanted to say something, but Aisha pulled her back and shook her head with a smile.

Mina cast a helpless look at Irene and walked out silently, planning to choose a quieter location for her disciple.

"That." Erin thought of something, a look of determination appeared in her eyes, and she shouted with some trepidation: "Brother Boss"

White plague:.

"Lunch pick up"

"Damn capitalists, I'm going right now!"

With a swish, Irene surpassed her master and ran out quickly, seemingly leaving a little sparkle in the air.

Aisha sighed with emotion: "It's very energetic, but City Lord, isn't this a little too harsh?"

Bai Bian responded with a smile: "It doesn't matter if she can't finish it, and no one will punish her, and it's good to move more."

Bai Bian said something as he thought of something, and his tone became a little relaxed: "As for Luo Ning, let her go to Irene's place occasionally, she is too careful.

When I looked at her talent just now, I found that she may be able to take the step of changing her destiny. It is still possible to practice with some patients, but I need to trouble you to watch it. "

"There is nothing to worry about. I am her master, so I should." She said and walked to her room with some emotion: "She really cherishes her current life. The laws of the Federation before are still too hurtful. .”

Bai Bian was silent for a moment, turned around, and walked towards the Huxin Pavilion. The dimensional gifts stored in the panel could not be opened until Luo Ning woke up.

With his luck falling to 1 again, he has given up hope of opening any prize pool.

I chose to keep this one because of Luo Ning. The Girl of Destiny is here, and any lottery is a top reward.

He looked at the two things wandering around in the devil's dimension, the grotesque power and the grotesque healer's token.

[Name: Weird Power.

Properties: grotesque.

Effect: It can replenish most of the material defects, which comes from the power when the dimension collapses.

Effect 2: Submit it to the panel and you will get 1/5 of the origin stone and 2 special skill points.

Introduction: Maybe the weird power is the power of the source? 】

[Name: The weird doctor’s token.

Attributes: One-time token.

Effect: You can use the token to conduct a transaction with the weird doctor.

Note: This transaction cannot be carried out within the territory of the Federation, which may easily arouse the sword marks that protect the Federation.

Note: Please do not accept any gifts from the weird doctor in this transaction, and please do not arouse any murderous intention from the weird doctor.

Introduction: He seems to hate you, both good and evil. 】

Bai Bian thought thoughtfully, the value of these two items is too high.

Especially that weird power seems to be some of the power from that great divine power that makes up the Curse Doctor inheritance space.

But it's still controllable now.

As for the transaction

Since it is a transaction, you should also have to pay something.

He hasn't thought of what he wants for the time being, so Bai Bian presses it aside. This thing is not something he can use now. Maybe he will use it when he reaches the taboo level.

As for the power of weirdness

The spirit bone has now been added to the full proficiency level, but Bai Bian always feels that something is missing. He plans to use a special skill point to see after activating this doctor's gift.

However, there are only three special skill points, and the remaining two must be in pharmacy or technology. Only by completing the three masters can you continue to be promoted.

I looked at the time, the moonlight was hanging in the sky, it should be still early.

According to the records of the saints, this weird doctor ignored all fate and luck. I wonder if Luoning's prediction is still useful.

But He ignores fate and luck, so he can't ignore everyone's destiny, right?

White Plague’s method bypasses many things.

If he really gives gold coins, then the gold coins will affect the fate of the beneficiary.

One thousand and one hundred thousand gold coins, even if prices in the federation have increased slightly after the reform, one hundred thousand is still a wealth that is out of reach for ordinary people.

Just like suddenly giving 100 million to a migrant worker, this 100 million can definitely bring about an earth-shaking change in the worker's destiny.

Time passed quickly in thinking. Under Zero's order, some personnel from the Finance Department walked in and out silently, placing jars one by one in front of Bai Bian.

These are all the top wines in Tobu City currently, and now the time in the Demon Dimension is stuck at 1000 times.

Originally, White Plague thought it was 1 point of spiritual attribute + 1 times the flow rate, but now it seems that this is not the case.

The Demon Dimension is an ideal dimension, but it has absorbed the Origin Stone and is preparing to give birth to magic power, which means that it has the ability to grow, and the current limit is 1,000 times.

But this is enough. Put these fine wines into a time flow rate a thousand times. After one year, it will be a thousand-year fine wine, and after ten years, it will be a ten thousand-year fine wine.

When the birth magic of that dimension begins, then the transplantation of materials can also begin.

When all these fine wines entered the devil's dimension, the morning sun shone on the earth.


Not far away, a door opened, Luo Ning yawned and walked out.

She saw Bai Bian at a glance and showed a sweet smile: "Good morning, boss brother."


Bai Bian responded, his mental energy fluctuated for a moment, and a frightened bronze lower-ranking waiter appeared in the lake pavilion. This waiter was a cat man, with his tail wagging restlessly.

Luo Ning:.

"I know, boss brother"

She recalled her previous prediction, shuddered, and walked over with a grimace.

after one day

"Haha. Boss brother, are you sure there is still a lottery?"


"Then, tomorrow."


Three days later.

Luo Ning: "Brother boss, if we don't change the waiter, she will be very unlucky."

Bai Bian was a little skeptical about life. After carefully looking at the gifts from the weird doctor, he found that there was indeed a 10% chance of receiving a positive gift.

"I have a new idea, try it?"

Luo Ning nodded immediately and without hesitation: "Yeah, yeah, try it, try it right away."

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