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Chapter 238: Curse Doctor, Pure Good, Extremely Evil

"You shouldn't have come in with me."

"But I've already come in, let's take a look at it."

Irene held Luoning's hand tightly and protected her behind her. Those dilapidated scenes had disappeared and turned into a peaceful town.

Elves, half-elves, and humans live and work here in peace and contentment.

Seemingly noticing them, a human aunt said enthusiastically: "Two little girls, are you coming from outside? Are you looking for relatives, or are you planning to settle here? If you are settling, I can help you find a house."

Luo Ning and Irene instantly became alert and stared at the lady defensively.

The aunt's face froze, and she said with some embarrassment: "Well, it's best to be careful, then I won't disturb you."

The aunt said, holding the clothes in her hand and walking to the other side of the town without getting too entangled.

Luo Ning and Eileen looked at each other, and there was a little confusion in each other's eyes. There seemed to be no danger.

They looked back and saw that there were some mottled marks on the town wall. Outside the city wall, there was still that dead silence, as if some pollution had killed the land outside.

Luo Ning thought for a moment and took out a book from the space ring. The book was very new, but the words on it were very old.

She flipped through it and whispered: "There are very few records of the inheritance of curse doctors, mainly because the profession of curse doctors fell too early. They were one of the professions that were erased after the new gods replaced the old gods."

"But as long as it is an inheritance test, the main thing is inheritance, not killing the inheritors, so there shouldn't be much danger this time, just be careful."

Luo Ning thought of something as he spoke, became a little silent, and whispered: "We can always wait for rescue."

Eileen was stunned for a moment: "Why? Since it is a test, wouldn't it be good if you pass the test?"

Luo Ning's eyes were a little complicated: "Why was the curse doctor erased? Look at these records."

Although Irene had read it many times, when Luo Ning handed the book over, she still focused on the book.

[They ignored people's cries and used their extremely uncertain magic power to save all living things, but ended up killing them instead. 】

[Some people say that they are messengers of disease, always bringing disease to the world. 】

[But their perception of themselves is completely opposite. They always think that they are the greatest healers in the world. Yes, in their eyes, their killing is also just. However, during the soul detection, their hearts... Unprecedented purity and kindness. 】

[The great God of Light abandoned this profession and destroyed it. The cursed doctor brought the cruelest kindness to the world. 】

"You mean, after the so-called test is over, I will become like this?" Irene was inexplicably panicked.

How is this different from losing yourself? That seemed to mean that she would no longer be able to eat Elena's fruit platter, nor could she comfortably take a nap at the Tree of Life. She would even be imprisoned by the capitalists, waiting for her to slowly die of old age.

She became even more panicked as she thought about it, clenching her hands unconsciously.

"It's okay, sister Eileen, there is always a way. What if you can if others can't?" Luo Ning comforted Eileen, her eyes full of thoughts.

If the inheritance is interrupted, there will be another inheritance in the future. Why is this profession defined as a curse doctor?

He is the cursed healer.

And this curse cannot be eliminated.

Luo Ning followed in, just to see if the curse could be eliminated or reduced.

It's just that she can't see anything now. This is the inheritance space, which only belongs to the curse doctor. Other professions are too suppressed here.

Erin looked at the short girl and managed to calm down: "Well, it's okay, I can do it, I don't want to become such a selfless thing, and I don't like the concept of curse medicine."

While the two were talking, the sun had set in the sky and night was coming.

A passing elf looked at their clothes and said gently: "Go home quickly. Children, please don't run around at night."

Luo Ning and Eileen still ignored the residents here and trotted out. Neither of them were in the combat profession and felt very insecure.

Maybe Curse Doctor has a profession, but Irene is now defined as an SSS-level healer. That is because Luo Ning is there, otherwise her potential will not reach the potential of a top profession.

It is necessary to wait until this inheritance trial before the truly terrifying expertise of the Curse Doctor will be revealed.

That is a specialty that makes even gods a little uneasy, and it is the only specialty that all curse doctors must awaken.

The two of them trotted all the way to the corner of a small alley. It was very quiet here, and there were still some voices around.

Luo Ning summoned his crystal ball from the space ring, and his eyes gradually turned golden.

She looked up and saw that it was the alternation of the sun and the moon, and there were no stars in the sky.

But she couldn't wait for the stars to appear. At this time, her mental power drove her own mental power. Complex patterns appeared on the crystal ball one by one. The huge crystal ball also exuded a light that made her feel at ease.

As these patterns were spliced ​​together, the golden light in Luo Ning's eyes slowly disappeared, and the black pupils returned.

Her eyes were a little complicated, and in Irene's strange eyes, he led her towards the center of the town.

"What's wrong?"

"In the prediction, staying in someone else's house is the right choice."

" that so?" Eileen was a little incredulous: "I think it's safe only to stay away from the residents here."

"My precognition has been suppressed." Luo Ning looked at Erin with some confusion: "And this is your home court. You need to contact the people here to promote the plot, and the inheritance will finally appear."

Eileen was silent for a moment, feeling helpless: "Then you just said you were waiting for rescue."

"There is no rescue." Luo Ning looked up at the sky: "They are looking at us."


outside world.

A group of big guys were gathered in a circle, looking at a light screen, and on the screen were two girls.

"What if she really turns into a curse doctor?" Mina asked worriedly.

Ever since Irene awakened the Curse Doctor inheritance, books with the term Curse Doctor have appeared on many people's desks, and everyone knows what a Curse Doctor is.

With the heart of the Holy Mother, do the deeds of the King of Hell.

If the thoughts of the curse doctor are given to other doctors, then this is the luck of the world, and those are the real healers.

But unfortunately, this ultimate kindness has been cursed.

"It's okay. The curse doctor can distort a person's thoughts, and the alchemist can turn her thoughts back." Bai Bian said calmly: "Just make sure there is no danger, and then quickly complete this inheritance."

"It's not necessarily distortion, but amplification," said an old woman.

This is one of the twenty scholars invited back. The nine-star scholar of psychology is named Ding Ziyuan. He is also the author of many psychological books and has a high reputation.


"Yes, when goodness is amplified, other thoughts will be suppressed. If evil is also amplified, good and evil will be balanced again, and her thoughts will return."

Ding Ziyuan groped for her crutches and said in a very affirmative tone: "Theoretically, there is no absolute good and evil. The minds of fully intelligent beings are always complicated, so the definition of good and evil is: only the deeds, not the heart." .”

"I once guided a very evil person to normalcy. Until he died of old age, he did not do the evil things that a truly evil person would do."

"So, theoretically, if the pure kindness of the curse doctor is replaced by an extremely evil heart, and combined with psychiatric drugs, then she will be an ordinary intelligent creature."

Bai Bian looked thoughtful in his eyes: "But the curse doctor is different."

He thought for a while, stretched out his hand and a line of text appeared in his hand.

"According to records, this is the foundation of the curse doctor profession. They have this talent to be powerful curse doctors. They are extremely evil and cannot suppress this power."

[Patient Blessing (unique): Whenever you treat an intelligent creature, it will praise your benevolence in another dimension and become a part of you. 】

"Only curse doctors can awaken this thing. Every time they treat it, their strength, foundation, and talent will be enhanced in all aspects. This is the scary thing about this profession."

"There are so many curse doctors in history, why no one can become a curse doctor soberly? This is the reason."

"What seems to us to be the wailing of patients, but in their ears is the whisper of happiness, which can increase their 'kindness' and level."

"As for drugs, the dosage needs to be increased all the time. When drug makers cannot keep up with the rapid growth of curse doctors, they will still lose control."

Bai Bian said with thoughts in his eyes: "So, the only way may be to use a higher will to guide their kindness. When kindness becomes sober, there will be no difference between curse doctors and normal people."

Ding Ziyuan shook her head and retorted:

"This is not a long-term solution. The patient's soul increases the foundation, but the curse doctor needs to bear the patient's wailing. If it is a normal thinking, then the curse doctor will realize that the wailing is not an appreciation for her, but a curse on her. , A pure and kind heart cannot resist such strong malice."

Her eyes are full of thoughts. She has been a psychologist all her life. She can easily see through anyone's heart, but she still feels a little tricky when encountering these weird professions.

The people around listened to the conversation between the two, and their hearts were heavy. The curse doctor was very strong, and the curse doctor was even stronger when paired with the life sacrifice.

However, the side effects are even comparable to evil thoughts. This profession is a mutated profession that can reach taboos only through the accumulation of time.

To a degree that even God cannot tolerate.

There was also a hint of despair in Mina's eyes. The elves had finally managed to find a top player, but it turned out to be a curse doctor.

Bai Bian's eyes were also full of thoughts. According to the theory of transformation, life sacrifice is the profession closest to the goddess of life. If he replaced it with the phalanges of the goddess of life.

Bai Bian was stunned for a moment when he thought of this, and quickly shook this terrible thought out of his mind.

If the finger bones of the Goddess of Life are perfectly integrated into the body of the Life Sacrifice, then the Life Sacrifice will be strengthened at an epic level and become the top potential.

However, the curse doctor is also a doctor. With the ultimate enhancement of the life sacrifice and the curse doctor, a healing god is born in an instant.

The kind who loses the abyss's favorability points even if he is thrown into the bottom of the abyss. This combination is too scary, but...

Bai Bing is a little eager to try again. If he really creates a top-level evil god, and if he can still control it, then when the ancient gods come, what will they look like when they look at the guy who looks more like the ancient gods than them?

"I have to think about it, think about it carefully. Marshall, send me back." Ding Ziyuan's eyes were filled with thoughts. This topic might allow her to study it for a lifetime.

The arcana belonging to the soul is surging around. In the huge system of arcana, this person may be called: a psychic.

"Perhaps you can be more polite?" Marshall said, and the space around him flashed, and Ding Ziyuan disappeared instantly.

Arcane is the most mana-saving profession among all professions, and it is also the profession with the lowest threshold.

With Marshall's understanding of space, although he cannot release even the lowest level fireball technique, he can take people across a distance of 8,000 kilometers in an instant.

Bai Bian's eyes were full of thoughts, and he looked at the scene in front of him and said comfortingly: "There is always a way. Even if what we just said are all temporary and not permanent treatments, they can at least make her normal for the time being."

Mina nodded and looked at the picture worriedly.

Bai Bian thought for a while, then moved his fingers slightly, and some machines slowly invaded from the gaps in the world.

The time flow rate on the screen is different from that outside. In the short time outside, a week has passed inside. It seems that the flow rate in the inheritance space is particularly fast.

They successfully stayed in an elf's home.

The people here are all hospitable and very kind. After a week of getting along with them, their vigilance is also letting go.

In the morning, they helped the host family make cakes, bread and other things. After the elves left, they began to search for the place of inheritance.

There was no response from Luoning's predictions again and again, and they all showed safety, even if it was just a simple prediction of what to do to quickly return to Daybreak.

Then they only received one answer, wait and remain unchanged.

It seems that this inheritance just allows them to experience the life of ordinary people.

As time passed, some traces of the undead were discovered by the outside world.

This cheered up Luo Ning and Irene, thinking it was the arrival of inheritance.

But when they were about to reach their destination, the undead creatures were quickly destroyed by some soldiers in the town. They didn't even see the undead.

Even when the soldiers were injured, they did not come to Irene for treatment as they expected, but went to the medical center in the small town.

Life like a paradise continues.

The two girls were a little confused. They seemed to be confused about this inheritance.

They don't know what this means, and what's the point of trapping them in this world?

"Xiao Luo, Xiao Ai, come back for dinner."

A gentle female voice appeared. The elf had green hair and was the gentlest living tribe among the elves.

The two looked at each other, responded loudly, and walked towards this temporary home.


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