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Chapter 239 The doctor who spreads the disease

"Come and help."

"Hey, you're not doing that right. Putting oranges and mangoes together may cause diarrhea. I'll do it. Just rest."

"Don't worry, you have done a good job, but we have to be responsible to consumers."

"Come and eat, today we have your favorite strawberry salad."

"Hey, let me tell you, I heard that the heir to Earl Weilewa is coming to our town tomorrow. He is a real noble."

"What are you doing here? Well, this is the territory of Earl Weilewa. Of course his heir will come if he wants to."

"Count Wei Laiwa is a very kind nobleman. He is the reason why Wei Laiwa is so good. I really look forward to his successor."

Eileen and Luo Ning were lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

"It's so beautiful here. There's no war or hunger, and it's a kingdom. It should be a projection of a long, long time ago, right?"

Luo Ning said and added: "Especially Sister Roni, she is so gentle. She is as gentle as your master."

"Elves are all like this." Eileen nodded in agreement: "But are we really here for the inheritance? It's been almost a month, and I haven't seen the inheritance. Instead, I am attracted by the peace here."

"Didn't it mean that the heir named Earl Wei Laiwa would come over tomorrow? Could it be this?" Luo Ning said with a golden light in her eyes. She did not summon the crystal ball, but simply used her ability to predict the good or bad tomorrow.

But then, she became a little confused, exactly the same as before! Peace continues.

"Never mind it, go to bed first, I have to help Sister Roni make cakes tomorrow, haha~ This is our rent."


The next day, the town was decorated with lights, and the townspeople walked to the city gate one after another to welcome a handsome young man with blond hair and perfect facial features. He was like an angel, giving people happiness.

"Look, look, look, this is Wei Laiwa's future master, and he will inherit the title of Wei Laiwa in the future. He is so beautiful."

Ronnie's face was a little flushed, and she pulled the two little sisters and spoke excitedly.

The elves of the Life Tribe are gentle and beautiful. In a month of getting along with each other, she has long regarded the two as her best friends, and she expressed her excitement without hesitation.

There was a little confusion in the eyes of Luo Ning and Irene. Today was a dreamy day. After welcoming the heir, their calm voices did not change much.

As they walked in this small town, everyone around them got to know them during this time. People greeted them warmly wherever they went. Some stall owners knew that they were not working yet and would always feed them some food.

Luo Ning thought of something and became a little silent. She seemed to remember a detail that was deliberately ignored.

When it was first foreseen, someone took away Irene and started this trial. But I don’t know what Bai Bing did later to develop into what it is now.

In that prediction, the inheritance space seemed to be a real small world.

In other words, everything here is real. In the current timeline of Daybreak, there is a small world that holds the beauty of the present.

This is real, not virtual!

"Xiao Luo, what's wrong? Are you worried about something?" Roni couldn't help smiling in her eyes and asked as she looked at the stunned girl in front of her.

Erin was eating a piece of fruit cake with big mouthfuls, her eyes narrowed.

For her, no matter what, it was fine. Even if she was going to die in the next second, she still had to be a dead ghost.

There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. It is not advisable to consume yourself internally. Pleasant yourself is the right way!

Luo Ning came back to her senses, her eyes a little complicated: "It's okay, Sister Eileen, let's leave here tomorrow."

"Why?" The smile in Roni's eyes disappeared, and she asked with some disbelief: "Are you feeling uncomfortable? Or have you been wronged somewhere?"

"Okay." Eileen responded, and then said to Roni: "It's nothing. My sister is looking for something. If nothing unexpected happens, she will come back in the future."

She took a bite of the cake and continued: "Aww~ Dear elves, we just left, not dead. We will write to you and come back to see you."

Roni breathed a long sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on her face again: "That's good, eat quickly, and take you to a place tomorrow morning."

"Yeah, it's delicious. Your craftsmanship is so good. Whoever marries Sister Roni will definitely be happy." Irene praised her repeatedly and couldn't stop at all.

Ronnie's face turned red, and she reached out and patted Irene's head: "You don't look like a moon elf at all."

"Uh, why does everyone say that?" Irene muttered, stuffed a big strawberry into her mouth, and muttered: "What's the point of pretending to be cold?"

Luo Ning didn't object and started eating silently. She... began to feel uneasy.

But her uneasiness still didn't come. Early the next morning, Roni took them to a forest behind the town. There were many small animals in this forest.

These little animals are not afraid of the three of them, and are running happily around them. Elves are already close to nature, and animals, as a part of nature, will of course get close to them.

Luo Ning's charm has reached 80 at this time, which is the highest charm value among the three. It is impossible for animals to be afraid of her.

In the dreamy scene, Roni led them to a huge tree, feeling the extremely rich breath of life. She said to Irene: "Look at this tree of life, isn't it spectacular?"

Erin's eyes lit up: "This tree must be at least a hundred thousand years old, right? Wow. It's exactly the same as the one in the inheritance."

"Yes, this Tree of Life also belongs to Count Wei Laiwa, but elves all like the Town of Life, and the source of the Town of Life is this big tree. If nothing happens, in the next nine hundred years, we will They will all live in Life Town.”

Roni smiled, with light in her eyes: "Maybe I will have my wedding in the future. Under the witness of this tree, I will say that declaration of love, and maybe there will be an elf baby. Although we have only been together for a month, You can come back anytime, I will always be there."

Erin fantasized about the scene Ronnie mentioned, feeling a little yearning and a little beautiful: "It's a pity."

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Eileen looked at Luoning, took a deep breath of air filled with rich life elements, and said, "Little Luoning, are we leaving?"

Luo Ning has been a little silent since last night. She was a little reluctant, but she still nodded: "Go, you must go."

"Okay." Eileen looked at Roni: "Thank you for taking me in this month. Let's go first."

Eileen said without delay, she took Luo Ning and walked to the other side of the mountain.

Roni just looked at them tenderly, and the two girls did not look back. After the two girls disappeared, she turned around and walked towards the town in a lonely manner.

Sure enough, there is no end to the banquet in the world.

"Where are we going now?"

"have no idea"

"have no idea?"


"Okay, then just follow your feelings. This inheritance space is really interesting. It allows me to see the peace of the past. It's great."


The two of them have been in this world for a long time. The two days in the outside world have been half a year in this world.

In half a year, the two girls traveled through many cities.

This place is just like the beauty in the records. Although there are occasional beggars and capitalists, compared to the Dark Ages, this place is simply paradise.

They went to the Life Sect and looked at the statue of the Goddess of Life to pray. They also went to the most powerful kingdom to experience the order of the human race in the kingdom.

They even found a small elf forest where they could enjoy the leisure of the elf.

Perhaps this world should be the way it is, with many shortcomings but breathtaking beauty.

Time has passed quickly for another half a year. It has been a full year since they entered this world, and four days have passed since the outside world.

It seems that this inheritance takes an extra long time, so long that the two girls have begun to get used to the rules here and enjoy the beauty here.

However, when they returned to the original town, they relaxed and told Roni interesting stories about their adventures and the beauty outside.

A strong fear enveloped Luoning's heart.


She stood up suddenly, and the violent movement startled the two of them.

"What's coming?"×2.

The moment the two female voices sounded, Irene reacted suddenly, and there was a look of unwillingness in her eyes. There were 365 days and nights in a year, why did you come now!

She almost fell into peace!

"What form?" Erin asked in a deep voice.

Luo Ning's eyes were full of fear. She quickly took out her own epidemic doctor suit from the space ring and handed it to Luo Ni.

"Quick, Sister Roni, put it on."

Erin listened to Luo Ning's voice, with a little fear in her eyes.

"What? What's wrong?" Ronnie was a little dazed, but she still took over a warm yellow suit. But looking at the small clothes, she hesitated: "Xiao Luo, I really want to wear this. Nice dress, but too small.”


"Xiao Lin's is too small." Roni looked down, her face a little red: "Can't wear it?"

"This is equipment, it can adjust its size automatically. Sister Roni, stop talking nonsense, it's too late!" Luo Ning urged, her eyes glowing golden, and she even took out a stack of magic scrolls.

But the appearance of the gold-level scroll made the world tremble again. Luo Ning quickly put the things away, leaving the silver-level scroll open without hesitation.

A faint blue light shield quickly enveloped the three of them, forming an absolute protection for this world.

"Is that so?" Roni was a little flustered by Luo Ning's tone. She took off her clothes and put Luo Ning's clothes on her body.


"Why is your throat itchy?"


Luo Ning, with golden eyes, dropped all the magic scrolls in his hands to the ground and murmured: "It's over."

Eileen looked at the eldest sister who was wearing the epidemic doctor suit in front of her, and something incredible suddenly appeared in her eyes.

Disease. So many diseases, so many diseases!

She closed her eyes suddenly and faced Luo Ning: "It's not what I thought. Is it?"




After Roni's cough, coughs began to come from the outside world. These sounds instantly disturbed Erin's mind, and she opened her eyes suddenly.

Roni has already changed her clothes. Luo Ning's epidemic doctor suit is all designed by herself, and she looks a little childish in it.

"Ahem. What's wrong? You shouldn't have a cold." Ronnie said, turned and walked to the kitchen, poured herself a glass of juice, and drank it.

"Cough cough cough"

As soon as she drank it, she suddenly started coughing, and the juice flowed down the corners of her mouth, soaking some of her clothes.

"I seem to be sick. You guys wait for me here. I'll go to the hospital first."

Ronnie said as she opened the door and walked out.


There was a sound of falling to the ground, and Erin sat on the ground, looking at the back with fear in her eyes.

Even with the epidemic doctor suit blocking her body, she was still full of diseases! She is dying.

"Is this what I brought?"

She looked at her hands, full of disbelief and regret. If she had not touched the goddess of life, everything that happened later would not have happened.

But that was the first time she saw a god belonging to the elves. When he fell, no elf would be indifferent, right?

Luo Ning's eyes were a little complicated, and he comforted: "No, this is the test of the curse doctor."

"I have to save them, Luoning, you help me, I have to save them, they can't die because of me."

Luo Ning stretched out his hand to pull Eileen up, his eyes full of sadness: "Okay, let's save them together, but you have to listen to me."

"No problem, no problem, let's go, let's save Roni first, she can't die, absolutely not!"

With that said, Irene took Luo Ning and rushed out of the house, and then suddenly froze.

"Ahem. Ahem."


The coughing outside the door became louder. One person walked to the street and gathered at the medical center. Everyone seemed to realize that they were sick.

These people...want to live.

Disease, why are there diseases in the world?

It would be nice if there were no diseases in the world

Eileen thought inexplicably

"I want to save them."

"Okay, let's save them together, but Sister Eileen, you have to think that you are a cursed doctor, you are a cursed doctor." Luo Ning said with strong intolerance in her eyes, and she raised her head in confusion as if she wanted to get something. Enlightenment.

But she didn't get any response. She was extremely entangled, but in the end she made the best choice for Irene: "This is just a virtual inheritance space, it can't be stopped."

"Okay, as long as I can save them."


outside world.

Looking at the extremely fast sliding scene, Ding Ziyuan, who had brought in many psychology books, suddenly dropped the books in her hand.

She looked at Bai Bian in confusion: "This kind of thing will only happen once, right?"

Bai Bian looked at Marshall. Only he could control this scene. Bai Bian didn't understand space well enough.

Marshall nodded, and the picture in front of him quickly shrank, and a huge kingdom slowly appeared in front of everyone.


Mina took a deep breath, with distress and unbearable expression in her eyes.

"No wonder. No wonder." Ding Ziyuan murmured: "If the inheritance of curse doctors is like this, then they will definitely have big psychological problems."

"Doctors who sank in the disease and reborn in the disease, intending to save the world, spread the disease and destroyed a real world."

"Is this the Curse Doctor?"

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