Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 237 Searching, Prediction

[You have opened the level 70 optional boss feat x1. 】

[Please choose one of the three specialties below. 】

[Elemental Celebrity: Charm value +30, natural elements will be closer to you. 】

[Spiritual recovery: Your mental recovery power is +30%. Part of your mental power will be stored in your soul. When your mental power drops, you can use the stored mental power at any time to restore your mental power.

Cooling time: 1 natural day. 】

[Magic Alchemy: Your magic power becomes more solid and aggressive. 】

This is an optional boss specialty at level 70. It feels pretty good, but there is a trap that makes Bai Bian a little speechless.

Magic alchemy, this thing should be something that changes alchemical magic power into mage magic power.

But it's not that he can't release magic. In fact, alchemists can also release magic, but that requires learning the magic patterns of magic.

It's just because the knowledge system of the profession of alchemy is too huge. Unless the current alchemy knowledge stagnates and Bai Bian is given tens of thousands of years to learn, it is impossible for him to complete the knowledge of the alchemy system.

Even a great sage cannot say that he has finished learning alchemy knowledge. When encountering new things, even if a great sage can see through this new knowledge at a glance, he is still learning in the process of seeing through it.

In addition, the magic power of ordinary alchemists is not that strong, so the alchemist gives people the illusion that they cannot release magic.

If an alchemist specializes in learning the patterns of magic, they can still release the magic of the mage, but it will be much weaker than the magic of the mage.

The opposite is also true. Mages can also learn alchemy glyphs, but their magic is offensive, while alchemy glyphs are gentle things, so even if they succeed in condensing them, for the same glyph, the alchemist's glyph will be more More suitable for modification or manufacturing.

If he chooses this thing, White Plague can be sure that the power of his alchemical creation will be reduced by at least 30%.

Unless the offensive word disappears, Bai Bian chooses to recover mentally without hesitation.

This thing is very interesting. His mental power will only get stronger and stronger, with 30% storage, which is a terrifying talent.

However, these choices were made a month ago. After Bai Bian chose this specialty that was awakened at level 70, he fell into the study of transformation.

It took him a whole month to learn the master-level knowledge of Spiritual Bones to the basics, and then directly improve the skills to reach the full level.

[Your alchemical transformation has been promoted to master. 】

Modern Transformation: [Grand Master Alchemy Transformation (200/100000) (expand)]

The proficiency of 100,000 makes Bai Bian a little stunned. Thinking about the transformation knowledge he currently has, the high-end ones include Evil Thoughts, Madness, Madness Blooming, and Divine Bones.

There are more general modifications, including X, Y, M, L, exoskeleton modifications, body mechanization modifications and a series of modifications.

The proficiency in dozens of transformations is all at full level, and he is proficient in all lower-end transformations, such as transforming human arms into tentacles, such as simple pharmaceutical transformations.

He even has a new skill called [Catman Potion], and he has enough potions to transform his flesh and blood.

This is a race-transforming potion. Anyone who has reached the level of an ordinary person and drinks it will have their genes reprogrammed and become an extremely pure cat person.

Only then does one reach the master level, and the knowledge a sage needs is more than the sum of these.

What's even more outrageous is that after you understand all the high-end things, you don't need skill points to look at the low-end things. The corresponding skills will appear on the panel after just two glances.

Two operations were enough to reach the full level. In other words, he needed to find a large number of high-level transformations, and even develop some transformations beyond himself, before he could become a sage.

But now he still has three special skill points. Special skill points plus proficiency are very powerful. Maybe he can try it.

After Bai Bian was worried for a while, he continued to study science and technology. Even with the assistance of skill points, it would still take a lot of time.

One divine bone added 3,000, but it took a month, and the science and technology was still short of 10,000, and I didn’t know how long it would take to study it.

Especially Pharmacy, which has fallen behind, is now only at the master level (5810/50000).

He is also a time-consuming person.

After thinking about it, Zero's voice sounded: [Special magic fluctuations appear around Miss Luo Ning and Miss Irene. 】

Bai Bian stood up suddenly, and the next moment, Zero's voice sounded again: [All the alchemy technology equipment on Miss Luo Ning and Miss Irene have been lost and cannot be traced. 】

Bai Bing put away the hive and a lot of information about the gods on it, and walked out of the knowledge hall.

His mental power spread instantly, and the next moment, the power of arcane magic exerted a powerful effect. He easily tore open the space and walked in.

When we came out again, there was an extremely lively atmosphere.

Various curses, laughter, and unbelievable sounds rang in my ears. Copper coins were put into the game consoles at Daybreak, which was enough to show that in addition to entertainment, these game consoles actually had some gambling properties.

In addition to making the gaming industry more popular, some machines, such as fishing machines, will always arouse players' emotions.

A silver orc who seemed to be watching the scene seemed to sense something, and looked here with sharp eyes. But the next moment, the orc's eyes widened, and a flattering smile appeared on his face as he trotted over.

But under Bai Bie's gaze, he stopped and shouted quickly. Many orcs watching the scene came out to shut up those who were cursing.

And his actions also made more people around him notice the white epidemic. Everyone's eyes were filled with shock, admiration, and some fear.

After all, the combat power of White Plague after that war was clearly shown in the videos recorded by some players. It was so powerful that they could not understand it.

Respect for the strong is a rule that every Shia abides by.

Bai Bian didn't pay much attention and walked towards a small private room in the suddenly quiet game building.

After a casual glance, mental energy poured in, and the closed box opened automatically. The projection of the Elf Forest in it suddenly disappeared, but there was no shadow of the two girls in it.

Bai Bian frowned, and the fluctuations in the space began to ripple. Some of the instruments sparked sparks under the fluctuations in the space.

This kind of virtual projection equipment is very sophisticated and can be easily damaged if it encounters fluctuations. However, the owners and waiters of this game arcade are not dissatisfied, or they dare not be dissatisfied.

Bai Bian frowned, no, is it because he can't see the small world, or is the entrance to the small world not here?

Bai Bian thought for a while, and extended his mental power into the city. Almost the next moment, two old men appeared next to Bai Bian.

Space scholar Marshall!

The magician Heidinger!

"City Lord."

Marshall bowed respectfully. In two months, he had reached the bronze level. This was a terrifying progress, but if you really understand the arcane system and have some talent for arcane, then it wouldn't be surprising. .

However, this arcane talent is somewhat difficult to measure, and some nine-star scholars were easily stuck in the lower bronze ranks, making no progress in two months.

This system does not have high requirements for qualifications. As long as you can sense your own spiritual power and have a certain amount of knowledge, you can step into the extraordinary.

But it is not that qualifications are not required at all. It is difficult for some people without the slightest talent to break through. They can only rely on knowledge to hone their magic power bit by bit and polish it bit by bit over a long period of time.

Fortunately, Marshall is not that extraordinary insulator.

"What happened?" Heidinger was not so polite. He was quite familiar with Bai Bian, and his status was not lower than that of Bai Bian.

"Irene's inheritance has arrived, and Luo Ning has been involved. It's a small world. I haven't discovered it yet, so I want you to come and have a look." Bai Yi said directly, with a very calm tone.

"What?" Heidinger asked in shock, "Why didn't you tell me in advance?"

"Mr. Heidinger, please call Ms. Elsa over first. Maybe her prediction can be useful." Bai Bing said and looked at Marshall: "Mr. Marshall, did you see anything?"

Marshall's eyes were covered with a little spiritual power. Under the guidance of spiritual power, he saw a black line extending into the distance.

"can see."

Bai Bian grabbed Marshall directly and said calmly: "Mr. Marshall, please show the way, we will go there first."

As he spoke, he looked at Heidinger. Heidinger recovered from the shock. He knew that Bai Bing's arrangement was correct. The space around him fluctuated and disappeared in an instant.

Also disappearing at the same time is the white plague that penetrated the space with arcane power.

He has used a special skill point on Demon Flash, and has a very deep understanding of space, especially the penetration of space.

When it reappeared, it was already outside the city. Under Marshall's guidance, the powerful magic power of the White Plague appeared, forming a shield, and scarlet light flashed in its eyes.

The surrounding natural elements collapsed immediately when the evil thoughts appeared. The -11 charm value made Marshall tremble, and a slight tremor appeared on his old body.

"Don't be afraid, Mr. Marshall, the speed may be a bit fast, but there will be no drama and nothing will happen."

With an agility of up to 630, White Blight rushed out in an instant, turned into a stream of light, and rushed towards the northeast with Marshall, whose eyes suddenly widened.


The speed that surpassed the bone dragon exploded in an instant, making everything around it blur to the extreme. The terrifying energy smashed everything in front of it, and occasionally disappeared and appeared, avoiding mountains.

At this speed, no adventurers or players in the wild can even see clearly.

“It’s here”

Some trembling voices sounded.

The white plague directly entered the space penetration again, and when it reappeared, it had already arrived in a strange place.

The white plague has not come here yet. I checked the distance to Tobu City and found that it was already more than 8,000 kilometers away, and it took less than ten minutes.

This is the ultimate burst speed of 630 speeds, very fast, incredibly fast.

The physical strength of the dark side is extremely exaggerated. Even after running so far, Bai Bian didn't feel any fatigue.

Marshall was a little dizzy, and he shook his head. If he had not become a bronze master, or had not drank the source of life, he might have died during this run.

The scarlet color in Bai Bian's eyes disappeared, the huge mental power spread, and the power of arcane magic stirred the space, causing strong waves in the space.

But still nothing was found.

"Lord of the City"

Marshall panted for a while before he came back to his senses. Just as he was about to say something, another spatial fluctuation appeared around him.

Mina, Elsa, Eric, and Heidinger all arrived.

Bai Bian frowned and said helplessly: "Mr. Eric, you shouldn't have come. Tobu City is a bit empty now."

Heidinger shook his head: "It's okay. I left a lot of formations in Tobu City. If someone attacks Tobu City, I will know about it. How is it now?"


Twelve transparent cards appeared in Elsa's hand.

Then she took out a piece of Luoning's hair, wrapped it around the cards, and started predicting without asking anything.

The afternoon sun in the sky seemed a little dim at this moment. It was she who taught Luo Ning how to use the power of the stars to predict things.

But just now she started to feel uneasy, because Heidinger found her on her way out to look for Luo Ning.

Mina's eyes were a little anxious and remorseful, because she seemed unable to help.

"Mr. Marshall is more professional now." Bai Bian responded and continued to look at Marshall: "Mr. Marshall, tell me."

Everyone except the fortune teller who was making predictions looked at him.

"This space is very unstable. If someone as powerful as you enters, this space will be shattered. Moreover, this space is restricted and others cannot enter by force." Marshall said with a slight breath, and raised his hand. hand.

Something like mist appeared in his hand.

"It's like a newly born space. I heard you talk about inheritance just now, so maybe it was during the revival of this profession that this space was formed with some specific power, which can accommodate up to Silver level power. "

"And this space only accepts inheritors to enter. Miss Luo Ning's entry should be voluntary. If I guessed correctly, this place is mainly for inheritance, and the danger is not great."

Marshall's tone was very affirmative. He had studied space all his life and his understanding of space was very high. If he had magic talent, maybe he could become a rare space mage.

There are quite a lot of this kind of inheritance space in the records, and he can be sure that he is not mistaken.

Bai Bian frowned and was about to say something.

A little light bloomed next to it, and some patterns began to appear on the twelve cards.

Elsa stretched out an old hand.

The next moment, the fifth card flew out and flew into her hand.

She looked at the things on it and breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, there are some twists and turns, but it's not life-threatening."

She first said something to comfort the group of bosses, and then continued to start the next round of predictions.

When the light of the stars bloomed again, she stretched out her hand again, and the first card flew out. She looked at the predicted words above, and her eyes completely relaxed with some pictures.

"How is it?" Mina asked worriedly.

"This is the legendary Gate of Apocalypse. Each one has a different meaning, and the first good luck!"

"We will see them soon!"

Seeing that the two professionals gave reassuring answers, Bai Bian also breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought for a while and looked at Marshall: "Mr. Marshall, can you open the gap in that space?"

Marshall hesitated: "Not sure, but I can try. This kind of space is too fragile. If it collapses, it will cause irreversible damage to the people inside."

As he spoke, he seemed to have thought of something, and a light flashed in his cloudy eyes: "It's not impossible, Ms. Fortune Teller, you can mobilize the power of fate, right?"

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