Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 236 The inheritance trial begins

"Oh, boss brother is always busy."

Luo Ning held his head with one hand and flipped through the book at hand with the other hand, scanning the words above with a bored look.

"This is good. This way the capitalists won't stare at me and bully me all day long." Irene took a bite of the fruit and answered vaguely.

Their master was saying something under the Tree of Life, and the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion looked very harmonious.

Luo Ning glanced at her and continued to flip through the book, with thoughtful eyes: "Sister Eileen, have you noticed that you seem to have changed a little?"

"Huh?" Eileen turned her head, a little surprised: "Is there one? Where? Is it because the capitalist has been away and I am in a good mood?"

"No." Luo Ning shook her head. She reached out to flip a page of the book and looked at the knowledge on it. Her tone was a little soft: "You almost killed a seedling of the Tree of Life."

"Ah, this" Erin's eyes wandered.

He said with some uncertainty: "Isn't that an accident? I just want those saplings to grow faster. The tree of life cultivation manual said that the leaves of the tree of life should be vibrant green regardless of the four seasons. , but the leaves of the sapling were already a little wilted, so I”

"You wouldn't have been like this before." Luo Ning looked at the text and said softly: "You know the properties of your curse doctor, but you are not sure whether the life energy will turn into poison next time."

Irene was silent for a moment, then returned to her original appearance: "Haha, pay attention next time, be sure to pay attention."


"Oh~ stop talking, let's go, let's go, we have opened a large entertainment city here, you haven't been there yet, let's go, let's go have some fun." Irene interrupted Luoning, pulling her out. Go.

"Oh no, I want more."

"Master, Luo Ning and I went out to play."

Elsa and Mina glanced here and shook their heads helplessly. If the personalities of these two people were changed, they would look normal, but now they are weird moonlight elves.

"Every time I see this street scene, I sigh. The world is developing so fast. I don't even know Tobu City anymore." Irene led Luo Ning through the streets and alleys until they came to a bustling street.

It's obviously daytime here, but the neon lights and projected lights are still a bit dazzling.

Occasionally, there will be mechanized welcomes around, or mechanical voices describing a certain product, which looks like a futuristic city.

These are all the products of alchemy. The number of alchemists in this city has exceeded 100,000, making it the place with the most alchemists in the entire Dawn.

The top potential of alchemy is here, and they all come with yearning.

And these alchemists are special. From the official department or any private department, they have a high probability of being accepted as long as they sign up.

Even if you don't sign up, you will still enjoy preferential policies when opening an alchemy workshop in Tobu City or certain pharmacies.

After the video of the war in which tens of millions of troops were unable to enter Tobu City was circulated, the security here was no longer a concern for outsiders.

This is also the main reason why there are so many people in Tobu City.

Erin took a deep breath, her nose filled with the faint smell of metal and the orc's body odor.

The joy on her face suddenly disappeared: "It's just that they don't do greening. Damn it, are they denying the elves to live there? I must complain to them!"

Luo Ning was led to keep moving forward and did not refuse. In fact, she also wanted to come out and play, but after completing her daily training tasks, she wanted to be in a daze on the lake pavilion, thinking about her future.

Now that she was out, her eyes gradually brightened when she saw such prosperity.

After all, she is just a thirteen-year-old child, and she still has a playful nature, just like the snowmen piled up in the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion half a year ago.

"Sister Eileen, where is the place you are talking about?" Luo Ning looked around, a little dazed, and his voice was full of interest.

"Don't worry, we'll wait." Erin said, taking out her phone and operating it.

About thirty seconds later, a metallic autonomous car appeared in front of them. They took out their Daybreak badges to pay and got in the car.

[Dear passengers, destination Tobu Entertainment, we are ready to depart. 】

At the same time as the mechanical sound sounded, the seat belts automatically stretched out to fasten them, and the vehicle moved away silently.

Luo Ning was stunned: "Um? Why is there no one? Didn't everyone need someone to drive before?"

Erin operated the backrest in front of her twice, took out her Daybreak badge to pay, and two bottles of milk appeared. She handed one to Luo Ning.

While drinking, he replied: "I don't know. There was no need for people a month ago. It is said that taxis were unified by an alchemist. He opened some kind of company and used AI to coordinate the overall situation."

Luo Ning seemed to understand: "Wouldn't this hit someone? It's still driving so fast."

As soon as Luo Ning finished speaking, a car in front of him suddenly braked. In an instant, a subtle shield appeared, and the vehicle stopped instantly. However, in this shield, the passengers did not feel any inertia, not even the fingers on their hands. No milk was spilled.

"Hey, look, doesn't this stop?" Irene sighed: "Technology is still very useful. If the greening can be done well and there are more trees, Tobu City will definitely attract a lot of elves."

"There are a lot of elves now." Luo Ning looked at all kinds of people on the roadside. The largest number of them were humans and orcs, but elves, cat people and other races were also not uncommon.

Occasionally, some goblins, dwarves, or goblins appear, showing the prosperity of the city.

However, the Goblin race is inherently lazy and evil, and is rarely seen in the inner city.

Only a small number of Goblins can achieve transcendence, even though they were once a race of transcendences.

The two people's vehicle quickly drove towards the west gate. There were many vehicles along the way, but there were no helicopters.

It’s not that helicopters have been eliminated, it’s just that helicopters are not allowed to fly in inner cities because they are too noisy and affect the living experience in inner cities.

Helicopters are now more frequent in outer cities, and the main means of transportation in inner cities are these vehicles, or single-person aircraft.

However, there are many prohibitions on these aircraft, and most of them can only fly over the streets. After all, as the number of people increases, there will also be more strong ones. Those who fly strong may be beaten on the head.

As the vehicle drove forward, the front became more and more prosperous, and it was obvious that there were more and more people around. This area is a famous entertainment area, with pubs, game arcades and even Internet cafes opened here.

The principle of mobile phones is not complicated. Some alchemists can enlarge mobile phones to create instruments with higher performance. Under the suggestions of players, computers also appeared in this era. Due to the high cost and the Internet fee, This thing is difficult to popularize quickly.

Therefore, Internet cafes have become inevitable. The Komen family's network is getting bigger and bigger, and the Internet-related industry chain is gradually improving. They give these bosses Internet access at a very low price.

And these bosses also priced the Internet fee to 3 copper coins per hour. The extremely fast Internet speed, coupled with ultra-high performance and extremely cheap pricing, allowed Internet cafes to rise rapidly.

This would give more people access to the Internet and attract more potential customers to the Coleman family.

Luo Ning and Irene's vehicles were parked outside a six-story building. This building was still magnificent even in the daytime, and the entire building revealed a blue technological color.

In the extraordinary era, a magic conversion device can convert almost unlimited electrical energy. Therefore, no matter it is day or night, most business places will purchase magic conversion devices.

The lights basically never go out.

"Wow~ It's so beautiful." Luo Ning looked at this building full of glass and lights in surprise.

Occasionally, some pictures will appear on these glasses, which are the appearances of characters in certain games.

Once something like a game appears in a spiritually deficient world, it will definitely be popular.

The previous Daybreak was too depressing, but the appearance of players gave Daybreak a lot of vitality, and their ideas collided strongly with the thoughts of the world.

For example, what is projected on the screen now is the magically modified version of Pokemon.

From catching elves to catching World of Warcraft, many alchemists and magicians are even studying elf balls because of this game. They always feel that some of the concepts of this game can become a reality.

Because there are really many Warcraft that are close to intelligent beings. If you can create a small space for them to be comfortable, then it may not be impossible to realize the plot of this game.

"Let's go, let's not be shocked. It is said that according to the amount calculated by some people, Tobu City invests tens of millions in the construction of the city every day. If it didn't have this effect, that hateful capitalist would have chatted with these officials. ”

Erin pulled Luo Ning and walked into it while talking.

The two of them exchanged a lot of copper coins and happily walked into it with the box in their hands. There were many games including singing, semi-virtual, mental projection, gun fights, knife fights, and strategy.

Especially the singing. Although the songs of the wonders are a bit strange to the ears of the Shia people, the individual rhythms still make the Dawnbreakers like it very much.

It is said that some singers from reality planned to develop and hold their own concerts at Daybreak, but due to the merger of some cities not yet completed, they were temporarily shelved.

After playing wildly for a while, the two walked into a small private room. After dropping five copper coins, everything around them suddenly began to change, like some kind of projection, like a transformation of space, and the vision was changing. Trick their senses.

A slight breeze blew by, ruffling the hair of the two little girls. The smell of green grass and leaves made them feel that they were really in a forest, not the inner city of Tobu that looked like a future city.

"so beautiful."

The extremely dreamy virtual picture made Luo Ning's eyes sparkle: "Where is this?"

Erin relaxed a little and leaned back. Suddenly, a soft touch hit her. She sat on the sofa and sighed: "The Forest of Elves!"

"People use fantasy and words to restore this place in the elves' dreams. It is said that even Lady Oganna has been in this kind of game and stayed for a whole day."

Erin looked up, and the virtual moonlight shone on the two of them.

[We are the darlings of life. On this birthday of life, the forest is full of fruits. We sing the greatness of life. We]

Some sweet singing came, and Luo Ning turned around to see five kinds of elves singing and dancing: green hair, red hair, white hair, blond hair, and blue hair.

The surrounding green scenery was also dyed a little golden, and huge fruits were hung on the branches, bending them slightly.

The fragrance of the fruit invaded her nostrils, and the elven city not far away was covered with gorgeous and beautiful patterns.

Fireflies dance next to the elves in the forest, paired with the light of the full moon. Even if the bonfire is not lit, this picture looks so dreamy under the illumination of magic.

"Is this the Elf Forest before the God War?"

"Well, it's always so peaceful then."

Irene answered Luoning's words, and followed the low-pitched singing of the elf not far away. She had been here many times, and every time after the fun was over, she always liked to stay here for a while.

Although she has never experienced this, she yearns for it.

"There is no war?" Luo Ning asked with bright eyes.

"Yes, but not in the Elf Forest, because we have a great goddess." Irene's eyes also shone a little, but then dimmed: "It's a pity that the goddess is no longer here."

She looked at the symbol of the Tree of Life in the royal city, her eyes a little dazed.

In the space of inheritance, the goddess is very close to her, and she has also experienced the history of elves.

In fact, it is not that there are no complaints at all, but there cannot be any complaints.

The reason why the New God can become a New God is because of the supply of faith from all living beings, and the New God has given tens of millions of years of peace and prosperity as people hoped.

That was something that people in the Ancient God period could not imagine, but a battle between gods brought everything to an end.

Thousands of years of prosperity were destroyed in one fell swoop, and the kingdom was destroyed in the aftermath of the battle between gods, the gods they lifted up.

There was a slight trance, and Erin looked at the prosperity in front of her, with some inexplicable sadness in her eyes. The world seemed to be sick, and the war would never end.

Isn’t peace bad?

In a daze, Erin felt that she was being held by someone.

She turned her head and saw Luo Ning's solemn expression.

"What's wrong?"

she asked subconsciously.

"We have to go." A golden light appeared in Luoning's eyes, and he grabbed Eileen and walked in one direction without hesitation.

"Eh? Wait, that's it"

Before Irene said it was glass, she saw Luo Ning leading her out through the place where the glass should have been.

Quiet, the surroundings are very quiet. The noisy voices of the surrounding people have disappeared, and the beautiful songs of the elves have also disappeared.

There is no longer a scene where players or goblins quietly steal money from the orcs. Instead, it is deserted!

A slight smell of decay came, making Irene's eyes solemn: "What's going on?"

Luo Ning held Eileen tightly and continued to walk forward. His voice was a little muffled: "I told you that you have a legacy, right? Now... here we are."

"How could that happen?" Eileen paused and looked at Luo Ning in disbelief.

"I didn't expect it. It came so suddenly. I had to catch you before I could come in with you."

"There is only one way to block passive foresight..."

The golden light in Luo Ning's eyes gradually dissipated, and he felt helpless: "It's truly random, just like the boss brother's lottery. I have no way of knowing at what point in time I will win the lottery, and when I wait for the prize to arrive, it only takes a moment."

"The moment just now arrived, but we didn't come out."

Eileen held Luoning's hand tightly and whispered: "Don't be afraid of Luoning, I will protect you."

"Well, I just hope that Brother Boss can discover our abnormality."

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