[You have created legendary soul enhancement potion x 9, experience value +2000000, skill point +1, additional experience value +2000000. 】

[You drink soul-enhancing potion x9, Holy Spirit +15. 】

[Your soul is greatly strengthened, and Holy Soul Soul Breeding triggers: strength +10, agility +10, endurance +10, and charm +3. 】

Bai Bian drank the last bottle of potion and let out a long sigh of relief.

His eyes turned into a deep blue color at this time, and all the elements were floating around him, very close to him, and the dark side was so well-behaved at the moment that he had no intention of resisting at all.

118 Holy Spirit points are equivalent to 1180 spiritual attributes. The first three levels of legends definitely do not have such strong attribute points.

Bai Bian stretched out a finger, and a blue shield loomed above it. He closed his eyes and felt it.

Now if the scarlet god's favored one comes again, her claws will never be able to tear this shield apart in a short period of time.

The weakened Thesis cannot tear the shield apart within ten moves even with a pseudo-artifact.

Strong, very strong, very strong.

Bai Bian let out a long sigh of relief.

He looked at Zero. In addition to some messages sent by Luo Ning, there were city reports sent by various officials.

Tobu City has changed a lot during the two months of seclusion.

Rapid changes are no longer enough to explain the situation, and the gradual rise of the Internet has brought benefits to Tobu City that are mainly comparable to Tobu City's tax revenue.

Although Internet fees may not be that high, the most profitable thing on the Internet is never Internet fees. Internet fees are just the basis, of which various VIPs, games, even movies and transactions are the bulk.

Monopoly is very scary. Some capital wants to use the Internet, a broader platform, to sell things, and the commission is a terrifying figure.

Although Tobu City only accounts for 20% of the revenue, it still allows Tobu City's development to increase endlessly.

Mechanization in the inner city has only appeared for less than half a year, and it is about to move towards deeper mechanization. Not long after the Baofang on Outer City Road was built, part of it was about to be demolished.

Entertainment venues, training venues, and all kinds of imaginable and unimaginable things have been built in this land.

Bai Bian took a general look and found that he was very satisfied with the development of Tobu City.

After replying to Luo Ning, Bai Bian had some thoughts in his eyes. Last time, he used his powerful soul to directly erase part of Irene's curse, which seemed to delay the crisis indefinitely.

But what is supposed to come will always come.

He looked at the experience points and added in all the extra experience points.

[Level: 69 (8531000/9000000). 】

There are still more than 500,000 experience points left to reach level 70. I don’t know what the advanced tasks at level 70 are.

Bai Bian was stunned as he thought about it. It seemed that there were no advanced quests when he entered the golden middle. Could it be that the span was too small, or did he need to reach Legend to have advanced quests?

Bai Bian thought about it, somewhat confused about the rules.

But it’s better to have missions across big realms. Otherwise, when you reach levels 81 to 90, wouldn’t it be one mission per level?

How troublesome that is

But there is another situation, and that is the span of strength. When the bronze level is high and the silver level is low, the task does not appear, but when the silver level is high and the gold level is low, it does appear.

Thinking about White Plague, he didn't bother to think about it anymore. It wasn't a big problem. He had to get enough of the five hundred thousand experience points first.

Bai Bian thought about it and decided to study the M-type transformation. Mechanical transformation didn't matter.

And because of the X transformation, the soldiers who underwent M-type transformation were a little negative about their own transformation, and they always felt that they could not compete with the L-type transformation.

There were even some scenes of competing for spots.

In order to maintain the balance of the Whispering Legion, White Plague needs to expand its knowledge in this area.

Recalling the steps of X transformation, White Plague almost requires a full-level Transformation Master, and it is still very simple to imitate these low-level curses.

The LM transformation was originally made by the same person, while the X transformation only adds combat power to the L-shaped transformation. It only requires a similar bonus to create a transformation with similar effects.

He thought about it and walked out. He needed to find some test subjects, which cannot be said to be test subjects. After all, it was difficult for his transformation to fail. Even if the advanced version of the M-type transformation failed, it would still be better than the original M-type transformation. It can be considered half an advanced level.

But Bai Bing is absolutely confident that he can come up with a new transformation, because whether it is madness or evil thoughts, it is much stronger than the LM transformation.

However, Frenzy and White Plague of Evil Thoughts both have full proficiency, and even Frenzy surpasses the original proficiency.

It's like a top mathematician revising a primary school textbook. It may not be said to be better than the original version, but it won't make it worse with more revisions, right?

Arriving at the headquarters of the Whispering Legion, legion commander Garit came out respectfully.

Under Bai Bie's order, the ten M-type modified warriors with the most outstanding military exploits and the seven L-type modified warriors with the most outstanding military exploits quickly gathered here.

Their military exploits are not enough to exchange for Type X or they are about to be transformed and named Type Y.

But the NPC's merit redemption system is different from that of players. They only need one million merits to redeem X transformation, not 19 million merits.

Anything players exchange will be at the original value. In other words, the X-type transformation requires about 1.68 million gold coins in materials, and they also need to pay a transformation fee of 300,000 gold coins before they can carry out the transformation.

The exchange rate between war merit and gold coins is 1:10, so there is such a high limit on war merit.

Players also know this. Although they are a little angry, they are also helpless because the entire federation is like this.

It seems to just give them a redemption channel.

As for Xiahou Fuxing's transformation, Bai Bian also knew about it, so he was not surprised.

But it is impossible for White Blight to create players to transform the legion, because they are disordered. Once there are more players who have the power of gold, then White Blight does not believe that they are not causing trouble in the Federation.

Sometimes a sharp sword is too rebellious, and it can also hurt the sword holder.

As the renovators gathered together, a higher-level transformation and transformation explanation began.

Unexpectedly but clearly, Yue Fang and Ba Tuo were also there. Although they opened the alchemy technology store, they closed the shop as quickly as possible when Bai Plague gave an explanation, and then came over to watch.

Bai Bian didn't object. As each material entered the body of the M-shaped modified soldier, a brand new transformation suddenly appeared on the panel, which was pretty much what he expected.

[You have created a new type of transformation, which has been named Y. 】

[Name: Y-shaped transformation.

Attribute: Flesh Transformation.

Effect: Obtain stable and ultimate physical attributes, with constant strength of 210, constant agility of 330, constant endurance of 200, constant intelligence of 200, and constant charm of 0.

And gain expertise: Haste: activates stored power, increasing agility by 30%.

Cooling time: 5 hours.

Ghost Step: Transform the body into a phantom within thirty minutes, ignore most physical damage, and increase agility by 20% and intelligence by 10%.

Cooling time: 8 hours.

Ghost Backstab: There is a special power in your body. When the enemy turns their back to you or you disappear from the enemy's sight, the next attack will deal +50% damage.

Modification requirements: Bronze mid.

Note: This transformation requires consuming all the potential of the person being transformed.

Introduction: The art of assassination, what is a ghost assassin? Perhaps an alchemical transformation master will tell you after he has mastered a powerful assassination ability. 】

[You used skill points x 2 to reach the full proficiency level of the Y-shaped transformation skill. 】

[Your alchemy transformation proficiency +1000. 】

The body size difference between the Y-shaped transformation and the X-shaped transformation is even greater. The female elf who was originally about 1.8 meters has shrunk to 1.6 meters after this transformation, but it gives people an extremely oppressive feeling.

Those bronze alchemists looked at the calm and clothed elf in front of them with a little fear in their eyes, because they could feel a strong sense of crisis. It seemed that as long as this elf was willing, he could wipe their necks at any time.

Bai Bian is still very satisfied with his work.

As the Y-type transformation began to spread in the Whispering Legion, the M-type transformation soldiers suddenly seemed to see hope, and their original small opinions suddenly disappeared.

The entire legion stabilized again.

Bai Bing continued to transform, and when all seventeen transformed soldiers were completed, the Whispering Legion of 50,000 people now had twenty strong men with golden combat power.

However, the price of Y's transformation is more expensive than that of X, reaching a material value of 2.4 million gold coins.

This does not mean that Y is stronger than X, but that the two ghost specialties use more precious things, but if there is a fight, X will have the upper hand.

After all, X is a transformation that has less health and is stronger.

[You have performed seventeen high-level transformations, with an experience value of 170,000 and an additional experience value of +170,000. 】

Bai Bian walked out of the Whispering Army and frowned. He was still close. As his levels get higher, various low-level things are regarded as gaining experience.

He thought for a while and decisively returned to the city to start making lucky potions. The materials for this thing were even more precious, but fortunately he was the lord of Tobu City, otherwise the alchemist would really need too many resources if he wanted to grow.

As time went by, about three days later, the lucky potion finally appeared on the panel. I decisively filled up the lucky potion with skills.

Suddenly, a lot of knowledge flooded into his mind. This feeling not only consumed his mental energy, but also made him enjoy it.

With every bit of knowledge absorbed, Bai Yie will feel more happy and have a clearer sense of his own position.

A little bit of complacency gradually disappeared under the wash of knowledge.

With full proficiency in manufacturing, three bottles of pink potion appeared in front of you.

These three small bottles of medicine are worth tens of millions of gold coins, because they are medicines related to the illusory destiny.

The materials in it are too rare, and the value of collecting them is too high, but this potion can be called a potion that can change one's destiny.

[Name: Fate favors.

Attribute: Amplifying potion.

Level: Legend.

Effect: Luck +8, the second bottle is invalid.

Dosage requirements: None.

Introduction: In a bet with the devil, I believed in my luck, but they were simply not something luck could defeat - Desi Thornton. 】

White Plague uncorked the bottle with some anticipation and drank it without hesitation.

[You drink the Potion of Fate’s Favor, and your luck will be +8. 】

Bai Yifei felt the subtle changes in himself, and he opened the panel with great interest. The originally conspicuous 1 in the luxurious attribute points had now turned into 9.

This is a big breakthrough. Generally, a person's lifetime is 1 when they are born. When they go to school and start to be exposed to knowledge, luck will grow. Generally, they can grow up to Bronze Extraordinary. Their luck is around 3. Luck It might be better like 5.

Silver's extraordinary luck has an upper limit, 3-8.

Golden Extraordinaries generally have 5-10 luck, and as they become stronger, their luck will increase.

Once it breaks through ten points, it is basically auspicious, and fair gambling is usually the kind they win.

So logically speaking, 9 points is the lucky value that White Plague should really have.

Now this counts

Bai Bian thought happily, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

The luck point slowly dropped from 9 to 8 in front of his eyes.

He looked at the panel, it was fine, no prompts. What was the reason for this?

You don't deserve to be lucky. When dozens of seconds passed again, Bai Bian's mouth twitched, 87!

Somewhat speechless, Bai Yi turned off the panel that was still falling off, wasting time.

But there is not no good news, such as this panel information.

[You created Fate's Favor x3, experience value +300000, skill points +2, and additional experience value +300000. 】

[You have been upgraded and your level has reached seventy. 】

[You trigger the promotion mission. 】

[Mission: Rank of the Strong.

Attribute: Promotion task.

Task description: You are about to reach the golden level. For Shia now, you have successfully entered the ranks of the top strong people. Looking at the whole world, you no longer seem to be a weakling.

Sufficient combat power does not mean stable strength. As an alchemist, knowledge is always the most important thing.

Please advance alchemical technology, alchemical pharmacy, and alchemical transformation to master levels.

Mission reward: Alchemical transformation energy ×1, special skill point ×1, attribute point ×10, random reward ×1.

Task time limit: None.

Failure penalty: None.

Introduction: Accumulation is an inevitable process for an alchemist, and you have chosen to develop the whole system. This is the path of the saint and the path of the sage. Perhaps in the near future, you will lead the path of alchemy and become the path of all alchemists. index. 】

Bai Bian was stunned for a moment, and thoughts appeared in his eyes. The last promotion mission was to show force, but this time it was to accumulate knowledge.

There seems to be some connection between this

At that time, my knowledge surpassed the realm, so when I was promoted to gold, I needed to focus on combat power, because my knowledge base at that time was enough for me to enter gold.

But now it is different. After entering Gold, the time for his research has rapidly decreased. Instead, he is fighting everywhere, so knowledge is not enough to support his magic transformation.

So now it’s time to accumulate knowledge.

After thinking about it, Bai Bian gained a deeper understanding of these growth tasks. To a certain extent, this panel was indeed very gentle to him.

I took a look at the current progress of the three subjects.

Master-level Alchemy and Pharmacy (13630/50000) (expand), Master-level Alchemy Technology (40820/50000) (expand), Master-level Alchemy Transformation (47500/50000) (expand).

Let's start with Transformation. This is the subject he uses the most. The recent battle has left Potions behind. His poison should keep up with the current battle.

If you use someone else's ultimate potion, one day the poison will be unable to keep up.

Let Zero always pay attention to everything he cares about in the outside world, Bai Bian walked out of the laboratory and entered the palace of knowledge.

After casting a temporary workbench out of honeycomb, White Plague began to study alchemy seriously.

There are currently 88 skill points left, which should be enough to reach the master level in all three disciplines, but it is just more time-consuming to get started.

But as soon as you get started, skill points can start to increase your proficiency.

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