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Chapter 234 Holy Spirit Breakthrough

Chapter 234 Holy Spiritual Breakthrough

[You have created an exoskeleton mechanical device, with an experience value of +300 and an additional experience value of +300. 】

As more than 7,000 exoskeletons were formed, White Blight slowly stopped thinking about continuing to make them, and turned to look at the two apprentices. Bato's talent was not bad, because he had a special specialty among his specialties.

[Mechanical Sense: You are very sensitive to any technology, your understanding rate of technological knowledge is +20%, and your control rate of any machinery is +30%. 】

This talent is something that Bai Bing is envious of, and Bai Bing can also feel that Bator has a special magnetic field, which is naturally close to machinery.

With Yue Fang modifying more than 80% of his body, it's hard for the two of them to dislike each other.

Needless to say, Yue Fang, as his level continues to increase, he now has five specialties. Although it is not up to the potential of SSS, it is not at the end of SS.

It's a pity that he was mechanically transformed, which would kill his emotions, but he wanted to, and Bai Bian didn't bother to care.

Now, between the two of them, Yue Fang is at level 40 and Ba Tuo is at level 26. Their progress is pretty good.

"Is there anything else you don't understand?"

White Plague's spiritual power surged, and in the demon dimension, a thousand exoskeletons flew out and flew out the door, quickly sending them to the Whispering Legion's station while some L-shaped transformed warriors were busy.

The two looked at each other, hesitantly.

Yue Fang was the first to stand up, salute to Bai Bian, and a very magnetic mechanical sound sounded: "Mr. Bai Bian, I hope you can tell me how to make super alloy."

Bai Bian was silent for a moment, looked at the moon, thought for a while, and did not refuse. Magic power appeared in his hand, and an article appeared in his hand.

Yue Fang did not straighten up, and a mechanical voice circulated: "Thank you, City Lord, Dongwu City will always be my home."

After he finished speaking, he turned around without hesitation. Some mechanical sounds were moving away. He knew that it was time for him to leave. His future was bright.

Maybe you can open an alchemy machinery shop in Tobu City first, or you can go to the Arms Department to help.

For geniuses, neither the White Plague nor the Federation will interfere too much with their growth. As long as they are safe, as long as they can stand on the side of the Federation when they become strong, it is enough.

Bai Bian looked at Bator. This timid boy had become much more cheerful now, but he still shrank a little when facing Bai Bian.

"Um, Mr. White Plague, can I stay like this?" Bator asked carefully, his voice was very low. He was only fifteen years old and had just become an adult. This achievement was already very good.

Bai Bian waved his hand: "If there is no problem, just leave. You can go to the Arms Department or open a store by yourself."

He has taught enough. If he continues to teach, both of them will have to grow according to his will.

Although this is not impossible, Bai Bian is already a little tired of being a teacher, and these two people are imitating him.

Manufacturing machinery, modification, etc. all have his shadow. For a genius, this will erase their original personality and opportunities, and make some of their original expertise no longer appear.

This is not good. Even if Eric teaches Mawson and the top geniuses in the capital are growing up, their teachers usually only mention it when there are problems and usually let them practice.

Even sometimes some questions are not answered and they need to explore on their own.

You can tell this from looking at Diane. The Tifeng family found all the knowledge about necromancers they could find, and then arranged a large necromantic plane for her, and then let her go in for retreat.

The strong cannot only imitate, nor can they be denied the future direction.

"Teacher, I want a bottle of soul potion." Bato thought for a while and said carefully.

Bai Bian was stunned for a moment, then smiled. The power of the demon dimension appeared, and a bottle of gold-level soul potion appeared.

This was the first thing he made during this period of retreat. He wanted to test whether a large number of soul crystals could replace soul crystal cores to create legendary potions.

He did use a lot of soul crystals, but he was still unable to transform from gold to legend.

Therefore, although the soul power in this bottle of potion is very powerful, it is of little use to a soul of Bai Bian's level.

Unexpectedly, this young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes had already set his sights on the potion he made a month ago.

"Thank you, teacher."

Bato grabbed the soul potion, bowed deeply, turned around, and walked out.

He was a little reluctant to give up, and also a little emotional. The time to study was indeed short, both in school and after school.

But he likes it here better than school.

"Go together?"

The mechanical sound sounded, and Ba Tuo turned to look at Yue Fang. Yue Fang was already a robot at this time. Only the brain and part of the internal organs were not mechanized, but his growable AI was connected to the brain.

It's only a matter of time before everything is mechanized.

"Yes." Batuo nodded and slowly walked outside the city lord's palace.

"What are you going to do in the future?" Yue Fang's mechanical voice had no fluctuations. AI can simulate emotions, but Yue Fang didn't think it was necessary. He was very familiar with Ba Tuo.

"Open a machine shop and make money. The teacher said that an alchemist can do without anything but money." Ba Tuo said directly without hesitation.

"Indeed, but the 100,000 gold coins given by the Lord of the City has doubled several times during this period, and it should be enough for the time being." Electricity flashed in Yue Fang's mechanical eyes.

As soon as he finished speaking, his mechanical voice couldn't help but have emotions: "Xie Te, is super alloy so expensive? Okay, how about we form a partnership? The money I earn will be 30-70 cents. When I make enough money, After that, this store is yours.”

Ba Tuo thought for a while and nodded directly: "Of course, I'm happy to."

Yue Fang was a little emotional, but the emotion in the mechanical voice was gone again: "Alchemists do cost money. But they also make money quickly. You can't make money with the Lord's exclusive technology, so what can make money the fastest?"

Bato: "Just don't harm the world."

Yue Fang: "That won't happen. I added it to the underlying code of my AI. I can't destroy Tobu City, and I can't be an enemy of the White Plague. His laws are valid for my life."

Bartow: "It's best that way."

Bai Bian looked at their leaving figures with thoughts in his eyes. Originally, his original intention of training Yue Fang was to make him a wage earner, but as they progressed and Tobu City developed, this idea was abandoned by Bai Bian. The epidemic was thrown out of my mind.

A silver-level Yue Fang is still a bit too small for the current Tobu City, but it will be different when he grows to gold.

If you lose control, you can capture it and extract the soul. A mechanical transformer cannot possess a spirit, but a mechanical transformer without a soul can possess a spirit, because a mechanical transformer without a soul is just a body controlled by AI.

If it doesn't go out of control, that would be better. A gold-level all-mechanical transformer is very terrifying, enough to guard a border town. Low-level legends are not willing to trouble the all-mechanical transformer.

As for the dark side of White Plague that cannot be captured, it now has the combat power of a low-level legend and can continue to grow.

The light side is now a saint, with unlimited potential. Even if this kid is given a game board, it is impossible to catch up with the progress of White Plague, so there is no need to worry at all.

After thinking about it, Bai Bian withdrew his gaze and put aside Yue Fang's matters for the time being. He took out two bottles of potion from the devil's dimension. One here is a soul-purifying potion made by him, and the other is made by Heidinger to enhance the soul. of medicine.

And Heidinger still used 1000% of the energy of the soul lantern to create the potion, which is not weak among legendary potions.

Bai Bian looked at the progress of the soul lantern, which was 630%.

The killing this time was outrageous, and one more soul lantern would almost be enough to reap the rewards.

It's just a pity that his enemies are either the favored ones of the ancient gods or the abyss lords. The abyss lords have no souls, and the souls of the favored ones are all the disgusting power of the ancient gods. There is no way to describe these.

If there is no soul lantern, how many souls will be lost?

Thinking, he put away the soul-purifying potion. This thing can suppress the invasion of the dark side at critical moments. Even if the saint's soul is now immune to 80% of the invasion, it is not completely without risk.

Just keep this thing forever.

Drink the soul potion in one gulp.

[When you drink the soul-enhancing potion, your Holy Spirit +2. 】

[Your Holy Spirit has exceeded 100 points. Please choose one of the three Saint specialties below. 】

[Holy Soul Recovery: Soul recovery +100%. 】

[Holy Soul Resistance: Soul Resistance +30%. 】

[Power of the Holy Soul: Soul Strength +10%. 】

Bai Bian was stunned for a moment, he actually has expertise?

No wonder saints are so strong and give away their expertise at every turn.

After thinking about it for a while, I realized that resilience and resistance have an invincible spirit. Although the superposition is outrageous, repeating specialties is a waste no matter what.

Therefore, Bai Bian decisively chose the power of the Holy Soul.


A strong buzzing sound sounded, and Bai Bian felt that his soul was strengthening crazily. For his current soul, the 10% enhancement ratio was quite exaggerated.

[Your soul is greatly strengthened, Holy Spirit +3, Holy Soul Soul Breeding triggers: Strength +5, Agility +5, Endurance +5. 】

Bai Bian clenched his fist, and his enhanced body was instantly controlled by the powerful soul.

Bai Bian looked thoughtful in his eyes. Seeing that he was level 69 and had more than half of his experience, Bai Bian immediately started making soul potions.

His current number of soul crystal nuclei is: large, 23 medium, and 18 small.

These things can make about ten bottles of legendary alchemical soul potion.

If Holy Spirit +30 again, White Plague wouldn't even dare to think about whether the low-level legend would be able to stop him once he charges down the accumulated soul.

After all, calculated according to ordinary attribute points, his current spirit is already 1030 points, which is about the strength of a fifth-level legend.

Time passes quickly in the manufacturing room.

The selection in Tobu City is still going on. This legion selection is particularly long, and right after the selection is the time for the legion competition. By then, 5% to 10% of the gaps in each legion will be opened again.

It is aimed at civilian extraordinary people and gives them the opportunity to join the legion.

Therefore, although nearly five million extraordinary people have left, they still come, barely maintaining this full number of people.

And Saab has been taking advantage of this number of people to carry out large-scale construction projects. Tens of millions of gold coins are thrown in every day, and construction is carried out crazily in the outer and inner cities.

A large number of special talents have been recruited, and now Tobu City's system is complete again.

And as those old scholars broke through to transcendence one after another, an arcane alliance slowly spread. This organization was similar to the Elf Alliance, but most of the pioneers of arcana were now in it.

Arcanists can exchange knowledge, find teachers, exchange ideas, and even purchase knowledge and find jobs inside.

This organization had just been established, and it immediately caused an uproar. Although almost everyone was learning arcane arts, although the threshold for arcane arts was low, not everyone could become an arcanist.

Just like not everyone can go to Qingbei.

And now the best teachers in the world have gathered together, which makes those who are learning arcana even more yearning for Tobu City.

When Tobu City's low-priced mobile phones came out two months later, the entire federation was boiling the moment they walked out of Tobu City. The price of one silver coin meant that everyone could access the Internet and obtain some of the things they originally needed. Purchased, but free knowledge among transcendent beings.

This time allowed the entire federation to forget the killings two months ago.

However, as a large number of civilians join the Internet, the atmosphere of the Internet is rapidly deteriorating. Although most civilians still have jobs and their wages have indeed increased, they still express their dissatisfaction with the one silver coin monthly Internet fee.

Because their salary is not enough to pay the Internet fee, let alone do any transactions on the Internet.

In this regard, the Koman family made urgent adjustments and divided the network into three levels, with 10 copper coins per month. This network is a speed-limited network. You can surf the Internet, but you cannot play games.

The kind that freezes when watching short video series created by players.

The second level is 50 copper coins per month. This is no different from the current network, and there is no limit on anything.

The third level is the original price, but Sunu Technology Master has optimized the network and doubled the original network speed. Now the Alchemy Magic Network is becoming more and more perfect.

The upgrade of computing can bring unanimous praise to customers.

The network layering also reduces the pressure on the staff. Although civilians still think that 10 copper coins are expensive, this is the first time that civilians have spoken out and received a response. In this extraordinary world, they are very satisfied to get a response.

However, the more people there are, the worse the network environment will be, especially as the player's short video area becomes more and more popular, and all kinds of monsters and ghosts appear.

There are even some things that players see as a bunch of mosaics. Those scenes are too erotic or too bloody, and are blocked by the panel.

The players were heartbroken, just like when the Blue Star Network was just launched.

Some players went to Su Nu decisively with the thought that I couldn't see why to show it to the NPC. Some of the players' network masters and Su Nu optimized the network again and directly banned the circulation of most blood and sex.

Even under the feasible proposal that players should not let the Internet affect people's cultivation, the real-name system + anti-addiction came out, which deeply disgusted the civilians who finally participated in the Alchemy Magic Network.

At one time, he didn't have a good look on the players as a group. Of course, although most civilians were annoyed by this group of players, the average player was in the middle of bronze. When face to face, they were still a spectacle.

No conflict broke out.

With the optimization of the network, the legion selection in Tobu City is almost completed, followed by the legion elimination competition.

This time, Sabo used Lobo to build a very large outer city. It simply surrounded an open space with Lobo, and the cost was less than a thousand gold coins.

After dividing the venue, start selling tickets directly! Make money.

The Transcendents felt that it was hard to get a vote. Of course they wanted to see who their future opponents would be.

Saab seemed so popular that the four major border towns in the east and Tobu City continued to build these sites and began to make money quickly, and even formed an industrial chain.

Snacks, betting, and buying and selling information quickly made these areas popular, and began to spread to other cities, causing cities with large-scale competitions to directly copy Sabo's ideas and start making money.

After all, the banker takes 20% and divides the loser's money with the winner.

Why not take part in an event that is guaranteed to be won by the public?

Not only the competition, many nobles died in the inner city due to rebellion. Although houses were built in many areas in the outer city, no one lived in them.

This part of the land also began to be auctioned, and the prosperity of the entire federation began.

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