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Chapter 233 Player’s L-shaped transformation

Bai Bian's mental power moved slightly, and the more than a hundred people, old and young, were immediately released. They first looked at the young city lord in disbelief, and then looked at their ancestors' family members who were about to disappear.

The next moment, they started persuading without hesitation.

Scholars are treated like extraordinary people. Because these people have a scholar in their family, they can live in wealthy areas regardless of their talent.

They are grateful to these old people, and now that they have the opportunity, they also want to keep these old scholars who have supported a small family for more than a hundred years alive.

Bai Bian watched with a smile, although in a few hours or even minutes the federation and those cities would take action to extend the lives of the old scholars.

But it doesn’t matter, these people don’t know it yet.

The Federation did not pay much attention to these ordinary people. With the Federation's previous attitude and the inertial thinking of these people, he did not believe that anyone could refuse the temptation of transcendence and immortality.

Sure enough, not long after, twenty old men picked up the potion at hand in unison, and some who were really weak also signaled their descendants to pick up the potion for them.

As the source of life disappears.

The life fluctuations in the City Lord's Mansion suddenly began to intensify. Scholars lying on the bed could sit up, scholars in wheelchairs could stand up, and scholars who could walk without crutches no longer needed them.

The principle of the source of life is not really to increase life span, but to replenish vitality.

[Source of Life Effect: Restore the vitality of the body to a large extent, replacing the consumption of body functions within a certain period of time. 】

This replaces the consumption of physical functions, that is, after a period of adaptation, as long as they do not get injured or consume a lot of physical energy, they can still live for five more years.

If they use this time to learn arcane arts, as long as they reach the silver level, their bodies will undergo a transformation and their life span will be increased by more than a hundred years.

When the time comes, these people will have no problem running, jumping, and fighting.

"Thank you very much, Lord White Plague City."

With the thanks from an old scholar, there was an outpouring of gratitude. After all, they did not expect that this young city lord would actually remember them old guys.

"You're welcome, it's not without cost. The arcane system is very powerful. You can work under Marshall in the Scholar's Mansion. In the future, our Dongwu City may be the first to establish an arcane alliance. I will discuss the details with you. "

Bai Bian said and asked Ling to issue some orders, and looked at Sifu: "You take them to the Scholar's Mansion first, and someone will arrange their residence later."

Sifu responded respectfully and walked outside the city lord's palace with a large group of people who were still thanking him.

Bai Bian was a little happy. As long as these people understand what arcana is, they will quickly reach silver in their respective fields. As long as they continue to study, gold should not take much time.

By then, Dongwu City will directly add more than twenty golden experts, and according to the lifespan of gold, they are still very young.

Arcana is a legal system, and with so much gold, it will be of great help to the development of Tobu City and to him.

Now, first retreat to replenish the army, then create souls and lucky potions, and spend the rest of the time opening the door to the divine bones.

There are simple and difficult things. Start with the simple ones first, and when the number of things decreases, start to master those advanced technologies.

Taking Yue Fang and Bator with him, Bai Bian began to build an exoskeleton machine. This thing is a gold-level alchemical technology transformation, which happens to be Yue Fang's specialization and is also a type of technology.

The two apprentices are also very serious, because they understand that after learning to a certain level, the days of having anyone answer their questions are over.

So they all used up all their energy to learn from Bai Bing, and tried their best to ask their own questions without disturbing Bai Bing. And for them, the more questions the better.

Time passed quickly. After the capital city and those city lords could not find Bai Bing, they had no choice. After all, it was impossible to judge Bai Bing. All they could do was to condemn him morally.

And as those scholars also stood up to speak for Bai Bing, this kind of condemnation was useless.

However, this made the Federation pay attention to scholars and arcana.

Tobu City once again became the indicator of dawn, and Mathematical Olympiad Academy rose rapidly.

Even those urban schools that are merging are being streamlined.

Like Tobu Castle, it is divided into three stages.

The first stage is enlightenment and detection, which mainly involves the detection of students’ interests and talents. After observing the students with instruments and teachers for about two years.

Students from the largest basic schools will be assigned to various professional schools.

And this school is the second stage, such as Warrior Academy, Mage Academy, Assassin Academy and so on.

This stage is the ultimate stage for most students, and those who perform well at this stage will be promoted to higher education institutions.

This school is usually an aristocratic vocational school in the inner city. People can get into it based on their talent and grades. There are no tuition fees or other pressures.

The teachers in the aristocratic schools are all at the lowest silver level, and the highest gold bosses will also be guest teachers.

The arcane schools are almost like this, but arcana is a newly discovered discipline, and there are many arcane schools in each city.

The common people in Tobu City are basically literate and have received basic education. However, according to the current law, those who have been eliminated from school and cannot break through the extraordinary existence can now only pay fifty copper coins for half a year's tuition. , removing all arcane academies from noble academies to learn arcana.

Regardless of age or race, we will give you whatever you pay.

However, in order to prevent some people who come here specifically to collect wool, residents who are over 16 years old and have not entered the extraordinary, that is, level 11, will not be provided with food in the school.

They need to spend money to buy food.

But it was enough to set off a wave of learning throughout the federation.

Arcane arts really don't care about talent. In a month, the number of extraordinary people increased sharply, and everyone had some knowledge.

Either profound or superficial.

However, as long as you delve deeper based on your own knowledge, it is very simple to release one or two arcane spells to temper your spirit and magic.

Under the tempering of this kind of magic power, it is impossible to be so powerful, but breaking through from level ten or level seven or eight to level eleven is not as difficult as imagined.

Of course, this is enough to prevent most ordinary civilians from doing nothing for half their lives. If they want to go to school and pick up books, it will be very difficult, very difficult.

But knowledge is the easiest way to become a master in this era. They can only force themselves to learn, or force future generations to learn!

It doesn't matter if you don't have talents such as magic and assassin, arcana can fill the talent gaps.

"It's scary. Even infrastructure madmen would do this, right?"

Demacia shivered a little as she looked at the increasing changes in Tobu City.

Within a month, during this time, Lubaofang was established in almost all the outer areas of Tobu City.

Although these houses are cheap, they are better than wooden houses. At least they are sturdy and warm.

This includes the player's resurrection point. Its mechanism is hard to imagine. After more than 80% of the surrounding buildings are built, the player's resurrection point has also changed from wooden houses to ordinary residential houses.

There was a discussion at that time, but the game company said, "It's a fully open game, please explore on your own."

Wei Brigade felt that there was nothing to make a fuss about: "It's normal. If there is a Lobo in reality, the actual construction will not be slower than this."

"But that financial officer is still outrageous. I even heard that players have to pay taxes when doing business like other NPCs doing business."

Wei Lu complained: "Although I'm glad that he treats us players as human beings, I still want to say, please don't treat the spectacle as human beings, thank you."

Demacia was also a little speechless: "Things like Sabo, forget about him, but 1.0 seems to be coming to an end. The bosses in the trailer are all out in the Sun and Stars server. Why is it so different here? ?”

"Not only did the cat in the trailer not appear, but the main battlefield was also moved from Nanling City to Tobu City, which is outrageous."

There was contemplation in Wei Lu's eyes, and he thought for a moment before replying: "I wonder if you have read the rules of the game."

"What regulations?" Demacia was curious.

"It's the consent form that appeared during the real-name authentication." Wei Lu was a little helpless: "I still have some impressions of one of the above: There is no destiny in the game. Please do not regard our company's announcement as a game prophecy."

Demacia: "Who cares about that?"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly the sound of heavy footsteps was heard. Demacia twitched the corner of her mouth, turned around and left, followed by the Guard Brigade.

"Hey, don't go, look at my muscle lines, look at these charming biceps, look at my back muscles."

A thick voice sounded from behind, and then the L-shaped transformed warrior jumped in front of them, constantly showing off his muscles and his body that was more than three meters tall.

Demacia was a little speechless: "One hundred thousand battle merits, and you just used it to buy a one-time transformation?"

"Hey, who said it was a one-time thing? I am the strongest player now. As long as I don't die, the transformation status will not be refreshed!" Xiahou Fuxing said very proudly.

After he had five million military exploits, he decisively chose the L-type transformation. This does not mean that the M-type transformation is not good. The main reason is that the L-type transformation has a stronger sense of power and visual impact.

After the player's transformation, he gained a lot of fans.

One hundred thousand battle merits are temporarily out of reach for players.

And after the player transforms, he cannot gain any experience points, and the transformed state disappears after death.

These two discoveries made most players lose the idea of ​​transformation.

After all, if these military achievements are exchanged for supplies and sold, and then gold coins are exchanged for money, even if the current gold coins have depreciated, they will still receive more than 100,000 real currency.

Only rich people would change like that.

Demacia looked at the fussy Xiahou Fuxing and couldn't help but complain: "Waiting for version 2.0, the level limit will be refreshed again. If you can't gain experience, will you die?"

Xiahou Fuxing said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter, this doesn't affect the gold coins. If I am in a dying state now, I can burst out with a power close to the gold level. I can use this power to gain gold coins and battle achievements until I die." You won’t lose too much when you do it.”

"Moreover," Xiahou Fuxing turned his back to them, clenched his fists with both hands, turned his head slightly, looked back, and said coquettishly: "Brother has 4.8 million battle merit left, which can be refreshed 48 times at any time."

He stretched out his hand, and a silver Barrett appeared in the space ring in his hand: "And this thing, ah, this game is so fun, I have never played such a fun game, ah, I love it."


Wei Brigade:.

"Get out!"×2

Xiahou Fuxing was satisfied and comfortable, and smiled proudly: "Hey, we are brothers, what do you want? I will help you exchange some, I have plenty of money!"

Before Wei Brigade could say anything, Demacia immediately opened a screenshot and sent it to them: [Any of these will do. 】

[Devil Legend Suit: 20,000,000 battle merits. 】

[X-type transformation: 19,800,000 combat achievements. 】

[Complete set of mechanical modifications: 10,000,000 battle merits. 】

[Gold-level Barrett: 200,000 combat merits. 】

【Legendary level】

Xiahou Fuxing:.

"I treat you like brothers, but you treat me like a rich man and beat me up." Xiahou Fuxing was on the verge of tears: "Besides, that legendary suit smells so good. The ultimate attributes add more than 100 points of charm. Even if you don't need the charm, just I really want those special effects.”

Demacia thought about the properties of the suit and felt a little helpless: "If I exchange it for that thing, it is possible to summon gold-level monsters to help fight."

Wei Lu also joined the chat at this time: "Isn't your Xiao Mo finished transforming yet?"

"No." Demacia was even more on the verge of tears: "My staff is still there, and I can't get it back now. I'm so miserable."

Wei Lu: "It's the staff again, it looks so familiar."

"Go away! A scholar and a rich man, I'm leaving. I'm going on a trip today. Say goodbye!" Demacia wiped away her bitter tears, decisively summoned two rats, and flew directly to the outer city.

He looked down at Xiahou Fuxing, who started showing off when he caught a player, and also showed a relaxed smile.

This game is getting more and more interesting.

The identical and neatly arranged houses below extend into the distance.

Occasionally, a luxurious building appears. Those are places such as entertainment venues, schools, and law enforcement halls.

This kind of neatly arranged buildings made OCD feel comfortable, and when he saw some players teaching some residents things, he felt that this game was not one of those games that could only kill time.

The high degree of realism makes every NPC look like a real person. Players received requests and helped some NPCs to open a bun shop or a cake shop of their choice.

Players gain money from missions and the satisfaction of being a good teacher, and civilians gain another way to make money.

The outer city has also begun to prosper, and their players are also responding to the law and the humble requests of these residents. It seems that it is no longer the fourth natural disaster.

As Demacia thought about it, he saw a player trying to steal the firearms of the law enforcement team, and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Okay, we have to get rid of these troublemakers.

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