Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 232 This doesn’t seem like a kidnapping?

Chapter 232 This doesn’t seem to be a kidnapping?

[You created the source of life x 1, experience value +10000, additional experience value +10000. 】

White Blight continued to create the source of life, and Zero moved quickly. When Marshall drank the life potion, a personal information appeared in White Blight's mind.

[Fang Chong: Botanist, cultivated extraordinary plants in the capital, and hybridized many extraordinary plants for the Federation. He has the ability to create new materials with a mortal body. He is now 121 years old and has retired in the capital. 】

[Lan Feng: Astronomer, able to see almost 100% of the future climate, abnormal weather, etc., now 103 years old, retired in the capital. 】

[Wufeng: Mechanist. Some exoskeleton devices were proposed by him and completed by alchemists. He has in-depth research on machinery and has created a variety of high-strength alloys. He is now 108 years old and retired in Beiyuan City. . 】

【Anand: History.】

The appearance of a personal name and research results made Bai Bian jealous. Too many things had happened in the Federation recently. Reforms, wars, and a series of other things made it impossible for the Federation to take care of scholars.

Just like the white plague, if Marshall didn't come to him, he would most likely not remember the old man.

Only after scholars carry the power of arcane magic and become a force that cannot be ignored, the Federation and White Blight may be able to truly notice these treasure-like old people.

The almost rotten aura on Marshall's body is disappearing, and he has become more energetic. Although his skin is still wrinkled and skeletal, he is not at risk of dying at any time like before.

As the life force in his body slowly fell silent, Marshall opened his eyes.


A wave of space flashed through, and a magical power appeared on Marshall's body, and spiritual power circulated on his body surface.

It actually reached bronze in the blink of an eye.

This is understandable. Arcana is a profession of knowledge, and these old scholars have studied knowledge all their lives.

Arcana, it's like it was tailor-made for them.

As long as they master the core of arcana, rely on their extremely in-depth research on a certain system, and only need to familiarize themselves with magic and mobilize their spiritual power, then their starting point may be Silver.

This is true accumulation.

Marshall felt some strength in his body and the restoration of his life. He was very grateful and wanted to say something, but he stopped speaking because the white plague was creating the source of life, and just guarded quietly.

His gratitude must be expressed in person. This is a great kindness.

"Mr. Marshall, please come back. You will be in charge of the Scholars' Mansion from now on."

Bai Bian said calmly, and asked Zero to start issuing orders. The Whispering Legion could not invite them because they looked too ugly and their goals were too big.

The Apocalypse Legion has suffered the least losses. They can still mobilize about 7,000 people.

There are 800 million people in the entire Federation, and there are only 23 scholars over 100 years old left, except for some descendants who have official positions.

There are twenty left, and two thousand people should be able to invite people back.

"Thank you, City Lord. I will definitely live up to my mission." Marshall bowed deeply and turned around with his cane. His cloudy eyes became brighter. New life, this is the new life of a scholar, and it is also the new life of Marshall.

Arcana, use knowledge and secrets to release spells, good name, good system, good city lord.

He walked faster and faster, his steps no longer staggered, the space around him flashed, and this extremely old figure disappeared.

Bai Bing, who was making the potion, was a little surprised. Did the Bronze lower level just travel through space?

Arcana is really outrageous.

At this moment, under Sifu's order, the Apocalypse Army also began to move.

In this war, the Apocalypse Army first suppressed the rebellion, then supported the West City Gate and eliminated the foreign enemies, and then moved to the East City Gate to participate in this huge war.

In the end, not only did they win the honor of this war with 20% casualties, but they also transformed into silver on a large scale.

They are already at the top of bronze per capita and have the greatest potential.

In the layoffs one after another, those with low potential and low strength were quickly absorbed by the Wucheng Army and the Storm Legion, while those with high potential and high strength from these two legions and civilians were first incorporated into the Apocalypse Army.

There are now 8,000 people in the Apocalypse Army, and there are already 2,000 low-ranking silvers, dozens of mid-ranking silvers, a dozen high-ranking silvers, and even some special races, such as one, a dragon-born fighter, who has reached level 50.

He is now the deputy army commander and is eyeing the position of army commander eagerly.

The potential of this legion is quite great, and these two thousand silvers are dispatched this time. They need to complete the current task as quickly as possible.

As the Munitions Department released the funds for this mission, the area around the teleportation tower suddenly began to be crowded with people.

A group of one hundred people from the Apocalypse Army were teleported to various important cities and headed straight for the target.

For example, the three nine-star scholars in the capital, the three teams, under the confused eyes of the capital guards, took the flags and badges of Tobu City and ran towards their destinations, making the people around them stunned.

Is something going on in Tobu City again?

This was their idea. People from each family reported to higher-ups and quietly waited for orders.

As for blocking people in this era, who dares to block the White Epidemic for no reason?

As for what kind of trouble three hundred legions can cause in the capital?

"Legion Commander, are we a little too arrogant?"

A soldier asked a dragonborn carefully. Although everyone knew that this was just the deputy commander, who would add a deputy to a title?

"Didn't you hear the order from the legion commander? Invite these old men back to Dongwu City as quickly as possible." Metwei's dragon-like vertical pupils glanced at him: "Also, I am only the deputy legion commander!"

"I understand, legion commander, but this is the capital. Is there some bad influence?" The soldier felt the gazes around him and asked worriedly.

"Shut up, obey the order, and don't talk so much, or you will be transferred to the cooking class." Matvey scolded in a low voice and said loudly: "Speed ​​up."

As he said that, he started to use his magic power and used the communication device to notify the other seventeen teams: "Speed ​​up, quickly complete this mission, and go to the legion commander to claim the merits."

Tap tap tap.

Neat footsteps sounded, and not far away, the law enforcement team came towards them. It was obvious that with a hundred silver men and a level 50 leader, the magic power released was somewhat conspicuous.

However, when the law enforcement team looked at the Tobu City flag raised by a soldier, their steps slowed down. This man was not easy to mess with. I heard that their law enforcement captain Ogana also had it in the hands of the Tobu City man. deficit.

Metvey arrived at a farmhouse unimpeded. The scholar's house was not small in size and contained many fruits and vegetables that would only appear on the tables of nobles.

Obviously, this 121-year-old scholar has no intention of taking time off. He is still studying plants and has made considerable achievements.

The rapid footsteps outside the door seemed to disturb the people inside.

"Who?" A young man exposed half of his head warily, looking at the group of armored soldiers in front of him with a look of caution in his eyes.

"Is this the residence of Mr. Fang Chong?" Metvey asked politely.

The surrounding soldiers also lined up neatly outside the courtyard, without showing any killing intent.

This gesture made the young man's vigilance relax a little. He looked back and asked, "Do you have anything to do with my grandpa?"

Matvey waved his hand: "According to the order of Dongwu City Lord Bai Bian, please go to Dongwu City and take him away!"


A soldier kicked open the door and rushed inside, shouting: "Master Bai Bing of Dongwu City, please ask Mr. Fang Chong to speak."

After shouting, without waiting for the people to answer or not, he destroyed the house and rushed out carrying a bed.

"Do you want it~"

Just as the boy was about to scream in fear, a soldier rushed in front of him, covered his mouth, tied him with a few hemp ropes, and ran away.

"Retreat! Retreat as quickly as possible. Remember to sit in the alchemy teleportation array. The old gentlemen can't stand the magic teleportation array!" Matvey took out the communicator and ordered, with a smile on his face.

While he was talking, a hundred soldiers had already surrounded the bed.

He carried an old man who was as breathless as a gossamer and started running quickly and steadily.

"Lord Legion Commander, isn't this an order from above?" the soldier who initially dissuaded him asked hesitantly.

"Shut up, didn't you hear me say please?"


"If you talk too much, I will fine you a hundred gold coins and give the brothers drinks. If you talk too much, you will go to the cooking class!"

"Uh, so cruel?"


"Yes, Lord Legion Commander!"

"How many times have I told you? Deputy Corps Commander!"

"Yes, Lord Legion Commander!"

When Matvey arrived near the teleportation array, the other two teams were in similar situations, except that some teams tied up a whole family, while some teams only carried an old man.

The three leaders looked at each other and saw the admiration in each other's eyes.

They quickly rushed to the alchemy teleportation array and started multiple teleportations. They had to bring these old men and women to Dongwu City smoothly, otherwise they would not be able to communicate.

Boom boom boom.

After these people left, a group of law enforcers quickly approached. The leading elf looked sharply at the team members near the teleportation tower: "Where are the people?"

Team members:.

He pointed helplessly at the alchemy teleportation array: "Let's go."

"What did they do?"

"The kidnapping old man is from Dongwu City. Without an order, it's hard for us to stop him, right?"

Law enforcement team leader:

She turned to look at her team members and asked, "Are there any orders from above?"

Just as the team member was about to say something, the communicator lit up. The team member glanced at it and showed the communicator to the team leader: "Here we come."

【Stop! 】

Squad leader:

"Report it truthfully, let's all go away."

This kind of thing also happened in other cities. They didn't pay attention to it when they received the report from their subordinates, but when the information from the old men appeared on the high-level tables, they could only say: It's broken!

And issued an order to stop them, but it was of no use. The order received by the Apocalypse Army was just to invite these old men and women back. But in the eyes of this army that had just finished fighting, this order only left: bring the old men and women back alive. .

Others are indifferent. Every city is almost 5 minutes away, 10 seconds to kidnap, and 5 minutes to evacuate.

In ten minutes, one report after another was reported, and the news may have just spread.

Zero: [10 city lords, councils, and capital law enforcement teams sent call requests. 】

Panel: [You created the source of life ×34, experience value +340000, additional experience value +340000. 】

Bai Ying: [Rejected and replied, after discussion, these people moved voluntarily and force was just a rumor. 】

Zero: [Surveillance video × 15. 】

Bai Ying: [Reply: I vouch for my reputation as a master of alchemy. These videos are all synthesized. The PS technology is shameful! and refused to communicate with them. 】

Zero: [Replyed and rejected all messages from the other party. 】

Bai Bian watched the last bottle of potion take shape. He breathed a long sigh of relief and showed a smile.

Putting away the things, Bai Bian pushed open the door of the laboratory. Outside the door, Yue Fang and Ba Tuo were already waiting. Not far from the Tree of Life were more than a hundred people, 13 beds, five wheelchairs and two A stool.

Perhaps the Apocalypse soldiers were afraid that these people would cause trouble, so the young ones were basically tied up and their mouths were sealed.

The eyes of these old men and women are full of calmness. They are all old and have no strength to escape. Moreover, they all reported their names when they took action. Who doesn't know about the White Plague in Tobu City now?

They can't resist, fear and struggle are meaningless.

Some of these people do not have a family, but as long as one has a family, then after more than a hundred years of development, regardless of whether there are extraordinary people or not, the number will not be small.

Bai Bian paused and looked helplessly at Dragon Yi and Si Fu, who were holding hands nearby: "We're already here, why are we still tying them up?"

Si Fu and Ma Tewei had strength, so they had to loosen the bonds of these people.

But he was interrupted by Bai Bing: "Let's do this for now."

The two were stunned for a moment, but still answered respectfully: "Yes, City Lord."

Bai Yian looked at these old men with a kind expression on his face: "Hello everyone, my name is Bai Yian. Maybe you have heard of me. I invite you to come this time. There is something I want to discuss with you."

"The White Epidemic City Lord's method of inviting people is really special." An old voice sounded. It was an old lady lying on the bed. She said calmly: "But no matter what the White Epidemic City Lord's purpose is, it must have nothing to do with these children. , let them go."

Bai Yie looked at the old lady with a smile. This old lady studied biology. It was said that she was the one who created the kind of milk Bai Yie likes to drink. She used Warcraft to crossbreed animals. It was a genius idea.

He shook his head gently: "You are wrong. As nine-star scholars, you represent the pinnacle of academics for ordinary people in the Federation. Now that arcane magic has appeared, you should be able to shine brightly, but because of the problem of lifespan, you are unable to shine brightly. Into a state of dying."

"I have mastered part of the inheritance of the elves. I now have a potion in my hand called the Source of Life. This potion can increase your lifespan by five years."

Bai Bian said, his mental power surged, and he placed twenty bottles of the source of life in the hands of these old men, so that they could be touched at any time.

"I feel a little touched by your contribution to the Federation, so I won't force you. I will give you a choice now."

"Drink the potion and enter the transcendent realm, and stay in Tobu City to establish a great arcane institution. Or should I send you back to your original place intact and wait for death quietly."

As soon as the words fell, the muddy eyes of these old men and women burst out with intense colors.

The more than a hundred people struggling behind them also stopped their movements for an instant, their eyes full of surprise, surprise and disbelief.

This doesn't seem like a kidnapping?

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