And when Bai Bing was making clothes and equipment.

The battlefield outside Tobu City has been cleared.

No one cares about the holes left after the battle.

After all, grand canyons tens of thousands of meters long and huge pits thousands of meters in diameter are difficult to repair due to these changes in the environment.

Even if there are mage groups among the three normal legions, it will take at least several months to repair these huge holes.

The places dozens of kilometers outside the door are no longer accessible to ordinary people, and for adventurers, these terrains are not very important.

So no one gave orders to repair the land.

In addition to allowing Tobu City to demonstrate its combat effectiveness, this war also made Tobu City a little sad. After all, soldiers also have families.

After their death, although their families can receive pensions that will allow them to have enough food and clothing for the rest of their lives, it still cannot make up for the loss of their family members.

War is always accompanied by pain. Shia does not say that only men go to the battlefield. A series of races such as cat people, elves, succubi, etc. are all matriarchal societies.

So when some of the expectant looks turned into disappointment and despair, soft sobs began to spread in the welcoming team.

And Shia was also cruel. She changed her ways and made the sadness in the outer city no longer sad. Goblins, goblins, dwarves, elves, and humans all had smiles on their faces.

It has only been seven days since the war ended, and now some civilians are starting to start small businesses with hope.

Some folk snacks began to appear in the streets.

And of the 180,000-strong legion, there are now only 70,000 left.

The remaining 110,000 legions, especially the quota of 20,000 transformed legions, made legion competitions and the Internet become lively.

The Armaments Department and the Munitions Department were very busy, and players began to redeem their military exploits. In such a huge war, every player had a lot of military exploits.

Coupled with various financial problems, the finance department has also started to be busy without touching the ground.

And then a piece of news made Tobu City even more excited.

In order to give more opportunities to the people, Eric caused Tobu City's various systems to become very bloated.

In the end, the white epidemic eliminated all those bloated departments, and even the legion was eliminated by nearly 300,000 people.

Now that Tobu City has become stronger, this huge war also made some scholars see the shortcomings of the legion, so under the suggestions of some scholars, Zero optimized Tobu City's system.

Many departments were added, and the legion was increased by 70,000, reaching a strength of 250,000.

The Whispering Army has been increased to 50,000, the Apocalypse Army is 20,000, the Storm Army is 50,000, and the Wucheng Army is 130,000.

The ranking of combat power is: Whisper\u003eApocalypse\u003eStorm\u003eWucheng.

The potential ranking is, Apocalypse\u003eStorm\u003eWucheng\u003eWhispering.

The Whispering Legion can only be improved through transformation. However, it is impossible for White Plague to transform fifty thousand people one by one, so their potential is still non-existent.

This news made the voices praising the White Plague even louder. Coupled with some rumors, the construction of the transformation corps in the capital city and other important cities was also started because of the White Plague.

Therefore, the reputation of White Plague in Daybreak is particularly high.

Especially the common people, they couldn't wait to build statues of Bai Plague and Diane directly at home to worship them.

The extraordinary people who originally went out to do business finished selling their goods as quickly as possible, and then ran back to Tobu City overnight.

Also, because the corpses of those who opposed it were turned into magic materials, the most people on the Internet could complain about was the White Plague, and reform had become the default fact.

The account owners who had originally scolded them fiercely also quietly came to Dongwu City to prepare for the selection of the legion.

After all, who would have trouble with military pay?

That's ten times the salary. At present, apart from the legions of some families in the capital, Tobu City's legion benefits are unique.

Even though other border towns have begun to send out news about building and transforming legions, everyone still plans to come to Tobu City to try. Tobu City has not chosen to try other cities.

For a time, Tobu City, which had just participated in a large-scale war, was prosperous as never before.

The number of extraordinary beings once reached nearly five million.

Sabo also took the opportunity to start reforming Tobu City. He first increased the number of events, and then added some benefits for extraordinary people. While keeping as many people in Tobu City as possible, he directly started construction.

All kinds of labor are cheap and affordable. After all, such a huge group of extraordinary people, especially those from outside, have no jobs and can only wait for them to be queued up for the event.

During this period, they were very happy to have a job that would not interfere with their business. At least they would have enough money for food, drinks and fun, right?

The players also have similar operations. Although they all have a lot of military exploits, apart from exchanging equipment and skills, these military exploits are completely out of their reach.

Therefore, most players directly exchange gold coins, then use these gold coins to exchange for real currency, and finally continue to move bricks in the game.

This wave also reduced the price of players’ gold coins from 30 to 20.

After all, local tycoons are limited, and six million people cannot completely shape the players' brick-moving system.

Of course, it doesn't matter. The gold coins are still valuable. As long as they don't fall below ten yuan, the brick-and-mortar gang will still be crazy.

With the help of players and this huge extraordinary being, the outer city area, which was originally expected to be renovated by the end of 1539, has been improving even with each passing day.

The development of Tobu City is getting faster and faster.

Even not only Tobu City, Chaoyang City, Wuduo City, and Red Lion City, Sabo was very good at business, even though he didn't go out to cause trouble.

But the four major border towns in the East are still thriving under his leadership.

The relationship between the Koeman family and Tobu City is already good, and they are willing to accept the operating system of Tobu City receiving 20% ​​of Saab's 10% of the 30% income.

When Bai Bian finished building the clothes, he did not go directly to create the exoskeleton mecha, but went to do other things first.

After all, even if the Whispering Legion increased to 50,000 people, the mechanical transformation warriors would still be 10,000. In this war, 7,000 mechanical warriors died. It would take him a month to make these 7,000 exoskeleton devices.

After arranging other things before retreating, Bai Bian found a small family in Dongwu City that had always been very honest.

After handing over a cheap mobile phone to them and dividing the profits, the mobile phone that can be purchased with silver coins should be available soon.

By then, information will be completely open to ordinary people, and they will be able to make their voices heard online.

Of course, this also has some risks. For example, when playing some games, you can't be sure whether the opponent is a certain golden boss. If you can't help your resentment in reality and open the microphone passionately on the Internet, you will really be cheated. Beat him to death along the network cable.

After the reform, if someone insults a strong person and is killed by the strong person, the strong person will still only be fined, and even in serious cases, no fine will be required.

Reform cannot abolish all privileges, especially since there is still an extraordinary world.

When ordinary people have the same rights as the powerful, then this order is not fair, but unfair to the powerful.

This is also the reason why there are less than 20 million extraordinary people in the dead zone of the reform. If White Plague’s reform raises the civilian population a little higher, or lowers the extraordinary people a little more, then the real backlash may no longer be compensated by money.

City Lord's Mansion.

Bai Bian looked at the books in front of him with thoughtful eyes. He was studying the smallest laser cannon of the [Star Sea Battleship].

The power of this thing is quite terrifying, with a full legendary power, which is much higher than the current city defense artillery at Daybreak.

And this manufacturing method is very novel. It cannot be said that it is very new. It can only be said that it is a gap in knowledge. It is obviously something that is unknown several eras ago, but it still surpasses many of the current technologies.

However, after two days of research, Bai Yi temporarily gave up the idea of ​​substitution. Without him, there are some things that he can't understand now.

This shows that his alchemy level can no longer keep up with the improvement of his strength. The most important thing in the alchemy profession is knowledge.

Bai Bian now has a lot of knowledge to learn, such as the Divine Bones, which he has not yet started, the manufacturing methods of divine evil, and the manufacturing of A-series city-protecting mechas.

These are things he needs to study.

As for the more advanced [Colossus] and [Star Sea Battleship], let’s move one row further back.

Bai Bian took out the taboo book on alchemical transformation called Divine Bones. He learned this first, then used skill points to fill it up, and then looked at the situation to see if he needed to use special skill points.

Regardless of whether it is used or not, the knowledge by then should be enough for him to know how to better arrange the follow-up.

In fact, he now has 6 soul crystal cores (large), more than 20 soul crystal cores (medium), and a dozen soul crystal cores (small).

So the potion to enhance the soul, the potion to increase luck, plus the transformation of the legion, the supplement of micro-machines, the trial of Irene, and the development of Tobu City.

After a lot of things piled up, Bai Bing was no longer in a hurry, just like there were too many lice and couldn't bite him, and he leisurely started to read the taboo knowledge of the divine bones.

There is no point in rushing about alchemy, it can only be accumulated over time.

At this time, Zero's news surprised him.

Not long after he responded, a white-haired old man, holding a cane and pausing every step, slowly arrived at the Huxin Pavilion, carefully followed by an L-shaped modified soldier.

The old man's eyes were very cloudy, but the light in them was very bright. The positive emotions such as joy, admiration, and gratitude in his eyes as he looked at Bai Yie were so strong that Bai Yie felt a little embarrassed to look at them.

He put down the knowledge in his hands without leaving a trace, and asked gently: "Sit down first. What does Mr. Marshall want to see me for?"

Marshall was stunned for a moment, and the emotions in his eyes became more turbulent. He touched his chest slightly, saluted with difficulty, and then said with some shame and excitement: "I didn't expect that the Lord of the City actually knows my name. This is my honor. "

As he spoke, he paused for a long time, as if to let his anger calm down, and then continued: "But maybe I was born in the wrong era, and I wasted a hundred years in vain."

He spoke a little breathlessly. For an ordinary person in this era, who is over 150 years old, he is very long-lived.

After all, what civilians eat is a magical high-yield crop. Although it has no negative effects, it is not delicious and has no nutrition. It is similar to eating grass.

If they cannot break through to transcendence in school, then this crop, which is not so good for the body, may stay with them for the rest of their lives.

The average life span of civilians is generally around fifty years old.

But this is only for humans.

"And now, I have witnessed the reform of the Federation and the magical arcana. Originally, I should not be qualified to do this, but I still want to try. I don't want to die like this. I want to continue watching. Look at the Federation.”

His voice was very weak, as if the words and emotional changes just now caused his body to begin to deteriorate.

Bai Bian looked at the old figure sitting across from him with his head lowered, his eyes full of thoughts, and he asked Zero to start investigating this Marshall's information.

He called out his name just now because he was a rare ninth-level scholar in Dongwu City.

And now he wants Zero to investigate the life of this scholar.

Three mature trees of life have produced more than thirty flowers of life in the past few months. He is indeed not lacking in the source of life.

However, if everyone wants the source of life, then it will not be enough for the entire federation to use nearly 400 trees of life as sources of life.

He needs to see value.

While Zero was searching, waves began to rise in the surrounding space, and Marshall's voice was full of shame and unwillingness:

"The Lord of the City has given me the opportunity to make a lot of money, but it's too late. If I don't come now, maybe after one of your retreats, I won't have another chance."

He lowered his head in shame as he spoke, and his voice became weak: "I heard that the Lord of the City has mastered the source of life of the elves, and I want to ask for a share from the Lord of the City."

As the space continued to surge, Bai Bian saw the turbulent flow of space. As the turbulent flow of space trembled, Bai Bian felt a hint of dimensionality.


When Bai Bian spoke, his mental power surged, directly restraining the old man in front of him.

Somewhat unexpectedly, the dimensional turbulence under the space turbulence is a place that even legends cannot enter, but the old man in front of him can actually easily open the door to the dimensional turbulence.

And all the information about this old man has been collected.

[Marshall: Space scholar, has the ability to see space patterns through knowledge and naked eyes, and helped Tobu City find many different spaces. Later, because of his old age, he led disciples in the Scholar Mansion and was the only nine-star scholar in Tobu City. , now 153 years old. 】

Bai Bian walked quickly to the laboratory. After these old scholars have the concept of arcana, perhaps their value will become very high.

This Marshall may not be able to become a strong person, but the silver level can have a lifespan of three hundred years. During these lifespans, he may not be able to become a strong person.

And if it can open up the existence of dimensional turbulence, then the understanding of space will be quite high.

Maybe he can be asked to study the space folding of the spacecraft, or the space wormhole technology.

At this moment, Bai Bian had many thoughts. The arcane magic had changed Dawn even more than he imagined.

Scholars are about to rise, and the situation in the newly divided federation will become turbulent again.

Bai Bian was thinking about these things. If more of these antiques are found before the federation completely discovers the power of these scholars, then the strength of Tobu City will be even higher.

Bai Bian hesitated a little, but in the end he didn't let Zero send a message to the parliament and collect information about these people who were over 100 years old.

The Federation is one, so there is no difference between working for Tobu City and working for the Federation, right?

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