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Chapter 230 The Stone of the Saint

Luo Ning's eyes were very bright. When she finished speaking, it was clear that it was the noon sun, but stars still appeared in the room. Various stars converged crazily towards the cards in her hand, and those transparent cards suddenly appeared with strong starlight.

The faint purple aura began to spread, and a golden glow gradually appeared in Luo Ning's pupils, which was a little sacred and a little transcendent.

She gently let go of her hand, and a total of twelve cards were suspended in front of her, sorted in a special sequence, when a star appeared on the first card.

The purple light connected the twelve cards, and there were some lines on each card, which seemed to form some shape.

Luo Ning stretched out his hand, and as the light flowed around, the patterns on the twelve cards changed rapidly, eventually forming something that could not be seen clearly.

Luo Ning reached out her hand enthusiastically, and the first card on the left lit up with golden light and automatically flew into her hand.

The pattern on it looked like garbled characters, but both Luo Ning and Aisha looked at Bai Bie in surprise.

Before Bai Bian could ask questions, Luo Ning exclaimed: "Brother boss, you have changed a lot. The power of destiny has increased more than ten times, and no one is allowed to peek. Look, you can see everything above." Not even."

The golden light in her eyes was very bright as she spoke, and she stared directly at the top of Bai Bian's head. After about ten seconds, she mumbled in a daze: "It shouldn't be. That very fierce guy is gone too." ."

White Epidemic is not surprising. Judging from what the Saint represents, this profession is quite involved.

And he is the first saint of this era, which is equivalent to inheriting most of the saint's luck. If Luo Ning still sees clearly, there is no way that the saints can survive a scene like the Big Bang. .

According to the information about the saint currently available, even if the God of Destiny comes in person, he may not be able to change such a huge destiny.

However, White Blight was also a bit regretful. During the battle to defend the city, he used [Abandoned Domain·Soul] once, and he felt a malicious sense of peeping.

Moreover, the creatures in the abandoned realm did not really recognize him as the soul master. He originally wanted Luo Ning to help look at this matter, but now it seems that there is no chance.

Also, the idea that Luo Ning would help predict the inheritance he envisioned is also impossible.

After all, it’s not necessarily difficult to transfer.

Although the lottery is a tricky method, although his destiny still affects other people, the White Plague really gives gold coins, and one hundred thousand gold coins has a huge impact on a person's life.

A diviner may not be able to predict the god himself, but he can definitely predict that a city will be slaughtered by this unpredictable god.

Because there is a strong point difference in their future.

There is a famous saying among fortune-tellers, and almost all fortune-tellers know it: If the people in a city suddenly have no future, then don't hesitate and leave directly. Don't try to change the destiny beyond yourself, it will only make your own destiny fall into it. .

This was something predicted by a fortune teller in the ancient god period. After the fortune teller left, a god came to that kingdom and destroyed it.

Witnessing the rise and fall of kingdoms, the fortune teller's words have been passed down to this day.

"Just like last time, let's transfer it and see the waiter's fate. It should be fine."

Bai Bian thought that maybe three years later, he could use the same method to predict the inheritance of a saint.

"Okay." Luo Ning replied, stuffing the card in Aisha's arms, and she said with a smile: "Master, this is your thing. That knowledge is already very precious."

Aisha was stunned for a moment and felt a little relieved: "But this is what I'm looking for for you."

"No, no, I just have a crystal ball. I like my crystal ball. Brother boss, let's go." Luo Ning interrupted Aisha, grabbed Bai Biao and ran outside.

Elsa looked at the card in her hand, which she got from the graveyard of a legendary fortune teller.

The trials for a legendary fortune teller to select a successor are very dangerous, and even she, as the current strongest person in Dawn Divination, almost failed to pass all the trials.

did not expect.

She was silent for a while, and a smile appeared on her old face: "Forget it, it will all be hers after I die."

She put the cards away and looked at the Tree of Life outside the door. What a big change.

"Brother Boss, you are so unlucky."

Five hours later, Luo Ning looked at the sun that had set in the sky, couldn't help complaining, and yawned.

This time it was even more exaggerated than last time. The messenger in front of him went from uneasy to excited, from excited to confused, and finally from confused to silent. A series of psychological changes, but his power of destiny did not change at all.

In Luo Ning's eyes, if this was really some random reward, this person wouldn't even have a thousand gold coins, and even that reward would be of no use to the white plague.

Bai Bian is also a little helpless. His time is very precious, but he can't just randomly reward him at once. Can he really get a gold coin?

But the potion that can change luck does exist in his mind. He will try it after the draw. If it can increase luck, it's naturally the best. If it can't, there's nothing he can do about it.

Just as he was about to say something, Luo Ning, who was yawning, suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the Tree of Life.

"Brother Boss"

She frowned, wanting to say something, but still a little unsure.

Bai Bian followed her gaze and found nothing. He asked softly: "What's wrong?"

After watching for a while, Luo Ning pondered for a moment and shook his head: "It seems that I saw it wrong. I originally thought that Sister Eileen's inheritance test was about to come, but it turned out that it was not even close."

While talking, Irene jumped down from the Tree of Life refreshed and took a nap in the Tree of Life. The elf liked it best.

She felt the sense of peeping, turned her head, and immediately looked at Bai Bian. She shrank her neck, turned around and rushed into her room.

Nap is over and now it's homework time.

Bai Bian thought thoughtfully: "What type of trial is hers? It can't be the coming of some small world, right?"

"Um, brother boss, how do you know?" Luo Ning's eyes widened in disbelief.

White plague:.

He has already taken in two small worlds and entered the saint's inheritance space. Now he is a little sensitive to small worlds. He always feels that having a small world means he is ready to meet those two idiots, Charles and Pu Sheng.

"Guess." Bai Bing was a little helpless. If there is any place where such disappearing professions can leave their traces, apart from worlds like nightmare worlds, there are only some artificial or professional spontaneous ones left. A small world formed.

"Your guess was accurate, but I only saw a numb person coming to take away Sister Irene. Then I foresaw an entrance, and I couldn't see it after that."

Luo Ning felt a little disappointed: "I feel like I have become stupid. Now I can't see more and more of the future. It's like everything has changed."

"This is already great." Bai Bian ruffled her hair comfortingly.

He smiled and said: "The God of Destiny with great power cannot change the outcome of his own death, right? What's more, you are not a god. You are the most powerful fortune teller here."

Luo Ning's eyes brightened significantly, and he felt happy: "It's not that powerful."

As she spoke, her expression changed: "Boss, now."

[You have opened a random reward. 】

[You get the Saint’s Stone ×1. 】

[Name: Stone of the Saint.

Attribute: inheritance.

Effect: Choose one of the saint's powers that left the saint's stone.

Requirements: Saint.

Introduction: Saints are always changeable. This may be a transaction, of course, you can also regard it as a gift. 】

Bai Bian was stunned for a moment, a little disappointed that it wasn't a specialty awakening authority, but he wasn't too disappointed either.

The value of this thing is not low. The power left by a saint, whether it is knowledge, strength, or something else, is of very high value.

You can see this just by looking at the [Star Sea Battleship]. It is a battleship that can travel in the star sea of ​​the world. It is absolutely a god-level thing.

"How is it?" Luo Ning asked expectantly.

"Excellent, he is indeed the best diviner in the entire federation." Bai Bing praised and threw a Dawn Badge to the startled waiter.

In his surprised eyes, Bai Bian waved his hand. The waiter bowed and thanked him, and quickly ran away. When he reached a certain distance, he cheered directly and was looked at with envious eyes from around him.

After all, everyone has a tendency to show off. The three waiters last time had already told the other waiters about this hidden benefit.

Now these waiters are extremely attentive to Luo Ning, and their enthusiasm has already been reached to the extreme.

Luo Ning's face turned red, and he responded in a low voice: "It would be great if I could help my boss brother."

She was still not used to such straightforward compliments, but she couldn't hide the happiness in her eyes.

Bai Biao thought of something and looked at the suit he was wearing. This thing has a charm value of +50 and even has some gorgeous special effects. But for Bai Biao, this thing is a bit too useless.

Although it is a legendary item, it can only be said that it is not as useful as the curse resistance of the plague doctor set.

His pursuit of charm value is not high. It is better to send it directly to the auction, or hang it in the merit store to fish for players or legionnaires.

He knows very well how attractive the special effects that come with this piece of clothing are to players.

The devil likes gorgeous things, such as this effect solidification bit: [Protagonist of Destiny: Your charm value will be temporarily increased by 30%, and the surrounding light will converge towards you. You can control these lights at will, lasting 30 seconds, cooling time: 10 minutes. 】

This special effect alone can increase the value of this piece of equipment tenfold in the eyes of players.

Light can deceive vision. Bai Yi tried it. The surrounding light was distorted, and a seven-color Eastern dragon appeared around him, and he could create more dragons at will within thirty seconds.

For a battle of his level, this thing has no effect. After all, in a battle at that speed, who uses eyes to see? Aura, sense of crisis and the like are for combat.

But it's just right for players.

If this thing + flying.

Which Chinese player can withstand this kind of test?

Directly link it to the military merit store and increase it to 10 million merit points. Then players may be able to regard this thing as a lifelong goal.

Thinking of Bai Bian, he said, "I'm going to make a few sets of clothes. Go call Irene and come over and choose the styles together."

He has already used his skills to make the epidemic doctor suit. Now, for him, he can achieve similar effects in any style. Apart from the scarcity of materials, there are almost no restrictions.

Luo Ning's eyes lit up, and he quickly stood up and ran in the direction of Irene: "Okay, I'll go right away."

Bai Bian looked at the Saint's Stone, hesitated for a moment, and decided to open the stone first. It didn't matter whether it was traded or not. Anyway, it was at least something from the last era, and any deal was just empty talk.

[You have opened the Saint's Stone ×1. 】

[Please choose one of the three inheritances below. 】

[Treasure, knowledge, power. 】

Bai Bian looked at the power hesitantly. Is this power a direct bonus or is it a special skill?

Is the treasure a treasure map or a treasure stored in the Saint's Stone?

Bai Bian thought for a moment and chose strength.

The treasure is too unstable. If it is a treasure map, then it is the same as nothing. As for knowledge, [Star Sea Battleship] cannot digest it. The knowledge of other saints must be visible and tangible before he becomes a great sage. What is not available is of no use.

Just after making the selection, a stone suddenly appeared in front of Bai Bian's eyes, and the stone slowly melted.

New choices arrive.

[Please choose one of the options below. 】

[Saint Rune + Mission × 1. 】

[Can control the power of the saint + mission x 1. 】

Bai Bian thought for a while, were the runes the kind of runes he imagined?

After thinking about it, Bai Bian chose the second one, controllable. These three words were too tempting.

As soon as the selection was completed, the stone in front of me that had melted into liquid slowly formed into a statue.

This is the curled-up posture of a woman, like an insecure sleep, or like a huddle of fear.

At the same time, a task and a piece of information appeared in his mind.

Bai Bian looked at the saint's mark that suddenly started to shine in his hand, and was a little stunned.

[Name: Can control the power of the saint.

Properties: energy.

Effect: The huge power of the saint, you can control it at will until it is exhausted. 】

[Name: Dimension.

Attributes: Special trading tasks.

Mission description: Go to the dimensional turbulence, find the weird power corresponding to Ulrich, and leave the statue there.

Mission reward: Obtain Ulrich's treasure trove of knowledge.

Failure penalty: None.

Task time limit: None.

Introduction: Maybe the world really doesn’t need us anymore, but just because I want to retire doesn’t mean I want to die - Ulrich. 】

Bai Bian's mood was inexplicably heavy. Is this a saint who seems to still be alive?

After thinking about it, Bai Bian no longer wanted to take care of it. It was impossible for him to enter the dimensional turbulence now. It would be almost the same after he became a god.

There is no time limit for the task anyway, so just let it hang.

Seeing Luo Ning and Irene walking over with excited faces, Bai Bian put away the statue, stood up and walked to the laboratory.

The two apprentices, Yue Fang and Ba Tuo, are still helping in the Armament Department. White Blight will need to be with them for a while longer. When Yue Fang reaches Bai Yin's position, and when Ba Tuo reaches Bai Yin, they can be allowed to progress according to their own ideas.

In fact, they can now practice on their own, but Bai Yi still has some things to hand in. After all, they have two subjects, one is mechanical transformation and the other is alchemy technology. It doesn't take much to teach them together.

Bai Bian waved his hand, and a dozen light balls flew in front of the two excited girls.

"You can use your mental power and magic power to make them appear and design them yourself."

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