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Chapter 225 Soul Becoming Saint

This is

Bai Bian's eyes entered absolute nothingness. There was no light or color here, as if it didn't exist at all.


But suddenly, a buzzing sound cut through the void, bringing a different color to the world.

The realm of nothingness began to tremble. It was a beam of faint blue light, rendering the entire nothingness with a powerful soul power that was incomprehensible.

Bai Bian looked around and soon saw a young shadow. It was obviously just a shadow, but it brought strong vitality to the world.

The next moment, the blue light filled the void, making Bai Bian's consciousness feel very comfortable.

"Look, is that the first place in the school? It seems like that."

"I heard that he is an orphan without a father and a mother. Tsk, how pitiful he is."

"What are you looking at? Are we wrong?"

"What nonsense are you talking to him about? This isn't a school. Just beat him and that's it!"

Some familiar voices sounded, and Bai Bian turned his head instantly, and immediately saw a child less than one meter tall, being bullied by several older children.

After a meal of white plague, I feel a little helpless. What's going on? How can this transformation still expose shortcomings?

As soon as the idea came up, more images appeared.

"Hey~ You can stay here tonight. If you don't understand anything, you can ask the teacher. If you don't dare to go back, just sleep in your seat."

"Where did this stinky beggar come from?"

"Boy, I heard that you just received a scholarship? How much can I borrow from my brother?"

"Damn it, why don't you have anything at home?"

"Start a business? How to start a business? Are you really reliable?"

"Damn it, you dare to lie to me? Beat him! So what if he is the first in the grade? I have a lot of money. If you beat him to death, it will only be a fine. Don't run away."

"This damn liar! You were all deceived, right? Take off his arm today and let him take the limelight. Number one? Bah, he's just an orphan!"

"Why don't you have anything in your house? You poor man, smash it!"

"Little liar? Your deception skills have improved again? Don't believe him. This is a famous liar in our school. Hey, little liar, call me "Master" and I will reward you."

Picture after picture appeared, but there was no anger from the white plague. This was the case for civilians in this era, and oppression had long become the norm.

But these are indeed the most impressive aspects of White Plague.

He remembered that a long, long time ago, some warmth was indeed given to him by the three teachers and a middle-aged gambler's father, but the gambler died long ago, and then the scene just now appeared.

But it should be almost there

A smile appeared at the corner of Bai Bian's mouth. In this era, only with a little talent and hard work can there be a glimmer of hope.

The scene also changed from dilapidated streets to neat and clean streets, and the surrounding houses became extremely gorgeous, a luxury that could not be seen in Lion Guard City.

Everyone here is dressed gorgeously, and White Plague is like a beggar from the countryside entering the future city, looking around.

His cold eyes were also a little loosened by all the hard work.

"Hello, new classmate, my name is Diane, what's your name?"

The screen turned, and a picture appeared. Next to the little boy, a beautiful little loli appeared. She was wearing gorgeous clothes, and every headdress was the most advanced he had ever seen.

When Bai Bian was a child, he was in a trance, turned his head, and silently packed his desk, waiting for today's lecture.

"Are you so aloof? I heard that your grades are very good? But don't you think class is boring? You really want to go out and play."

"Hey, new classmate, don't ignore me. There are a lot of holes in your clothes. How about I take you clothes shopping? It affects my mood when you dress like this."

At that time, the little boy paused and turned his head in surprise, but then he turned back when he thought of something, and his eyes returned to calmness.

"What, you don't believe it?"

Ding. A slight sound sounded.

A gold coin fell on his table. The little boy was obviously stunned. He subconsciously held the gold coin with his hand, but because his hand was too small, there was still a little golden light between his fingers.

Children in urban areas may have never seen gold coins in their lives.

"Hey, I thought you were deaf and mute. Isn't your hearing very sensitive? If you accept my money, then you have to talk to me~ What's your name?"

"White plague."

"Bai Yi? What a strange name? Why not call it Bai Yi? Or Bai Yi? Doesn't this mean a better thing?"

"White Plague."

"Uh, this is one gold coin, two words for one gold coin? You're too expensive... Haha, teacher, don't look at me like that, I'm getting to know my new classmates, okay, okay, I shut up, I shut up, Don’t tell my brother.”

The picture gradually sped up, and Bai Bian smiled very relaxedly. Looking at more and more pictures in his memory, he rarely stopped to recall these details.

"Investment? What kind of investment? Is it reliable? Okay, but I only have five hundred gold coins left as pocket money. Why don't I give it all to you?"

"You're really not polite, but I want to take the majority of the shares you mentioned."

"Hey, they all say you are lying to me. Is it true?"

"Uh? Is that so? Then I'll trust you again and invest more. Let's go shopping with me and take you to eat delicious food."

"Have you seen it? This is a magic scroll I bought secretly. It is said that it can explode into a big fireball. I will take you to see the fireball explosion after school."

"Well, why did you burn their bodies? They are your parents, so it will hurt a lot, right?"

"Damn it, why did you enter the transcendent realm faster than me? Um? Okay, I've voted so many times, here you go."

"Wow, is this a birthday gift? Such great fireworks must cost a lot of money, right? Are the ones I gave you enough? Thank you, this is the best birthday I have ever had."

"Hey, Bai Yi, why haven't I heard from you about investment in almost a year? What? Failed? No failure allowed. This is additional investment. Come on, start scientific research. Also, I want to watch the fireworks. I want to Watch the fireworks from the tallest building, get ready!"

Pictures flashed rapidly, lines of dialogue appeared, and Bai Bian's eyes showed smiles and emotions. Ten years old was a watershed. Before the age of ten, life was very pitiful, but after the age of ten, things got better, and the quality of life improved significantly and rapidly.

When the ice and snow appeared on the screen, Bai Bian knew that rapid growth was about to begin.

When the wolf appears in the memory picture and the dagger is inserted into the wolf's heart, the picture suddenly falls into a cycle of war and battle.

When he saw himself lying on the bed, the scene suddenly collapsed.

Endless nothingness enveloped him again, and then there were more and faster pictures.

More pictures flowed by like a tide. It seemed that this was no longer his memory. It seemed that this was someone else's life.

Children appeared one after another and grew up rapidly in various eras. Those eras were very exaggerated, and they were huge battleships that traveled across the world's star sea.

A terrifying cannonball that destroyed the stars, the sound of a sharp sword sounded, and the scene of the world collapsing was broken, and a young man was suspended in the sea of ​​​​stars in the world, crossing the void with his powerful body.

A stronger war has begun, and eras of great glory have emerged and come to an end quickly.

Bai Bian's eyes became more and more solemn, and these pictures became more and more exaggerated. Finally, a certain balance was broken, and the world suddenly turned into nothingness.

When there was light again, he saw the growth of some different children, but this time the growth was a little different from before.

They grew faster, and they began to maintain something, like some kind of illusion, or some kind of record that people couldn't understand.

As the scene develops, a group of terrifying beings wearing various costumes and with mysterious Taoist charms on their bodies gather together.

Someone seemed to sigh, and the whole picture disappeared again.

Another picture appeared, these pictures were getting faster and faster, and they were becoming more and more incomprehensible.

When the time reaches a certain moment, all the pictures disappear together.

What appeared instead were strange buildings and a palace that looked extremely simple.

Bai Bian felt something, looked down, and saw that his extremely blue body appeared.

He seemed to understand something, and walked towards the temple with a serious look. He seemed to understand what a saint was and what this place was.

This is a group of existences that truly pursue eternity, the turbulence of time and space, the turbulence of dimensions, the turbulence of space, dimensions, different spaces, and the main material world.

Layers of space make up this world.

In the research of scholars, the power of space-time turbulence formed the dimensional turbulence, forming the original weirdness, and the weird power in the dimensional turbulence formed the turbulence of space.

And the turbulence of space formed some special rules by chance.

In the end, these rules were combined with various forces to form various dimensions and the top layer, which is the world.

Originally, the turbulence of time and space increased its depth over time, which meant that the world was originally infinite.

In fact, this is also true.

But as the power of weirdness continues to flow out, more and more things are born in the world, and those things born because of the power of weirdness gradually create living beings.

The types of these creatures became more and more abundant and weird, and civilization began to be born.

With the rapid development of living beings, this infinite world has become limited.

People began to endlessly pursue eternal life, pursue strength, and pursue everything that is good for living beings.

This was nothing at first, but as the world got bigger and bigger, there were more and more creatures.

When the pursuit of living beings exceeds the dimensional turbulence and sends the grotesque power into reality, then with a bang, the dimensional turbulence riots, the rules begin to collapse, and an era ends.

Creatures destroyed that infinite nascent world because of greed.

And with the collapse of the uppermost world, time quickly passes through hundreds of thousands, millions, and tens of millions of years, and that kind of rules will be nurtured again, and creatures will begin to be born again.

However, no matter how many times, the greed of living beings will never end. In the destruction of the times again and again, from a strong man who survived the collapse of the times, the organization's profession appeared: the saint!

They began to restrict the development of the world, or in other words, use force to suppress the entire world. Technology and magic were banned when they were said to be banned, and certain civilizations were destroyed when they were said to be destroyed.

In short, it's okay to develop slowly. If you want to overtake in a corner, the car will be smashed by you.

And those who can become saints are all beings with absolute talent. Only those with the ability to lead the times can possibly know things from countless eras ago.

Because of the appearance of these saints, the life span of the era has begun to become longer.

But greed cannot disappear. In other words, the last era still disappeared in the long river of history amid endless demands.

Bai Bian's eyes were solemn, Saint, that's a bit interesting.

If this is a saint, then the controller of the Tower of Souls should not prevent the next saint from appearing.

Bai Bian thought of something and became a little silent.

The period of the Ancient Gods lasted tens of millions of years, and the period of the New Gods lasted nearly tens of millions of years. Now is the Dark Age.

In such a long time, am I the first saint?

In other words, the saint thing was discontinued before the panel appeared?

Then it is possible that the controller of the Tower of Souls is not a saint! But the place where the saint is imprisoned?

Only for this reason can the obstruction and aversion be justified.

Bai Bian thought and walked into the hall.

This hall is the tomb of the saint, but it is a living room-like place, which is where new saints are registered.

He needs to leave a mark here in order to be blessed by the power of the saint, and finally break the limit of human gold, allowing this limit to extend infinitely upwards.

And his experiences outside will appear in his mark anytime and anywhere. When he dies completely, these memories will become a new inheritance in the Tomb of the Saint.

This cycle goes on forever.

But after Bai Bian figured this out, he still had that question. Since the saint was so awesome, how could he still break the inheritance?

The layout of the main hall is very simple, with some murals, some statues and some tables and chairs, as casual as a restaurant.

Although it is obviously spotless and the things are not corrupt at all, it still looks like it has experienced the vicissitudes of time.

Bai Bian looked around. In front of the mural on the left, there was a red wooden counter. There was a stack of yellowed parchment on the counter, like some kind of contract.

Bai Bian walked over, and some words he couldn't understand appeared on the ground.

However, these words quickly turned into words that he could understand in his eyes.

[Registered? Here↑. 】

White plague:.

Why does this feel a bit random?

He followed the arrow to the counter, where a line of text was very conspicuous.

[←This is the registration place. Just press the saint mark. If you have anything to do, don’t bother me. I don’t want to go to this class for a whole day.]

White plague:.

His eyes turned slightly.

[→This is the mission of other saints, and there are some enemies. You have to do what you can. A newcomer like you will not be able to enter the family tree even if you die! 】

[Made, why does this rotten rotation take so long? 】

White plague:.

His filter for these great beings was shattered in one fell swoop.

He looked at the thick stack of parchment on the left and the two bloody parchments on the right, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Very good, almost the same as the Adventurer's Guild. It's obviously such a high-end thing, but it's just two lines of words, and it suddenly became the Adventurer's Guild.

Bai Bian raised his hand, and a saint's mark appeared on his blue arm, and he pressed it.


The azure radiance appeared, making people feel a strong feeling of heart palpitations.

A line of words appeared in front of White Plague.

【Huh? Soul sanctification? Okay, boy, your awakening may be a little painful. Give me an Origin Stone and I can tell you the trick.】

Bai Bian was a little surprised. Ah, is the currency used for transactions between saints all the Origin Stone?

[Don’t believe him, he’s a liar. It’s very easy for your soul to become a saint, just relax.]

The moment this line appeared, Bai Bian's thinking suddenly changed, and he appeared in a terrifying blue ocean.

Bai Bian looked around with vigilance. After all, the few lines just now seemed to indicate that the inheritance of the saint was not that simple.

In this azure world, a vortex centered on him took shape, and Bai Bian felt that his soul was growing rapidly.

[You are absorbing a lot of soul power, and your soul and spirit are growing rapidly. 】

[Your specialties Soul Foodie and Spiritual Growth have been unlocked. 】

[Your spirit +1, spirit +1, spirit +1]

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