Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 226 Inheritance: Colossus Level Knowledge

When the prompt on the panel lit up, the vortex around Bai Ying gradually grew larger.

His soul grew more and more exaggeratedly, as if it was never-endingly powerful, and this vortex seemed to pull something life-related, making Bai Bian instantly vigilant.

He looked towards the source of the danger, where three saint marks appeared, hovering in the vortex, approaching quickly.

These three marks come in three colors, blue, white, and red, which seem to represent different directions.

Bai Bian was a little confused about what this was, but as soon as his thoughts came to his mind, a picture suddenly appeared in his mind.

It was a faint blue color, and within it was an extremely peaceful old voice, speaking with some emotion.

"The limits of the world are getting higher and higher. It seems that soon there will be no need for saints to exist. I really hope that we will not be needed anymore, so that we can retire."

After the sound passed, the blue color turned into pure white. There was nothing in it, but a slightly domineering voice could be heard.

"Oh, is this the feedback you gave me? If you don't want peace, then stop it forever."

The pure white color flashed away, and the next moment scarlet filled Bai Bian's entire thoughts. This time there were no words, just an extremely strong killing intent.

Even from a long distance, it began to affect Bai Bing's thoughts.

Bai Bian frowned and had no time to think. He grabbed the blue mark without hesitation.

Because in the brief artistic conception, Bai Bian knew what this meant.

The inheritance of three saints, but one is about peace, one is about balance, and the other is about killing.

Three different directions, however, White Plague now does not need the middle value, nor does it need to kill. The more stable his soul is, the higher the upper limit of the dark side will be.

If he wants to control the power of God, his reason must exist, instead of falling into killing with the dark side.

"Hey, I'm still recovering. Well, maybe, this is destiny."

Low murmurs sounded, and Bai Bian felt his thoughts stagnant in an instant, followed by endless pain, as if someone had thrown his soul into a meat grinder. This kind of pain was unprecedented.

Three seconds, Bai Bian only lasted three seconds, and his consciousness fell into endless darkness.

When Bai Bian regained consciousness again, he had exited the state of transformation and saw the roof of his room.

He was breathing heavily, smelling some aroma on the bed, but his eyes were still a little confused. What happened?

He subconsciously looked at the panel.

[You have accepted the inheritance of the Saint and awakened the Saint’s specialty: Holy Soul. 】

[Holy Soul: Your soul is immune to 80% of negative effects. Your body will be nurtured by the Holy Soul and become the most suitable body for your soul. 】

[Effects of Holy Soul Pregnancy: Strength +200, Agility +200, Endurance +200. Your body will become stronger as your soul becomes stronger. 】

[You have comprehended the soul skills: Soul of Nature, Soul Solace. 】

[Name: Soul of Nature.

Attributes: Active skills·Saint.

Effect: Calm the heart and make the soul purer.

Usage requirements: None.

Cooldown: None.

Introduction: The soul is inseparable from nature. You should let go of your murderous intentions and feel the tranquility of the moment--Marty Radner. 】

[Name: Soul Solace.

Attributes: Active skills·Saint.

Effect: The power of the soul can eliminate all negative emotions and make people feel warm.

Requirements: Spirit 300+

Cooling time: 30 seconds.

Introduction: Peace is valuable, sometimes violence is not necessary - Marty Ladner. 】

Bai Bian looked at the series of prompts and was a little silent. Is this the saint?

This expertise is stronger than ever. The dark side that originally reached the critical point can now continue to grow.

Bai Bian even has a feeling that even if his dark side becomes a real evil, he doesn't have to worry about backlash, and he doesn't need to deliberately consume the dark side with malicious chops.

After the emergence of this specialty, the erosion he has to face is only 20% of the original, and the soul of nature can eliminate this negative effect

He checked the time and saw that he had not been unconscious for long. After thinking about it, he continued to strengthen himself.

Now he has another chance to enter the Tomb of the Saints, and now they just use it together.

Although the pain just now was terrible, now he felt better than ever.

It was a feeling of no restrictions anymore, very relaxed and very powerful.

Even the body of the light side is no longer a weak alchemist, but has a body that can crush the lower gold warriors, a... saint!

[You have used the Saint’s Mark authority, and you are about to enter the Saint’s Tomb, 321]

After the countdown ended, Bai Bian closed his eyes again. Many scenes appeared in front of his eyes, but they disappeared instantly before he could see them clearly. He returned to the place where he signed the Saint's Seal.

He had already been here once, and Bai Bian was very familiar with it. He looked around, and finally followed his feeling and came to a door. The somewhat derogatory subtitles appeared again.

[Inheritance, remembrance, go this way↑, look serious, don't disturb the souls of the dead. 】

Bai Yi paused for a moment, his eyes relaxed a little, and he followed the arrow's guidance and walked forward.

There was an old wooden door there. There was still no dust on it, but it looked very shabby. It was no different from the wooden doors in the civilian areas of Tobu City before.

Bai Bian stretched out his azure hand with a touch of gold and pushed the door open.


The unique sound of the wooden door sounded, and a large cemetery appeared in front of Bai Fei's eyes. The cemetery was exceptionally neat, as if someone had been cleaning it frequently.

In front of each small mound are wordless tablets, with only a vague saint's mark on them.

This mark is very special. Whether it is the mark on Bai Yan's palm or the mark carved on the stone tablet, Bai Yan cannot see the structure of this mark clearly.

[When you enter the Saint's Tomb and stay in front of a tombstone for five seconds, you can obtain one of the Saint's knowledge, equipment, inheritance, and treasures. 】

After the prompt on the panel, the subtitle reappeared.

[Hey, latecomers, just pick one, you won’t regret it, saints. They are always a group of self-motivated guys, maybe no one will care about them? 】

Bai Bian was a little silent and walked forward. The tombstones here were exactly the same. Only the saint's mark might be slightly different, but Bai Bian could not see these differences.

In fact, there are many speculations about the white epidemic in the world, but no authoritative person has come out to endorse his speculations.

The saints said that the world is both infinite and finite. If the process of the world becoming infinite is overtaken by the creatures in it, a certain balance will be destroyed and the creatures will be devastated.

But Shia gave him the completely opposite feeling.

The more gods there are in Shia, the more rules appear, and the more stable and powerful Shia becomes, even powerful enough to banish gods and repel ancient gods and dimensional turbulence.

This is almost contrary to the descriptions of the saints. The stronger you are, the more stable you are, and the stronger you are, the closer you are to death.

It's very contradictory, and there are still many things that Bai Bing can't figure out, such as the disappearance of the saints, the hostility of the Tower of Souls, the power of the saints, and the disappearance of gods.

This world is too complicated. Only by becoming stronger can we continue to explore new secrets.

Maybe one day, everything about him will become a small tombstone here like the saints, right?

Bai Bian walked in front of these unnamed tombstones and felt the echo between the saint's marks.

But these calls are almost exactly the same. It would be great if Luo Ning could be brought in with him.

Bai Bian thought that he still wanted to listen to the subtitles, so he stopped in front of a tombstone.

He looked at the tombstone and waited quietly. Five seconds passed quickly.

Almost instantly, he felt a calling.

Raising his hand, a blue saint's mark appeared, and he pressed it against the saint's mark on the tombstone.

The moment the two marks touch.


The entire cemetery shook, Bai Bian's consciousness froze, and a female voice appeared.

"Huh? Boy, you have good taste, but as the first visitor, let me think about what to give you."

A woman appeared in front of Bai Bian. This woman was very dreamy-looking, with a hint of sharpness between her eyebrows.

She was smiling happily at the moment, as if she had been lonely for too long.

Her illusory spirit body fluctuated, and her eyes were full of thoughts. After about five seconds, she smiled: "Boy, I researched this thing in my later years. It's an advantage for you, but I can't give it to you in vain. If you encounter This breath guy, help me hang it up."

She said tapping her fingertips lightly.

Suddenly, a surge of knowledge emerged, and Bai Bian felt his brain shake. A large amount of knowledge poured directly into his mind, making his consciousness feel like it was about to explode.

Bai Bian was shocked. You must know that his current holy spirit has reached 93 points, which is 930 points when converted into ordinary attribute points. It is outrageous that he can't even accommodate this knowledge.

Memory storage!

Bai Bian quickly raised his hand, and in an instant, a huge orb of knowledge appeared in front of him. This was the ability to seal memories. He would use this trick to eliminate those messy memories every time he made an extremely evil will.

As the golden ball became more solidified and compressed, which lasted for about ten minutes, the woman seemed to have finally finished transmitting the knowledge.

He said with satisfaction: "That's all I have thought of for the moment. Remember, the owner who saw this aura helped me hang it up. I'm not sure it's not dead yet. Forget it, let's talk about it when you meet it."

As she said this, she slowly disappeared without waiting for Bai Bian to speak.

At this moment, Bai Bian looked at the memory spell in his hand, feeling a little helpless and forced the transaction. Ah, this

However, as Bai Bian recalled the messages that had been deliberately left behind, he was deeply shocked. There were two messages. One was a strange but extremely huge aura. That aura reminded Bai Bian of Lady Night.

That slap across the world left a deep impression on him. He should be a top powerhouse.

The other is a directory-like memory.

Bai Bie has roughly sorted it out.

[Name: Star Sea Battleship.

Attributes: Mechanical Knowledge·Saint.

Effect: A warship that can travel across the sea of ​​​​stars. It can ignore world barriers and forcefully enter or destroy the world below the seventh level.

Manufacturing requirements: Great Sage of Alchemy.

Introduction: The super-top technological knowledge of the unknown era was the pinnacle of technology at that time, and the main gun could easily destroy the world. 】

He was a little silent. In this era, the world is not divided into different levels. In this era, there is only the main world of Shia and the secondary world that shines all over the sky.

But according to the description of the seventh-order world in my memory, except for the top planes such as abyss, hell, undead and so on, the main gun of this star sea battleship can be destroyed.

The corner of Bai Bian's mouth twitched. The saint's inheritance is indeed very powerful, ridiculously powerful, but it's useless.

Before Bai Bian could complain to the tombstone, a strong suction force came and he returned to the cabin in an instant.

Bai Bian's eyes were full of contemplation, and it seemed that it was not completely useless. Shia could not build such top-level technology as the main gun, but there were many technologies in the catalog that were very practical.

For example, if the laser cannon, which is the smallest of the secondary batteries, is correct, he should, maybe have a way to build it.

There are also some even more top-notch networks and some edge technologies. He seems to have a way to do it.

Thinking about it, Bai Bian looked around.

He remembered that the last time he came, there seemed to be not only the saint's contract on that table, but also tasks.

Bai Bian walked to the wooden platform and glanced at the two red contracts.

Really, with just one glance, Bai Bian turned around and left here.

The reason is very simple, it reads: [Find the secret Black Death and get back the high-level origin stone that was ‘picked up’ by him. 】

After a sudden change of consciousness, Bai Bian suddenly opened his eyes from the bed and looked at the golden energy ball in his hand, feeling a little hopeless.

For the second inheritance three years later, he must let Luo Ning calculate carefully, such as how many steps to take before stopping when entering the inheritance place.

The lofty things are indeed good, but if he gets this inheritance a hundred years later, he will probably be able to laugh out of his dreams.

Because this is pure technological knowledge comparable to the Colossus

After finishing the inheritance of the saint, Bai Bian took a look at his attributes, decisively upgraded with more than 20 million experience points, and lost all attribute points in intelligence. Looking at the new attributes, he stood up with satisfaction and walked out.

There is also a random bonus and a dark side feat, but that will have to wait.

Because there was a message from Zero, he had to deal with some things first.

[You have upgraded and reached level 69. 】

[Host: White Plague. (Light)

Race: human.

Template: Alchemist.

Occupation: Alchemist·Saint.

Level: 69 (321540/9000000).

Experience: 0.

Gold coins: 1,564,001.

Strength: 353.

Agility: 369.

Stamina: 370.

Intelligence: 627.

St. Spirit:98.

Charisma: 33. (Equipment bonus +50.)

Luck: 1.

Free attribute points: 0.

World: Black Death, Pathogen, Night Town.

World legend level: 8.

Rank: golden middle.

Title: Future Star: ★★★★★★★★, Hunter: ★★★★★, God Hunter: ★★★★★★★, Alchemist Master: ★★★★★, Tastemaker: ★, Soul Master: ★★★★★★★★

Skills: Master-level Alchemy and Pharmacy (5810/50000) (expand), Master-level Alchemy Technology (39420/50000) (expand), Master-level Alchemical Transformation (46500/50000) (expand), Spirituality (expand), Contract Master (10000/50000) (expand).

Accumulated soul, black gaze, mental stagnation, space penetration, memory sealing, natural soul, soul comfort.

Skill points: 95.

Special skill points: 3.

Personal expertise: High concentration, profiteer, rapid manufacturing, holy soul.

Boss template expertise: Alchemy Demon, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Defense, Soul Gourmet, Light and Darkness (the only one), Magical Fountain, Demon Soul Blood, Demon Dimension (the only one), Mechanical Possession, Invincible Soul.

Boss growth: You can choose a boss specialty every ten levels. Now the number of feats you can choose is: 0.

Evaluation: The legendary saint seems to have the power of God hidden under his holy soul. Is he still the boss? 】

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