As for lowering the price, it is completely unnecessary. If you can buy something like this that can be regarded as a powerful weapon for the country at this price, any city lord will take it at all costs.

Just one million gold coins and a space ring.

If you hear this price, Saab will give you a thumbs up.

The white plague began to inject a large amount of magic power into the army, and golden lines slowly appeared on the simple and old bronze military horn.

With the continuous infusion of magic power, these golden lines spread all over its body.


An extremely special wave began to emit, and then a very simple and epic song suddenly appeared, and instantly crossed the battlefield.

In this track, people seem to be able to see the growth of a glorious empire and the joy of victory in the war.

Xiahou Fuxing, who was running away, was stunned for a moment, then cursed: "What the hell?"

Because there are a lot of prompts on his panel.

[You have been blessed by Jun Lin, with morale +30, strength +10, agility +10, endurance +10, intelligence +10, and spirit +10, which will last until the end of the war. 】

[You gain temporary expertise: morale is like a rainbow. 】

[Morale is like a rainbow: Your fear is drastically reduced during the war, and you recover 2% of your health and 2% of your magic value every second. 】

Bai Yie also feels like his blood is boiling. What is this? Ordinary artifacts cannot achieve this effect.

Regardless of morale, its blessing to soldiers has reached a terrifying level of 50 attribute points + a specialty!

This can only be said to be worthy of being an epic weapon?

The battle ahead suddenly froze, and then a terrifying aura erupted from both players and soldiers on the Tobu City side.

The increasingly intense battlefield was instantly broken by a piece of equipment. This was a million-level enhancement, and the extent of the enhancement was not small.

If the attribute point difference exceeds ten points, it will be suppressed, and if it exceeds thirty points, it will be crushed.

This kind of attribute bonus can already be called an artifact when it is expanded to tens of thousands of legions, and now it affects a million-level battlefield!

Visible to the naked eye, the soldiers on the Tobu City side began to cause a crushing effect, and the bloodshed suddenly reached a new level. If nothing goes wrong, within three days, even if the number of players is reduced by half, the war will be over!


(ω): "Good morning, boss brother~"

Luo Ning rubbed his eyes, showed a big smile, and said hello.

Bai Bing was taken aback by the cuteness, so she lifted the seal on her ears and said, "Go and stay with Principal Eric. Irene should be almost recovered now."

After Irene used the healing skill of Life Devotion, she was taken to rest by her master, which reduced her health by half, and cured 30% of the white plague's health across four or five levels. This was very impressive. exaggerated.

That is to say, for a curse doctor like Irene, if other professions provide the same treatment, the level gap is too large and the treatment will not exceed 5%.

Level suppression, energy suppression, and low-level tricks are difficult to have any effect on high-level creatures.

"All right."

Luo Ning was a little reluctant, but still summoned his crystal ball and flew into the city.

Bai Bian listened to the sound of the Charge in front of him and quietly waited for the end of the war.


Not only the battlefield in Tobu City, the Federation also showed its absolute advantage in the other three battlefields.

Players are weapons on the battlefield.

Coupled with the fact that intercontinental missiles can allow sub-border cities to support border cities, and the emergence of teleportation arrays, this battle has no suspense.

The fact that Tobu City did not receive any support was just because of the reform, and the White Plague did not need support. Tobu City's strength was enough to win this war.

In addition to the war, more than 500 cities were also in chaos, and nearly 200 city lords were cleared, including some gold-level beings.

There were also nobles, big and small, who all became corpses in the blade of Oganna.

In three days, a large amount of resources became ownerless and were consolidated and handed over by the MPs.

A large number of positions are vacant, but they are filled quickly, and the people who fill these positions are more or less related.

A large network was initiated by Tobu City, but with the capital as the core, it slowly woven into every corner of the federation.

The Parliament also demonstrated their absolute strength.

In addition to the twenty-eight members, the number of gold dispatched by the parliament this time exceeded 300, and the silver army came one after another.

These are forces that those cities cannot resist.

The madness of the nobles or the rebellion of the city lords did not cause the slightest wave in the suppression of the parliament.

On the Internet, negative public opinions about Tobu City are quickly disappearing.

In addition to the Koeman family's control of comments on the Internet, this is also caused by the death of those who created negative public opinions.

Truth, goodness, and beauty began to flood the Internet.

Concerns about war, expectations for the future, and expectations for order have become the mainstream of the Internet.

Those who had not been liquidated saw that the wind was going in the wrong direction, and immediately began to reverse course, began to praise the benefits of the reform, followed the trend, and became part of the changes of the times.

When public opinion was about the same, the Federation began to promote White Plague and Diane.

They are called the change makers of the times and the leaders of the future.

This reform always requires the emergence of heroes, who will be the objects of civilians' sense of belonging and gratitude.

During the propaganda, more than 570 cities began to integrate.

Now that network technology is mature, intercontinental missiles have also exploded with reassuring power, coupled with reforms.

The Federation's power began to concentrate. Except for the four major border cities and the sixteen secondary border cities that remained unchanged, the Federation only planned to leave 350 cities.

And all these cities will be built according to the important cities.

The congressmen have divided up 80% of the federation and will also consider these cities.

Within three days, the voice of the Internet became quieter and quieter. Extraordinaries were trembling, and ordinary civilians were unable to access the Internet.

But they were chanting the names of White Plague and Diane, as the war in Tobu City ended.

White Blight stood up.

[Your legend reaches 100, and the legend is advanced to world legend, world legend: 8. 】

[Your six-star title [Future Star] transforms into an eight-star title. 】

[Name: Future Star.

Quality: ★★★★★★★★

Wearing effect: The initial favorability of all federal order NPCs towards you is defined as friendly. Geniuses are more likely to appear in your force, and your understanding of alchemy knowledge is +20%.

Wearing requirements: legend level 100, world legend level 5.

Introduction: The future stars are no longer the growing future stars. The current future stars represent that where you are is the future. 】

Bai Bian was stunned for a moment. Before he could react, prompts appeared one after another.

[Name: Saint 3: War (Completed)]

[Your saint missions are all completed. 】

[The favorability of Felix, the controller of the Tower of Souls, is -30, reaching disgust. 】

[You can choose to transform your soul at any time. It takes 1 hour. Please start the soul transformation in a safe place. 】

[You obtain the Mark of the Saint × 1. 】

[Name: Mark of the Saint.

Properties: Permissions.

Effect: You can enter the Saint's Tomb once every 1,000 natural days, and randomly choose one of the Saint's knowledge, equipment, inheritance, and treasures.

Introduction: Whenever a saint dies, the saint’s heritage becomes stronger. The saint may also hope that his inheritance will be passed down forever]

[Because you are the first saint in this era, additional rewards on the panel: random reward × 1. 】

[World settlement has been started. The world for this settlement is: Black Death and Pathogen. 】

[You can choose one of the three rewards below. 】

[Choice 1: Origin Stone 1/5. 】

[Choice 2: Soul Crystal Core (Large) × 5]

[Choice 3: Special dangerous object × 1. 】

Bai Bian was stunned by a series of message notification sounds, but he was only stunned for a moment.

He did not choose immediately, but looked down at 186-A, who had recovered a lot. Bai Bian said calmly: "You can continue to be a city wall, but there is no need to embed it in, lest I summon you next time. The city wall must be repaired again.”

"As you command, my lord."

186-A lowered his head and said that the entire mecha quickly transformed and quickly turned into a long decoration, attached to the empty city wall.

Bai Bian breathed a long sigh of relief, the third-level legend was finally gone.

Of course, if she really wanted to fight, Bai Bian wouldn't mind using a demon soul blood to test the power of Praise of the Sun.

However, after the first day, it was basically impossible for her to take action again, because 186-A was recovering a little bit every second that passed.

If she really wants to take action, it will only be on the first day.

But fortunately, everything is developing for the better.

He couldn't help but look at the prompts on the panel again, raised his hand, and a mark appeared on his palm.

It looked like something was rotating, a little blurry, but giving people a very comfortable feeling.

This is the mark of a saint. Having this mark means that this person is a saint.

But Bai Bian still doesn't quite understand what a saint is.

Why would the controller of the Tower of Souls want to kill him?

After thinking about it, Bai Bian shook his head and turned around to ask the city's law enforcement team and the Apocalypse Legion to go out and clean up the loot.

Bai Bian returned to the city lord's mansion.

Now on the battlefield, the three legions of Wucheng, Qingyu, and Storm have suffered huge losses, and there are no longer enough manpower to clean the battlefield.

After all, the number of corpses left behind by the monsters this time reached more than three million, and more than one million monster corpses were trampled into flesh in this battle and became part of the soil.

The meat paste also needs to be buried.

The city's Construction Department, Arms Department, Munitions Department and other departments also began to mobilize. Extraordinary people are not afraid of anything, but ordinary people are still afraid of the plague.

After these corpses and blood are buried, they can fertilize the land, making the land more suitable for nurturing extraordinary resources.

However, in this war, except for the Apocalypse Army, which lost less than 10%, the other three legions lost more than half, and the Whispering Legion, which had the biggest target, suffered 80% deaths.

The supply of troops will continue to be replenished, but economically, although there will be losses, they will not be huge.

Three hundred intercontinental missiles, the cost of a single round is only three million, five hundred Mad Bloom, one and a half billion.

He spent more than 30 million yuan in fighting.

After a series of things such as pensions, military exploits, rewards, etc., the legion of 180,000 people and 2 billion gold coins is almost enough.

And among these three million corpses, there are tens of thousands of gold-level corpses, as well as a large amount of precious materials. In this era, there is no saying that materials from similar people should not be used.

Ling and Ling are finally together, and this war will cost at least 1.5 billion.

This does not include those small nobles whose homes were confiscated. If their real estate and various minerals are included, it is not certain whether they will lose money this time.

But Bai Bian didn't think so much. He entered his room as soon as he returned to the city lord's mansion.

Magic power gradually filled the surface of his body, removing all blood and dirt.

He sat on the sofa and decisively chose the Origin Stone fragment among the final extra rewards.

This thing is something that even gods want. As for dangerous objects, there are also soul crystal cores.

Dangerous objects are simply ignored. What dangerous objects does he want that he can't find in the Black Death World?

As for soul crystal cores, they are indeed very rare. He searched the black market for a long time but could not find a few.

But this thing exists, and it is possible to create veins of minerals.

Although the Origin Stone is just a fragment, it is an ultra-rare material, and it is also needed to break through the legend.

Even if he doesn't use it, he can still create a legend, which is quite impressive.

As soon as the choice was completed, a trace of the power of rules suddenly appeared in front of him. As soon as an extremely powerful force was about to explode, Bai Bing took hold of it.

This thing was only as big as an orange, but its extreme power made Bai Bian feel uneasy. It seemed that if this thing was exposed, it would cause him a lot of trouble.

The moment White Plague touched the fragments of the Origin Stone, he was retracted into the Demon Dimension.

He breathed a sigh of relief, almost revealing something.

The uneasiness in my heart slowly dissipated.

Then the next moment, a sudden change occurred, causing Bai Bian's consciousness to directly enter the demon dimension.

Because when this piece of Origin Stone entered the Demon Dimension, the rules of the Demon Dimension came alive, and they frantically tried to drag this Origin Stone fragment into a deeper place.

The finger bones of the Heart of Sin and the Goddess of Life in the time slowing zone also seem to have undergone some changes.

Bai Bian frowned and was still thinking. The Origin Stone was generally something that could only be born when the world collapsed, and the Demon Dimension was an idealistic dimension and might also be regarded as an illusory world.

And the origin stone condensed by the rules of the world, maybe it can really help this dimension?

White Blight released the restrictions on the Origin Stone, and suddenly a large number of rules in this dimension emerged, dragging the Origin Stone and sinking into the ground, and slowly sinking further down.

A vague rule entered his mind.

There was a hint of joy in Bai Bian's eyes, because the message just now roughly meant: [The Demon Dimension is nurturing magical properties, and it is expected to be completed within 3000 years. 】

When the news first came out, Bai Bian issued the order without hesitation to adjust the time flow rate under the ground to eight hundred times that of the outside world.

It can be gestated here for three thousand years, but the white plague cannot wait for three thousand years, but he can wait for four years.

After doing this, Bai Bian's thoughts returned to his true nature.

There was relief in his eyes because he had seen a brighter future.

Wear the title of [Future Star].

White Plague now has one [Saint's Mark], one random reward, and one dark side specialty selection.

The soul on the light side will soon be unable to suppress the growth of the dark side, so expertise will be the last choice. After all, he wants to ensure safety.


Bai Bian lay down on the bed and closed his eyes.

[Your soul is undergoing transformation and is expected to be completed within 1 hour. 】

[Your spiritual attributes are transforming and will soon be converted into holy spirit]

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