Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 223 Purchase the Charge

What is Curse Doctor?

They are a group of cursed doctors who generally possess very powerful medical and healing abilities.

But they are designated as very dark professions, even comparable to existences like necromancers who cause death everywhere. Why?

The reason is the curse doctor's thinking.

People in the profession of curse doctors are very strange, as if they have no normal thinking. They have the ideal of curing all diseases in the world and want to create a world without diseases.

But their cognition is very strange. For example, if a person is not sick, but as long as they think this person is sick, they will do their best to treat him.

And their treatment is uncertain. In each treatment, 90% of the creatures will die due to their treatment.

But they did not realize that this death was caused by them, which only strengthened their determination to heal the world.

Just like a cycle, the more senior the curse doctor is, the stronger his desire to save the world is, and the more killings he causes.

And they also have a very outrageous property.

A true curse doctor will collect diseases created by himself or that already exist in every treatment to enhance his own foundation.

The stronger these foundations are, the faster they will upgrade and the higher their potential will be.

That's why Luo Ning said that destiny is huge and doesn't care much about other people's opinions and suggestions.

Because the patient's frightened roar and righteous refusal will be considered by the curse doctor as a poor person controlled by the disease.

They are going to save these people and clean up the disease!

The most outrageous thing is that if someone uses mind-detecting magic on the curse doctor, then the caster will see the purest, kindest, and most loving heart in the world!

Based on the distribution of factions in a Blue Star game.

Hexdoctors are a good, chaotic bunch.

White Plague has a headache. Curse Doctor is very strong. It is even a profession that leads directly to legend. However, after the New God overthrew the Ancient God, this inheritance was quickly cut off by the God of Light.

And now, the inheritance of the curse doctor is coming. This inheritance does not directly distort the mind, it will only reduce people's judgment and bring kindness!

Kindness without judgment is a disaster!

A disaster that even God cannot tolerate!

"I understand, I will find a way to do this." Bai Bian rubbed his brows, each one was more troublesome than the last.

A pair of slightly cold hands came closer and pressed gently on his temples.

Luo Ning said in a low voice: "It doesn't matter, brother boss, I will share your worries. The inheritance is not all bad. We can help Sister Eileen."

"Don't do anything dangerous. Living well is the greatest help to me." Bai Bian said softly. He looked at the battlefield in front of him, his eyes full of thoughts. Irene's curse doctor attributes may not be perfect. No chance to adjust it.

"Okay, I will be obedient." Luo Ning nodded obediently, but there were different thoughts in his eyes than usual.

Everything now is what she wants. For what she wants, she can give everything she has and will not allow anything to destroy everything now.

Below, after a brief recovery, 186-A sat up. Electric arcs were still all over its body. Its huge body sat on the cracked ground, and the sound of electric current flashed continuously.

Around it, magic power is gathering, slowly restoring its energy and body.

After taking one look at it, Bai Bing didn't care too much. 186-A is now a mechanical life form, and it can slowly recover even if it doesn't feed resources.

And there are still many eyes staring at him, so it is impossible for him to treat 186-A now.

What scared off the legend was a salute to the sun.

As for this top-notch sun salute, he only made a half-finished product.

Because time is still too short, even if one day outside can equal two years in the Demon Dimension, from the time he started collecting solar energy to now, the Demon Dimension has not had the past five hundred years.

During this period of time, although the solar crystal has also been improved, it has not yet reached its extreme level.

The Praise of the Sun in the Demon Dimension can threaten the third-level legend because of its large quantity.

In the sky, the golden light of dusk finally had no obstruction, but what this beautiful golden-red color illuminated was a millstone of flesh and blood.

The law enforcement teams that were trembling in the city finally received Zero's order and began to come out to recover the bodies of these ancient gods' favored ones and the abyss lords.

There are remnants of divine power or abyssal power in the bodies of these golden masters, which are considered very precious materials.

Bai Bian watched calmly, half of the Whispering Legion's mechanically modified warriors had been lost, and the rest had used up all their bullets.

They began to retreat.

Prepare to go to a supply point set up by the Munitions Department in the rear to receive ammunition supplies.

The L, X, and M modifications performed very well.

Especially the ten warriors transformed by X.

Once their expertise is triggered, the powerful power of the golden center can burst out. Even in some chaos, their cooperation can quickly kill the golden center.

And the other warriors are not something Bai Yin can stop.

If it were not time-consuming and energy-consuming to transform the legion, the ratio of input to output would be exaggerated.

A flesh-and-blood transformation warrior costs three thousand gold coins, a mechanical transformation warrior costs about thirty thousand gold coins, and an X-shaped transformation warrior costs two million gold coins.

If a thousand X-shaped modified warriors are formed, then this thousand-man army will be close to the most powerful imperial elite in the New God Era.

The most important thing is that this is possible in Tobu City!

Bai Bing watched the fight until nightfall, and then watched the sun rise in the sky. There was another specialty option on the dark side, but it was better not to move around now.

The third-level legend was never far away. She was also staring at the battlefield and him. Maybe it was unwillingness, or maybe it was something else. At this point in time, neither party would do anything that would make the other party nervous.

Luo Ning had fallen asleep at night. Bai Bian gently stroked her head lying on his lap, still looking at the smoke-filled battlefield.

186-A below has recovered a little. It raised its arms with some difficulty, and the subtle power of the sun wrapped something in it and rose upwards.

Bai Bian noticed it, and his mental power surged out to catch these things.

A legendary battle axe, a part of the power of the ancient gods, a part of the power of the abyss, and a pair of wolf's teeth.

These are the most precious things in the legend. Bai Bian's thoughts are a little wandering. Maybe it's time to use special attribute points.

When the dark side becomes a true evil and possesses divine attribute points, his combat power will directly enter the legendary realm.

Demigods, demigods denied by the world, are still demigods.

Powerful demigods are no weaker than true gods.

The term demigod simply refers to a divine creature that does not have divine status or rules before reaching the divine level.

Their levels are very vague. The weak demigods cannot beat gold, and the powerful demigods are stronger than the true gods.

Therefore, demigods are persons, not levels of strength, but what makes them powerful is that there is no threshold between level ninety and level ninety-one.

As long as the strength is enough, a demigod at level ninety will naturally reach level ninety-one, and his power will begin to rival that of a god.

The battlefield ahead became even more tragic under the early sunshine, and the blood had formed streams or lakes.

In the future, perhaps there will be a lot of extraordinary resources such as blood in this land.

Such as bloody grass, dead soul flower and the like.

Bai Bian's eyes noticed a player. He thought for a while, and some power appeared, blocking Luo Ning's hearing.

Then the mental power surged out and absorbed a player whose eyes were bloodshot as he rushed towards the battlefield.

"Who? Don't touch me, let me kill them, kill them!"

The player struggled hard. When he noticed that it was a white plague, he was stunned for a moment, and a clear look appeared in his eyes with a bit of madness.

"Um, Mr. Bai Yie, what do you want from me?" Xiahou Fuxing was a little embarrassed. He, a mage, had gotten a little carried away in the fierce battle that lasted for more than ten hours. After running out of mana, he didn't blow a charge horn and charge. I'm sorry for Junlin's equipment.

Bai Bian smiled and said, "Can you show me the equipment you blew on the battlefield?"

Xiahou Fuxing paused and hesitated. This equipment was the basis of his popularity. He didn't even lend it to Demacia when he was filming.

But the person in front of him was the Lord of Dongwu City, and he was too embarrassed to refuse.

Bai Bian seemed to know what he was thinking, and said with a smile: "I just took a look and will return it to you."

Xiahou Fuxing gritted his teeth and took off the Jun Lin hanging on his clothes and handed it to Bai Bian.

Bai Bian's mental power surged, and he took the piece of equipment. After looking at it, he was a little surprised. This was actually an epic piece of equipment?

This was actually picked up by Xiahou Fuxing?

What kind of luck is this?

Bai Bian checked Xiahou Fuxing's attributes, and found that his luck was only 5 points, which was not as high as expected.

Ah this

After thinking about it, Bai Yi asked, "Do you have any idea of ​​selling this thing? You can raise the price at will."

Xiahou Fuxing was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "No, I like my Charge and don't plan to sell it."

Bai Bian felt a little pity and asked without giving up: "What if I pay one million gold coins?"

Xiahou Fuxing:.

He was completely stunned, and the people in his live broadcast room were also completely stunned.

After a brief moment of daze, the live broadcast room instantly started to fill up the screen.

【How many? How much did he say? One million? Thirty million soft girl coins? 】

【Why are you still hesitating? Anchors sell quickly, this is an opportunity to soar to the sky! Sell ​​quickly! 】

[Shit, am I going to witness the birth of a rich man today? How should I spend so much money? 】

[Xingxing upstairs, that’s not your money! 】

[Get out of the way, get out of the way, I have uremia + diabetes, let me wake him up! 】

[Official quota will be opened soon! I want to go in, let me in! 】

[It seems like you can grab equipment in this game, right? 】

[Grab the hair, you don’t have a quota! 】

When Xiahou Fuxing saw the live broadcast barrage, he immediately felt a chill on his back.

He looked at Bai Bie with tears in his eyes. Now it seemed that he had to sell it even if he didn't want to, but he didn't want to sell it.

After all, filming is just a novelty. He likes live broadcasting and this game. He also likes Junlin.

And with the huge popularity in the past and the remuneration from filming, he is really not short of money now.


Bai Bian noticed his hesitation, thought for a while, and said: "Let's do this. If you don't want to sell, then rent it. I will give you a space ring. There is an equipment transmission device in this ring. You can transfer this thing at any time." How about going to the treasure house of the city lord’s palace, or taking it out from the treasure house?”

Bai Bian thought for a while and added: "Because your wonders occasionally disappear for a long time, this thing is a great enhancement for Tobu City, so I don't want it to be lost to the outside."

Xiahou Fuxing's eyes lit up: "Space ring? How big is it?"

"I only have one hundred cubic meters here." Bai Bian stretched out his hand, and a golden space ring appeared.

He can make this thing now, but because of the demon dimension, there is no need.

Moreover, the space ring in the legion's exchange list is also a benefit that Bai Plague is planning to create for the legion. Of course, currently, except for the four legion commanders, no one has the ability to redeem it.

These space rings in Bai Bian's hands are basically trophies from when he killed Jin.

Xiahou Fuxing made an estimate, and then looked at the increasingly heated barrage discussion.

He rubbed his hands and said tentatively: "Sir City Lord, although I don't know the value of this thing, I can sell it to you, but can we discuss the price?"

Bai Bian smiled and nodded: "You say."

Xiahou Fuxing made an estimate and said bravely: "Is this space ring plus 500,000 gold coins and 5 million battle merits okay?"

Now he knows the value of that Jun Lin, but the players also know that keeping it in their hands is a trouble, and it would be better to exchange it for other things.

However, there is no businessman without treachery. To buy something, of course the lion has to open his mouth. He doesn't want to lose money in a daze.

Some players have calculated that the purchasing power of 10 battle merits is equal to or greater than 1 gold coin.

The things you can buy because of your military exploits cannot be bought outside.

He just added a space ring to the white plague. It shouldn't be difficult to accept, right?

Bai Bian nodded decisively: "Of course."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ling used Bai Bian's authority to apply for battle merit. The Military Supplies Department responded almost instantly and directly raised Xiahou Fuxing's battle merit to more than 5 million and 3,000 points.

And those three thousand were the result of his fighting spirit.

Xiahou Fuxing's eyes were filled with excitement, and he looked at Bai Bian expectantly.

And Bai Bian did not hesitate. He first took out more than 500,000 from the two million in the panel, and packed them in five large boxes in the demon dimension.

Then he put it into the space ring, erased his own brand, and gave the ring to Xiahou Fuxing,

Xiahou Fuxing's eyes were full of excitement, and he took it carefully. Amid the envy and hatred in the live broadcast room, he looked around mischievously, and then whispered: "It belongs to you, Lord City Lord, let me go. I have to go do something."

Bai Bian put him down with a smile and looked at the things in his hands very happily.

No matter what the business is, it is impossible for him to lose money anyway. This thing cannot be measured by money.

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