Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 199 Cheating in the lottery, expertise, or expertise!

It was a pity that Bai Ying was given a meal. After all, the level was raised too fast, and he would lose several opportunities to improve his mental power.

But there's no way around it. It's been a year since he received the mission. If given the chance, Bai Bing wouldn't mind letting this mission keep stacking up.

Until he entered the legend and took charge of the Federation again.

By then there may be more specialties.

But this is enough.

After thinking about it, Bai Bian decisively opened the specialty selection. Although these rewards were powerful, the most fundamental thing was expertise.

Sirsis in the nightmare world has dozens of specialties. Although many of them are banned, there is no denying his power.

[You have activated boss expertise ×1. 】

[Please choose one of the three specialties. 】

[Mechanical God: You have three attachment positions. When you choose a mechanical binding, it will undergo an evolution. This evolution will give you bonuses based on your highest attributes. You can control this machine with your consciousness to a certain extent. .

Note: You cannot perform the fourth enchantment before the dependent dies. 】

Bai Yi paused and was a little surprised. Is it a special skill given to humans? I don’t know why Bai Bie inexplicably thought of the Ancient Scroll Master.

Is this a specialty similar to the descent of a descendant? It's a pity that this expertise is limited to machinery. As long as it is an alchemical creation, he will not hesitate.

But Bai Bian thought about the city protection mecha. What would happen if this thing was possessed by a god?

Still a little hesitant.

Thinking, Bai Bian looked down.

[Hard Armor: Whenever your health is reduced by 1%, endurance +1%. 】

Ignore the second white plague. If his speciality [mental protection] has been broken, then he should be fighting on the dark side at this time. Forget it about stacking armor.

[Life enhancement: strength +50, agility +50, endurance +50. 】

Bai Bian thought of the specialty that appeared when he chose the Demon Dimension last time.

[Invincible Soul: Your soul's resistance is greatly improved, and your soul's recovery power is +100%. 】

There was some hesitation between the Invincible Soul and the Mechanical God.

But in the end, he chose the mechanical god. His soul was already powerful enough. Although he had always pursued perfection, if there was a special expertise, he would certainly choose a special one.

Wait for next time, and I will definitely choose the Invincible Soul back next time.

As he was thinking about it, he suddenly felt that everything around him began to change. The original laboratory was gone, replaced by endless darkness.

He was a little confused and didn't know what was happening.

Suddenly, a special feeling of calling appeared, and Bai Bing began to take steps.

The moment his feet landed, there was a scene around him again. It was a mechanical throne.

The technological level of this throne is very average. There are connectors for energy transmission lines everywhere. It is very old and shabby.

But Bai Ying felt that this thing belonged to him. Even though it was damaged, it looked pleasing to the eye.

He walked over, thought for a moment, turned around, and sat down.


The throne began to tremble, and three phantoms appeared in front of his eyes. These phantoms were looming, making it difficult to see what their shapes were.

But Bai Bian knew that this thing was the three times possessed!

Reaching out, three phantoms attached themselves to the throne and lit up the throne. Wisps of arcs of electricity appeared on the ruins-like throne, but they did not give him a feeling of paralysis.


A distant mechanical buzz sounded, and everything around him shattered. Bai Bian looked at the arcane picture in front of him and came back to his senses.

He stretched out a finger, and a gray gas appeared on the tip of his finger. He retracted the gas.

His eyes were thoughtful, this specialty is a bit interesting.

Bai Bing planned to test the bonus of this kind of mechanical attachment during this period of time, and then decide whether to directly enchant the city protection mecha.

Because White Plague can feel it, this kind of enchantment is very powerful, and can even cooperate with the demon dimension to create an effect similar to directional summoning.

In other words, from tens of thousands of miles away, using the power of idealism as a transit, Bai Bian can directly summon the city protection mecha, but the disadvantage is that it cannot be sent back.

The city protection mecha is something related to the safety of the entire Tobu City. If it is withdrawn hastily, it will cause great hidden dangers to the security of Tobu City.

If you can build a city protection mecha yourself, it will be no problem.

But... this thing must be made by a sage. Even if he reaches the full value of the city protection mecha skill, he still can't make it.

The most critical of these is the legendary alchemical inscription, which requires legendary alchemical magic power. The level to be crossed is too large, and even the magic power enhancement device will be unable to do anything.

After thinking about it, Bai Bian stood up and glanced at the two apprentices who were reading the information. They had their own rooms in the City Lord's Mansion, and the City Lord's Mansion also had their own cooks to eat. Unfortunately, they were not like Rose of the Night who could make extraordinary food. kind of

Zero: [Letter from Miss Diane: I am going to retreat. When will you help me upgrade my dependents? 】

Bai Bian paused and responded immediately: [It will take some time, I have been a little busy recently, but my dearest Miss Diane, do you think I am missing a chef here who can cook? I heard you have a private top chef, how about...]

Diane: [Forget it, here you go, give me some snacks, otherwise I will carry the entrance to the secret realm to Tobu City! 】

Bai Ying: [Don’t worry, don’t worry, I’ll get there as soon as I have time! 】

Diane: [Hmm? when do you have time? 】

Bai Bian: [Let me calculate, it will be almost done when you come out of seclusion next time. 】

Diane: [.Okay, I’m out of seclusion. 】

White plague:【.】

Diane: [I’m not kidding you anymore, please ask someone to pick up Ms. Elena. I grew up eating her cooking. Okay, goodbye, remember to miss me. 】

Bai Bian replied a few words, but the eldest lady did not reply. She must have entered the undead plane.

With some sighs, Bai Bian thought about it and issued an order for Bolton to pick up the people.

Of course, now Bolton doesn't have to fly over, the undead can also ride on the teleportation array, and as his subordinate, the Tifeng family does not need to pay for the teleportation array.

However, the opening of teleportation has made players excited, because it means that their support speed will also be greatly improved.

If the kind of war in front of Tobu City happens again, not only 200,000 players will participate, but there will be an army of millions of players, and the average bronze median will definitely be a powerful force.

It's a pity that this does not include the players in Xiling City.

Because there is only a magic teleportation array at present, the farther the distance, the more expensive it is. One thousand kilometers costs fifty silver coins, ten thousand kilometers costs five gold coins, and eighty thousand kilometers costs forty gold coins.

And forty gold coins is a thousand and two soft girl coins, and few players are willing to do that.

However, after the alchemy teleportation array comes out, the price will be directly halved, but it will still be still high.

The white plague walked out of the laboratory. It is now January 18, 1538 in the dawn calendar. It is still snowing in the sky. In the wild, this snow has become a disaster. There is more than one meter of snow everywhere, but for a place shrouded in order, .

These snows are not fatal. As long as the mage reaches gold, he has the ability to change the sky.

The swordsman also has the power to tear through the clouds when he reaches gold.

So for civilians at dawn, the snowstorm only brings low temperatures.

Saab has established a large number of medical clinics in the outer city. Although the original intention is to make money, it has relieved the residents of Tobu City from the risk of death from illness.

Some waiters saluted respectfully when they saw Bai Bian. Their task at this point was to clear the snow in the City Lord's Mansion. Of course, they only swept the buildings.

The garden now looks completely white, because Luo Ning likes to play in the snow in her free time. Bai Bian asked her to manage the garden. Even if it is winter, she will decorate the city lord's mansion in her own way.

Of course, this may be the child's nature that finally begins to indulge.

Bai Bian looked at the joy on the face of the girl in yellow and the strangely shaped snowmen, and a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

It seemed that Luo Ning had finally let go of the initial vigilant attachment.


As the white plague approached, the two girls playing in the snow raised their heads and looked at him.

Brother boss. Luo Ning greeted with bright eyes.

Brother Boss? Irene looked at Bai Bian suspiciously, something was wrong in her eyes: Boss, capitalists are annoying enough. Little Luoning is not yet underage. You can't turn into a bird~

Irene covered her forehead (つ﹁`′﹁): Damn it, you actually hit me. Did you become angry after being exposed? I will tell Miss Diane, you damn capitalist.

Bai Bian was a little speechless. Sure enough, Irene was definitely a naughty kid in elf skin, right?

Look at the other moonlight elves, and then look at this guy.

The image of Bai Yueguang of all races collapsed!

He thought of something, and a smile appeared on his face. This smile made Eileen instantly alert, and she slowly moved back.

Bai Bian's faint voice sounded: A year ago, you took a loan from me to buy knowledge. The original loan was a little more than 140,000, and you paid back part of it and there was still something left.

Also, this priest has money now. A mere 140,000 yuan is not enough to suppress my righteous heart. Here it is! Irene breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

She immediately took out a Dawn Badge from the space ring and showed the balance.

He looked at Bai Bie with some pride, as if to say: Dog capitalist, what else can you threaten me with?

Bai Bian looked at it and was a little surprised. This elf's private money was not small, it actually amounted to more than 500,000!

He immediately answered: You paid off part of it through work, and you still owe 120,000, but the interest has rolled off. Now you owe me a total of 1,360,700 gold coins. Now you still owe me 500,000, and you still have 807,000 left. I wiped out 7,000 gold coins for you, now you only owe 800,000 gold coins, remember to pay it back quickly.

Erin's eyes widened:? ? ?

Don't understand? Bai Yi smiled and said, It's very simple. You haven't paid back the money for half a year. Overdue means you don't want to pay back, so 50% interest is calculated every month. Do you calculate this yourself?

Eileen was in disbelief: What kind of rule is this?

Bai Bian smiled: Don't you think I'm a capitalist? Of course I have to calculate it as a loan shark.

Eileen's big eyes turned rapidly, and suddenly a flattering smile appeared on her face. She put away her Daybreak badge without leaving a trace, and sweetly shouted: Brother boss~ You are the best, how can you be a capitalist? What? You are the greatest city lord, I respect you as much as...

White plague:.

He felt as if his hairs were standing on end, and quickly interrupted: Go, go, go.

Eileen turned around decisively and ran away: Okay, goodbye, it's best not to see you again, you damn capitalist!

Bai Bian looked at Luo Ning who was snickering, and there was a little joy in his eyes. It was very interesting to tease the elves, especially this elf with such a big contrast.

Seeing Bai Bian looking at him, Luo Ning quickly stopped smiling, looked down at his toes, and said weakly: Brother boss, I didn't scold you.

Luo Ning, how can a person improve his luck? Bai Bian reached out and stroked her head and asked gently, which was completely different from his attitude towards the elves.

Luo Ning thought for a moment and shook his head: I don't know, I can't control luck. Although divination and luck are related, fortune tellers can't make a person lucky. We can only see some of the future.

White Plague still has an eight-star random title and two random rewards that can be drawn, otherwise he wouldn't have to come to Luo Ning.

His luck has always been 1. Logically speaking, the increase in rank should lead to an increase in luck, but his luck on both panels remains unchanged at 1.

The luck of 1 represents the luck of ordinary people. The average person is lucky when he is born, but as he grows up and practices extraordinary, his luck will generally increase.

There is something very wrong with his situation. When he has some free time, Bai Bian plans to try out some potions that increase his luck. He just hopes it will really work.

Let's change the question. If I get a treasure, will the power of destiny be different from before? Bai Bian reached out and held Luo Ning and flew to the lake pavilion. It was also completely white now, but anyway There is a place to sit.

Yes, fate is very huge. It records a person's life. Any acquisition and choice will increase a person's destiny. Luo Ning thought for a while: For example, the day you become the city lord, your Your destiny will increase by one tenth.

She didn't know how to describe it, so she thought thoughtfully and said, But this kind of increase is very small. If an ordinary person becomes an official as high as a city lord, his fate will increase many, many times.

She concluded seriously: So, brother boss, your fate is very wrong! Even if it's bad, it's still weird!

Bai Bian was thoughtful. He guessed it was the panel, but he couldn't be sure.

But these are not important, it doesn't matter whether it is strange or not, he only cares about the lottery later.

He asked the little Loli to sit on the stone bench, and he sat opposite her. He raised his hand, and the alchemical energy formed a turntable in his hand.

There are some patterns appearing on it that seem to represent certain wealth and power.

What if this is the case? For example, if you are asked to draw a lottery, and whatever you draw is yours, will your fate change between this minute and the next minute? Bai Bian looked at Luo Ning with expectation in his eyes.

Luo Ning nodded without hesitation: Yes, any choice is related to fate, and every future moment is uncertain.

Bai Bian breathed a long sigh of relief and said with a smile: Now there is something that gives me a choice, but I don't know what I can draw.

As Bai Bian spoke, all the writing and patterns on the air turntable were blurred.

He placed a finger in front of the center of the disk and said seriously: Now I press it to start the lottery. Can you help me look at my destiny? This is very important.

Luo Ning paused and was a little scared: Well, um... But the fate of the boss brother is to beat people! I can only watch for thirty seconds at most. If he doesn't leave within thirty seconds, he will beat me. I have a hunch. It must be very painful to be beaten.”

Bai Bian paused, thought for a moment, smiled, his mental power surged out, a cry of surprise came from the distance, and a low-bronze waiter flew over.

Then let's transfer it. My prizes are divided into three levels. I will give him a thousand gold coins for the low-level one, 10,000 gold coins for the intermediate one, and 100,000 gold coins for the high-level one. What do you think of his fate?

Listening to Bai Bian's words, the waiter's eyes turned from fear to surprise. Ah, a bonus was given out of nowhere?

Luo Ning looked at the crazy fate on the waiter's head and nodded: That's okay. His power of fate is very weak and obvious.

Bai Bian smiled and placed the roulette wheel shaped by magic next to Luo Ning. More magic poured out to form a finger and a button.

Okay, let's start now. When your finger presses the button, it will be a lottery. You wait until this person's destiny reaches a high level and then let me draw the lottery.

Bai Bian's eyes were filled with anticipation. There were random rewards from the Girl of Destiny beside him, and that was the bulk of the rewards this time.

For the first time, he planned to test the waters with random rewards.

Okay, I'll be serious. Luo Ning looked at the waiter who was also beginning to feel uneasy. His eyes gradually turned pale gold, with a mysterious color flowing through them.

Time passed little by little, and doubts began to appear in Luo Ning's eyes.

She subconsciously asked: Boss, are you sure you really want to give him money?

Bai Yi paused: Of course, I won't joke about this kind of thing.


Luo Ning murmured, the golden color in his eyes became brighter and brighter, and a little star power circulated around, making this lake-centre pavilion somewhat beautiful.

The waiter's expression also began to become very uneasy. He seemed to be looking forward to something else. He didn't dare to look more. He could only look down at the floor and wait impatiently.

Time passed slowly, and the moment when the goose-feather heavy snow slowly stopped.


[You have opened a random reward ×1. 】

[You gain expertise awakening authority ×1. 】

[Feat Awakening: You can awaken unselected feats and choose one among them. 】

Bai Bian was stunned, Ah this, this, this, this.

He looked at Luo Ning with a very happy look, the lottery plug-in, everything on the panel can be predicted, it's a proper lottery plug-in!

This is a specialty. After Bai Yian carefully checked this authority, he could not suppress the surprise in his eyes, because there was no limit to this authority.

In other words, the dark side can also be used, so the extremely evil body he has in mind can also be chosen.

The combat power of the dark side will more than double, because his dark side will not have fatal weaknesses and will not die even if his head is shot.

Luo Ning asked with some anxiety: How about boss brother?

Bai Bian reached out and rubbed her head: Little Luoning is great, I like little Luoning the most.

Luo Ning's face suddenly turned red, and she muttered shyly, It would be great if I could help my boss brother.

Bai Bian generously took out a Daybreak badge and threw it to the waiter. In the waiter's unexpected and ecstatic eyes, he said, Don't let others know. Sometimes strength and money are linked. Step back.

The waiter nodded and bowed repeatedly and retreated outside the lake center pavilion: I understand. Thank you, Lord City Lord. Thank you Lord City Lord.

After the man left, Bai Bian happily grabbed a weak waiter again and looked at Luo Ning expectantly: Can we continue?

Luo Ning glanced at him secretly and nodded gently: It's okay.

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