Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 198 Position tasks completed, big promotion

A light curtain appeared on the wall of Bai Bian's laboratory, and at the same time, Bai Bian's figure appeared on what seemed to be a new technology screen over there.

The congressmen stopped talking and turned their gazes over.

But he quickly continued his suggestion.

Bai Bian was a little surprised by this proposal. It was actually a vote on whether the top geniuses in the capital should let warriors and assassins go out for training.

There are now a total of six top geniuses in the capital, but there are four mages.

The melee ones are the Radiant Assassin and the Great Swordsman.

There are two magicians from the Tifeng family, all the magicians from the Helen family, and Guan Xin, the fire magician.

Warriors and assassins are both physical professions, and training between life and death is the easiest way to stimulate potential.

Perhaps Ms. Night finally made these congressmen see the sense of crisis. In the step-by-step training, legal professions are always much faster than physical professions.

For example, Helen Renchu ​​is a 24-year-old level 75 mage, and Yuantang Tifeng is also a level 70 mage who is less than 30 years old.

Even Guan Xin, who was defeated by White Plague, was a twenty-year-old level 65 fire mage.

The main improvement of mages is the cultivation of magic power and the accumulation of knowledge. They are the ones who grow the fastest in the peaceful moment.

Bai Bian listened quietly, and this proposal seemed to end in vain.

Because the Lott family and the Yongyi family don't want to take risks, even if the gold leader follows them, it's not that safe.

The power of God is too powerful, and they only have a little sense of security under the protection of the Sword Master.

Bai Bian watched quietly. This time, the number of MPs was exceptionally large, reaching 23, plus more than a dozen city lords from important cities. Half of the people in the field were using magic projections or technological videos.

This even includes Heidinger.

This quarrel is also a dispute between Heidinger, a member of the Honor Council without a family, and the Lott and Yongyi families.

Of course, this means that it may not end in a while. It is like you have a chance to take off. One is to take off slowly, but it is 100% successful, and the other is to take off quickly, but it is not 100% successful.

As long as God doesn't really come, there is a high probability that the two top geniuses will still stay in the capital.

When the noise over there was almost over, Bai Bian knocked on the test bench.

Boom, boom, boom!

The sudden sound attracted the attention of many people.

Bai Bian said calmly: Stop your arguments for a moment. You can listen to their own opinions. Now I have a few points that I need to say.

Bai Bian stretched out his hand, and formed a few words on his hand with his mental power.

Seeing what those congressmen wanted to say, Bai Bian said directly: I have established a certain connection with the Federation of Stars. The other party has now passed on some technologies that are very important to Daybreak. I will share them with you now.

As soon as the words fell, those who were about to speak immediately shut up, but these big guys sat upright one after another and looked at Bai Bian with burning eyes.

You mean, the Federation of Stars that manufactures city-protecting mechas? Heidinger sounded a little surprised and couldn't help but ask.

He is also in Dongwu City, but there is no news at all.

Those wonders would talk about the other two federations from time to time, but they were just a few words.

Moreover, before the Wonders appeared, most people did not know that there was a federation like the Sun Federation.

They generally believe that there are only two federations in the world, Dawn and Star.

Bai Bian nodded and said calmly: They gave me a total of six technologies, the manufacturing method of the city protection mecha, the concept of a more advanced city protection mecha, a forbidden spell of natural elements, and two stable teleportation arrays. .”

There are two legends over there, the alchemist and the mage. The others are of no use to you, so after this meeting is over, we should take the capital as the center and extend the teleportation array to the border towns. This matter is relatively Urgent.”

This can greatly increase the federation's combat power and defense, and legion support is no longer a fantasy.

Bai Bian thought about it, took out the photos and looked at them. Whether it is an alchemy teleportation array or a magic teleportation array, one thing is needed, the time and space stone!

There are very few veins of space-time stones in this federation, but he knows that there are a large number of veins of space-time stones in a dungeon. At that time, it was also the main source of materials for players to make the Apocalypse Curtain.

However, this copy has not yet appeared, and he still needs to look for it.

The materials required are somewhat precious, so if we use the teleportation array during non-wartime, we need to charge a certain fee. Once we charge, then it is a business.

Bai Bian smiled and raised his head: Since it's a business, then no matter which company builds the teleportation array, I'll take 20%, okay?

No objection, this matter will be left to our Tifeng family. An old voice sounded, and Michus said with a smile: I can give 30%.

The Corman family smiled and said, I have Sonu. Do you have any objection to the alchemy teleportation array? I will also give you a 30% commission.

The other families looked at these two old guys and felt very unhappy, but they didn't say anything.

After all, the relationship between the Tifeng family and Bai Bian is very special. Sunu has now reached level 65 and is a master of alchemy technology. There is indeed nothing to dispute.

The most important thing is Mader, the network started charging.

The Coleman family suddenly became the second richest man in the federation from being in the middle of the pack. They couldn't compete on price and so on, so they might as well just stay silent.

Bai Bian smiled: That's it, I'll give the forbidden curse to Mr. Heidinger. If you want it, you can ask Mr. Heidinger.

There is no charge for this. Forbidden curses may not be learned even by gold masters, and even if they are learned, they may not be able to be released.

Even ordinary legends dare not learn it, it is a power close to that of a god.

However, according to Bai Bian's calculations, Helen should be able to control this forbidden spell, because the pervert is only 24 years old and already at level 75. He is indeed quite a pervert.

Finally, do you have any information that needs to be transmitted? Or information that you want to ask about? Bai Bian finally asked.

He asked the Wei Brigade to use the God's Showcase to do the mission one day later. This was the reason. Although these old guys didn't know how to hide anything, there must be something hidden at the bottom of the box. Wouldn't it be nice if they could share it?

The head of the Renchu ​​family asked with a smile: Didn't the Lord of Dongwu City say there were six parts of knowledge? Didn't this only appear five parts? What is the other one?

Bai Bian thought for a moment: Arcane, a new magic system. Let me study it first and figure out what it is before I share it with you.

Bai Bian looked around and saw that they didn't really want to pass things on, so he didn't say anything.

The Sword Master described the Federation of Stars four hundred years ago. To be honest, there was nothing here that was not available there.

If they transmit something less important, they themselves will feel embarrassed.

Bai Bian nodded and looked at the Yongyi family and the Hel family. These two are elf families: I want to apply for a batch of trees of life. Can you please arrange it? I also need the planting method and cultivation method of the tree of life. and methods of reproduction.”

The Hel family was a little unhappy when Bai Bian became the Lord of Dongwu City, but after Bai Bian took out the two lost inheritances of the elves, the Source of Life and the Sigh of Life, the family's attitude towards Bai Bian instantly improved. a lot of.

Okay, five days, I'll give it to you at most. Dili Heer hesitated, but still said: Ten.

Bai Bian nodded: That's enough.

He looked at the other congressmen and said, You continue, I will first translate the knowledge of the Federation of Stars.

After saying that, Bai Bian cut off the communication directly. He thought for a while and decided to translate first and wait for other things to be discussed later.

Boom, boom, boom.

There was a knock on the door. Bai Bian felt it and said calmly: Come in.

Yue Fang, who was more mechanized, and Bator walked in. Yue Fang was only sixteen years old now, and Bator was even younger, only fourteen years old.

The way they looked at Bai Bian was very different. Yue Fang's only remaining human eye showed respect and confidence. He had found the path he wanted to take and was moving forward steadily in the ocean of knowledge.

He really likes order, so after understanding order, the initial caution was gone.

Bato, on the other hand, is respectful with a bit of fear. Geniuses who have risen from the ranks of civilians will have this attitude for a certain period of time, because they have seen too much evil during their civilian years.

Bai Bing thought for a while, and a large number of gold-eating insects flew out and began to corrode the wall on the left side of the laboratory.

There was an empty room. When the stone disappeared into thin air, the two rooms were opened and turned into a huge room.

You will experiment over there from now on. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me when I'm not busy. You can also come over and watch while I'm doing the experiment. Although it's a bit high-end for you, I will try my best. Explain it, just remember it.

Bai Bing said that the gold-eating insect rolled back and quickly disappeared into the demon dimension.

The two bowed slightly, turned and walked towards the laboratory that Bai Bian left for them. The two looked at each other and turned back in tacit understanding. Yue Fang asked: Your Majesty the City Lord.

As soon as they opened their mouths, the door over there was pushed open, and the Department of Arms moved in the alchemy equipment one by one and placed them in every corner.

Yue Fang shut up and started picking out his own experimental equipment.

There was less fear in Ba Tuo's eyes. The city lord was gentler than he imagined.

Bai Bian ignored so much and quickly started translating. The first thing he translated was the two teleportation formations and the forbidden spell. These were all things that were to be given out and needed the first batch of translations.

Next came the two city-protecting mechas, and finally the arcane magic. Bai Bian looked at it and realized that it would only take about a week to completely translate it.

He gradually fell into the work of translation.

I don’t know if it’s because God’s power is too terrifying, but the whole of Shia has been very quiet and harmonious recently.

After waiting for a day without receiving a summons, the Guard Brigade entered the treasure house of the Whispering Legion. No one knew what he asked about, but after he finished asking, he walked out of the city with a solemn face, as if he was going to complete the mission of God. The task given by the showcase.

After Bai Bian handed over the teleportation array and the forbidden spell to the three council members, the entire Dawn also started to move.

The Time and Space Stone is now a strategic resource of Daybreak. It was a precious material that could still be seen on the black market. Now it has been directly controlled, and even the black market is no longer allowed to sell it.

Everyone can imagine how important the teleportation array is.

In just a few days, with the capital as the center, the teleportation array began to roll out.

Even if it is a stable teleportation array, it is not infinite distance. It is still because of the time and space stones. The number of time and space stones is related to the distance of the teleportation array.

First of all, there must be teleportation arrays directly under the capital and the four border cities. Next, there are teleportation arrays between the four border cities. This allows the four strongest cities to support each other.

At the back are the teleportation arrays between the heavy city and the border city a little behind the border, and finally there are the teleportation arrays between other cities.

These teleportation arrays use magic teleportation arrays, which are the teleportation arrays of the Tifeng family, because the technological teleportation arrays are more advanced.

Before Sunu could completely conquer this knowledge, he could only watch as the Tifeng family seized the teleportation qualifications of these cities.

Of course, the technological teleportation array is not without its advantages. Although its one-way transmission is much shorter than the magic teleportation array, it is more stable and can be connected to each other.

That is to say, a city only needs to build a teleportation array. After people stand on it, they can freely choose the connected city for teleportation.

The magic teleportation array is more violent, and the requirements for use will be higher. If it exceeds 10,000 kilometers, riding in the bronze lower position will have certain negative effects.

In other words, one is direct, fast, has fewer problems, and can even cross the federation, but it is expensive.

The other requires a lot of transfers and is slow, but the advantage is that it is stable and gentle, and ordinary people can also cross the federation.

Bai Pei's translation work took less time than he imagined, because some alchemical inscriptions can be translated by themselves in the zero mark. Except for the three pieces of knowledge sent out that need to be copied, the other knowledge Bai Pei's Just let zero record.

He can just watch it when he wants to.

In five days, all the knowledge was translated, and the one that surprised Bai Bian the most was the arcane magic.

This arcana seems to be the arcana in Blue Star's literary works, using knowledge to leverage the extraordinary, and finally using the power of scholars to enter the extraordinary.

This knowledge will be subversive, because the qualifications it requires are not very high. Now those top scholars who can only shine at the level of history may use their own knowledge to create a new system.

Before White Epidemic could continue his research, the prompt on the panel lit up.

[The position task has been completed and the rewards are being converted. 】

[Task: The boss’s ambition. (completed)

Task characteristics: Position tasks.

Task description: Get at least one promotion and greater rights within the specified time.

Fixed rewards: boss expertise ×1, legend ×5, skill points ×10, free attribute points ×10.

Bonus: Your strength and power are being calculated.

Position: Lord of Tobu City.

During your tenure as city lord, Tobu City's population increased by 107%, its economy increased by 1030%, its military strength increased by 700%, and its potential increased by 300%.

The power of the Lord of Tobu City increases by 78%.

Extra rewards are being converted

Merging rewards

You have obtained: boss expertise ×1, skill points ×30, legend ×5, special skill points ×3, free attribute points ×30, random eight-star title ×1, random rewards ×2, and experience value +8 million.

The reward has been issued.

Mission evaluation: You are now the most difficult boss. For players, you are a world-class boss! 】

[You have upgraded, your level has reached level 62. 】

[Congratulations on breaking through to the golden middle. 】

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