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Chapter 200 Soul Master (Updated daily)

[You gain expertise awakening authority ×1. 】

[You started the eight-star title lottery, and you won the eight-star title, Soul Master. 】

[Name: Soul Master.

Attribute: title.

Quality: ★★★★★★★★

Wearing effect: The soul will continue to be nourished, and the soul can be slightly increased every 30 natural days, and the abandoned soul dimension can be summoned to cover the surrounding area of ​​100 meters.

Within the scope of the abandoned dimension, creatures with less than 700 spiritual points will suffer soul damage of 20% of the maximum health value every second. The higher the soul strength, the lower the damage received, which lasts for 10 seconds.

Cooling time: 30 natural days.

Wearing requirements: Spirit 700+

Introduction: Your soul seems to be connected to some weird power. In this power, you may be able to exert incredible power. 】

Bai Bian looked at the two drawn rewards, and the joy in his eyes intensified. This mission gave him a total of three specialties, an eight-star title, and a lot of skill points.

He has never done a task with such a generous reward. What is the difference between this wave and reaching level 20?

He looked at Luo Ning, whose eyes were a little tired, and at the moonlight in the sky.

The remaining two draws really took a lot of time to let another suddenly rich waiter leave. Bai Bian smiled and said: No more, you have worked hard today, go and rest.

Yeah, but brother boss Luo Ning rubbed his eyes tiredly: You are so unlucky.

The future is unknown at every moment, which means that the rewards are refreshed once every second. The first draw was okay and did not take long, but the rewards for the remaining two white epidemics were refreshed at least tens of thousands of times. There are good rewards.

She was dazzled by the excitement of these waiters.

White plague:.

He didn't want to, but he couldn't help it. His luck seemed to be constant. He had to hurry up and get something to make him lucky.

Go and have a rest. I'll reward you later. Bai Bian stood up, touched her head, and asked, Do you want me to take you back to your room?

No, you go and do your work quickly, I still need...? Luo Ning said for a moment: It's so late, then I'm going to go to bed and see my boss brother again.

Luo Ning said, summoning a crystal ball, hugging her whole body, being lifted up by the crystal ball, and flying towards her room.

Bai Bian smiled, the City Lord's Mansion now has a no-flying array, but it only prohibits flying above the tallest building, not within the building.

Bone dragons are the kind that can only take off outside the construction area.

After thinking about it, Bai Biao decided to use his Awakening skill first.

Two wake-up permissions, one for light and one for darkness.

[You used the expertise to awaken your authority x 1. 】

[You gain the boss expertise, Invincible Soul. 】

[Invincible Soul: Your soul's resistance is greatly improved, and your soul's recovery power is +100%. 】

Bai Bian felt that his soul suddenly became tougher. He raised his hand, his mind moved slightly, and a blue arm stretched out from his body.

Soul out of body!

And at this time, the tenacity of the soul was ridiculously strong. Bai Bian tried to swing his fist, as if he could now attack directly with his soul.

For example, grabbing the enemy's soul out of its body does not require any spells or magic assistance at all.

Bai Bian thought of something.

Mental stagnation!


The blue energy shrouded the pavilion in the middle of the lake, and some slowly falling snowflakes stood still in the air.

Bai Bian slowly raised his hand, and a blue arm slowly lifted up regardless of the mental blockage. The fingertips of his soul were spreading, extending infinitely and wrapping around a snowflake, pulling it back.


The mental stagnation disappeared, and the snowflake had fallen on his hand.

This is a new skill and needs to be developed carefully.

Bai Bian's eyes were thoughtful, and the title of Eight Stars was also very interesting, the abandoned soul dimension.

Isn’t this dimension the plane of the Lord of Souls?

There has been no news about the Lord of Souls for a long time, and his artifact is still controlled by the Tifeng family. In addition, the dimension currently mentioned on the panel is abandoned.

Does this mean that the god-level soul master is dead?

That's a face god.

Thinking about it, Bai Bian shook his head. These are not big problems. This title is equivalent to a big move. If combined with mental stagnation, he will basically die within five seconds.

It's a pity that the cooling time is a bit long.

Moreover, the ability of this title is different from the skill of Extremely Evil Spirit. Although Extremely Evil Spirit also has a one-month cooldown time, if it is used by the dark side, it is a use of energy and can be designated as no cooldown. No cost.

Because this skill is a trick to imitate evil thoughts.

The cooling of panel power is real cooling, and there is no way to speed it up.

Bai Bian looked at the sky, and there was a hint of scarlet in his eyes.

At the same time, expertise awakening is enabled.

[You used the expertise to awaken your authority x 1. 】

[You have awakened the extremely evil specialty: extremely evil body. 】

[Extremely evil body: Your body is composed of evil thoughts, and you will have no fatal weaknesses. 】

[Extremely evil expertise is the fundamental expertise of evil-minded creatures. Choosing two or more may awaken new extremely evil expertise. Do you want to choose? 】

[Note: Every extremely evil specialty is the foundation of extremely evil creatures, and this foundation represents the growth speed, strength and danger of extremely evil creatures. If your soul cannot suppress the extremely evil creatures, you will become an extremely evil creature. evil. 】

Bai Bian hesitated for a moment, but he thought of the Tower of Souls and the many tall and stalwart figures in the outside world, so he chose to be sure.

In this era when the new gods disappeared, he could not see any capital to defeat the gods without being extreme.

The legendary black dragon Christine is a third-level legendary black dragon, similar to the strength of the seventh-level human legend, but she almost died under a casual blow from Lady Night across countless dimensions, countless spaces, and was almost 100% blocked by the world. .

If a god of this level is too timid, he might as well just wait to die.

As for the erosion of the soul, the most serious thing is to gather the strength of the entire federation to support the soul gourmets.

Or look for a one-and-done solution.

[You have chosen to awaken the extremely evil body. 】

[You awaken a new specialty, extremely evil will. 】

[Extremely evil will: Whenever you kill a living being, you can take away part of his memory and briefly steal its power. 】


As soon as the choice was confirmed, a surge of blood energy and extreme malice suddenly rose into the sky. At this moment, the bright full moon seemed to be dyed in blood.

Auras appeared one after another, and each powerful being looked at the City Lord's Mansion with some worry in their eyes.

Those who are not qualified enough do not dare to ask, but those who are qualified know what is going on.

The breath of evil thoughts is no stranger to the people of Daybreak, because there was a disaster of evil thoughts when the evil thoughts were developed, and that was when the evil thoughts first took shape.

When a city fell, a councilman was killed. In the end, the evil thoughts grew to the top of the materials used to build it, and then exploded like a bomb.

Therefore, for the older generation, the memory of evil thoughts is still very clear.


More powerful malice is spreading, the city begins to panic, and unprecedented heinous crimes make the whole world shrouded in blood.

But the next moment, a blue light flashed through, and the blood, sin, and scarlet disappeared, as if everything just now was an illusion.

The blue and scarlet eyes of Bai Bian intertwined with an evil aura, but soon the blue again suppressed the scarlet with absolute suppression.

There was a little solemnity in his eyes, and his eyes turned scarlet, and he stretched out a finger.

Under his gaze, this finger slowly gave birth to a pair of scarlet eyes. At the same time, a second picture appeared in his mind, exactly as he looked at himself.

The extremely evil body said that it has no weaknesses, that is, it can use the whole body as a transfer place for consciousness. That is, after being beheaded, with two eyes sprouting from its neck, he can still stab the enemy to death with the headless corpse.

However, the Extremely Evil Will is different. This specialty is very dangerous and powerful. There is a trap in it, which is to temporarily gain the opponent's power.

This power can be infinitely superimposed, which means that theoretically, he can become stronger as long as he keeps killing.

For example, during the journey to hell, if there was a dark side of this specialty, after killing hundreds of thousands of hell creatures, maybe we could directly kill the devil Eugene.

But the power and memory of others may quickly accelerate the erosion of the soul. If he cannot bear the pleasure of this rapid increase in power, then even if his soul transforms into a holy soul, it will be directly destroyed in the killing of a war. Become a truly evil creature.

How much and how to strengthen the white plague must be controlled.

Sure enough, the power of extremely evil creatures is terrifying, but this power cannot be controlled by a person from the order camp.

This abominable growth

But fortunately, the current soul still perfectly suppresses the dark sides of the three extremely evil specialties.

Eroding the soul

Thoughts appeared in Bai Bian's eyes. It would be great if there was an incorruptible soul serving as the intermediate value. Maybe the soul could be layered, and the dark side soul could be eroded by him at will, but the eroded soul should be sealed and let the light side come. Take charge of this power.

But in the process of random growth, all the side effects will come to the sealed soul, and it will have no impact on the light side at all.

He can research in this direction in the future. Arcane magic may be able to give him some help.

Arcane is a system of knowledge. If we study the power of the soul and use the power of arcane to leverage the soul, is it possible to achieve the perfect idea just now?

Bai Bian glanced at the two current panels, threw all thirty free attribute points above intelligence, and walked to the laboratory.

He now needs to make Barret first, and then it's time to study the soul arcana.

As for other arcane powers.

Regardless of whether he is on the light side or the dark side, he has little need for arcane magic. Only the power of the soul is what needs to be studied all the time.

Perhaps the next selection of specialties can use today's model, and let Luo Ning look at it. It would be best to choose specialties that directly solve the side effects of the dark side, and then it will be settled once and for all.

[Host: White Plague. (Light)

Race: human.

Template: Alchemist.

Occupation: Alchemist.

Level: 62 (1344000/5000000).

Experience: 4395000.

Gold coins: 2064001.

Personal attributes: Strength 128, Agility 139, Endurance 161, Intelligence 550, Spirit 800, Charm 11, Luck 1.

Free attribute points: 0.

World: Black Death, Pathogen, Night Town.

Legend level: 99.

Rank: golden middle.

Titles: Future Star: ★★★★★★, Hunter: ★★★★★, God Hunter: ★★★★★★★, Alchemist Master: ★★★★★, Tastemaker: ★, Soul Master : ★★★★★★★★

Skills: Master Alchemy and Pharmacy (18810/50000) (expand), Master Alchemy Technology (23423/50000) (expand), Master Alchemy Transformation (26000/50000) (expand), Spirituality (expand).

Accumulated soul, black gaze, mental stagnation, space penetration.

Skill points: 55.

Special skill points: ×3.

Personal expertise: high concentration, profiteer, rapid manufacturing.

Boss template expertise: Alchemy Demon, Spiritual Growth (temporarily sealed), Spiritual Defense, Soul Gourmet (temporarily sealed), Light and Darkness (unique), Magical Fountain, Demon Soul Blood, Demon Dimension (unique), Mechanical God, Immortal soul.

Boss growth: You can choose a boss specialty every ten levels. Now the number of feats you can choose is: 0.

Evaluation: It is undeniable that you are already in the ranks of the strong. 】

White Plague's various statistics on the light side are already luxurious, and are better than Charles at the same level, because his number of specialties is almost the same as Charles's without counting the dark side. If the dark side is included, then he is much better than Charles. of.

At least level 62 White Plague is stronger than level 65 Charles.

[Host: White Plague (dark).

Race: evil thoughts.

Template: Absolutely evil creature.

Level: There is no level display for extremely evil creatures. (Can only be improved by absorbing negative power and killing blood.)

Rank: golden middle.

Personal attributes: Strength 535, Agility 580, Endurance 545, Intelligence 230, Spirit 800, Charm -7, Luck 1.

Legend level: 8.

Titles: Hunter: ★★★★★, God Hunter: ★★★★★★★, Hell Hunter: ★★★★★, Tastemaker: ★, Soul Master: ★★★★★★★★.

Exclusive weapon: The Evil Blade.

Skills: space penetration, bloody backstab, malicious intimidation, extremely evil spirit, black gaze, stored soul, mental stagnation.

General expertise: spiritual growth, spiritual defense, soul gourmet, light and darkness (unique), devil soul blood, devil dimension (unique), immortal soul.

Evil thoughts expertise: collection of evil thoughts, extremely evil creatures, malicious deception, extremely evil body, extremely evil will.

Evaluation: Three extremely evil creatures with extremely evil expertise. If his soul falls into extreme evil, the whole of Shia may face a real disaster in advance. 】


Outside Tobu City.

Demacia continued to live broadcast proudly, and the black dragon Lixteen gave him a huge wave of popularity.

Especially the scene between him and Xiahou Fuxing directly became the most colorful feature on the page of their forum.

Even most of the comments below are Oscar owes you two a statuette. 】

However, Demacia's way of completing tasks has really given many people ideas. This game is indeed different from other games, and there are many wealthy people.

Some real rich people seemed to have opened the door to a new world after watching the Demacia live broadcast.

In this world, gold coins do not simply represent currency. They are also a valuable metal. Certain magicians, alchemists, or rare professions will use this metal as a material in their research.

It’s just that this material is neither rare nor cheap.

Its raw material [Yaojin], if someone discovers this vein, the Dawn gold coin is fifty grams per piece, and the value of Yaojin is also fifty grams per gold coin.

The three major federations all regard this metal as something traded by extraordinary people.

As for silver coins and copper coins, these are mortal trading currencies, and their manufacturing technology is excellent, so they are difficult to imitate. They are also considered a kind of material and are not afraid of flooding.

The Federation wishes it had more gold coins.

Hehe, don't say it, don't say it. As soon as this new skill comes into play and the popularity becomes high, a crew will actually ask me to act in it.

Demacia said with great pride: Didn't Xiahou Fuxing just couldn't stand the temptation and ran away to the crew?

But do I need to? All I can say is that I'm not interested in acting.

Demacia rode the two rats and flew outside Dongwu City in the distance, replying to the barrage while boasting.

Huh? Celebrity lady?

Demacia immediately became righteous and awe-inspiring: So what? We in Demacia are single aristocrats. How can a celebrity lady be as good-looking as an elf lady? Ni Chunlou is having an event recently, and you only need ten gold coins to stay there for one night. Hehehe, that’s an elf!”

Huh? What? Can't take off your underwear? Demacia showed a perverted smile on her face: If the panel doesn't stop it every time when a key plot point is approaching, what do you think is the use of just underwear?

Also, even if the panel has the anti-astringent function, we can go there to make potions! Isn't it illegal for us to do business?

Hehe, those are the cool things the beautiful ladies wear themselves. I just wanted to take a look.

[It is prohibited to spread pornography, gambling and drugs, and I am giving you a warning. 】

Ahem! The perverted smile on Demacia's face instantly faded, and she said with a serious face: Brothers who go to those places, remember, if you really want to play something, you will be kicked off the line.

Even the money paid will be returned to those places, so for the safety of your property, swear with me: I, Huang, will fight against gambling, drug abuse and fraud!

Demacia's live broadcast room suddenly became happy because of this warning.

But as it flew, the two rats under Demacia seemed to sense something, and the entire bat flew a little unsteadily.

Demacia almost fell. He quickly grabbed its wings and complained: Errat, what's wrong with you? Why can't you even fly? How can you eat gold materials?

Zhi Zhi Zhi

Huh? Is there any danger over there? Quickly, put me down. I'll go and see. What's the danger? Demacia suddenly became excited.

Sure enough, treasure hunting bats are treasure hunting bats.

He summoned Piranha Xiaomo, took out his staff, and rushed towards the dangerous place the moment he landed.

Players like it the most when it comes to danger.

What they are afraid of is that there is no danger. For example, there are only a few players in the capital city. None of them can defeat them. Moreover, there are so many rules that the players are all running to the border town in a matter of minutes.

As Demacia got closer and closer to the dangerous place, his eyes gradually became excited.

This familiar feeling, this familiar scene, these familiar woods!

War, definitely war!

Is the big drama finally about to begin?

When Demacia came to a hillside, he immediately lowered his steps and crawled forward cautiously. The moment he quietly raised his head.

He froze.

Staring at an elf lying on the hillside with scarlet eyes.

Oh, it's over.

This was the thought that came to both of them at the same time.

But the next moment, the two stood up in synchronization, turned around and ran away simultaneously.

Demacia whispered excitedly: Brothers, we found the monster spawning spot again. Wait until I call someone, these guys are dead!

And the elf was also shouting: Quickly report to your majesty, Miracle has discovered us again, retreat, retreat, dismantle the teleportation array! The distance of a thousand kilometers is not safe, we need to ambush further away!

Demacia stopped in the middle of the shouting and was stunned. He turned around in disbelief and ran back.

When did their players become so intimidating?

When he climbed up the hillside again, the shadowy figure in the jungle in front of him had disappeared, and only the trampled marks on the ground explained everything just now.

Demacia was a little confused: Ah, did I scare off a wave of national war?

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