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Chapter 197 Star Federation Technology

Federation of Stars, Tianshu City.

Weird power, dimensional turbulence.

The old murmurs were flowing, and the eyes were full of solemnity. They were a group of beings who could rival the gods, but were vaguely stronger than the gods. Their number was unknown, and their purpose was unknown. Judging from the aura that enveloped the entire world just now.

There is a federation that angers the weirdos from the dimensional turbulence, thus causing the Lady of the Night to become angry.

But fortunately, this is the place where the gods were born.

Whether it is ancient gods, new gods, or even some evil gods, they all come from Shia, and such a powerful Shia is enough to prevent these gods from entering here.

However, as a seventh-level legend, he can clearly feel the recovery of the world.

For the world, there is no difference between humans, elves, and dragons. Once its upper limit is enough to accommodate demigods, even the most stable star federation will be devastated.

Then it will really be a disaster for the order.

Have you thought about it?

Yes, I plan to pass on the arcana and the forbidden spells I created to the Dawn Federation. Since they can pass on the best, I, Noel, should be good too.

A young and cold male voice appeared, and the white-haired figure stood beside the old man, looking at the same sky, with an unconcealed fighting spirit in his eyes.

In five hundred years, his talent has been unrivaled among the more than three billion intelligent beings in the entire star. His target has never been the so-called mutated areas and catastrophic areas.

The only existences he wanted to chase were the old figure from more than four hundred years ago, and the majestic figures that had just appeared outside the world.

The energy level of the world is recovering, and his realm is also loosening. He is confident of reaching the tenth level within five years, and he is confident of reaching the taboo within fifty years.

At that time, the Federation of Stars will turn to a defensive posture and prepare to counterattack the entire Shia.

The glory of order will eventually spread to every corner of the New God Era under his leadership!

Chu Ao looked at the half-elf he had raised, and there was some relief in his cloudy eyes. God is a very heavy word.

He turned around and calmly ordered: Look for Wu Nuos, the transfer of knowledge can begin.

[Instructions have been given, Wunos will arrive at your palace in ten minutes. 】


At dawn, Tobu City.

[City protection mecha 186-A has been repaired and continues to provide alchemical protection for Tobu City. 】

As an electronic sound appeared, Bai Yifei put away some of the remaining unused super alloys.

This alloy was stronger than he imagined, making it suitable for making Barrett.

Because when making super alloys, one of the materials is solar energy, so solar energy has a certain affinity for this super alloy.

In other words, super alloy has extremely high resistance to solar energy, which is at least three levels higher than other energy blasts.

Although this will make the cost of such a gun high, at the limit of solar energy, it can even allow Barrett to threaten gold.

Bullets also need this kind of alloy to make, because other materials can hardly support such a huge solar energy blast.

If the current bullets are replaced, the new energy gun will no longer shoot bullets, but solar rays.

Bai Bian plans to try it later.

Repair the city.

After speaking to an official from the Construction Department, Bai Bian turned around and walked towards the city lord's mansion.

Zero: [Mr. Bai Ying, the capital city has held an emergency meeting, requiring all four border towns to participate. 】

Bai Ying: [Just project it and broadcast it in real time. 】

Zero: [Applying for projection permission, application approved. 】

Flying back to the city lord's palace, Bai Bian got into the laboratory without stopping.

Diane stayed in Tobu City for four days. Except for a moment of boredom on the first day of arrival, Bai Bing was at work the whole time.

The new workshop director underground was extremely busy at this time.

Because the materials White Plague asked him to polish were not only super alloy raw materials, but also various precious metals, gold-eating insects and other raw materials.

There are only 300 million gold-eating bugs in White Plague's body now. These gold-eating bugs seem to be very many, and even gold-eating cones can be made as many as a hundred.

But if you look at them with the naked eye, they are only about the size of an ordinary young human being, not even a strong man.

The frightening thing about gold-eating insects is that they are tiny. Once they become overwhelming, they will be fatal to the existence of high-level legends.

That may require tens of billions or even hundreds of billions.

White Plague asked Oshi to polish it just to prepare. If necessary, he would fill the gold-eating bugs to the limit of his financial resources.

After checking the solar energy compression device, there were pieces of solar crystals piled up there.

Solar energy was originally light. After being extracted by the alchemist, it was liquid energy, but under the compression of the compression device, it became a crystal.

The energy of the sun at this time is actually very powerful. If we build a ten-meter sun salute, its explosion range will be more terrifying than that of an intercontinental missile, but the damage will not be as strong as that of an intercontinental missile.

But this only compresses the liquid into crystals, and the power is slightly improved, but it is not the limit of the current level of alchemy.

The crystals that have been compressed using technology can also be extracted using pharmacy energy to purify the solar crystals into liquid again.

At this stage, one liter of ordinary solar energy may only be purified into one hundred milliliters of high-purity solar energy.

Nowadays, because the solar energy is too pure, it will become unstable if it is forcibly compressed. However, by adding certain inert substances, it can still be compressed into stable and pure solar crystals.

At this time, the solar crystallization is in its ultimate state.

Assuming that this kind of solar crystal is used to create a Sun Praise of the same volume, its strength will completely surpass the intercontinental missile and reach the strongest explosive that the White Plague can currently create.

But is this the limit?

No, at this time, these crystals should be thrown into the demon dimension, accelerated eight hundred times, then completely sealed, and the Heart of the Fierce Sun placed directly above them.

According to Bai Ying's inference and AI's calculation, it only takes five hundred years for these crystals to gradually connect under the illumination of the Heart of the Sun, and eventually become a whole, and transform again, continuing to shrink in size, and finally become a whole. A substance that only exists in the core of the sun.

If the calculations are correct, this material only needs to create a sun salute of about one meter, which can directly raze Tobu City to the ground.

But because of the inert substance, this explosion will be delayed from one second to one minute, which is a fatal flaw.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the time can be accurate, then even if the white plague is tied to an intercontinental missile, it can still give the enemy a wave of enthusiasm from the sun.

Bai Bing sent these crystals to a space in the Demon Dimension specially opened for this kind of crystals.

After thinking about it, he once again issued an order to the Finance Department to purchase solar energy. No amount of this kind of weapon of mass destruction would be too much for him.

Even if you wait until the moment when the barriers of the world no longer block God, then the Heart of the Fierce Sun will become a sun salute and be placed in the sky above Tobu City for God to watch.

Zero: [Members are voting on a proposal to increase troops in the border town. 】

White Epidemic: [Support. 】

Zero: [voted for. 】

White Plague put the last batch of solar energy into the solar energy compression device and turned around to create a more advanced Barrett.

He thought of something and said calmly: Inform Bato and Yue Fang to stop working in the Armaments Department and come over to help me.

Bator is a technician who came to Tobu City to seek refuge. His talent can reach S. He is currently studying with the director of the Armament Department.

The power that Ms. Night showed just now made Bai Bian a little uneasy. He planned to take these two alchemy geniuses with him and learn from him.

He looked at the two rooms next to him and planned to open them up. When making things, he would give them some explanations and guide them in their practice.

There is only one alchemist master in Tobu City, which is not good.

There are too many things that require alchemists and mages. He needs to cultivate more geniuses.

As for Yue Fang, he is indeed a bit too extreme, but like Sabo, as long as Bai Bian can continue to lead, these people will also rely on him.

For example, if any ancient god now offered a treasure like the Origin Stone to make Sabo rebel, he would hesitate, but he would never agree.

Because of Bai Ying's talent, what he could get from his continuous cooperation with Bai Ying was far beyond what an Origin Stone could compare to.

This is also the reason why Bai Ying will let Sabo be the financial officer. Even if Bai Ying goes to check the accounts now, Sabo will never take an extra gold coin, unless he takes this gold coin in front of Bai Ying.

For the same reason, as long as he follows the steps, he will always get much more than if he works alone.

Zero: [The message has been sent, and they are expected to arrive at the City Lord's Mansion within an hour. 】

Bai Bing was handling the super alloy, but before he could take the next step, Zero's voice sounded in his mind again: [Letter from the Wonder Brigade, there is data transmission from the Federation of Stars, and he is outside the City Lord's Mansion. 】

Bai Bian paused his hand, put away the super alloy and walked out: [Let him come in. 】

Bai Bian walked out of the laboratory, and the Guard Brigade and an L-shaped modified soldier carrying a large package came over.

Wei Brigade smiled and said: As expected, there are a total of six pieces of information in this package. I have already sorted it for the City Lord.

Wei Brigade has been a bit busy these days. He became a one-star scholar after joining the Scholars Mansion.

Although there is some freedom, after being caught by other scholars, he will be dragged into the discussion and restoration of history or other things.

He even discussed some technological and magical ideas, and used his own knowledge to improve the possibility of such ideas.

Such a scholar organization composed of people without extraordinary talents will try their best to spread their own light. Many magic and mechanical knowledge were proposed by them and then realized by extraordinary people.

Generally speaking, it makes sense for the federation to have scholar mansions in every city and receive extraordinary treatment.

The Federation will not give up talent in any sense. The people in it are very talented. If placed in a world without extraordinary people, each of them would be a top expert in their respective fields.

And the Wei Brigade also has to help Demacia collect gold coins, edit videos, and occasionally perform other tasks.

So he was not relaxed, but he enjoyed it. The discussion with the aboriginal people made him understand everything about the world, and he was also intoxicated by some of the grandeur of the world.

As a player, you can achieve this step, except for those suspected to be big bosses in the scientific research community.

Very good, what reward do you want? Bai Bian asked with a smile, thinking that he should also bring those suspected to be outside scientific research bosses into the Scholars' Mansion.

After all, they are really useful. Intercontinental missiles, alchemical magic networks, and other technologies that are available in the outside world can be realized in this world. They have really developed them in this world.

There was a hint of excitement in Wei Lu's eyes: If possible, I would like to use the God's Window prop. Don't worry, Lord City Lord, you don't need to bear the consequences.

Bai Bian paused and nodded: Okay, you can use it to Whisper Legion whenever you want.

He took out a Magnetic Mechanical Body and handed it to Wei Lu: This can be regarded as a token. You can use the God's Showcase once with this.

He thought of something and said with a smile: But I hope you can use it after tomorrow. Maybe I still have something to transmit.

Wei Lv took it excitedly and nodded: As you wish, I won't disturb you for now. You can call me at any time.

Bai Bian looked at the back of the Guard Brigade with some admiration in his eyes. He turned to the L-shaped modified warrior and said, Put down your things and go back.

Yes, Lord City Lord.

The sound of an urn sounded, and the three-meter-tall reformed warrior put down his package and left with heavy steps on the snow.

Bai Bian looked at the package and breathed a sigh of relief.

He took the package into the laboratory and opened it. Just as Wei Brigade said, there were nine stacks of photos, but there was one piece of information bundled together in four stacks, which was six pieces of knowledge.

He started to check with some expectation, and it was obvious that the Alchemist Sage was similar to what he thought.

In these materials, a variety of texts are interspersed, and a large number of alchemical inscriptions have replaced some of the texts. These inscriptions are actually skills, but they can well block the players' translation system.

They want to understand these inscriptions. Each inscription requires a skill point. Currently, no player can understand these things.

Moreover, the alchemist sage took good care of him and used all the engravings he had used. Even the paragraph ordering used the methods he had written before.

This is because I am afraid that I cannot understand it.

Bai Bian, who felt a little underestimated, felt a little relaxed in his eyes, which was good. He could see some care from afar.

The information that was viewed the most became serious when Bai Epidemic looked at it.

[The manufacturing method and upgrading method of A series city protection mecha. 】

Sage level knowledge!

Looking at the pile of information with the smallest amount, Bai Bian paused for a moment, and there was surprise in his eyes. This time, it was an assumption.

[The manufacturing ideas and existing results of the S series city protection mecha. 】

From this information, Bai Bian can see the ambition of the sage. He is trying to break through the taboo, because this is taboo knowledge about alchemy technology!

The taboos of alchemy and the great sage are not the same thing.

Taboo is the level of strength, while sage is the level of knowledge.

For example, the bright side of White Plague is now the lower level of gold, and knowledge is the master.

The two complement each other, but are not absolute.

With enough potential, an alchemist master or grandmaster can also step into the taboos of alchemy.

Thinking about it, Bai Bian looked at the next piece of knowledge.

[Alchemy technology stabilizes the teleportation array. 】

Bai Bian had surprise in his eyes and continued to look down.

[Magic teleportation array. 】

This information is a little sloppy and may have been added temporarily, but it doesn't matter. It means that the Dawn Federation can connect all cities from now on.

Keep looking back.

[Arcane. 】

[Elemental forbidden magic: Death sighs. 】

After checking the effect, Bai Bian calmly ordered: [Connect to the parliament. 】

Zero: [Connected, the projection function is turned on. 】

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