
The loud cry of an eagle sounded thousands of miles away in the sky, carrying a strong chilling atmosphere.

A huge eagle with a wingspan of 100 meters looked down at the outsiders in the sky, and a majestic voice resounded through the sky: Ahead is the territory of the great Dragon of Destruction, outsiders should go around!

Thousands of miles away, two golden figures in black robes stopped flying and stood still high in the sky above the clouds.

They took out a shining golden scepter from their arms and raised it high above their heads.

An extremely cold female voice came from the fortune teller's mouth: Ms. Likstin, this is Heiye's gift to you. Heiye wants to make friends with you.

There was determination in the fortune teller's eyes. In her prediction, destiny seemed to have changed a little, but it didn't matter. Dragons all like treasures. As long as they can get close, the name of the night can make this dragon agree.

Lixstin's eyes flashed with doubts, epic scepter?

This is also a rare treasure for a powerful dragon like her. This is a creation beyond legend, and it is also the limit that mortals can create.

Higher equipment levels only have taboo items, which can only be created by taboo legends. They have broken away from the realm of mortals, and their power has entered the realm of gods.

So these three people are still somewhat sincere.

Demacia said seriously: Respected and great Ms. Lixstin, don't let them get close. I know them. They are an organization called Rose of the Night.

They are an organization of the evil god, but they have been in decline due to the federal siege. There is definitely no good in coming to see the great Dragon of Destruction!

Lixstin stared at the epic scepter and ignored Demacia. She said calmly: I accept your gift.

Demacia was stunned for a moment, then became anxious: Great.

[You are restricted by the realm of death, and your voice cannot spread. 】


He could understand the hell-level mission, but he couldn't understand it if he couldn't complete it if he poured more than one million into it.


Explode gold coins!

Ding ding ding.

The sound of metallic rhythm sounded, and the incomparably beautiful sound made Black Dragon Lixteen turn her head, and she narrowed her eyes when she saw a lot of gold coins.

She collected the gold coins calmly, but she collected more and more gold coins, and for a moment she even ignored the approaching Rose of the Night.

Yeah. Yeah.

Demacia struggled to say something, but no sound came out.

Demacia looked at this greedy dragon and felt a little hopeless.

He put the black dragon away after he exploded the gold coins, but didn't give him a chance to speak.

Those who rose in the night were closer, and the distance of thousands of miles disappeared in an instant, when the golden light shone on the faces of the people around them.

While Lixstin turned around to collect the gold coins, she reached out to grab the scepter.

I've accepted your gifts and I'll give you a chance to talk. What do you want from me?

There was no surprise. Lixstin held the epic scepter in her hand, her eyes full of joy.

Lovely gold coins, gorgeous scepter, she wants them all.

Ms. Likstin, why do you have such a miracle here? The fortune teller looked at Demacia who was exploding gold coins, with an inexplicable meaning in his tone.

A wonder? This is a Blue Star man. He can give me gold coins. Lixteen looked at the scepter, feeling the power of the scepter, and the joy in her eyes intensified.

She liked the scepter more than the gold coins.

Then you might be um?

Just as the fortune teller was about to say something, the power of summoning appeared, and the power of the abyss suddenly appeared in the dragon's territory.

A trace of surprise flashed in Lixting's eyes. This Blue Star person is actually a summoner?

Fortunately, because of the black dragon's surprise, Demacia felt the sense of restraint disappear. At the same time, his summoning spell ended, and no other changes occurred.

Demacia said hurriedly: Ms. Lixteen, there is something wrong with that scepter. There is a god behind them. Be careful. Throw it away quickly!

A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the three members of Rose of the Night before they could say anything.

The surge of gold coins around Demacia became more and more exaggerated. His face was full of pain, and his health points were rapidly declining.

[You take a large amount of Nocturne Piranha poison, and your health will drop by 50% every second]

He looked at the three people suspended in mid-air with eyes of shock, disbelief, pain, and despair, and pointed a trembling hand at the person named Rose of the Night.

Before Lixting could react, his health had reached the end and he vomited blood and fell to the ground. At the same time, the explosion of gold coins also stopped at this time.

Quiet. It's quiet on this incredible mountain.

Only the occasional strong wind from high altitudes can make some noise.

The legendary black dragon looked at the man who praised her crazily and kept giving her gold coins, now turned into a corpse lying quietly on the ground.

The surrounding atmosphere is slowly becoming dangerous.

The three members of Rose of the Night felt a thump in their hearts. The fortune teller who took the lead seemed to know where the problem was in the fluctuation of fate.

She said respectfully: Ms. Likstin, you may have been deceived.

elder brother!

But at this moment, a hysterical voice interrupted her words. Xiahou Fuxing, who had not been online for almost a week, appeared. He hugged Demacia's body with scarlet eyes, held one of his hands and put it on his face. His face was full of sorrow.

He raised his head and looked at the three golds in the sky with hatred in his eyes. His tone was full of anger. Just as he was about to say something, a purple color began to appear on his face.

This time the dragon reacted, she stretched out her hand, trying to save the Blue Star man with terrifying power.

But the next moment, ding ding ding.

Countless gold coins exploded from his body, disturbing the dragon's eyes for a moment.

Respect. Dear Madam. This is the last treasure. Please take care of it and please forgive my cowardice.

He pointed at the three members of Rose of the Night, and the vitality in their bodies slowly disappeared.

[You have taken a huge amount of Nocturne Piranha poison, and you have died. 】

The dragon looked at his hand. The second man who could explode gold coins was gone, and the surrounding atmosphere was completely suppressed.

The fortune teller's eyes became increasingly uneasy. She and her companion looked at each other and were about to say something, when a sense of crisis came.

The fortune teller's expression changed and he said hurriedly: Ms. Likstin, this is all a misunderstanding. They are wonders and are immortal. Now they have been resurrected in the Dawn Federation. If you don't believe me, I will take you to see them.

Lixstin looked at the two corpses with cold eyes. Now, it no longer mattered whether these two guys who could explode gold coins lied to her.

It doesn't matter whether what these intruders say is true.

The important thing is that she is unhappy now, and the black dragon will die if he is unhappy.

As if feeling the tyranny of the black dragon, a trace of depression flashed in the fortune teller's eyes, and her huge mental power activated certain spells.

In an instant, the scepter in the dragon's hand suddenly burst into brilliant light, and a terrifying will descended, trying to forcibly invade the dragon's mind.

She can't die yet. Once she dies, the scepter will really be just a scepter. If her subtle transformation doesn't work, then she can be controlled by force.

She firmly believes that the power of the Lady of the Night cannot be blocked by mere legends.

This move made the legendary black dragon stunned for a moment. She thought of Demacia's words, and her eyes were instantly filled with scarlet: You are trying to control the dragon?

She struggled to throw the dangerous staff in her hand, and the terrifying sonic boom sounded at the moment.

Endless cruelty suddenly surged into the black dragon's mind, and the murderous intention took full shape. The realm of death was opened, and the terrifying black dragon, which had reached the third level of the legend after a thousand years, burst out with absolute power.

The entire sky suddenly turned black, and the breath of death and destruction spewed out crazily.

The expressions of the last members of Night Rose changed. This giant dragon was more powerful than they imagined.

Damn God! Roar~

A roar of effort exploded in the sky, and thick black flames with a diameter of a kilometer cut open the sky at this time. The realm of death was not something that the gold level could resist.

At this moment, the clouds under the mountain peak exploded in an instant, and the terrifying power caused all creatures thousands of miles away to tremble crazily in the dragon's breath that seemed to be able to destroy the world.

The last member of Rose of the Night turned into dust in the legendary dragon flames before he even had time to leave his last words.

However, at this moment, the scepter that was thrown an unknown distance exploded, and the original intention of control turned into anger at this moment.

It seemed that some stalwart being was angered at this time.

And this emotion quickly crossed the sky, and a little bit of power suddenly fused.

The sky at noon quickly turned into pitch black, and even the death realm of the legendary black dragon seemed so small at this moment.

Tap tap tap.

A sound like high heels sounded at this time, and there seemed to be a figure approaching Shia in the sky.

A trace of power gathered in this towering mountain of death.

The terrifying black dragon that symbolized death and destruction was trembling at the moment, and an extremely high pressure appeared on the entire sky, as if it was trying to make the entire continent surrender.

The black dragon's body was depressed in this position, and the power of the dimension tried to make her lower the dragon's proud head.

Click click click.

The mountain peak cracked at this moment, revealing the faint golden treasure under the dragon.

But this golden color cannot bloom in the current dark night, and even the rules of the sun seem small at this moment.

Above this darkness, majestic figures loomed, silently across endless dimensions and spaces, bringing an absolute sense of pressure to the world.

God God. God.

The sound of death was whispering, and the legendary dragon seemed to have seen the scene two thousand years ago in the intense violence. His little child died in the catharsis of divine power.

Black dragons represent death and destruction. They are always violent, cruel and arrogant. Except for the dragon god Isabel, no existence in the world can make them bow their heads.

The rattling sound in the sky was getting closer, but at this moment the giant dragon was holding up its body, holding itself up amidst the terrifying high pressure.

The hatred that had been suppressed for two thousand years and the remaining brilliance of motherhood bloomed at this moment.

The giant dragon spread out its huge wings that were nearly three thousand meters long, and the legendary power gathered in her mouth crazily.

She looked at the existence outside the world, the existence in the endless dimensions, and the tall figure outside the world, and let out a roar belonging to the dragon clan.

Damn God!


The sky-shaking dragon roar was spreading, and an extremely thick dragon flame rose into the sky from her mouth, trying to defeat the terrifying god.


The legendary black dragon unleashes its destructive power crazily, erupting into a power that cannot be underestimated in this recovering world.

In the sky, the footsteps stopped, and a white hand with bright red nails seemed to reach out from outside the world.


A buzzing sound enveloped the entire Shia, and some corruption scars suddenly appeared on that beautiful arm. A looming and slender figure glanced unwillingly at the world.

Then, ignoring the prying eyes of countless noble eyes, he slowly walked towards the unknown dimension.


And the owner of that hand's casual exploration also caused terrifying waves in the world.

The dragon's strongest breath collided with a force, and the shadow of an arm pushed the dragon's roar slowly closer to the 10,000-meter-high mountain peak.

The anger and violence in Lixstin's eyes became more and more turbulent, and the hatred in her eyes turned into reality, almost frantically releasing her power and accumulated resentment.

The speed of the palm was hindered by the dragon's breath, and its falling speed slowed down.

But it still fell slowly and unswervingly.



The loud cries of eagles and the roars of giant dragons became the only sounds in the surrounding area. The dragon eagles exploded one by one at this moment. They used their strongest power to try to charge towards the power of the gods.

But he only sacrificed his own life, making the tyrannical dragon even more angry.


As the palm continued to approach, the mountain peak that had stood here for who knows how many years began to collapse.

But the giant dragon still refused to dodge and tried its best to breathe out destruction.


The ruins surged and dust spread. The continent began to tremble, and the dragon's body was slowly pressed into the ruins by the terrifying palm.


The world stood still for a moment, and then the power of destruction, death, and mystery erupted at this moment. The highest mountain peak was completely eliminated at this moment.

The earth is collapsing, and abysses of death are formed in an instant.

Countless amounts of lava rushed out from under the earth, but were turned into nothingness by these forces.

The land with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers cracked rapidly under the release of this power, as if it was the end of the world. The creatures in it could only pray continuously and wait for death.

I don’t know how long it took, but the sky slowly changed back to its original color, and the tall figure peering at the world also disappeared.

The Night Rose completely disappeared from this continent, and the mysterious lady's anger was also blocked by the world.

But separated by countless planes, separated from the origin of this world's gods, even those majestic beings who are comparable to gods in the dimensional turbulence.

It seems that it is impossible to truly kill the powerful legendary black dragon.


In the original mountain peak, the legendary black dragon, covered in tatters, lay on its back among the ruins.

The look in her eyes as she looked at the sky revealed a strong fighting spirit, and the initial uncertainty and slight sadness disappeared.

God is nothing but that. If only I could be so brave then

Weak sounds circulated around the dragon. She tried to stand up, but she couldn't move.

But her scarlet eyes were brighter than ever before. She couldn't even care about the disappearance of her treasure, she just stared at the place where the gods appeared just now.

She turned her head hard and seemed to see a dissipating sword mark.

There is a place of order on this continent, and it seems that God is not an invincible existence.

She looked forward to the day when, under her wings, these gods would tremble like mortals!


The cloudless sky became dark again.

Likstin looked at the sky-shielding wings, her eyes brighter than ever before. The dragon god was gone, the dragon clan had no god, but the dragon was still a dragon!

With the soaring of a behemoth, the Broken Black Dragon, which eliminated fear and hatred, also disappeared from this continent.

Bai Bing, who was preparing to repair the mecha in the outer city, looked at the sky together with the entire federation.

He noticed something strange in the Demacia live broadcast room.

Between the bullet screens that filled the screen, he seemed to see an incredible existence.

He subconsciously murmured: The forbidden legend of the ancient dragon!

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