Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 195 A mission made with money

Little one, what ability did you use just now?

Some doubtful voices sounded, and Demacia, who was stretching her hand to another place, froze.

His brain was thinking rapidly. Among the countless [dangerous] barrages, there were some that were reliable.

He quickly chose one, turned around, and said very respectfully: Dear Ms. Likstin, my brother and I are Blue Star people, from the distant star made by the gods, and our characteristic is that we have no soul, but we have The ability to banish any non-living thing to a random space.”

Likstin's eyes were full of doubts. She was nearly three thousand years old, so why hadn't she heard of this so-called Blue Star person?

Her eyes gradually contained the power of death. These two little things really had no souls.

She frowned and said, Use your ability again.

Demacia bowed deeply: As you wish.

He walked towards a huge skeleton, which was long and almost penetrated the mountain peak.

Demacia checked it with the panel.

[Name: Lava Snake Bone.

Properties: Material.

Introduction: The bones of extremely rare lava snakes are a kind of snake that likes to live in active volcanoes. Even if they are bones now, they still have some lava rules.

Price: 400 gold coins. 】

Demacia's heart beat fiercely, oh, did you withdraw the money?

The barrage flooded the screen instantly.

【Fuck! 】×n

[400×30, the anchor directly makes a small profit of 12,000, I’m so impressed! 】×n


With a swipe, a special force appeared, and the huge snake bone, which was hundreds of meters long, disappeared in an instant.

Demacia turned around and bowed very respectfully: Look, the great Ms. Lixteen, we Blue Star people have very powerful talents, but the only limitation is that we can only reach the upper bronze level, which is where I am now. .”

We have always survived in that federation, but the federation squeezed us on the grounds that we could not continue to become stronger, so after we learned of your location, we immediately came to you, because compared to being squeezed by capitalists, I still prefer to pursue the strong and be protected by the strong.

Likstin's eyes were a little suspicious, but she couldn't tell what kind of power this person was using.

Boom boom boom.

Here, some eagles with dark bodies and dragon horns flew over grabbing some meat.

The wingspan of these eagles is about thirty meters, and they look extremely domineering.

Lixteen glanced back, and with the tip of her finger, the almost cooked food disappeared in front of Xiahou Fuxing who was cooking.

The huge black dragon smacked his lips and said, Give him the food, and then you disappear.


After an eagle cry, these eagles put down the corpses of all kinds of unheard-of giant beasts that were still dripping with blood, and then flew to the bottom of the mountain in an instant, entering the kind of depression where Demacia and the others rested before.

Xiahou Fuxing looked at the corpses of the five giant beasts in front of him and swallowed. The smallest of these giant beasts were close to ten meters, which was just enough for a giant dragon to bite one at a time, but for them, it was ridiculously big.

He looked at Demacia and gestured.

Demacia ignored it. Seeing that the dragon's eyes were not on him, he decisively began to clean up the bones quickly.

[You sold a gold-level skeleton for 200 gold coins. 】

[You sold flesh and blood invaded by the power of death for 100 gold coins. 】

【You sold it.】

Xiahou Fuxing was a little embarrassed. He was about to explain that he couldn't move the food, so he couldn't cook it.

But he was stunned by the barrage.

He subconsciously took a look at Demacia's live broadcast room, and immediately became jealous. In a short period of time, this guy made tens of thousands of soft girl coins!

This is more profitable than robbing money! ! !

He didn't care what Wei Lu said about Black Dragon's habit of liking others to fear her.

He said decisively: Great Ms. Likstin, I cannot cook these foods by myself. I hope you will let my stupid brother handle these foods together.

The black dragon looked at the Blue Star man who was frantically sweeping up garbage, and said nonchalantly: Hurry up, I need to see my food before the sun sets, otherwise there will be no need for you two to exist.

Demacia's face froze, and when he saw the black dragon closing his eyes, he spread his hands helplessly to Xiahou Fuxing: My stupid brother, why don't you come and clean up this garbage quickly? We only have four hours left, can't you? You’ll want to die, right?”

Xiahou Fuxing's face was filled with joy. Seeing that the black dragon with its eyes closed did not express any opinion, he also joined the ranks of sweeping away garbage.

The two quickly cleaned up the small amount of 'garbage', then looked at the five huge corpses in worry, and began to communicate using the panel.

Xiahou Fuxing: [Should we use the method of begging chicken? Anyway, they are all eaten raw. As long as there is enough seasoning in the stomach, the taste should not be too bad.】

Demacia: [Now there is one good news and three bad news. Which one do you want to hear first? 】

Xiahou Fuxing: [Bad news? 】

Demacia: [We are dead! 】

Xiahou Fuxing:【.What else?】

Demacia: [There is a high probability that these animals are gold-level. This means that even if you let your fireball burn for three hours, the food will not be cooked. So, we are still doomed. 】

Xiahou Fuxing:【.】

Demacia: [Besides this, we can’t be online for a long time, so our hell-level mission this time is almost a dead end. 】

[It doesn’t matter. Anyway, we just made a fortune. At worst, we will give up the mission. ] Xiahou Fuxing looked away and said indifferently: [What about the good news? 】

Demacia: [Picture. 】

[Tip: Dragons love gorgeous treasures. 】

[Who doesn’t know this? Spam tip. 】Xiahou Fuxing curled his lips and kept rubbing in front of a corpse, playing with his seasoning.

Demacia raised her eyebrows: [No, this is the best tip. My plan is this. Since I can't conquer this dragon, I won't conquer it. Wait a minute and we will all save the offline points, and then We will go offline directly, your task is...]

Xiahou Fuxing: [Is this really useful? 】

Demacia: [Unconventional tasks always require unconventional means. Stop talking nonsense and get started. 】

Xiahou Fuxing was a little hesitant, but seeing Demacia's high interest and thinking that he was not burning his money, he simply didn't bother to persuade.

As the two of them looked at each other, Xiahou Fuxing picked up the seasoning that had been stirred until it was mixed, and walked in the direction of the black dragon. When they reached a similar position, the two of them looked at each other, and Xiahou Fuxing's figure disappeared instantly.

Liksteen, who had been paying close attention to the two Blue Stars, was stunned.

She opened her eyes and looked at the remaining Demacia with some confusion. Before she could react, Demacia also disappeared.

Only the giant dragon was left on the top of the mountain, staring blankly at the place where they disappeared. What happened?

There was no sign, no energy fluctuation at all. It was the same as the method used to clean up the garbage just now, and it just disappeared so inexplicably?

She searched around but couldn't find any trace. At this time, there was anger in the eyes of the legendary dragon.

She waved her hand casually, and the food that the dragon eagle finally caught was instantly knocked away, and Lixstin lay down again angrily.

These two scum really made her angry, but they didn't meet the conditions for anger, because she didn't lose anything, she just secretly held a grudge.

Blue Star people, right? No soul, right? Anyone who dares to play tricks on a black dragon will be doomed if they are seen again.

As time passed, and when night fell, Demacia reappeared where it disappeared.

In just an instant, the legendary dragon opened its eyes, and a black ripple began to spread.

[When you enter the realm of death, 30% of your health will be deducted every second. 】

Demacia was startled and immediately shouted: Sorry, Ms. Lixteen, I did not catch my stupid brother. To make up for my mistake, I will offer my treasure to the great dragon.

As he spoke, gold coins began to fall from his body.

Under the reflection of the moonlight, these brand-new gold coins reflect a dazzling light.

In just a moment, Demacia's body was flooded.

The murderous intent in Lixteen's eyes froze. Looking at the Blue Star people who were spending a lot of money, she subconsciously stopped releasing the field.

After all, which dragon can refuse a weak chicken who can explode gold coins?

Demacia breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that only 40% of her health was left.

He was extremely sincere and said sincerely: Dear Madam, you know, our power is very small. My brother was unable to bake the food just now, but he was afraid of death, so he used our ability to run away.

I hope the lady will spare my life for the sake of these gold coins.

Lixteen stretched out his hand, and thousands of gold coins around Demacia came to him in an instant.

Is this the federal gold coin? Lixteen narrowed her eyes and asked, Then why don't you run?

Demacia's eyes were extremely sincere: Because in this godless era, we have nowhere to go except the Federation, and I am fascinated by the power of the great black dragon Lixteen, and I am willing to become your slave.

And my power will be your best treasure collector. I only spent half a day on these gold coins.

If you are willing to forgive my brother's rudeness, then he will spend the rest of his life atone for his cowardice and dedicate gold coins to the great Dragon of Destruction every day!

Lixstin looked at the shiny gold coin in her hand, and then at this extremely weak Blue Star man.

After thinking about it, the anger in his eyes slowly disappeared.

Again, who can refuse a weakling who can explode gold coins as his subordinate?

She nodded gently: You are very good.

She hid the gold coins under her belly. When the gold coins touched the ground, they slowly merged into the mountain. The brilliance of magic shone: If you can give me these gold coins every day, then you don't have to die.

Oh, my great Dragon of Destruction, your most loyal slave is shocked by your generosity. I feel lucky that I chose to come back. I may have spent all my luck in meeting such a great master like you. De Marcia followed the information and wildly flattered Long.

Suddenly, Black Dragon narrowed her eyes slightly, her voice returned to laziness, and she looked up at the night: You still have four hours. I want to see new gold coins when the sun rises.

A trace of distress flashed in Demacia's eyes, and she frantically urged the guards to collect the gold coins. After all, it would be more expensive to recharge.

However, he looked at the explosive popularity of the live broadcast room. Ever since the dragon came out, the number of people in the live broadcast room has been high.

His fans are also growing like crazy. Now that he completes this task, he will get much more than what he paid for.

He still sang with great respect: Don't worry, great Ms. Dragon of Destruction, my brother is already looking for more gold coins in order to atone for his sins. You have to believe in us Blue Star people.

Lixstin was noncommittal. She liked gold and shiny things. How could he survive by deceiving the existence of the great dragon? The day he doesn't explode the gold coins, he will die.

Demacia took out a brush and said with great respect: Great Dragon of Destruction, I see there is a little dust on your scales. Can I help you clean it? I want to do something to make up for my pursuit of my brother. It’s time to say goodbye without saying goodbye.”

Lixstin was noncommittal, lying on the gold coins and closing her eyes.

As expected of the great Dragon of Destruction, the creator of death, Ms. Lixstin, your scales are so beautiful, each one is a supreme treasure, and humble Demacia will take good care of them.

Demacia looked at another title sent by the Guard Brigade, and at the same time, he started to brush the dragon's scales with a brush.

Lixstin felt inexplicably happy as she listened to the words of praise. She vaguely remembered that a long time ago, there were many races under her command, such as kobolds, goblins and other races. At that time, they also spoke so nicely.

I really miss you

Brush brush brush.

There was some itching feeling, and in her mental strength, the Blue Star man had already started brushing her wings, which were tingling and tingling, and quite comfortable.

Suddenly she felt even more happy.

Gradually fell into sleep.

When the sun began to shine on the mountain peak, in the magnificent scene, the weak Blue Star man began to explode gold coins again. The reddish sunlight of the setting sun made the gold coins shine brightly.

The giant dragon stretched out his claws to put away the treasure, happily waiting for the Blue Star man to brush his scales.

[It would be nice to have more Blue Star people like this]

Likstin thought, feeling like she liked these people a little bit.

[Lixteen’s favorability +5. 】

Demacia's eyes were filled with joy, the words of praise in her mouth and the strength in her hands became even stronger.

Time passed day by day, Wei Brigade was helping to collect gold coins, Demacia was spending 300,000 every day, and his live broadcast room was becoming more and more popular.

This model of using money to spend money on tasks left players and audiences stunned. The huge dragon and the mountain scenery will never get tired of watching it no matter how many times.

Especially Demacia's endless words of praise made the audience feel like they had learned a lot.

While Demacia was flattering and sending gold coins, it also completely established a foothold with the black dragon and gained some favor from the black dragon.

When the time came to the fifth day, which was also their sixth day here, there was finally movement on Demacia's mission.

While Demacia was brushing the black dragon's wings, some powerful figures wearing masks and black robes entered the black dragon's territory.

At this moment, the black dragon opened its scarlet eyes, and the huge eagle with dragon horns began to circle.

The extremely terrifying power attempts to scare away these uninvited guests.

Two golden fortune-tellers and a golden middle-rank fortune teller were suspended at a height of nearly 10,000 meters, slowly approaching.

The black dragon Lixteen stood up and silently looked at the distant sky. The terrifying power of the dragon began to spread.

[You enter the realm of death, please do not show any hostility towards the legendary black dragon. 】

Demacia put down the brush in her hand, excitement deep in her eyes.

At this moment, the number of people in his live broadcast room is skyrocketing. He has invested nearly 2 million soft girl coins, and it seems that he will finally be rewarded!

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