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Chapter 194 Black Dragon: Lixstin


The sudden howl caused Bai Bian's scalpel to shift slightly, the patient trembled, and blood spurted high like a fountain.

He pinched the wound with some speechlessness, poured some recovery medicine on the wound, and this minor accident was eliminated.

That was a mistake just now. Don't be distracted when you are doing the surgery. Bai Yian said without changing his expression and continued to perform the reconstructive surgery.

It’s outrageous that you can be scared even while watching a live broadcast.

However, he had already completed the X-shaped transformation, and a small accident did not affect the progress of the operation.

This is an operation that can transform a patient into a gold-level person. The materials and techniques required are outrageous.

However, with Bai Bian's continuous practice, the evil alchemist Maku's Yue Jie Dao technique has been introduced, and it can be fully used after the transformation of this machine is completed.

This knife technique is still very useful. Although it will cause the patient some suffering, as long as he is knocked unconscious physically, he doesn't need to worry about anything else.

[Effect of Moon Solution: Stabilize the blade greatly, increase the sharpness of the blade by 30 points, and increase the pain caused by 20% of the damage caused. 】

As the operation went smoothly, he used nearly two million gold coins to create a gold-level warrior.

The moment Garrit slowly opened his eyes, it meant that the power of the Transformation Legion had reached a new level.

After all, the master of alchemy transformation still has some cards.

[X-type transformation effect: obtain stable and ultimate physical attributes, constant strength 300, constant agility 240, constant endurance 300, constant intelligence 200, constant charm 0.

And gain specialties: rage, powerful self-healing, body dominance. 】

Garrit's height at this time reached a terrifying six meters. Even if the white plague had grown to 1.78 meters, it only reached his knees. Judging from the appearance of the knotted muscles.

This transformation is quite successful and oppressive.


As Garrit stepped off the operating table, the ground cracked, and the floor of the transformation room never had a good time.

Garrit seemed a little embarrassed and said angrily: Deduct it from my military salary. I still need some time to adapt to my own strength.

Go out and adapt, next one. Bai Biao checked Garrit's attributes, and a trace of joy flashed in his eyes.

This kind of warrior is what he needs, especially the hegemonic specialty.

[Hegemony: Will not be affected by negative effects before death. 】

Of course, this hegemonic body is somewhat similar to the hegemonic body in the game, but it is not the kind of hegemonic body that cannot be defeated. If you kick it with a force much stronger than Garit, you will still have to fly.

The only strong thing is that it is immune to charm, dizziness, slowdown, and other negative effects.

This charge on the battlefield is simply a nightmare for the enemy.

Garrett nodded, cautiously, but walked out step by step.

In his mind, he kept calculating: two thousand, four thousand, six thousand, eight thousand. It’s so expensive to walk today.

The second one was an M-type transformed warrior. Bai Bian was stunned for a moment, as if he had forgotten to explain the premise.

Go and tell Garrit that this transformation is only suitable for L-shaped transformation warriors. The other two will be modified for you after I have new transformations.

The soldier was immediately disappointed, but he did not dare to refute. After all, this was the city lord. At most, he could only complain a few words in his heart, which made him look forward to it in vain.

While waiting, Bai Bian glanced at the moon, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

In just a few days, he actually became a millionaire, but the price was that his legs were replaced by machines, and even his monocle was removed and replaced with mechanical eyeballs.

He seemed out of place with the other alchemists.

Because the most other alchemists can do is modify their arms or add some machinery to their bones, but not like this, where there is no way out.

Seeing Bai Bian's gaze, Yue Fang's face showed some gentleness: According to your request, my copy of consciousness and flesh and blood have been preserved by the Ministry of Munitions. My flesh and blood will not lose activity within a hundred years.


Bai Yian didn't give any advice. This was the path he took. Bai Yian could only persuade him once at most. The rest was his own choice, and he had to bear the price himself.

He can still laugh now, but that's because the main body hasn't been transformed yet.

The mechanical body cannot secrete androgen, and when he completes the transformation, even if a rough and coolly dressed elf stands in front of him and dances, he will not have any reaction.

Even if you want to numbly protect your dignity that may no longer exist, you will still be ridiculed: What else can you do except make me look like motor oil?

This is just the desire to reproduce. Other desires will disappear during mechanization and eventually become numb like artificial intelligence.

As time passed, when all ten transformation warriors were completed, Bai Bian walked out of the transformation room.

Bai Bian doesn't really want to deal with Yue Fang's affairs, but if he continues to make some improvements, the Arms Department may be left to him to manage.

Because his transformation failure rate will be reduced to a few 0.0 by then. The alchemist has his own energy core and there are no short circuits, so failures will be rare.

Looking at the moonlight in the sky, Diane was about to leave, but Bai Bian did not continue to think of turning into a liar, and instead walked towards the city lord's mansion.

The raw materials for the super alloy are almost ready. He needs to make this alloy and study stronger honeycomb and Barrett.

Once Barrett reaches the legendary level, it will be on the same level as an intercontinental missile.

Its corresponding target will be legendary instead of gold.

However, it seems that firearms like Barrett cannot produce legendary equipment.

The reason is also very simple. Barrett does not have any technical content, it just increases the explosive energy when pushing out the bullet.

If you want to upgrade to the legendary level, the simplest example is to stuff an intercontinental missile into the barrel, and then use the high temperature and pressure generated by the explosion of the intercontinental missile to push out a bullet.

This super alloy will definitely not be able to withstand the explosion of an intercontinental missile.

Therefore, the legendary level may not be reached, but it is still possible to increase the power or increase the battery life.

If the strength of the superalloy is high enough.

Barrett has become a continuous shooter again, and it is not impossible to get gold with one shot.

Thinking about Bai Bing, he returned to the reception room of the City Lord's Mansion, where some materials that did not need to be polished were already placed.

White Plague was quickly attracted to something.

That was solar energy, a necessary material for making super alloys. As for solar energy, he thought of a piece of equipment.

He stretched out his hand and a golden bead appeared in his hand. As soon as this thing appeared, the surrounding temperature suddenly began to rise.

The containers holding the solar energy also began to tremble, and the solar energy in them seemed to want to break out of the containers that bound them and fly towards the heart of the blazing sun.

This is the rare equipment won from Guan Xin, the Heart of the Sun.

[Name: Heart of the Burning Sun.

Attribute: Sun.

Effect: The vitality of the surrounding fire elements is +300%, and it is extremely affinity to solar energy. Being close to the fire elements for a long time will improve the quality of the fire elements.

Synopsis: The essence of the fallen sun, leaving its super-giant volcano, is now extinguished. 】

Although this thing doesn't look very effective, it is very high-level. In other words, White Blight uses all the means at its disposal to increase the sun's energy to the limit.

And if this extreme solar energy is put together with the heart of the blazing sun, it can continue to improve.

Even the heart of the blazing sun is a small part of the sun, and is recorded as a fallen object from the God War.

If you use this thing to create a sun salute, then the gods will tremble.

After sending a message to the Finance Department and spending money to purchase solar energy for one million gold coins, Bai Bian took the things and walked to the laboratory.

One million gold coins is not much for Tobu City, but anyone can collect solar energy, which means that the price of this thing is not high.

Some people who buy solar energy are just like the White Plague, spending gold coins to buy time.

After all, its solar energy collector would take years to collect that much solar energy.

After taking a look at the live broadcast room, Bai Bian was a little surprised that the player actually started talking to the dragon.

And after chatting with the legendary black dragon, the player emmm, if there is a mission, the player can lick all NPCs into obedience, especially creatures like giant dragons.

He didn't pay much attention to it. Since the black dragon was almost finished, the hunting was cancelled. He was very happy to have one less thing to do. After all, he really had a lot to be busy with recently.

Outside, the three girls also came back from shopping. Luo Ning was okay, and Irene's eyes were filled with little stars. She followed a stingy boss, but she didn't expect the boss's wife's arrogance to make her happy.

A day of shopping gave her a lot of experience, and she couldn't help but fantasize about whether the capitalist was so rich when he carried them outside. ——

Twenty thousand kilometers away.

The trembling Xiahou Fuxing was putting all the meat in his backpack into the wok. He looked at the huge figure and said tremblingly: That dragon lady, this is the last ingredient. Look at me. You can’t hold much in a small backpack, right?”

The place where they were at this time had reached the top of the mountain from the small groove.

There is desolation everywhere here, but at a glance it is a vast white land.

Although the scenery was very spectacular and incredible, it couldn't hold up a giant creature that was a thousand meters long and had a wingspan of more than three thousand meters watching them from the side.

Demacia's eyes were full of excitement, but their faces were still frightened, because the Wei Brigade was also watching their live broadcast. Some of the black dragon's habits were told to them by the Wei Brigade, which also resolved many crises for them.

Now basically communication can be established.

Of course, the most important thing is the second reminder of his mission, and the shield made of dragon scales.

The black dragons in this world are cruel and ferocious, and even a second black dragon is not allowed to appear around the territory.

But the dragon scales are the scales of the black dragon's dead child.

In the hint, the black dragon is a female dragon, and black dragons raise their own children into adolescence.

Before the cub reaches adolescence, even the ferocious black dragon will have such a thing as maternal love. This is also the reason why the ferocious dragon species of black dragon can continue to exist.

After all, the Black Dragons in their teenage years and the average golden low-ranking players are no longer their match.

But the divine war affected this originally gold-level black dragon, and her child was killed in the aftermath more than thirty years after it emerged from its shell.

The land of death is on this mountain peak, so she built her own lair on this mountain range, and she never left it for a long time even after breaking through to legend.

And those scales are the scales of this black dragon child.

There were many factors why they were not killed directly. For example, there was not much of their scent on the shield, which meant that they had acquired the shield recently.

And just to get this scale, you have to go through all kinds of hardships to climb the Death Mountain.

So in the eyes of this black dragon, these are the two cooks who worked hard to give her the scales of her child!

They are two friendly units who heard the name of the great black dragon and tried to become her dependents.

That's why they survived.

It won't take long for my relatives to send ingredients. I need more food. There was no murderous intent in the somewhat lazy voice.

The black dragon lay lazily on the top of the mountain, gently smelling the fragrance of this orderly food.

A long time ago, she and her children also liked to eat human food. She did not expect that these two things would appear in front of her at the same time. Her scarlet eyes looked at the two players with a somewhat complicated expression.

It seemed like nostalgia or something else.

Demacia, who was doing nothing around, saw something. He rolled his eyes, pretended to be scared and stepped forward, saying very respectfully:

Great Ms. Likstin, thank you for your willingness to accept us. We are also willing to continue to make food for you, but making food is something he is good at. Do you need me to help you clean your nest? Or I can help you How about brushing the scales?”

Black Dragon glanced at him. Black Dragon thought about the countless forbidden treasures he had buried in the mountain, and then thought about these two guys who could kill with just a breath, and nodded lightly: You are very conscious.

Of course, we came all the way here after hearing about your reputation. It is our honor to serve such a beautiful and powerful dragon like you. Demacia's face was full of flattery.

He walked quickly towards some garbage on the top of the mountain. These were basically the remains of the dragon, or some magical garbage.

Demacia came to the garbage, reached out to touch it, and opened the panel to check.

[Name: Golden Bear Bone.

Properties: Material.

Introduction: Extremely hard bear bones contain a bit of brutal power.

Price: 30 gold coins. 】

Demacia's heart skipped a beat, and sure enough, it was so hairy. Those players who had not dealt with it on the battlefield could not sell it directly, but this kind of shaved bones was different.

Demacia's eyes widened and he looked back, decisively choosing to sell.

Looking at the gold coins, thirty was added directly. He looked at other things, and his eyes gradually brightened.

But behind him, the giant dragon had some doubts in his eyes. Space ability? Or something else?

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